Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ under construction ❯ School tour ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Ayame was just about to take her seat at the back of the class when a pink blur glomped her knocking Ayame over onto her back.When Ayame looked up there was a girl with shoulder length pink hair that flicked out at the ends, she was sitting on Ayame's stomach stradling Ayame.

''Where were you yesterday? I was worried, and so was Keiko'' The pink head exclamied.

''Calm down Miirei, and would you mind getting off of me,'' Ayame said hoping she would forget what Miirei asked her. By now most people in the room were looking at them, mutters and giggles could be heard throughout the room.

''I'm not moving untill you tell me where you were yesterday'' Miirei said with a smirk.

''Fine, that bastard that i'm forced to live with hurt me again and i couldn't come to school, i hid out in the forest with tezra and the pack,'' With that Miirei got off of Ayame and helped her up, The pink haired girl was now a head taller then the two toned girl.

''Why don't you just finish him off? it'd only take you like a second, then we can go back to the makai.'' They both sat down in their seat and Miirei started to play with Ayames hair.

''Yes,Yes i know, but what if we get caught then sent to prison? i couldn't deal with being stuck in a cell with nothing to do, i'd rather be dead.''

''Well if you won't do anything about it, i will, i'm going to stand by and watch him beat you till you're dead can't you just manipulate the fire from the cooker or fireplace so that it 'accidently' sets him on fire?.'' By now Miirei had put the back of Ayame's hair in a very long braid at the back of her head leaving her fringe and two long dark blue bit of hair out, Ayame then pulled the braid over her shoulder so it was hanging down in front of her.

''Yes that would be funny,but i can't, anyway last night i was out getting more stuff to pawn off....'' Ayame was inturupted by their home form teacher coming in with Keiko and four new boys behind her, She walked to the front of the class.

''Ohayo Gozaimasu class'' Their teacher Kugasaki sensai said, most of the class said 'Ohayo' back this not including Ayame and Miirei.

''Well the headmaster has decided that theres not enough people in my home form so all four of the new boys get to be in this class. Boys would you like to introduce yourselves?'' Miss Kugasaki said as more of a command then a question,Yusuke stepped forward.

''Anyway as i was saying when i was up on the rooftop and this boy knocked me over...'' Ayame started whispering in Miirei's ear before Miirei interupted her.


''NO BAKA!!'' Ayame shouted at miirei then turned to see the whole class looking at her ''Are you going to stop staring at me willingly or do i have to make you?'' She said in a deathly quiet voice, everyone quickly turned to the front of the room.

''Ayame report to my room at the end of the day, you have a detention for that appalling outburst'' Kugasaki sensai said to Ayame then turned back to the boys.

Ayame grabbed Miirei's chin lightly with her hand then started to whisper into her ear.

''No he didn't 'XXX' me he knocked me off the roof,accused me of being a boy,and threatened me with a katana, but the weird thing is, he could see my tails because he pulled them''

''Do you think hes a youkai?'' Miirei asked.

''I'm not sure but the other three over there could see my cat ears on the bus so i'm wondering if these accesories have stopped working''

''I don't think so, because noone else has made a comotion about you, those guys might be the youkai that are going around killing the ningens''

''Maybe so, but that tall red head smells oddly like a kitsune, we should be care....'' Ayame couldn't finish her sentance because she was interupted by Kugasaki sensai.

''Ayame and Miss Higure, could you stop making orchestral manuevers at the back there, and pay attention''

''Look old woman, just because your minds in the gutter, don't make accusations about me and my friend here, we know your a sad old woman that spends her life downloading porn and chatting up young boys and girls on the internet,'' Ayame said in a angry voice ''but if you need to imagine me and my friend here doing stuff like that to be happy then go ahead'' She said in a lighter joking tone of voice, ''Go shove your accusations up your wrinkly old ass, i'm sure its lonely sleeping by yourself. If you want to have a dream about me and Miirei its okay i guess'' Ayame finished with a smirk on her face and leaned back on her chair with her feet up on the desk.

''Well i never, for that Ayame you can help Keiko escort these boys around the school, Now leave Miss Higure alone and ...'' Kugasaki sensai said before getting interupted by Miirei.

''Why the hell do you never address me by my first name? you called Ayame by her first name and Keiko by her first name but n-o you call me 'Miss Higure,' What the hell is it with you?

''Fine miira..'' Kugasaki sansai started before getting interupted by Miirei again.

