Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ under construction ❯ Mission to makai! ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
''Smooth fox, real smooth,'' Came the cocky tone of the mismatched cat girl, who was currently leaning on Youko's shoulder, she was still wearing Hiei's shirt, with some of the top buttons undone, with a pair of baggy black sweatpants, and bare feet.

''Now, i might not be the best source to get romantic advice from. Hell i'm probably the worst person in all the worlds, seeing as how i've never been able to stick to a relationship, throughtout the many years that i've been with Miirei. And theres also the amnesia ontop of that, y'know having amnesia kinda sucks, i dont remember anything before i met Miirei. Of course there are those dreams i get, the ones that have midgit versions of me running about, they might be visions, hmmm i wonder if i'll ever get my memorie back. Anyway that was slightly straying from the point of why i started this, what was the point again?..... oh yeah. As i was saying, if you want a girl to like you, you're not supposed to scare them, and maybe you should return control of that body over to Shuichi, according to Karasu, you're a real lecher.'' Ayame said with Youko and Miirei staring at her with anime dot eyes.

''Does she always talk like that?'' Youko asked Miirei.

''Yes, unfortunetly, when she does that, the lights are on, but there isn't really anybody home.'' (Alex: Ash does that for real, but usually we just walk off leaving her talking to herself looking like the moron she is. Ash: *set Alex's tail on fire* Alex: Itai!)

''Why are you here?'' Youko asked with a scowl.

''Well when i got home, i changed out of that horrible skirt, and into these trowsers, but i kept Hiei's top on to piss him off. When i walked into the sittingroom Hiei told me to take the shirt off, but Yusuke and Kuwabara started saying how he was a pervert. So sparky punched them both, then lunged at me. I dodged him and kicked him in the face, which made him extremely angry so i ran outside and onto the roof, i was going to fight Hiei but then i felt Youko's youki and ran off, then i saw Youko about to rape Miirei, so i intervened, thinking Miirei would get away, seeing as how she wouldn't hurt Youko from fear of hurting Shuichi, but instead she just sat there like a moron, And mutt face didn't help much.''

''Youko wasn't going to rape me,''Miirei cried.

''Thats not true, and you know it, You heard the crow's storys about the fox. Not that he wouldn't do the same thing.''

''Yes, well....,'' Miirei said trying to think of an excuse.

'It's great when people talk about you like you're not there, isn't it?' Youko thought with a sweatdrop.

''How do you know Karasu? wait, did you know i was in Shuichi's body?'' Youko asked.

''Yep,'' Ayame answered in a happy tone then narrowed eyes, her voice changing to a stern, serious tone. ''Don't underestimate me. Because it'll be the last mistake you make, i'm not some stupid 15 year old thats too wrapped up in crushes on boys and other equally girly things, as most people think when they meet me,'' Ayame then got off of Youkos shoulder, Youko glared at her, then stood up and grabbed her by the throat.

''Don't talk down to me kitten,'' Youko warned.

''God you piss me off,'' Ayame said agitatedly then kicked the fox in the stomach, sending him backwards but ripping the flesh on her neck with his claws.Youko then pulled a rose out of his hair, and with a flick of his wrist, do i have to say it turned into a green whip with thorns on? it always does.

Ayame looked to her waist but remebered she'd left her daggers at home like an idiot, ''Kuso!,'' The irate cat girl shouted before backflipping to avoid the whip.

''Heh, you still have a wild spirit unlike this one,'' Youko smirked motioning to Miirei while still trying to hit the wild cat with the rose whip, ''I'd like to have a go at taming you,''

''Uh, thats just creepy,'' Ayame said shuddering, Youko took this time to grab her by the ankle with the whip. Holding her upside down in mid air, the thorns cutting into her skin, Hiei then appeared in a tree branch near the cat girl.

''If you intervene Jaganshi, i swear i'll hurt you worse then this perverted lecher,'' Ayame said setting fire to the whip that was around her ankle, she kicked Youko in the side of the head on the way down, sending him flying a bit. Ayame lunged at the fox once he'd goten up, throwing punches at him. most of them being blocked, Ayame then grabbed the Youko's leg with her tails, knocking him over onto his back. She then jumped ontop of him, standing just above him(not touching) and extended the claws on one hand and held them to his throat.

