Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ under construction ❯ High on life ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
''What did you need the bread for?'' Yusuke asked Ayame.

''I needed to ask Miirei what it was,'' Ayame said while looking at the bowl of Ramen in front of her.

''Yeah, i've never really eaten any ningen food before, just random stuff that i find or Miirei gives to me.''

''So have you been getting food from the Makai?'' Shuichi asked interested.

''No,'' Ayame replied bluntly not wanting to continue with the current subject.

''So what have you been eating?'' Yusuke said.

''Anything Miirei has said was okay to eat,but i prefer fresh meat,'' Ayame said then grinned when she saw the sickened then scared look on Yusuke's face, She picked up her sticks what she heard other Ningens call chopsticks before then watched how Shuichi was holding and picking the noodles up with his chopsticks unawareably getting very close to him. Ayame then tried to hold the chopsticks the same way Shuichi was but they didn't stay at first, after a couple of trys they stayed firmly between her two fingers and thumb, she then practiced opening and closing them a couple of times, by now Shuichi was wondering why shy was leaning across the table closer to his plate then started to watch her, Ayame then tried to pick up some noodles with the chopsticks but they slid out, she tried a couple more time then flopped her head onto the table.

''Would you like to use a fork?'' Shuichi sugested laughing mentally at how cute and childish she looked.

''No,'' Ayame replied stubornly and lifted her head back off the table '' I can do it,''

''A fork would be easier,'' Shuichi said with a sweatdrop.

''Don't bother,'' Miirei said to Shuichi ''She's too stubborn and hates anyone being better then her at anything'' Ayame then glared at her overhearing what she said then went back to trying to use her chopsticks.

After 20 more minutes of practicing with the chopsticks everyones else had finished Hiei was sitting on the windowsill just staring out of the window, Yusuke and Kuwabara were on the couch playing a racing game, Miirei was sitting on another chair watching them and Shuichi was keeping Ayame company at the table, Ayame had finally mastered the chopsticks and picked some of her ramen up with her chopsticks.

''Euhg, they're cold and yucky,'' Ayame moaned.

''Thats because you took too long to eat them,'' Kurama said laughing ''Let me stick it in the microwave,'' Shuichi took the bowl away from Ayame so she went and looked in the freezer for something else to eat a minute later Shuichi returned with a heated up bowl of Ramen.

''Thats okay i've found something much tastier,'' Ayame said poking her fingers into a tub of ice cream then licking the ice cream off her fingers.

''I'm not sure you should be doing that,'' Kurama said looking at the ice cream then back over at the windowsill.

''And why not?'' Ayame asked, Hiei then suddenly pulled the tub out of her hands.

''Hey!'' Ayame cried then pulled the tub back out of his hands and jumped behind Miirei, With Hiei standing on the other side of the pink haired girl. A thought ran through Ayame's mind making her grin, she then heated her hands up to the point just before summoning fire making the tub of ice-cream melt then chucked it over Hiei's head and stayed behing Miirei.

Yusuke and Kuwabara looked around just in time to see Hiei get covered in melted ice cream, they both looked at him for a moment then burst into fits of laughter, Hiei looked over at them and glared then looked back over at Ayame who was snickering from behind Miirei, Hiei launched himself at Ayame but she just ran behind Shuichi and jumped onto his shoulders then pulled the skin under her eye down and stuck her tongue out at Hiei. The fire apparition then growled and jumped out the window.

''What was all that about?'' Miirei asked confused.

''Hiei attacked me for no apparent reason,'' Ayame said from Shuichi's shoulders.

''Yeah like i'll believe that, and whats with getting so close to Shuichi?don't you usually not trust others?'' Miirei said with mirth in her voice.

''It's only Ningens i don't trust, and besides Shuichi is my adopted mom, isn't that right oka-san,'' Ayame said to Shuichi making him sweatdrop. ''Why?are you jealous Rei-chan?'' Ayame then said with a her best Cheerleader smile and in a sugar sweet voice.

''Huh? wait stop changing the subject, Shuichi can't be your mother hes a guy,''


''Well he can't be a mother,''

''Aww why not? i think he'd make a great mom, hes got feminine eyes and soft skin like a mom,''

''Has he really?, No No No! he can't be your mom,''

''Fine, i'm sure he'd would like to be a mom,'' Ayame said jumping off of Shuichi's shoulders.

''Sure sure Ringley,'' Miirei said rolling her eyes, Ringley or sometimes Ringleys was one of Miirei's nicknames for the small cat girl because of the four silver hoop earings she always had in her left ear.''I'm sure all boy's want there masculine birth names replaced by Oka-san.

''I suppose you have a point there,'' Ayame said thoughtfully then started towards the stairs.

''Where are you going?'' Shuichi questioned curiously.

''To finish off painting my room,'' Ayame said then walked up the stairs.


Alex: Gah! i'm sorry about this chapter being so short, and taking so long to come out. But a certain purple and blue haired feind *glares at Ash* decided it would be fun to lock some boy that managed to beat her at rugby, in a porta' potty. And on top of that, she tipped it over. When the school janitor found the boy all covered in turds and trapped in the porta' potty he said i did it as well. The nerve! So i got banned from the internet for a couple of days, Adh is still banned, she's even grounded, so the recent change in her character was made by me to get back at her. Don't worry all you people that want her grumpy or whatever, she'll be back to normal by the next chapter, just pretend she's really high on life.

This chapter is once again dedicated to Inuyasha-lovers. Woot *throws confetti* we have a new reviewer: Vadkakid *passes out cookies to both the reviewers* Everyone likes cookies. Or else!

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