''MIIREI, its Miirei, no wonder you never call me by my name, you don't even know it,'' Miirei shouted out loud then folded her arms across her chest and mumbled to herself: ''damn ningens and their limited brain capacity, I'm glad you're old becuase you will die soon and i won't have to put up with your infernal ramblings''

''Fine 'Miirei', for that outburst you can help Ayame and Keiko escort the boys around the school.''

''Great babysitting'' Ayame said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

''It's not babysitting, it's escorting people around the school,'' Kugasaki sensai said starting to lose her patience and sanity.

''Like i said, babysitting''

''It's not the same''

''Whatever'' Ayame then leaned back into her chair again, put her feet on the desk and shut her eyes.

Kuwabara stepped up to the front of the class in order to do his introduction.

''Hey ladies, my names Kazuma Kuwabara, but you can call me honey, or love whichever you prefer. He said then winked making the whole class groan and get those blue lines on the side of their face (hopefully you know what i mean)

''Uh...very nice Kazuma'' Kugasaki sensai said with her eye twitching. ''Now Shuichi would you like to be next?''

''Gladly'' Kurama said in his plesent voice ''Ohayo Gozaimasu everyone, I am Shuichi minamino, it's very nice to meet you all'' Shuichi said then bowed making the class erupt into giggles and mumbles form the girls, Ayame opened one of her eyes and looked discustedly at the girls in the class practically throwing them selves at that 'boy', a low growl erupted form her throat and she closed her eye.

''Now Hiei would you like to go'' Kugasaki sensai said

''Hn'' Hiei said monotonously then started to walk out of the class.

''No! i mean would you like to introduce yourself?''


''Don't you want to introduce yourself''?


''Uh sorry about Hiei hes a bit....shy'' Shuichi said jumping in and receiving a cold glare from Hiei for speaking for him.

''Fine well take your seats and copy the stuff of the board into your excersize books'' Kagusaki sensai said then took her seat.

Keiko took her usual seat at the front of the room and the boys walked to the back of the room. Kuwabara sat next to Miirei,Yusuke sat in front of Kuwabara, Hiei sat in front of Miirei, and Shuichi sat in front of Ayame. (there is one person per desk, but Miirei has moved hers right next to Ayame's)

''I'm really tempted to touch his hair,'' Miirei whispered to Ayame about five minutes into the lesson looking at Hiei.

''Yeah, same here, its sticks out and up but dosn't look like he uses any gel.''

''I think his hair is the biggest part on him.''

''Well you haven't exactlly seen all of him, have you?'' the pink head said with a wink.

''No, and i don't want to either,'' Ayame said sitting back in her seat and placing her legs back on the desk.

''Yeah you know you do, you like short people remember Ry...'' The taller pink haired girl started before getting cut off by Ayame putting her hand over Miirei's mouth.

''You mention his name again and i will remove your tongue from your mouth, walls have ears,'' Ayame said deathly quiet, looking Miirei in the eyes. She then took her hand off the girls mouth. ''Besides, he grew taller.''

''Ohhhkay, gomen, i stepped out of line there bringing him up, anyway they're just about to ring the bell so lets go,'' Miirei said putting her pen in a pocket in her red denim jacket and standing up, She had on a pair of black denim short shorts, a pair of socks that came up past her knees the same colour as her jacket,a black pair of sneakers/converse (they're the same thing), a tight black t shirt that came down in a v neck, under her jacket she had a pair of fingerless gloves that came up past her elbow, the same crimson as her jacket and socks, and around her neck was a oversized Black collar with a silver ring on the front for connecting a leash, her eyes were an eerie yellow, and on top of her head were two icy blue wolf ears along with an icy blue wolf tail coming out of her but.

They both walked over to Keikos desk ignoring the teacher, while Miirei spoke to Keiko, Ayame just leant her back on Miireis side with her arms folded over her chest and her eyes closed.

''Hey Keiko, the bells about to ring'' Miirei greeted.

''Hi Miirei, yeah okay then i'm coming, how are you?'' Keiko replied.

''Yeah i'm good, and you?''

''Same, Hi Ayame, it good to see you in school tooday'' Keiko said to Ayame then stood up just to hear the bell ring.

''Hn...Hi'' Ayame grunted without moving or opening her eyes.

''Not very polite is she.'' Yusuke said overhearing the way Ayame said hi and walking over with the rest of the Yu Yu gang.

''You try and get more out of her'' Keiko said to Yusuke with a smirk.