''Move, and i'll slit your throat,'' Ayame warned with a growl.

''No you wouldn't,'' Youko said with a smirk, Ayame didn't answer, only glared at him, ''If you kill me, then Shuichi dies,'' The fox said with the same smirk on his face.

''So?'' Ayame asked, not moving from her position. Kero was now standing at Youkos head growling at him.''You really think i wouldn't kill someone because they were my team mate? Then your sadly mistaken. In the end everyone would rather kill then be killed. Now turn control back over to Shuichi, or i'll kill you and him.

Youko made a grunt, his hair took on a coppery shine then melted back to its crimson, and his eyes went from pure gold, to a yellowy green then to their normal forest green colour. Ayame quickly got off of Shuichi then dissapeared in a rush of displaced wind.

Miirei quickly ran over to Shuichi and helped him up, ''I'm sorry about that,''

Shuichi just stared at her.

After Youko had jumped her, she was apologizing to him?


''Thats okay Miirei, Youko deserved what he got. I'm the one who should be apologizing, are you alright?''

''Yeah i'm fine, if it came to it, i could always gave him little shock,'' (Ash: remember shes half lightning Yokai)

It was now a few months later. Everyone had either forgotten the incident with Youko, or pushed it to the back of their mind. Ayame and Miirei had been with the Reikai Tantai for a couple of months now, and even Ayame had started to trust them. The Reikai Tentai were walking through the Makai, they had been sent on a mision by Koenma, they had been sent to search out some male youkai that had been taking control of other demons bodies and making them steal for him then leaving it so they got arrested. They were currently walking down a path with many stalls, selling strange items, on each side of the path. Miirei, Yusuke, Shuichi, and Kuwabara were walking together. Hiei was walking behind them with his hands in his pocket pretending he didn't know them. And Ayame was walking along with her hands behind her head. Sometimes she'd stop and oogle the stalls.

''So what does this guy we're looking for look like?'' Yusuke asked after staring at some female youkais that were half naked walk by.

''Not sure,'' Was the reply from Miirei.

''So how strong is he?''

''Not sure,''

''So what do we know about him?'' Yusuke said getting frusrated.

''Well we do know hes a fire Youkai,'' Miirei tried.

''Thats helpfull,''

''Hold on, we've lost Ayame,'' Miirei said looking around.

''You're right. For once,''

''What d'you mean 'for once'?'' Miirei shouted punching Yusuke in the back of the head.

They then ended up backtracking and found Ayame sitting in front of a cage at a pet stall, talking to what seemed to be a small red dragon. The store owner was yelling at her not to go near it '''cause it was vicious'', But Ayame had ignored him, and was now stroking the small reptile.

''Ayame, we gotta' go,'' Miirei said to her.

''Miirei can you lend me some money?''

''How much?''

''um, [1]three thousand?''

''WHAT!? three thousand for a reptile the size of my head,'' Miirei shouted.

''Actually, he's bigger then your head, he breathes fire, and his names echo,cute ne?''

''For the last time, i'm not cute,''

''The dragon.....it talked...,'' Miirei stuttered freaking out and backing into Kurama then jumping when she touched him, making Kurama sweatdrop and try to calm her down.

''Okay echo, i'll be back for you tonight, make sure you bite anyone that looks interested in you,''

''I do that anyway,'' The dragon said flatly.

''Good well i'll see you later,'' Ayame said blowing the small dragon a kiss then joining the rest of the gang. Walking in time with everyone else with her hands behind her head, absorbed in her own thoughts.

Yusuke waited and started to walk in time with Hiei, much to the kajihenges displeasure.

''Aren't ya' jelous?'' Yusuke asked nudging Hiei in the side, getting replied with a simple 'Hn' then going back to the group in front.

After a couple of hours walking around and picking up clues, that were found by Ayame, Miirei, Kurama, and Hiei. they checked into the hotel that Koenma had reserved for them, it was also a hot spring much to Ayame's displeasure.

The gang was now in the hotsprings, the girls on the girls side, and the boys on the boys side, with nothing seperating them but a bamboo wall.

''You should loosen up and let it all go.'' Yuususke commented seeing how tense Hiei looked. The young hanyou then made a constipated face. Some bubbles came up and he relaxed letting out a sigh. Hiei just scowled, keeping his hand near his katana which was just by the side.

