Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Sister Meets Brother ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sister Meets Brother
Disclaimer: I do *NOT* own Yu Yu Hakusho cuz Hiei would be *MINE* if I did!Kurama knows he has a sister. He knows where she is. The only problem is that she doesn't know & he's not supposed to tell her until she's 13 & he wants to tell.


I want to tell her, but unfortunately I cannot. I am not even allowed to be part of her life until she's thirteen. Why? I don't know. It was something the Counsil decided when she was born for whatever the reason. She was sent to live with humans until she is thirteen and then I can actually meet her. Other than that I can only watch her as her powers grow unknown to her. I think maybe the reason she was sent is because unlike most fox yuokos, she does not control water or earth. She controls fire. She has the spirit of one who does.
She is my sister and for whatever reason the Counsil decided no one from the fox yuoko decent was to become part of her life until the age of thirteen. Another question I have is why thirteen? Why not ten or eleven? There are many things the Counsil does that makes no sense.
She is ten now actually. only three more years until I can tell her. She is two years younger than me. I can't wait until I can finally be a part in my sister's life. She'll need all the help she can get when her powers start showing.

YEARS LATER*******************************

"Is she the one, Kurama?" my friend Hiei asked me as a young, black haired girl walked underneath the tree we were in.
"Yes, Hiei. That is my sister, Thorn. I can finally talk to her and tell her everything that I haven't been able to for thirteen years."
"Thirteen? Hn. Why thirteen? That 'counsil' of yours is pretty screwed up if you ask me. Separating someone from where they belong isn't right no matter who orders it."
Kurama looked at his friend for a momment, "I agree, but you don't usually share such heart-felt words about anything."
"Hn. Well not many people, yuoko or not, can say they've been thrown off their native land literally just because they weren't an exact replica of their mother," Hiei replied darkly.
"True, but fortunately that's not what happened to Thorn. Not that I'm saying it's good it happened to you, Hiei."
"I know. So how are you going to introduce yourself to her? Walk up and say 'Hello! You don't know me, but I'm your brother that you haven't seen since you were born!' Or how about 'How's it going? Did you know I'm your brother and that you're a fire yuoko?' That'll go over well."
"It might go over better than you think," answered a voice under them.
We looked down to see Thorn. She jumped up into the tree and looked at our startled faces.
Hiei and I were silent until she said, "So what I've gathered from your convorsation is that you," she pointed to me," are my brother and you, for whatever reason, were not allowed to talk to me or even let me know you exsisted until I was thirteen. Is that about right?"
"Yes, completely," I replied.
"Okay. Now one more thing..... what is a yuoko?"
Hiei looked to me, "Uhh.... you can handle this. She's your sister."
She started laughing, "I'm only kidding. I knew I had a brother. I knew I was a yuoko. I just didn't know who my brother was."
"How could you have known about me?" I asked. "You weren't supposed to be able to come in contact with any yuoko until you were thirteen."
"And I wasn't."
"But you just said...."
"I said I knew about you. I never said when I found out. Two of these yuoko came to me yesterday, since that was my birthday it doesn't matter, and told me everything. Including that I had a brother that, once I turned thirteen, would want to come into my life. I'm assuming the yuoko that came to me came from that counsil you were talking about. They also explained that yuoko have powers that have to do with elements. All they told me was that fox yuoko are usually water or earth elementals, but they didn't specify which one I was. Do you know?"
"Actually," I began, "you are neither. You're a fire yuoko. This might have been the reason for younot being in contact with any fox yuoko, but maybe not. Since fire does a large amount of damage to earth, which is my element, Hiei will have to train you. He's a fire yuokai."
"Yuokai? Is that different than a yuoko?"
"Yes. Yuokai give up their demon form. This is usually caused by the yuoko gaining another great power. Hiei's is his Jagan Eye (AN: I know that's not what it really is, but for the sake of this story, it is)."
"Oh.... Alright! So when do I start training?"
Hiei looks at me again and raises an eyebrow, "Well, when should I start teaching her?"
"As soon as you like, but there's one thing both of us have to do, Hiei."
"What's that?" he asks suspisiously.
"We'll need to start going to school with Thorn. Well, I can't go to her school, but I can go to the high school. You, on the other hand, are her age and can get into her school to make sure nothing happens."
"What could happen?" Thorn asked.
"Well, for one thing, your powers will start showing at any time and can be uncontrolable unless someone experienced with that element is present to help with it," Hiei started.
"That and emerging powers can make one act odd so Hiei will have to cover for it."
"Alright," Thorn replied, "Hiei, Kurama, you'll both have to call in and register at school tonight. So tomorrow morning Hiei and I can stop at the office and make sure he's in my class. Okay, lets go back to my house so we can call the school and tell them they have two new students."
The next morning, Hiei followed Thorn to their middle school while I went to the high school. They went to the principal's office where Thorn introduced Hiei to Mr. Perkins.

