Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The Guarding of Chaos ❯ Reasons ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Blah”= talking
Blah = thoughts
\\blah\\ = Hikari to Hiei
//blah// = Hiei to Hikari
{Blah} = thoughts over heard by other person
The Guarding of Chaos
Hikari could only scream as the thief shook off her blow and came after her. Hiei watched in slight horror. He was supposed to protect her not let her get beat to a pulp! Suddenly, he managed to appear in the living room, just in time to stave off the blow. Hikari stared in amazement at the person she believed was a mirage. `No wayis thisreal' she thought as Hiei staved off another blow directed at her. This is the same boy I saw in my dream. But what the heck is he doing here in my living room? Hiei couldn't believe that he was doing this. He had just disobeyed one of Koenma's many orders for this mission, for a human no less… Why the hell did he care if he wasn't listening to Koenma?! Quickly, while the thief ducked back to readjust his movements, Hiei threw and landed a punch right in his jaw line. The thief moved back unfazed. This is not any ordinary thief. No ordinary ningen could stand through being hit with a hammer from an abnormally strong ningen girl and my punch.
Hiei grabbed Hikari's wrist and ran around the corner of the hall. Pulling her into a room he looked at her and glared, one that said `stay here'. Stepping out in front of the thief, Hiei braced himself, not for impact, but more for the feeling he had that the girl might just hit him for knocking the thief out. Hiei threw a punch engulfed by a small amount his youki. The thief fell to the ground finally knocked out. The girl just stared at him.
“Y-y-you knocked him out.” She squeezed him and let go quickly. Not what he had been expecting.
“What do we do with the thief?” she asked. Hiei quickly got the guy out of the house and to someplace far away. Hikari stared. Where had he gone? And if he was a mirage then why could she touch him, hug him. When Hiei appeared back in front of her, she decided that he wasn't leaving until he answered some questions.
Somehow she managed to keep him there as he started her round of questioning.
“Who are you?” Hiei stared, hadn't she asked this question before? And why the hell can't I leave!? Well, he could answer. It's not like anyone was going to believe her if she said anything.
“Hiei, remember?” She stared. Then what she had heard in her dream had been true.
“Why are you here in America? In Spirit Lake of all places?”
“I was…..well...” He doesn't have an answer!?
How do I explain to her that I'm supposed to be protecting her?
“I'm…well... supposed to be protecting you” She stared, He's supposed to be protecting me?!
“But why?” she whispered. Why would anyone willingly protect me?
“I was sent here by….choice. No other real reason.” I don't think I should tell her it was this or jail.
“Were you here when I was kidnapped?”
“No, I wasn't. I was sent here two days before you got away.”
“Really, are you the one who pushed his, so he would fall into the other person and trip into the Authorized Personal Only room??” Hiei just nodded. He kinda liked the look on her face. She was happy that he was here. It was strange. And Koenma had said that she'd probably run like a scared child.
“Thank you. You know I could have sworn that I saw you in my dreams. Can you explain that?”
“No.” Then everything from my dream was true? This is strange, but amazing! The girl yawned. Hiei glanced at the clock sitting in the room. It was 1:00 AM. She suddenly fell against him, asleep of all things.
Hikari woke the next day at the normal time for her. Six am. She was surprised to wake up in her own bed. Hiei was no where to be seen. She got ready and called her cousins. Her parents wouldn't be home now or for a while and she had to get to school. They picked her up and by the time they were at the school she had forgotten all about the thief and Hiei.
Hiei, during the night, had had plenty of time to think about this whole thing. He was seriously rethinking doing this. Sure he was helping this girl, who was seriously happy to have him here, and he didn't want to be in jail or a detective again but still he was leading this girl on if she thought he was some kind of great, good person. Defiantly leading her on. Jail couldn't have been that bad. He watched her as she went through her normal school day. She went to class found a lost paper of writings and got beat up in gym. The one thing she had managed to escape during her first days back and the day before.
She found a way home with her cousins, her parents still busy with work. Typical. She got home and silently wished someone would show up and keep her company. Even if they were just here for two minutes to collect the bills or to drop off a package.
Hiei stared. This girl's life was more then just odd. She had a bad life. Relying on her cousins for transportation, her books for company, and the silence to relax her. Her family seemed nonexistent for her. So why had her parents been here for the two weeks and gone the next? Hiei watched as she put on her warm winter jacket and walked out side. She walked for a while and ended up at a grave yard. Hiei watched as she stood in front of one for a while. She seemed sad. She left moments later, a sad smile playing across her face. Actually curious about the grave she had been staring at; Hiei appeared for the second time back in the “real world”. He stared at what was written on the stone.
`There were no words of farewell, No time for good-byes, You were gone before we knew it, and only God knows why'
That was below the words that struck Hiei and made it hard for him to look away.
`Ty James Spirit
July 13th
November 2nd '
Spirit? Isn't that Hikari's last name, could they be related? Could that be why Koenma thought she needed someone to protect her? Because her brother died four years ago? Am I saving her from others or am I supposed to save her from herself? Someone screamed in the direction of Hikari's house. Hiei ran back there. After all it could be another thief Hikari tried to decapitate with the hammer but didn't work!!