''You definetly let some go Urumesi.'' Kuwabara commented. His face then wnet into the same constipated face, some bubble came up and he relaxed letting out a sigh.
Both the boys started to laugh whilst Hiei held his nose. And Kurama sweatdropped whilst holding his nose.

The boys then looked expectantly towards the two demons.

''C'mon, let it all out.'' Yusuke pressure.

''If you have all that pent up stress inside you. You wont be fit to fight.'' Kuwabara persuaded.

''Do you even know what half those words mean?'' Hiei asked whilst smirking.

''This isn't hot,'' Came the grumble from Ayame again.

''If you say that one more time, You'll regret it,'' Miirei warned, leaning back on a rock.

''This isn't hot,'' Came a smirk from Ayame.

Miirei lifted her hand up, electricity started to crackle around, she then smirked at Ayame.

''GAH! NO! MIIREI DON'T PLEASE AHHHHHHHHHHH,'' When Miirei stopped the electricity emiting from her hand, Ayame coughed making a little black cloud come out of her mouth,]. She was now extra crispy, and her hair had gone all poofed up from being wet, then being dried by the electricity.

''Damn you onna!,''' Ayame shouted then pulled her daggers out of her sheaths and lunged at the taller pink head.

''Kya!,'' Miirei shouted jumping out of the way of the angry Nekojin, ''Do you bring those daggers everywhere with you!?'' Miirei shouted again before she dodged again then sent more electric into the pool shocking the twotoned girl, Ayame then jumped out of the hotspring and onto the side then threw one of her daggers at Miirei, which missed and got stuck in the bamboo parting wall.

''Shrimp!!'' Kuwabara shouted after being insulted by Hiei. Suddenly a dagger flew through the air getting stuck in the bamboo parting, just a centimeter to the right of hitting Kuwabara's head.

''It sounds like fun over there,'' Yusuke sighed longinly.

''It sounds dangerous,'' Kuwabara whined moving to the other side of the hot spring so he could keep an eye on any objects that were likely to fly his way. Hiei just smirked at how close the dagger had gotten to kebabing the baka's head.

When they had all gotten out, their clothes had beed taken away, and some grey Yukatas had been left out.(Ash:Like Shigure's from Fruits basket)

''I swear everyone enjoys screwing me around,'' Ayame shouted walking out of her and Miirei's room in her Yukata. ''Theres no hole for my tails,'' Ayame moaned while fiddling with the cursed garment. ''Goddess. this is worse then a dress,''

Yusuke then walked out with Kuwabara and laughed at Ayame, then went off to play ping pong.

''Damn it all!!!!,'' Ayame shouted before running off to find her clothes, tripping over her sandles on the way. She then took them off and threw them through a window, continuing on her way.

Ayame returned after 30 minutes with a pair of Black shorts that looked like they were made out of a black leather belt with two sheaths, and daggers in them, a pair of black socks that came up to her knees. Her black hightop sneakers, and a baggy, black t-shirt.

Her long hair was put into its normal long plait. the bits at the front hanging out.

She walked back into the main room where they were staying, to see Yusuke and Kurama playing ping pong. Hiei was sitting on a windowsill, Kuwabara and Miirei were watching T.V.

''Where'd the clothes come from?'' Miirei asked allready knowing the answer.

''Oh, here and there. Some woman downstairs said my clothes smelt and put them in the wash first. Nice, ne?''

''Well maybe you should stop fighting so many demons, and rolling around in the dirt, E.C.T,''

''I'll stop fighting demons when you stop tresure hunting.''

''Like that'll happen.'' Miirei replied with a smirk.

Ayame then jumped out of the window and onto a rooftop.

Ayame jumped from tree to tree at a steady speed, she'd been out for about ten minutes now. the town hadn't taken long to clear. The cat was now in a forest, she'd been able to smell the scent of a stronger then average youkai around here somewhere, and wanted to fight them. The thing that confused her was she couldn't sense any above above average youki.

After about a minute she came across a strange house. It seemed to be made out of metal, with no windows, just a door.

Ayame jumped out of a tree then looked around, before sprinting over to the house, she then listened for any noises inside. After making sure the coast was clear, she opened the door and slipped inside.