~Hiei's POV~

"Mr. Perkins, this is the new student I told you about last night on phone," Thorn said as we entered an office.
The man named Mr. Perkins looked up from his desk and smiled, "Yes, Thorn. Thank you. He's been placed in all of your classes as asked. This way you'll be able to keep an eye on him while showing him around."
My eyes narrowed as I growled, "And what is that supposed to mean?"
"Calm down, Hiei. It was only a joke," Thorn answered, "I'm sorry Mr. Perkins, but Hiei doesn't take jokes very well. He just a tad on the serious side."
"I see. You two better get to advisor before you're marked absent."
"Alright. Come on Hiei."
I follow her to another room that has a bunch of people in it.
"Thorn!" some guy yells over the others and begins to walk over.
"Morning, Shane!" she replies, hugging him.
"Who's this?" he asks her when he sees me.
"This is Hiei, Shane. He's new here. I met him yesterday. I'll explain later, but now I gotta go see Milton to make sure she doesn't mark me absent on accident again."
"Milton?" I ask curiously.
"Oh, Ms. Milton, Hiei. She's our homeroom sensai. I call her Milton or Milty cuz it's easier that way."
"Oh... alright."
She leads me up to a large desk where a lady that I assume is Ms. Milton and says, "Morning Milty! I'm just tellin' you I'm here and so is your new student. This is Hiei."
"Good morning Hiei," she says in an overly perky voice.
"Morning," I grate out while trying not to murder her right now. Thorn gives me a warning look that told me not to do anything and shakes her head as to say she's always like this.
"Well, I'm going to go introduce Hiei to my friends, see ya later Milty!"
As we walked away from her desk, I asked, "Is she always that irritating?"
She smiles and nods, "Yup. Overly happy all the time. Grates on your nerves, don't it?"
"Yes it does. So where are your friends?"
"They're over there, by that table. They're wearing the purple and blue outfits."
I looked to where she was talking about to see two of the most gothic-looking people I've ever seen. Then I realized that Thorn looked the same way. The only difference was that she wore red and black while one wore purple and black, and the last wore blue and black.
"Hey Thorn!" the one in blue called.
"Hey Bubbles!" Thorn calls back.
"Her parents named her Bubbles?" I mutter.
"Hey Bubbles, Onyx! This is Hiei."
"Onyx?" I ask curiously. "That's your name?"
"No. I hate my name so I have everyone call me Onyx. My real name is a really preppy name. Maria! Yuck!"
"I agree. Onyx is much better."
"So Thorn, where'd ya find him?" Bubbles asks.
"Long-story-short, I didn't. Him and Kurama found me."
"Kurama... isn't that the name of that guy that person said was your brother?"
"To put it in your vague words: yeah, sort of. Hiei is Kurama's friend and he's going to school with me."
"So where's your brother?" Onyx asks.
"He's in high school, dopey. He's older than I am, remember?"
"Oh yeah. I'm being a ditz."
"Geez! And I thought *I* was the blonde!" Bubbles exclaims before laughing.
Thorn laughs too, and before long, all three of them are laughing hysterically while I feel extremely awkward.
Suddenly, Onyx stops laughing and looks at me, "Why aren't you laughing? It was really funny!"
Bubbles and Thorn stop laughing too, and Thorn replies, "He doesnt laugh..... or talk for that matter...... very much."
"I think we can fix that!" Bubbles says loudly.
"How so?" I ask.
"I don't know....... maybe....... like this!!" Thorn pounces on me and starts tickling me.
I couldn't help it! I'm very ticklish and if Kurama were here he'd be laughing at the fact he's not the only one to know i'm ticklish.
"ALRIGHT!!! I GIVE UP!! I'LL TALK MORE OFTEN JUST STOP TICKLING ME!!!" I yell while laughing hysterically. The entire class turns to us to see me, the ever serious new person, at the mercy of a tickle torture.
Thorn stops tickling me so I can stand up. I look around the class and say, "What are you all looking at? Go back to your own business!"
"So! As I was going to say before we got sidetracked...... Bubbles, Onyx, and myself have a band! We're called The Ivy Girls cuz we're all Wiccans and that's the name of our coven!"
"You have a band?" I ask unbelievabley. "Who sings?"
"All of us!" they answer in unison.
"Me!" Thorn exclaimed.
"That would be Onyx."
"So you must be.....?"
"I'm on the keyboard," Bubbles asnswers for me.
The day goes by and is very boring. I'm talked to by almost all my teachers and now have a detention for Thursday. Damn teachers.
Finally, the end of the day comes and Thorn, the other two, and myself wait for Kurama outside the high school building.
"Threre you are!" Thorn calls to him as he steps out of the building.
"Hi Thorn! Hi Hiei! Okay, and I know who you two are so no need for introductions further than the fact I'm Kurama!"
"How do you know our names?" Bubbles asks.
"Besides the fact he's been practically stalking Thorn since she went to live with ningens. So natually he would know everything about her. Including the names of her friends."
"Ummm...... you've been following me my entire life?" she asks akwardly. Was there something she didn't want Kurama knowing?
"Well, not *STALKING*. I've just been keeping up with you and everything that goes on with you. Which is exactly why I want to kill your friend Shane."
"You won't touch him," Thorn replies coolly, "He may have broken up with me, but we're really good friends. He's been like a brother to me forever so I'm not surprised it didn't work out. Now on to better subjects! Hiei! When can I start my training?"
I look at her and say, "When do you want to start training? Any time except during school, or my detentions, is fine."
Kurama raises an eyebrow at me before saying, "Since when did you care about skipping school or anything for that matter? And what are you talking about? A detention?"
"I don't know. Just felt like the thing to say. And one of my teachers is a bitch," I reply with a shrug.

