Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ under construction ❯ Sayonara bye bye! Genki de ite ne ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Standard disclamiers apply.

Ash: The title of this chapter is taken from the Yuu Yuu Hakusho song: Sayonara Bye Bye. It means Sayonara bye bye. Stay fine.

I read yesterday chapter, and i'm sorry if everything seemed scrunched together or hard to read. The MM spaces gnomes have stolen some of the spaces. SEE! I told you gnomes were evil!

Alex: Please. Ignore her gnome rant, and read the story, then review.


''C'mon, onna, wake the hell up,'' came a male voice, whilst poking Ayame, disturbing her sleep, it must be one brave person.

''Uh, leave me the hell alone Hiei,'' Ayame moaned flailing her arms about, in order to smack him.

''Hiei? who the hell is that?'' The male voice said, flying up to avoid the crazy womans flailing arms. Ayame suddenly opened her eyes and saw a small red dragon flying in mid-air.

''Echo!?'' Ayame asked surprised, she then jumped off the bed like a kitten pouncing for something, caught the dragon hugging him, and landing on the bed.

''If i was a human, this would probably either look really rude, or turn me on,'' Echo stated from under the catgirl.

''How, when, where,'' Ayame started, still kneeling over the little dragon. ''How did you get here?''

Someone brought me, but told me if i told you who, they said they'd rip off my wings,'' The little dragon said, brushing the comment of.

''And you're really going to take heed of this persons advice?''


''Didn't think so, so tell me who it was,'' Ayame said getting off the dragon and sitting on the side of her bed.

''Well its a guy, his eyes are slightly feminine, and a deep peircing garnet colour. His hair is black with a white flame burst, and goes up really tall, and he has a really bad attitude,'' The dragon said putting his hands up to describe his hair. ''He brought me into your room last night,then left, i slept for a while, and just woke up, so i decided to wake you up.

''You can go and explore the house, or where ever you want, i'll take you on a tour later,'' Ayame said jumping out of her bedroom window, and onto Hiei's balcony. She tried the door, but it was locked, so she picked it with one of her claws, then stalked into the room silently.

The room was pretty much in darkness, but she could hear Hiei's even breathing, she stalked to the end of his bed, avoiding any creaky floorboards, then jumped on him, landing on his stomach, scaring the hell out of him. Ayame quickly deflected his katana, with one of her daggers.

''What the hell do you want shoujo?'' Hiei asked, after seeing it was her stradling his waist. He put his katana down by the side of his bed, and started to rub the sleep out of his eyes.

''Arigato Hiei-san,'' Ayame said placing a small kiss on his cheek then jumping off him and out of his room, closing the door behind her. Hiei just layed there, shocked, he then lifted his hand up to his cheek, and brushed his fingers over the spot where she'd kissed him, it was still quite warm. ''Hiei....san?'' he said, a lost look in his eyes.

Ayame stepped out the shower in her towel, then shook, her hair flying about the place, and water droplets spraying everywhere.

''You should get your hair cut onna,'' Echo said, covering his body with his leathery wings, to ward off the water. Ayame then started to get changed.

''So do you love him?'' the dragon asked from his perch on her bed.

''Who? sparky?'' Ayame said while putting on a top, not minding if the dragon saw her naked, seeing as how he wasn't getting off on it. ''Love is an emotion for the weak,'' The catgirl replied monotonously.

''No, its an emotion every single being will get at one time,'' Echo replied wisely.

''And have you ever had it?'' Ayame replied with a smirk.

''Don't change the subject,'' The small dragon said getting flustered.

''Fine whatever, no i don't love the spikey bastard, i don't love anyone, love will just hinder my work,'' Ayame said doing up her baggy black jeans.

''And what work is that?''

''To kill, and to find a way to make me a full demon, or atleast stop me from transforming into a pathetic ningen every full moon,'' Ayame said in the same stoic tone, brushing her hair, then putting it into her long trademark braid, and pulling it over her shoulder.''C'mon, i'll show you round the house,'' Ayame said walking to the door, the dragon, jumped off the bed and flew over, landing on her shoulder.

''Thats Kurama,'' Ayame said seating herself on the worktop next to the fox that was cooking breakfast,''He's the reincarnation of the legendary fox theif Youko, but he's really just a goody too shoes. Youko's a lech, the times i've met him, he has been anyway.'' Ayame said with mirth in her voice, Kurama was now cooking with a sweatdrop

I'll teach that stupid kitten to respect me. Youko said in Kurama's head. C'mon Kurama, let me out, it's not just me she's talking about, its you aswell.