Ayame looked around, nothing but dust bunnies and normal looking tables and chairs, the place sure smelt funny though. Ayame wandered around looking at everything and going through any draws or cupboards, but that smell was still bugging her, it was on the tip of her tongue, but just couldn't remember. She was starting to get drowsy, then it came to her. Funny smell, drowsyness, they were sleeping herbs. Ayame quickly rushed to get out of the metal house, she turned the door handle, but it was locked, Ayame then tried to kick it down, but didn't have enough strength left to break the thick metal and passed out.

When she awoke, she was strapped to a metal table by leather straps. There was someone in the corner but they made no sign of moving. Ayame quickly set the leather straps on fire melting them. She then jumped up straight into a tall guys chest, she quickly stepped to the side, observing the man. He was quite tall, about Kurama's height. he was wearing a pair of black sweat pants, with a tight grey t-shirt, with the sleaves ripped off, that showed off his perfect chest, he had slightly tanned skin, that looked brown compared Ayame's own powder white flesh. His crimson hair stuck up slightly at the front, most of it fell into his face, it came up to about his eyebrows, but the further along on each side you went the longer it got, until two bits came down, and around ending at his chin, framing his face perfectly, the back of his hair would only come down just below his sholders, but was tied in a pony tail. There was a black cape attatched to his shoulders. Ayame rolled her eyes subconciously at the bad guy cliche cape.

Then she was drawn to his eyes, they had a seriousness about them, one was blue like hers, but the other was gold, they seemed to suck her in.

The man then stepped up to Ayame, and took her chin in his hand looking down at her.

Ayame had been trying to move as soon as he stepped closer to her, but couldn't. She desperately tryed to move her body, but only manged to wriggle a bit.

''What the hell did you do to my body baka?'' Ayame asked with a hiss in her voice.

''You have a very strong will, usually noone would be able to move atall, don't worry kitten. i'll return your body to normal just as soon as you do something for me,'' The tall man said quietly whilst stroking her cheek.

''Get your hand the hell away from my face before i rip it off and shove it up your arse,'' Ayame spat, ''On second thoughts i'll stick it down your throat, you'd probably just enjoy it,'' Ayame finished with a smirk.

''A feisty one, just what i'd expect from the untainable Rath, your skin is surprisingly soft for someone that used to be a merciless killer,''

''Don't use past tense. I still am,''

''Oh, i know, but it seems being around that fire jaganshi has... softened you up slightly,''

''Don't talk shit like you know me. You may of heard rumors, or even watched me, but you don't know what is going on in my head,''

''I suppose,'' He said then moved his head down to look directly into Ayame's own mismatched orbs. ''It seems that your eyes are under developed kitten,''

''What d'ya mean under developed? i can see out of them, thats developed enough for me,''

''Well your eyes should be able to control others quite easily, but it seems one of them is still the original purple. That should of turned gold, but something has stopped the other eye progressing. You should still be able to put males into a trance like state, and ningens, but untill your eye progresses by it self, thats about all it'll be able to do.''

''Unlike you, i don't need tricks to help me. I have my strength and agility. If you let me out of this control, i know for a fact i could destroy you, and you know that too, now shut up about my eyes, stop calling me kitten, and get the hell out of my face, you lecherous old bastard, you smell like onions, i could allready smell it when you were over there, but now its too groce to describe.'' Ayame shouted

The man didn't back away though, he just smirked and looked into her eyes, Ayame's eyes then glazed over, the tall man then picked her up bridal style, then sat her snuggly on the lower part of his arm, she then put her arms around his neck then started to purr.

''Wait i can sense her again,'' Miirei shoued to the others.

''See, she probably just went into some place with a ward on it or somethin' like that,'' Yusuke said.

''Somethings wrong,'' Hiei said before dissapearing.

''I sense it too, theres something... different about Ayame's youki,'' Miirei said then followed after Hiei, who was then followed by Kurama.

''Damn it, i'm hungry,'' Yusuke whined before running after the others. (Alex:They now have their normal clothes on, Ayame's been out for a few hours and the hosts have washed and dried their clothes)

After a while of running they lost track of Ayame's youki again, they were now in a forest, the same one Ayame had been in, Ayame's scent had tried to be covered up but Miirei was on the floor sniffing around like a dog. Yususke started to laugh at her but she turned into a large icy blue wolf then growled at him and returned to following the cat girls scent.