~Normal POV~

They all walked back to Thorn's house. Kurama and Hiei watched Thorn, Bubbles, and Onyx play video games until Bubbles and Onyx had to go.
"Later Thorn! See you guys tomorrow!" Bubbles called.
"Yeah!" Onyx replied then whispered to Hiei, "If you try anything on Thorn and end up hurting her, we will kill you. No matter *WHAT* powers you possess."
Hiei looked at her strangely before waving good-bye to them.
Kurama waited until Thorn said good night to them both and went to sleep before asking Hiei something.
"What did Onyx say to you before the girls left?" he asked curiously.
"If I try anything on Thorn and end up hurting her, they will kill me," he replies, "What would I try on Thorn? Do you know what they were takling about?"
"They think you like Thorn. As *MORE* than a friend I mean. I for one agree. I think you do like her. I think she likes you."
"What should I do then? I've never had to tell someone about something like this before."
Kurama thinks for a second before answering, "Do nothing yet. I'm not sure if she likes you or not. She hides her feelings a lot. She's even better at it then you are. Just start her training soon. You'll need to teach her to control her powers first and you can't do that until her powers start showing. We'll need to wait for that to happen also. Now don't worry about anything else as of yet. Go to sleep. You look tired."
"Maybe I am just a little tired," he agreed.
The next morning, Hiei and Kurama woke to smell someone cooking. Hiei met Kurama at the top of the stairs.
"Who do you think is cooking?" Hiei asked.
"I don't know. I can hear someone humming though."
They walk down the stairs and look into the kitchen. (AN: if u can't figure out who's cooking, then u'r dumb...... very dumb.) It was Thorn flipping something in a pan. (AN: see? I told u.)
Hiei walked silently up behind her, "What are you making?"
That jumped her a bit and she brushed against the pan.
"Shit!! Damn it that hurts!!" she exclaimed. "Don't fucking sneak up on me like that! I burned myself because of you!"
"Calm down, Thorn. If you weren't over-reacting, then you would have realized that it stopped hurting and that there is no mark left on your hand," Hiei remarked. He had wanted to say 'beautiful skin,' but it would embarass him.
"Oh...... Yeah..... Why?" She asked.
"Because your powers are starting to develope. You're no longer affected by small ammounts of heat any more," he answered simply.
"Oh......... O.K.! Does that mean I can start trainging now! SWEET!!"
"Yes, that means you can start training," Kurama answered from the doorway. "Hiei, start her on the basic stuff this weekend. She'll need to know how to at least keep herself from throwing fireballs around the room. We don't need to have to explain to her principal why her teacher is a pile of ash."
"I really have to wait 'til Saturday?" she whined childishly. "Why do I gotta wait that long? It's only Tuesday!"
Kurama laughs as she pouts, "Yes, Thorn, you have to wait until Saturday. Unless your powers suddenly show a mass rising, you won't need the training until then."
She pouts before sighing, "Okay.... I'll wait for Saturday...."