Hiei arrived at her house quickly and found the girl just sitting in the living room. She was bruised and beaten but there was no other person in the house out side the two dogs and one cat. She sat with tears down her face. She looked up at him.
“What the hel-….heck happened to you?” She hadn't been hurt that bad by the volleyballs in the school's gym.
“S'nothing. I got hurt playing volleyball.” Why should I explain myself to him? He wasn't there when I needed him. Not then, not in the gym at school either. Hiei walked up.
“No you didn't. I saw how hurt you were when they were throwing the balls at you. They couldn't of cause these bruises. They look like fists.”
“They're nothing. You must be seeing things. Just like I am, to think that you're real. You didn't show up when I expected and needed you to. Now when I don't, you walk in like the beating back in the gym never happened!” she screamed at him. Tears dripped down her face. It was just like her to imagine someone to save her during an attack but the rest, as if. Just like every one else he was completely oblivious to it all. Hiei walked up. Was she really mad at him for not stopping the people back in the gym? Something, that, in his mind, was so insignificant? But she was so strong with that hammer the night before, he was sure she should have been able to take them on. But she hadn't, she had let them beat her up. And someone had had the nerve to do it once more before the day was over.
“Tell me who did this. I'm supposed to protect you, guard you!”
“In other words you're my guardian. Well some guardian you are. Letting all this happen. Where were you when……?” She trailed off.
Hiei walked up. He placed a hand on her shoulder and started to speak. But he stopped. His hand glowed gold and some of the bruise disappeared. He brought his hand back and stared at it.What the hell did Koenma do to me!?!?!?! I'm not a damn healer! How in the three worlds did I just do that!?!
Hiei put his hand back on her shoulder and more of the bruises and cuts disappeared. He moved his hand in amazement at this. Down her arm the bruise left, same with the other arm. Quietly he moved one finger over a cut above her eyebrow. She stared, was he the one healing her? I don't get how or why I'm doing this. I'm not a healer and I would never normally do this. But she… She's so trusting. Strong and innocent. I shouldn't be doing this. I shouldn't be here trying to pass my self off as something else. Finishing, the thought about it more. This isn't my power; it couldn't have been transferred to me. Am I here so they can work through me?
Hikari stared. His face said so much at that moment. Did he realize it? Or was he just too thoughtful for the moment to notice. The way his brows furrowed suggested so. Oh well. He opened his mouth to say something when the phone rang. What a great time for this to happen. The moment I might find something out about him. And the phone RINGS, FOR GODS SAKE!!!!!! She stood up to answer as Hiei looked away. After all he had done this was second thing he felt guilty about. The first being lying to his sister.
“Moshi Moshi…errrr. I mean hello!!!!” She panicked as she answered the phone in the wrong language, again.
“Yeah I know what you mean, cuz.”
“Seito thank the heavens it was you and not some client of my father's!!”
“Yeah well, I just wanted to let you know that Kyle and I are home alone tonight and I didn't want you to get a phone call in the middle of the night to come over here with out knowing why.”
“Alright, I'll keep that in mind tonight. Ja….BYE!!!!! Wait a second, Seito
I can-,” but Seito had already hung up. She turned around to speak to Hiei, but he was gone.
What is with me!? I'm not like this. What the hell did Koenma do to me!? Why am I nice to her, why do I worry? I only care for my sister!! Who she is not!!!!!! Hiei didn't like this. All he wanted was to get out of here. He sat down, staring angrily at the ground, yelling at himself for going along with blackmail.
Two weeks went by the same as those before and just like in Japan Hiei didn't, just didn't make himself leave, through for a different reason then before. If he went back it would be just like before which he didn't want and he'd probably be in jail. She didn't get hurt much in gym. Hiei had found a way to help her with that plus when she wasn't hurt in school she didn't bug him and he could figure out if he really wanted to leave so badly that he would return to the life that had make him leave in the first place. Though every two days she would show back up at that house covered in bruises she hadn't gotten when she was at the school. Yet each time he tried to speak to her about it, after all he didn't need her getting hurt and dragging Koenma in to this, she wouldn't say a thing. The times he tried to follow or to appear beside her when what ever was going on was happening, he couldn't.
Why can't I follow her!?!?! It was frustrating. When he remembered…
Koenma was speaking but he was too busy cursing the Prince of the Reikai for blackmailing him, to actually listen.
“Now Hiei if she doesn't want you following or there she can stop you. You try to follow and she'll be able to lose you. You try to appear beside her and you won't be able to. She has the right and the power.”
“Right, right” Hiei said through he wasn't paying strict attention.
I should've damn well paid some attention. Damn then how do I help her? As he sat there a scream echoed. Hiei suddenly appeared beside Hikari just as a strange girl stared to throw a punch. The girl managed to punch Hiei as he looked back at Hikari and suddenly got in her way. But he hardly moved at her effort.