''Don't you have the feeling we left something behind?'' Yusuke wondered aloud.

Kurama thought for a moment then answered, ''Yes, i think we left Kuwabara at home,'' The screen then turns to Kuwabara whos hanging half on and half off the sofa snoring.

They finally came to a large metal 'box' with a metal door, they opened the door and looked around. Two tails went through a door in front of them, then it closed. Miirei ran to the door, now back in her human form, the door led down some rather dark steps. After walking for what seemed a long time, they came to a large stone room. It looked like a castle slightly, the ceiling was extremely high, there were some stone steps leading upto what seemed was a throne, and on the throne was the guy with the one blue eye and one gold eye that had been talking to Ayame earlier. Ayame was sitting on his lap with one arm around his neck feeding him grapes, Ayame had been changed out of her clothes, and was now wearing a small black bit of cloth with that went round her breasts like a boob tube, showing off the top and bottlom of her breasts, and she had on a long black skirt that just looked two bits of rectangular fabric, that came just below her knees, were covering her but and front, which were tied together by thin string, leaving the sides of her completely naked(yes she has underwear on, except its magic underwear you can't see from the sides), she had nothing on her feet, showing of the sharp claws on her toes. On her arms just below her shoulders, she had black bands with tassles hanging off them, and her arms had been bandaged from her elbow to around her knuckles. (Alex:White bandage)

Her hair had been left out to travel just below her knees, the front blue parts(not the bangs) had been wrapped in the middle, she also had two sheaths on the outside of her thighs, with her daggers in.

''Ringleys!?''Miirei shouted shocked, ''What in the worlds are you wearing? and why don't you wear stuff like that when i ask you to?''

''She's under his control moron,'' Hiei said gripping his katana, keeping his eyes on the guy holding onto Ayame.

''What have you done to Ayame?'' Yusuke shouted.

''Nothing much,'' The man said, his voice echoing. Ayame popped another grape into the mans mouth.

The man then ran a clawed finger along Ayame's face, ''She now belongs to me,'' He said in a cocky tone, Ayame then turned her face towards the mans face and licked his cheek while holding onto his other cheek with her claws, cutting into his skin then licking the blood off her claws.

''Eugh, if you want a little whore to play with, i'm sure theres plenty all over Makai and Ningenkai, so get your filthy hands off Ayame. Its actually creepy watching my friend lick some weird dude,'' Miirei said with a shudder, walking closer to the steps that led upto the throne.

''Shes not you're friend anymore,'' The large man said with a smirk, Ayame eased herself off the mans lap then jumped off the top of the stairs, rolling into a ball and flipping many times then landing in cat like stance at the bottom of the stairs in front of the pink haired girl then standing up, Ayame swiftly dropped to the floor and whipped one of her legs around to trip the wolf over. Miirei jumped up into the air, avoiding the kick. When Ayame had stood back up, Miirei kicked the nekojin in the side of the head sending her flying to the side a bit.

Ayame quickly caught her self, and did a backflip then landed on her feet, she summoned up a circle of fire around Miirei then made it close in, getting taller as it got closer, Miirei then got swallowed up by the flames. A blue wolf suddenly lunged out of the flames and into the cat girl knocking her on her back. The catgirl kicked the wolf off her chest and over to the other side.

The boys, except Hiei who respected Ayame enough to not disturb their fight, knocked themselves out of their trances. Yusuke had one first when he saw what Ayame was wearing, then the same one as Kurama. Being shocked at the two friends, that were like sisters, fighting. They then started forward to restrain Ayame and help Miirei. But the weirdo dude at the front snapped his fingers. Two youkai then came out with the same glazed over eyes. One was a girl with talons on her feet and hands like a bird, and wings on her arms. And the other one was a guy with greenish scales, and a curvey horn sticking out of the back of his head, they rushed at Kurama and Yusuke, the girl flew off the top of the other set of steps towards Kurama, and the other large guy ran toward Yusuke, Yusuke right away yelled ''Rei gun,'' and shot at the demon, the reptile ran through the dust and smoke, with nothing on him but a few scratches, Yusuke then jumped at him with some punches.