~Hiei's POV~

"Well, we have to be getting to school soon," Kurama told us while we were playing video games. I'm getting pretty good at this one racing game with a little fat man who's called Mario.
"Damn it!" Thorn excaims as her car collides with the wall. "Kurama? Do we have to go to school today? I know what's gonna be happening today. I already know it all!"
Kurama looks at her skeptically before saying, "I don't know, Thorn...."
"Please, Kurama! I promise I'll make up whatever work I miss! Please!" she pleads with big eyes that I know I wouldn't want to try and resist.
He sighed in defeat before saying, "Fine, but if you're not caught back up in your work by the end of the week, I'm not letting you play hooky again. I shouldn't let you do this in the first place. I however, need to go. The damn science teacher is giving us a test today."
"Thank you, Kurama!" She exclaimed as she pounced an him with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I shot Kurama a jealous glare and he laughed at both me and her.
Thorn bounded upstairs to change out of her uniform. I stared at her retreating back until Kurama started teasing me.
"You're going to be jealous of me now, aren't you, Hiei?" He asked with an amused smile. "No need to be jealous. I'm only her brother. It's not like I'm going to screw around with my own flesh and blood. But just as a warning from brother to potential boyfriend: I like you Hiei. You're my best friend and fighting partner. But I'm going to say something along the lines of what Onyx said. Don't rush her into anything, k?"
"What do you take me for? A sex fiend? You know better than that, fox," I replied indignantly.
"Yes, Hiei. You're right. I suppose I'm just getting into the role of protective big brother a bit too much. I apologize."
"It's alright, Kurama," I say. "I would be the same with you if you liked Yukina. It's just what older brothers do."
"Kurama? Shouldn't you be on your way to school?" Thorn says as she comes down stairs. "You're going to be late."
"Yes, good-bye," He replies with a look at me. And I know why. I'm practically drooling at the outfit she's wearing.
Skin-tight leather pants with a red velvet shirt that could be counted as a second skin. If this is what she wears on the weekends, I'm going to go insane! It takes all of my self control not to pounce on her.
"Don't you looked dressed to kill," Kurama stated as he headed for the door, "Just make sure you stay in the house. I don't need any perverted thirty year olds trying to pick up my middle school sister!" Then as he walked past me he muttered, "I told you."
"Okay, Kurama. I won't leave the house. I promise," She responded with an innocent smile then a predetory look at me. If it means what I think it means, then I'm in heaven!
Once Kurama is out the door, she starts walking torwards me.
"Hiei?" She asks in a childish, yet seductive tone.
I gulp before replying, "Yeah?"
"Can we start my training now!" She exclaims happily.
Damn it, "Maybe if your powers start showing today," I reply, "You'll just have to amuse yourself some other way until then."
"Sounds fair," She says with a small smile, "My form of entertainment happens to be more fun of obtaining anyway."
"And what's that?" I ask with a slight difficulty. Well, more than slight because now I have a more *cough* physical reaction from my lower body.
"Kicking your ass at Mario Cart Racing!" She practically yells. Well..... That puts a damper on my hopes for today. I'll have to find a better way to get her.