''Fine i will,'' Yusuke said and walked up to Ayame's face while the others looked on in intrest and Hiei Leaned up against the wall with his eyes closed and his hands in his pocket, not finding this interesting.

''Hello?'' Yusuke started.


''Hellllooo, anyone in there? Ohayooooo?,'' Yusuke started to wave his hands in front of Ayame's face, Ayame now pissed off grabbed his hand with one of hers and dug her claws lightly into his skin as too keep grip then opened her eyes.

''Never wave your arms in front of my face, because next time i'll rip them off and shove them up your ass'' Ayame said deathly quiet with a growl, glaring at him with one purple and one blue eye, both the pupils slits.. She then threw his hand down and walked out of the class, Miirei following after her (not because shes a lapdog, but because shes a true friend),And Hiei opened one of his eyes and smirked

'' See what did i tell you'' Keiko said with a smirk.

''Bu..but she was a totally different person when she was at the back of the room'' Yusuke stuttered still stunned at the change in personality.

''Thats becuase she dosn't trust others especially humans, its taken me years to get her to just say hi to me, the only one she fully opens up to is Miirei. I don't know too much about her but i think the reason she dosn't trust people is because her step father abuses her,'' Keiko informed them once everyone including the teacher had left the class.''So why are all you guys coming to my school suddenly?'' Keiko asked the guys with intrest.

''Well theres been quite a few murders around here, that i'm sure you've heard of,'' kaurama said

''Yeah all the highschool girls'' Keiko replied.

''Well their were a bunch of feminine looking boys aswell, but anyway we were ordered by Koenma to find out what is killing all the highschool students, hes foundout that its a bunch of reptilian looking demons but we're here to track them down and bring them in for questioning'' Kurama said.

''Well good luck with that, we should be getting to class now, i'm goig to have to show you all around seeing as Ayame and Miirei aren't helping..'' Keiko paused for a moment whilst thing then giggled to herself getting strange looks from the boys all except Hiei who was leaning on the wall and had allready read her mind. ''Okay boys let go get your other guides back'' Keiko said cheerfully while holding back a giggle and walking off in the direction of maths.

When they had got to the classroom Ayame and Miirei were sitting at the back mouthing off to the teacher, Miirei was sat with her chair turned around the oposite way with her legs going around the backrest and her chin leaning on her hands which were leaning on the top of the backrest. While Ayame had her feet up on the table leaning back in her chair with her hands beside her head with a half bored half unemotional face.

''Do you two think your at home?'' Mr Watanabe they're maths teacher questioned to Ayame and Miirei.

''Yup'' Ayame answered simply without opening her eyes.

''Well, do you sleep here?'' Watanabe sesai asked.

''Yup'' Ayame answered monotonously not really listening.

''Well it dosn't matter if you live here or not, you can't sit like that in my class,'' the tall man said then started to walk over to Miirei and Ayame.

Watanabe bent down to try and get Miirei to sit up straight when Ayame growled and opened one eye not moving any other part of her body.

''Uh uh uh, if you touch Mii-chan we have a class of witnesses and could get you done for physical asualt'' Ayame said in a half monotone half growling voice, knowing that most of the class were too scared to not do what she said and the others didn't like their math teacher and would gladly help out.

Before anything else happened Keiko inturupted

''Watanabe sensai, Ayame, Miirei and I have been inscructed by our homeform teacher Kugasaki sensai to show the four newboys around'' Keiko said politely and bowed.

''Oh, yes of course, take them,'' The tall man said with a sense of urgency in his voice.

''No, we'd much rather stay here,'' Ayame said with a grin on her face and her eyes once again closed, knowing the tall man just wanted to get rid of them.

''No, you must show the boys around wih Keiko,'' Watanabe said hurridly, trying to get the two girls out of his class.

''Yes you must,'' Keiko said then walked over to Miirei and Ayame pulled them out of their seats and out the class closing the sliding door.

''I feel sorry for you now Keiko,'' Yusuke said.

''Huh?'' Keiko replied looking around, ''Why?.''

''Because you just pulled Ayame out of her seat, and if me just waving my hand in front of her face pisses her off then you physicly dragging her out the room must be like a deathwish,'' Yusuke replied

Ayame was over at the vending machine while this conversation was going on but of course she could hear it, baka she thought to what Yusuke was saying then hit the vending machine making a bottle of water come out, she opened the water and went back over to the group and started to drink from her bottle of water while Yusuke just stared at her unbelieving she wasn't going to maul Keiko.