Kurama allready had his whip out, the girl was flying through the air, dodging the whip each time it came near her. He then took out another rose. the petals then came off the rose and flew through the air towards the harpy. Said girl just brushed it off with a smirk. A slit then appeared on her face as one of the rose petals rushed forward. Blood dripping down her face at a steady pace. She then dived, and tried to scratch his face but Kurama wrapped his whip around her.

Meanwhile, Hiei had gotten bored with watching idiots fight and had gone to challenge the big guy sitting on the throne, the red head(not kurama) clicked his fingers and two other demons came out through the same doors and ran at Hiei. Hiei ran and sliced through both of them then blurred up the steps, confronting the guy on the throne.

''It seems the rumors about you are right, forbidden child,'' The taller kajihenge smirked, then pulled a katana out of his throne, Hiei blocked it with his own.

''It also seems you have some feelings for my toy,''

''Heh, i don't show feelings for anything, especially a hanyou,'' Hiei said then lashed at the tall red head slashing him in the arm.

''Those scars on her waist prove that wrong,'' the mismatched man said in a cocky tone. He then lashed at Hiei missing him at first then slashing at his leg.

''And what do her scars have to do with me?'' Hiei asked then jumped up in the air avoiding the man.

''It seems, you have allready claimed my toy, but without her knowing, which is even funnier, the other funny thing is she dosn't hold any feelings toward you apart from a slight friendship, but apart from that you've got no hope,''

''Like i said, i don't have feelings for anyone. Especially a hanyou!!'' Hiei said, shouting the last bit.

Ayame now had Miirei on the ground, her daggers were held in an 'X' over her neck, Kurama and Yususke had finshed with their demons, (Ash: sounds like some churchy thing, where they tell you to get rid of you demons, my dad always used to say that to me, it really pissed me off, and made me feel like i was being patronised.) And were running toward Ayame and Miirei.

Ayame's eyes suddenly unglazed, she looked at Miirei then got off her, then stretched and yawned.

''I havn't had an undisturbed sleep like that for months,'' Ayame said then yawned again.

''Whats going on......'' She then looked at her clothes, ''SWEET HOLY HELL!!! WHAT AM I WEARING?!!!!!'' she shouted out, pulling at the skirt, trying to pull the two rectangular peices of cloth up to tie them up, she then untied them when she realized it looked like a diaper.

''Ayame?'' Kurama asked shaking her by the shoulders.

''Yes, its me, if you shake me any harder my shoulders are going to come off,'' After Kurama stopped shaking her, Miirei walked over.

''What happened?'' the pink headed girl asked.

''I'm the one who should be asking you that, i just woke up, in this, this, this, cloth.''

''Yes but its a very sexy cloth,'' Yusuke said with a perverted grin checking Ayame out, untill she puched him in the back of the head.

''All i remember is going out, then smelling a strong youkai... i then tried to find the youkai so i could fight with whoever it was......but i came to a metal huse, when i walked in...i got kocked out by sleeping plants, then i remember waking up on a metal table, i then got up and...walked straight into Kei,'' Ayame explained, trying to remember what happened herself, ''Kei,'' Ayame said in a deathly quiet voice, she then turned around to see jagan boy fighting with the bastard that abducted her.

''OI, KEI YOU BASTARD,'' she shouted out from where she was standing then dissapeared and appeared again crouching on the balls of her feet, her elbows leaning on her knees, on top of the backrest of the throne. The red headed Kajihenge known as Kei turned towards her startled.

''H-how did you break control?'' he stuttered.

''Well according to me, i woke up,''

''But, noones ever been able to break out of my control before,''

''Well i guess i'm special. Now lets get down to the real matter at hand. What in the worlds am i wearing?!!!'' She said shouting the last part.

''Nice isn't it? i got it from a-'' The crimson kajihenge started before getting cut off.

''NICE?!!!, it's composed of three peices of cloth. I'm not some freaking whore, and i'm not your toy, i belong to noone,'' Ayame said getting pissed off.

''I beg to differ, you may not belong to me at the moment, but you do have those three scars-'' he was quickly cut off by Hiei stabbing him through the chest, the red head dropped to the floor then moaned a bit and died.

