Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Thumbelina... YYH-style ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 4

Mukuro tiptoed (Heh… imagine Mukuro tiptoeing…) towards the sleeping figure. Sunlight streamed in from the window and lit upon the tulip while birds sang on the windowsill… Mukuro was half-expecting chibi angels to appear and start singing.

The atmosphere was ruined when the tiny youkai in the flower gave an irritated grunt and silenced the birds with a snarl, before tugging a petal over his head to hide from the sunlight.

Mukuro grinned at the sight of the frightened birds. Just the attitude I want my heir to have - a bad one. (Be careful what you wish for…)

She tapped the stem.

"Wake up kid, we have lots to do. Let's start off by having you pay homage to me, your benevolent mother!" (Um, did she contribute in any way besides getting the seed?)


Mukuro frowned and poked the flower.

"Wake up, dammit, I haven't even seen your face yet!"


She poked her finger inside the flower and tried to feel around for the tiny figure…


Mukuro yanked her hand back and stared in total disbelief at the tiny teeth marks on her index finger. There were two deeper indentations, which she presumed were made by tiny fangs and those were actually oozing blood.

Disbelief quickly changed to fury as she directed a malevolent glare at the flower and its current occupant. The little bastard bit ME?! Screw Makai politics, I'm sending him into orbit.

She advanced on the tulip menacingly (Mukuro facing off a plant… how inspiring) and sent the flower flying with a contemptuous flick of her wrist. Petals, leaves and a tiny youkai flew through the air as Mukuro idly noted that the kid was a he.

"What the @!$*% ?!?!?!?"

The tiny youkai had a surprisingly loud voice.

Grinning sadistically, Mukuro prepared to crush the naked (well, this is not my fault… if you don't like it, go after Mr Andersen. If you like it, go ahead and drool) little youkai… who jumped to his feet, snarled and lifted his head to glare at her with defiant blood-red eyes, totally undeterred by his nakedness or the fact that Mukuro towered over him like the Eiffel Tower. (Not that he would know what the Eiffel Tower is @_@)

Mukuro blinked at this (admittedly slightly stupid) show of courage and decided to postpone the destruction of her heir. Smirking, she deliberately raised her youki to an intimidating level and returned the little demon's glare.

"I'm Mukuro, one the rulers of Makai."

She watched the youkai closely to detect the smallest reaction. There was none.

"I intend to train you to become my heir."

"Hn," the youkai grunted, his face impassive.

Yes, that's it; hide your emotions. You have greater potential than I expected.

Mukuro mentally cancelled her original plan to pulverize the demon, then squatted down and offered her palm.

"Come on, I want to take a closer look at you."

The tiny youkai glared at her with intense red eyes, then shrugged and hopped on. Mukuro lifted him to eye-level, taking in the spiky hair, button nose and almond-shaped eyes. What do you know? My kid turned out to be quite cute.

She noted the jagan with some surprise, but decided to treat it as a bonus. She lifted an eyebrow thoughtfully at her heir after wrapping him in a handkerchief for decency's sake.

"Well, I suppose I'll have to name you. But I've only thought of a girl's name, so you'll just have to deal with it."

The (very) little fire demon finally spoke. (Actually, he roared.)


Tendrils of smoke rose as the hanky started smouldering.

"From now on," Mukuro continued as if she hadn't noticed the outburst. "Thou shalt be known as Thunbelina!" (What's the deal with the Old English -_-;;)

There was a soft, barely noticeable thud as her heir fainted.

Chibiko: Hiei has always been short… Not that I'm complaining; short is cute. But

now he's TINY!!!!! MWAHAHAHA!!!!