''So where are we going first?'' Ayame asked while Miirei smacked Kuwabara sending him flying into the wall for asking her out.

''Well seeing as everybody wants to see different parts of the school we should break up into groups,'' Keiko said cheerfully.

''Mii-chan you will go with Shuichi,'' Keiko said.

''Roger!'' the pink haired girl said saluting then going back to her normal stance.

''Aya-chan, you will go with Hiei,''

''Don't you mean Hiei will go with me?'' Ayame said not liking someone indicating she was following someone else.

''Yes sure, just take him to see whatever he wants.''

''Hai'' Ayame replied

''Yusuke and Kuwabara will come with me,''

''Oh, but i want to go with my sweet flower Miirei,'' Kuwabara wined.

''How about no!'' Miirei said before grabbing Shuichi by the sleeve and dragging him down the stairs to their right before Keiko could change her mind.

''Right, lets go,'' Keiko said enthusiasticly before marching off in the other direction leaving Ayame and Hiei standing up against oposite walls, Hiei with his eyes closed and Ayame drinking out of her bottle of water. They stood there like that for about 10 minutes untill Ayame had finished her water, she threw it down the corridor then spoke up.

''Well? where do you want to go?''

''Hn, Nowhere''

''Well my jobs done here, which means i get a free lesson,'' Ayame said then put her arms behind her head and started to walk down the stairs.

Hiei waited there for a while then got bored and followed his tour guide.

Ayame walked up onto the school field where there were some trees, it was spring so the sakura were everywhere, she walked up to the top of the field till she reached a certain tree then quick as a flash jumped up into the tree and sat down on a branch around about the middle of the tree with her back against the trunk of the tree and closed her eyes.

Hiei wandered around the ningen school taking in the scenary looking for any potential danger, for once in his life going at a normal speed, he did this for 15 minutes when a small red thing on the wall behind him starlted him by making a loud noise and moving, the fire demon quickly unsheathed his katana and sliced the red object through the middle, both peices landed on the floor and didn't move anymore after that. Hiei sheathed his katana and went over to the two red things that were laying on the ground and studying them, thinking he'd killed whatever it was he turned around and started to carry on with his tour when a sea of people piled out of classroom doors and into the hallway. Hiei's hand inscinctivly went to his katana but then he thought about them only being ningens and just blurred down the corridor till he ran into Miirei and Kurama outside looking at the school garden.

I should of known the fox would of wanted to come here Hiei thought till Kurama and Miirei looked up at him.

''Wheres Ayame?'' Miirei asked.

''In a tree,'' Hiei replied with a grunt.

''Oh so she didn't show you around?'' Miirei asked again before starting to walk out of the garden.

''Hn.'' was all Hiei replied this time and followed Shuichi who was following Miirei.

Miirei walked up onto the field untill she got to the tree Ayame was in, cherry blossom were covering where she was so Shuichi didn't know what was happening, Miirei walked up to the tree very quietly then kicked it really hard making something in the tree shout out a loud Nya! then drop out of the tree next to Miirei.

''What the hell was that for?'' Ayame shouted at her with her ears pinned back and tails flicking wildly behind her.

''Why didn't you show Hiei around?''

''He didn't want to go anywhere,'' the two toned girl said dropping to the floor with her legs crossed and her arms folded across her chest.

''Well you should of still showed him vital places like the canteen and bathrooms,''

''Well maybe i didn't want to?''

''Well noone gave you a choice,''

''Yes, my brain gave me two choices, suck up to sparky like the rest of those brainless fools around the school and show him around, or have a nice nap in the tree.''

''Noone said you had to act like those bitchy bottle blondes, just show someone who is new around.''

''Well he didn't want to go, what was i meant to do? drag him along by his hair? hed probably decafitate me like that fire bell.''

''Huh? what are you talking about?''

''Oh, there was supposed to be a fire drill but Mr paranoia over there chopped the school bell for this part of the school in half.''

''What theres a fire?''


''Wel thats good and those fire drills bore the hell out of me anyway and the Ms mayes would probably put us in detention for looking at eachother or something pathetic like that, we should go and find Keiko.''

''Fine,'' Ayame grunted before standing up and and placing her hands in her back pockets before walking off with Miirei, Shuichi, and Hiei followed.

''Ayame-san how do you know where Keiko is?'' Shuichi questioned.

''Eheh Ayame jus...'' Miirei started with a nervous chuckle before Ayame cut in, in a monotone voice.

''Don't play dumb, you know we're youkais and we know your youkais,''

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