''Hey!, i was trying to have a conversation. Besides, i wanted to kill him,''


''Don't 'Hn' me, i need revenge, what did he do to you? cut your arm a couple of times. He stuck me in a trance , undressed me, and put me into some whores getup. i wanted sweet sweet revenge,'' Ayame said then jumped off the throne and kicked the dead guy in the side, sending him flying into a wall quite a bit away, watching untill he slid down the wall and hit the floor. ''Damn baka,'' she muttered walking off down the stairs.

When they all started to walk through the woods, once they'd gotten out of the metal house,Ayame spoke up.

''This is the first time you've managed to get into a fight without ripping you're top Hiei,''

''What do you keep count or somethin'?'' Yusuke asked.

''Yup. unfortunately yes. My life's that sad and pointless. Anyway Yusuke always rips his shirt, including today. Kuwabara sometimes doesn't. Hiei always usually rips his shirt, except for today.'' Ayame said getting a 'Hn' from Hiei, ''And Kurama hardly ever rips his shirt, so Kurama wins, congratulations fox, you receive our top prize, a kiss from the lovely wolf girl Miirei,'' Ayame said mockingly, pushing Miirei in front of the tall redhead.

She ate dirt.

''That wasn't very nice,'' Ayame whined after getting up, she then tackled the wolf to the floor and jumped into a tree. ''I'll meet you back at the hot spring place, i need proper clothes,'' The nekojin shouted before dissapearing.

''NO! keep those clothes on. They look sexy!!,'' Yusuke shouted. A large rock the flew out of the woods and hit Yusuke in the head knocking him out.


Alex :Where did the rest of the romance scene go!!!! *hyperventalate whilst reading through*

Ash:It er had to be edited. Y'see it was too long, and.... *looks around* Kurama! Yeah Kurama said it was too long.

Kurama: Or-mmbmm.

Ash: *puts a gag in his mouth, binds his arms and legs* I offer this fine hunk of manliness to the great god of the mountain Hiei!

Hiei: Thats Hiei sama to you shoujo.

Ash: *Throws the bound and gagged Kurama at Hiei, knocking him off the mountain*

Alex: K'rama?

Ash: Reveiwer thanks!!!!!

Vadkakid: Our exams ended last week. It was hectic. They spent months making us memorize some cruddy Macbeth script. Then when the test came, it was nothing to do about what we'd been learning. Luckily for Miirei and i though. Sean and Kurama helped us study. Well heres the chapter. Only had to wait two days ^_~

Kiki14: Woot! a new reviewer. *gives you a welcome to the story pack which is filled with strawberry cornettos, strawberry cheesecake, strawberry pocky, and a cute silver fox plushie*
Yup, you spelt Mii's name right. Although you could just call her Mii or Rei. The couples might end up with the people you've predidcted. But i like to keep readers guessing. Even though the summary says Kuramaxoc and Hieixoc and i'm not going to write mush/lust seens between Sean's character and Hiei or Kurama. So it's definetly between Ayame and Miirei.

Writing skills. Superb? heheheh. Thats the biggest compliment i've ever gotten. The nuns at my school are always telling me i write and spell things like Americans. And that me and Alex have been ''Influenced by the many foreign channels on the T.V'' Apparently there isn't enough irish things on it. -_-

Yup! You're right. We're both 14, i'm 15 next year. Although i've been told i look like a 11 year old, and wasn't allowed into a 12 movie -_- And Alex is 15 this year, Sean is also 15 this year.

Hopefully there'll be a lot more chapters. ^^;

*Laughs about Hiei only liking Aya when shes bleading*

Don't apologise about typing a lot. It's fun to read, and to reply to. It also makes me and Alex want to update sooner.

Alex: Yeah! It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Ash: Riiiiiiht! C'mon now Al, time for your medication.

Alex: Arg! You wont take me alive. K'RAMA!!!! *dives into his shirt then peeks her head out of the neck*

Sean: Hyper! Thats the understatement of the century! These two are constantly high on life. Well apart from when Ash get seriously peed off. *shudders* She looks like some evil child. Like off those movies.

Ash: *Ounches sean in the back of the head knocking him out* HAHAHAHA.

Kakarot45: C'mon, i'm on chap 13 now. I'm beating you by one chapter. Hurry up and update!