You just want to have your way with her.
Kurama said knowingly. And then you'll change back to me, and i'll have to live with the guilt. And what do you think Hiei'll do about it? I can tell he has feeling for the girl, and they've probebly met before, according to those scars.

I forgot about that, ah well, he wont do anything about it, just let me out. You know you want to Kurama.

''He's probably arguing with his inner self now,'' Ayame whispered to echo. She then walked over to Hiei, and sat on the windowsill, moving his legs over, so she was oposite him.''And this is your saviour Hiei, you can make up you own name for him, or use one of mine, there's Kajihenge, captain sunshine, spikey bastard.''A katana was then pressed against her throat,''But remember, he's the dude with the long sharp sword'' Ayame reminded then jumped away.

Yusuke was sitting on the couch with Botan and Kuwabara. The T.V was splurting out happy christmasy tunes, which for some reason made Ayame feel depressed, Miirei was poking all the packages under the tree with Keiko, Kurama was cooking, and was probably talking to Youko, And Echo had gone off to explore. Ayame went up to her room to talk to Kero for a while, hoping that it would make her feel better.

The large dog was laying stretched out on her bed, Ayame walked into her room, then closed the door behind her. She walked over to the bed and layed on it, just looking up at the ceiling.

''This ningen holiday always makes me feel depressed for some reason,'' Ayame started. ''Maybe its those dreams, i haven't had any for quite a while, i wonder what started them off?''

Kero looked at the girl, bags had formed under her mismatched eyes. To everyone else she might've looked fine, but to him she looked broken, like something was eating away at her from the inside, she was dieing on the inside slowly, and it was her memories that were causing this.

''I think they were memories, they were just so real.'' Ayame said then paused.'' I lied when i told Scorch i didn't remember what our father looked like, i remember all too well. He was king of the Ayashitens, my older brother was his prince, and i was his princess. I can't blame Scorch for being so mad that he nearly killed me when he found out. i just ran away when father was getting killed. I probably would've done the same. Sometimes i wish i was dead, but then i remember, how my father died, and that its harder to stay alive, then to die, i haven't payed for my crime, everyone's excepted me, but i wish they hadn't, i wish i'd never of met anyone. Then i could've kept on getting stronger, blocking out my emotions, killing everyone and everything. But these stupid emotions are becoming stronger, friendship, love, it's all a burden.'' Ayame was now curled into a ball, hugging herself. Kero then stood up and nuzzled her, asking if she was okay.

''I'm fine,'' Ayame replied monotounsly.

Fucked up.
''J ust f.i.n.e,'' Ayame repied again getting up.''Lets go downstairs and see what everyones doing,''

Ayame ran down the stairs, making sure noone realized she was in a mood. She walked into the room untill Yusuke shouted for her to stop and look up. She looked up and saw a plant hanging off the ceiling.

''So its a twig,'' Ayame asked monotonously.

''Its called a mistletoe,'' Yusuke said with a devilish smirk on his face,''When someone stands under it, that person has to kiss another person in the room, with tongues,''

Ayame reached up and grabbed the plant off the ceiling, then set fire to it.''Now i don't,'' The catgirl said stubbornly, then started to walk away.

''You've allready stepped under it, so now you have to kiss someone, no matter what happens to the mistletoe,'' Botan said in her perky voice, Ayame sent her a death glare, and botan sank behind the coach.

''Miirei?'' Ayame asked with a pleading look on her face, not wanting to kiss anyone in the room,''

''I would, but i really don't feel like burning my lips...again,''

''Can i kiss anyone in the room?'' Ayame asked.

''Anyone atall,'' Yusuke replied.

Ayame then started to walk over to Hiei, who was sitting at his windowsill, watching with mild interest. Everyone in the room watched in anticipation. Ayame then bent down and kissed Echo,who was sitting on Hiei's shoulder, on the lips, she broke the kiss then looked back at everyone,except Hiei, who had their jaws hanging open.

''You did say anyone, and theres only three people i'd kiss in the room,'' Ayame said, then sat down on the floor on fornt of hiei, stroking Echo under his neck.

''So who's the third one?'' Yususke asked.

''One would be Miirei, and the second is obviously Echo,'' Kurama said.

''Keroberos,'' Ayame answered simply, leaving eveyone,except Hiei, even more shocked then before.

''Its time to open our presents,'' Keiko said in a mature voice.

'Boy she's controling, she reminds me of an old woman' Ayame thought.

''Woohoo!!'' Kuwabara and Yusuke shouted, jumping into the pile of presents. Ayame just jumped onto the sittingroom windowsill, getting ready to jump onto the roof, but Miirei grabbed the catgirl by the legs, dragged her in, and handed her a package.