“Another, well I have no clue how you found us, or got here, but you will make this all the more enjoyable.” She tried to punch Hiei again, but Hiei caught her fist easily. She stared for only a second before trying to hit Hiei again. Hikari cowered behind them. Hiei hardly hit her in a punching motion, before she went flying a few feet. She sat up and appeared to think things through.
“I'll be back to finish this Hikari or you know what'll happen!” and she ran away. Hiei turned to the girl behind him and just stared at her. Hikari watched, his eyes were cold and dead. No emotion, no compassion whatsoever. Why would she let some pathetic human with no power whatsoever push her around? She could have taken her. She's strong, and can take a lot of pain why now does she not do a thing?
“P-p-please don't ask. I can't answer the questions your cold eyes show. I just want to go home.” She stood up and started to walk away. That is, until she turned around.
“I'll explain there. I mean, you have only been trying to help me and all I can do is mute myself. I'm not like this. I wish you could see the real side. The one that comes out to play only when I act something or write. Wow that sounded kinda stupid, huh?” She turned and continued to walk back to her odd home. Hiei followed. Not quite girl, I know what it's like to not allow anyone to know who you are. You also aren't very good at it..
Hikari sat down. She looked at him. Hiei stood in front of her.
“I'd like to be able to say that what you saw was me losing a fight but that is untrue. I was letting her beat me up. Like she has been for two years. Every so many days now.”
“Why the hell would you let some pathetic weak ningen girl beat you up!?” Hiei asked.
“Well, actually that part is easy to answer. You see four years ago my cousins moved here. And well Sheena never really liked them that much. She didn't do much more then ignore them and find ways to pick on them the first two years. Her pranks escalated each time. Well two years ago she decides that she'll start beating them up because they weren't getting the message. I over heard and made a deal. She could beat me up whenever she wanted, with out a struggle or fear of getting told on. Well, it started out as once a month and then the times grew more and more frequent. I can't fight her or my cousins get hurt. I can't let them get hurt. I'm older, I should protect them somehow. They are family.” She quietly hung her head.
“I can't let that happen. They're the only bit of family I have left.” Hiei watched as tears hit her fists. You do this for your family. What will you do if this girl kills you or hurts them anyways? You're too timid to actually do anything else aren't you?
“That's why? That's all you've got to say for this?” She looked at him.
“Oh and I suppose that your some great fighter that can spot reasons unworthy of the result!?” She got up and walked away.
“I'm a fighter but I don't judge your reasons.” Hiei muttered after her. It's just; you don't seem like the type that would risk their life for others. You seem too cautious. Too lost.
Hikari tried to avoid Hiei for the rest of the day, but she couldn't stop the determined half koorime from asking about the grave. Unfortunately. He walked up and she stared.
“You want to insult me further? Because if you do, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to leave before that.”
Hiei ignored her question and countered with one of his own.
“Whose grave was that? The one that you stopped at two weeks ago?”
“Umm, can we not speak of that?”
“No, just give me an answer. The person buried there has the same last name as you. Now spill.”
“He's my….” She trailed off. Hiei stood, impatiently, waiting. He's your…What?!
“….brother.” Hiei stared. She had a brother. The key word being had.
“He died. Four years ago. I was just walking up the drive way when some idiot pulled to the shoulder of the road. He hit my brother and didn't slow down. I had heard the screeching of the tires. My brother was the victim of a hit and run. I ran to him but people stopped me. There had been an ambulance behind the bus. They stopped and helped my brother but they wouldn't let me near. They loaded him up and called my parents. They flew him out of the hospital to a children's hospital in Minnesota. I had to stay with my cousins.”
She stopped. Hiei stared. Damn, I shouldn't have asked.
“My school had a field trip three days after it. We were in the gift shop, me and my friends. The store had a T.V in it and one person from the store staff was watching it. The man on it was saying that three days ago a young boy was hit by a car that fled the scene. It also said that the boy had died two day earlier. And that the police was after the person who had killed him. They showed a picture of the boy. It was my brother.”
Hiei stared. I really really shouldn't have asked. Damn now she's crying. Hiei didn't know what to do, but she didn't give him a chance to think about it.
“My parents let me find out from a TV. That hurts almost as much as losing my brother. My parents became distant after that. They tried to live normally but it didn't work. It turns out that my brother was holding this family together and now he's gone. I know you didn't ask but I have to tell you why my parents are never here. My mom and dad fought and spent more time in their offices then here. Leaving me alone when I needed them the most in this world. My mom's the top reporter at a newspaper office in a town thirty miles from here. My dad's a lawyer whose office is in the same town. My family's well off some would say, but they're never here. They send money and come back once a month on different days. They either do bills or talk to friends on the phone. I have no one. And I need someone, someone anyone, just so I'm not alone.” She broke into tears. Hiei didn't know what to do but took an involuntary step towards her. She stood up and wrapped her arms around him and didn't let go. He loosely put his own arms around her.
This settles it……I'm staying.
Hello, yeah her life is rather messed up. I have yet to get to the worst problems in her life. Yes people it gets worse. Everything is strange and Hiei just got thrown in the middle of it. Well, Ja ne.