~Thorn's POV~

I giggle mentally as I wantch him attempt to hide his obvious reaction to what I said. I love getting reactions outta guys. Especially one's I've taken a liking to. Maybe later I'll talk to him about my feelings. Or maybe it's too soon........ Oh bloody hell! Since when have I cared?
Since you truly love him. Unlike those other guys you almost seduced. My little voice tells me.
*Bugger off, Zee. It's none of your business whom I do or don't love.*
Ah, but it is young mistress. You see, I *AM* a part of you after all. I'm your other self. I could take over if I so wanted to, but I'd rather not be seen wearing the second skins you refer to as clothing. I am your most sensible half. Your concience as it may be.
"Hello?" I hear Hiei ask. He's standing right in front of me waving his hand in front of my eyes.
"Yeah?" I say.
"You've been, well, spaced out for the last five or so minutes.
"Sorry, just thinking about something. Now let's play!"
You *WILL* tell him, right?Because if you won't, I can always take control and do it for you.
*I do believe I told you to piss off.*
No, you told me to bugger off. And do you honestly think I'm going to listen? Wow, you're more idiotic than I originally thought.
*I thought you were my concience, not my critic.*
I replied as I bypassed Hiei's car.
"Ha! I'm kicking your ass!" I laugh maniacally as his car hit a trap I set and spun out of his control.
"You're an evil bitch, you know that?"
"I may be a bitch, but I'm the pick of the litter!"

~Hiei's POV~

"You're really asking for it, aren't you?"
"Asking for what exactly?" she asked with a wink.
"Ummm.... Ahhh...... I....." I didn't get a chance to finish my sentence before she tackled me to the floor in a fierce kiss. This, of course, I gave back with equal eagerness. At least I don't have to worry about making the first move.
We finally pull apart after a few minutes due to serious lack of air.
"You wanna move onto the couch?" She asks with a crooked smile.
I nod and hual her up on the couch while shoving my tongue back down her throat.

~Kurama's POV~

Damn it. Why do I have to forget my books when I'm already running late? *sigh* I'll just have to go back home and hope Mr. Black won't be pissed and give me a detention.
I walk through the door saying, "Hiei? Thorn? Where are you two?"
There's a quick pause before Thorn calls, "We're in the livingroom!"
I go into the room to see them innocently playing video games. I know better, however, because Thorn's hair is thoroughly messed up and both their lips are swollen. Don't need to ask what they were up to.
"Having fun you two?" I ask with a repressed laugh.
I get a nod from them both and Thorn asking, "Why're you home?"
"I forgot my books. Now that I have them, I'll see you both after I get home. And you guys?" They look up me with questioning looks. I smirk and say, "Don't choke each other with your tongues."
Their eyes widen and Thorn's mouth drops a little as I stroll out the door.

~Thorn's POV~

"I don't look *THAT* thoroughly snogged, do I?" I ask with a small look at Hiei.
"You do, actually."
"Can we?"
I smack his head lightly. "Hentai. And I don't plan on doing anything like that for a while. I am, after all, still only in middle school."
You're using common sense?! When the hell did that happen?
*I think I told you earlier to piss off! Now shut up for a while will you? If you do, I'll tell him how I fell about him, alright?*
Fine. I'll leave you alone for a little while. And if you don't, I'm taking over. Hooker clothes, or no hooker clothes.
*Don't be a bitch.*

endofthechaptersonowherearetheauthoresscommentshopeyoulikedmyfi c

Ok! Another fic chappie created. When will I finish any of them? Who the hell knows? I haven't worked on the last 'Angel' story for my series yet, so how can you expect me to finish one I just started last week?