Ayame gave her strange look, then opened the package to find a black leather belt, with two sheaths at the sides for her daggers. When Ayame first looked at the belt, it just looked like a normal black belt, but it was made up of many intricate designs. Ayame ran a claw across the designs. ''I can't except it,'' Ayame said pushing it into the wolfgirls lap. Everyone else was too involved in opening their own presents. Except Hiei who refused to celebrate the holiday.

''Why not?'' Miirei asked with a smile on her face.

''I don't want to take anything from you, just because you got the others something, dosn't mean you had to get me anything'' Ayame replied monotonously, keeping her mismatched gaze on the floor.

''I got it for you because i wanted to,so just take it''Miirei said, the same friendly smile on her face.

''I don't deserve it,'' Ayame said, still keeping her gaze on the floor. Hiei watched with slight interest. There probably weren't many people that got to see the spitfire look, and feel insecure. There was this strange feeling nagging at him to comfort her, to take away any regrets she had. Hiei just brushed them away, and turned his head away from the patheticly insecure spitfire, why was she getting so emotional anyway? its just a belt, not anything to get worked up about.

''It's not about wether you deserve it or not, i think you do, but you're going to argue with me anyway,'' Miirei said pushing the belt onto the catgirls lap.

Ayame took off her own black belt, then put the new belt on so it hung down lower on one side, she then unsheathed her daggers from her old belt, and put them in her new belt. Ayame jumped into the pile of presents, the same happy,cocky look on her face, she then dumped a badly wrapped package in the wolf's lap. Now everyone was crowded around them watching, Hiei was just watching with mild interest from his windowsilll.

Miirei opened the package, then lifted the top off the box inside, to find a peice of paper with 'Feelings' written in kanji on a plain white peice of paper. Miirei took the paper out of the box and looked at it expectantly.''What is it?'' she asked.

''My feelings,'' Ayame replied, making everyone in the room do an anime fall, except captain sunshine of course.''What you don't like?'' Ayame asked with a laugh,''Fine heres the real present,''Ayame then stood up and rooted aound in her front pockets,not finding anything in them, she checked her back ones, she then went onto the pockets in the legs of her trowsers. Everyone was just staring at her with sweatdrops. Ayame then checked her bra, and her neck, then her converse.

''I seem to have lost your present ,Rei,'' The cat girl said sitting down, leaving her converse off, she then pulled her braid around and undid it.

''Thats not all you've lost,'' Yusuke stated.

''Found it!'' Ayame shouted, pulling a blue, diamond shaped stone, on a silver chain out of her hair. Miirei took the stone and looked at it. It looked like a normal shiney blue stone at first glance, but the sun bounced of it, and sent colourfull reflections to dance on the floor.Everyone(except Miirei) just looked at Ayame with strange looks. Ayame then did the braid back up and pushed it back over her shoulder, so it rested on the floor behind her. Yusuke rushed round behind her and started pulling at her hair.

''What else have you got in here?'' Yusuke asked. Ayame just whipped her head round quickly, the braid was pulled out of his hands, and in front of her, she then snapped her head back. Her long plait then smacked Yusuke in the face, knocking him backwards. ''Ouch!, damn that hurt!,'' Yusuke exclaimed holding his face.

''You're lucky Yusuke,'' Miirei said taking her eyes off the beautifull stone and putting it around her neck, ''She used to keep a blade in the end of her braid, and sometimes she wears a really heavy ring,''

''A blade!?'' Yusuke asked shocked.

''Yes, y'know, it looks like this,and cuts people,'' Ayame said whipping out her dagger, then slicing her finger with it. Botan, Kuwabara, and Keiko gasped. Ayame just sheathed her dagger and licked her finger.

Everyone else gave out their presents, Ayame gave a present out to everybody, except Hiei. Use your own imaginations, i'm too lazy, but there were no more necklaces or jewelery given out.

Koenma suddenly appeared in the sittingroom in his teenager form, ''I hope everyone's having a good christmas,'' He greeted, standing in the middle of the room, ''I came to drop off some presents,'' he then put a bag down. Miirei looked through the bag first.

''There isn't one for me,'' She said with a whimper in her voice, lowering her ears on her head, resembling a kicked puppy.

''Yes. I've got a separate present for you and Ayame, we couldn't sort out the files,and you two havn't been too bad,'' Koenma said looking at Ayame. ''So your probation has been cleared, you're free to go,'' Ayame let out a huge cheer and tackled Koenma to the ground, hugging him. But Miirei didn't look as happy, sure she had a smile, but Kurama could see through it.

''Eyes are windows to the soul,'' Kurama muttered to her, making sure noone else heard.In the background Ayame was dancing around happily. Miirei looked stightly taken back.

''I don't know what you're talking about,'' The wolf denied.

Ayame then jumped off him and ran outside. It had just started to snow, Ayame ran about in the snow cheering, she loved snow more then any other type of weather.

Everyone just went to the windows, and watched the crazy catgirl jump, and flip about in the snow happily.

''Wow, did she really not like it here that much?'' Kurama asked Miirei.

''No, she just really loves the snow, she wont come in till it melts. Ayame was now laying on the ground face first, and was laughing.

''Can she breathe?'' Kurama asked with a sweatdrop.

''Probably not,'' Miirei said dismissing the catgirl from her thoughts.

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Koenma had now gone back, everyone had, had dinner. Miirei had to bring some out to the catgirl, who was on the roof with the snow. Keiko and Botan had gone back to where they lived. And mostly everyone was now asleep.

Ayame, who refused to get off the roof till the snow melted, layed back gazing up at the stars and the moon, which looked like someone had taken a bite out of it. Ayame closed her eyes, listening to Miirei, because her hearing was so good, and she knew what the room looked like, Ayame could see what Miirei was doing. Ayame watched as Miirei got into bed and dozed off into a peacefull sleep, fingering the necklace.

Just 10 minutes before Miirei had come upto the roof to talk to Ayame.


''Ayame, do you enjoy my company?'' Miirei asked, laying next to the catgirl, playing with her hair.Miirei knew this was a big privilage, Ayame didn't let anyone touch her hair...Ever!.

''I don't depend on it, i can be just as happy alone,'' Ayame started monotonously, her tone then softened a bit, but didn't break form that half bored, half stoic tone.''But yes, i do enjoy your company,''

''Thats good, can you promise me something?'' Miirei said in a happier tone.

''Depends,'' Ayame said.

''If you want to leave, and go back to the Makai, or some where else, could you tell me first? i'd like to come with you,''

''Fine, i promise,''

~End of Flashback~

Would she ever leave this place? Ayame thought to herself. She'd become quite acostomed to living here, and the people in this house. She knew she was even developing feelings for one in particular, but she'd have to leave before this feeling bloomed and took a permenant place in her heart. She still hadn't given Hiei's present to him, she jumped off the roof, into her window, and searched around, carefull not to make any noise as Echo was sleeping in her bed. She then found it under her bed.

It was a katana. Ayame had thought about it for a while, but Hiei didn't like much else, apart from icecream, what was she meant to do? buy him a tub of icecream for christmas? she was sure he'd apreciate the ice cream. But a katana would have more uses, and last longer...she hoped. The katana hilt had black ribbon going around the handle, and the sheath had some red ribbon tied on it, there was also a little red dragon on the end of the hilt. Ayame sheathed the sword. She then jumped out of her window, and onto Hiei's balcony, carefull not to Make any sound. She left the Katana outside his door, and jumped back up to the roof, laying back in the same place as before, some snow flakes had covered the bald patch over, almost completely, but you could still tell the difference by the height of the snow.

Seeing the dragon on the hilt of the katana reminded her of Hiei's dragon, the one on his arm. He'd told her about it, but they'd never been in a situation dire enough for him to use it.

Maybe if i attack him with everything i've got, then he might unleash the dragon. Ayame thought closing her eyes and putting her hands behind her head.

But then i'd die. one side of her argued.

Ah, but it'd be worth it. The other side argued.

'Its never worth taking your own life', Came the usual male voice.

''What if its to kill the person or thing you hate most in this world?'' Ayame asked without openeing her eyes.


''You'd do it,''


''I hate you.''

''My heart bleeds,'' Hiei replied sarcasticly.Hiei then moved to sit behind her.''Thankyou,'' He said simply. ''But whats with the necklace?''

When Hiei had found the katana and unsheathed it, a necklace had fell off the blade. It was a garnet ball on a silver chain, the same size as the tear gem around his neck.

''Nothing really, i thought a katana was kinda plain on its own. Now you can have two balls hanging round your neck,'' Ayame said looking up at Hiei with a playfullness in her mismatched orbs. Hiei just glared at her for the last comment, but it turned into a smirk as he gazed down at her. Ayame looked back to the moon. Hiei looked at her for a moment, many different thoughts going through his mind. The fire demon blocked them all out and leaned forward, capturing the catgirls lips with his own.

Ayame was slightly freaked out at first, but she relaxed, then opened her mouth, giving him permission to explore her mouth, while she did the same. A warm liquid fire burnt through both of their mouths. But it wasn't a painfull fire, it was a fire full of excitement.

After a while, Hiei broke away from the kiss, only because he needed to catch his breath. He looked down at the spitfire, her eyes were glazed over, he wondered what she was thinking.

Hey! why wonder, when you have a jagan eye?

Hiei then penetrated her mind, loads of thoughts were flying around.

''I knew we should have left, now she's gone and let a pethetic ningen emotion take her over.'' came the sound of a slightly deeper voice.

''No, it's all for the best, now maybe she'll find someone that'll love her for her,'' Came another which sounded not as deep.

''What if he breaks her heart in the end like all the rest?'' came the first voice.

''He won't,''

''How do you know?''

''I can feel it,''

''Psh, and cheesecakes fly. Lets face it, she can't trust anyone, even that wolf girl is a threat, she should go back to the Makai, forget about everyone, and die honourably in a battle. Not stay here, playing happy families and waiting untill she get old and wrinkly to die.''

''No! Miirei can be trusted, and so can everyone else on this team. Besides. Cheesecakes can fly when they've been thrown''

''That's not the same.'' The deeper voice argued.

''Is too.''

''Wait, he's in here. He's listening to us!''


Hiei then came out of her mind, surprised at how strange it was. But, she was a strange girl after all. ''Shoujo?'' Hiei questioned, looking down at the girl. She then sat up and shook her head.

''Eheheh, sorry about that, i was off in my own world,'' She said with a sweatdrop, moving away from Hiei slightly.

''Why are you so afraid of me ,Shoujo?'' Hiei asked, helf concerned, and half seductively.

''I'm not,'' She said.

''Then why are you so afraid of affection?''

''No reason,'' She said, she was lying, but it didn't show. ''I just know it's not a good thing.'' Ayame relaxed, looking back to the moon. Hiei then sat behind her, and pulled his head into her lap. She complied to his wishes, just laying there, looking up at the moon. They didn't speak again after that, and soon Ayame fell asleep. Hiei gazed down at the beautifull minx, he traced a finger accross her soft skin, she looked so innocent....and fragile. Two words Hiei would never of thought to explain the wildcat with before. She looked nearly completely different awake. She still had a beauty that lingered on her, even if she'd been covered in blood, mud, and sweat. But her eyes were wild, the way she stood was defiant, the way she spoke was rude and defiant. She was definatly untamed, a wild spirit. Yet she looked so peacefull and innocent.

Soon after, Hiei fell asleep stroking Ayame's face. He had moved so she was laying on his chest, and he was laying stretched out on the roof. Ayame suddenly woke up when an all too familiar scent, seeped into her nostrils. She then saw what position her and Hiei were in, and that his hand was on her face, and heat rose to her cheeks. She picked his hand off her face, then got out of his embrace. Looking back at Hiei one last time, she jumped off the roof to find out how the owner of that scent was alive, and why he was here. Soon after, Echo knew she'd left, and followed after her.


Ash: There. The last, and very mushy, installment of 'Under construction'. When i first gave it that name, i meant the name was under construction, because we couldn't Cthink of anything. But i guess 'Under Construction' just stuck.

Alex: This chapter is dedicated to all of our reviewers. You all helped us continue and complete this story.

Ash: Try and guess who the person that Ayame's going after is. *pokes Hiei's figure* You can wake up now, dude.

Woot! This is the first story that was pretty long. That i finished! With help for some of the mushy scenes from Alex. And Alex and Sean's OC's

Everybody apart from Ash/Ayame and Hiei: *bow* Arigato for reading 'Under Construction'!

If you need to ask any questions, feel free to post it in a review. Because the story is over, i'll post the answer in a review so keep checking back.

Reviewer thanks

Shaddowless ninja


Arigatou goziamasu

Lang shi

Alien Flem


Ping Pong Panda:

Ash: Ping chan! I haven't spoken to you over the internet for ages. I'm glad you're back from holiday. Even though i told you yesterday. *grips her yyh manga* That's what you get for trying to steal my manga.

Alex: EEEEE PING CHAN! *glomps* I'm sorry i wasn't here to see you yesterday. I was taken away to try on really pretty dresses for a wedding. *gets all stary eyed* There were so many. And they were all so pretty and elegant. *snickers* i can't wait to see how Ash will look in a wedding dress, her hair will be so fun to do seeing as how it's so long.

Ash: *smirks* We'll see. We'll see.

Alex: What are you planning?

Ash: Nothing that would concern you, wolf.

Alex: Well now i definetly know there's something going on.

I'm kinda' upset that none of our old readers reveiwed the last chapter. Hopefully they'll review this one.