Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Vacation Time ❯ Chapter Twenty-Two ( Chapter 22 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Twenty-Two: The Water Wars
Cassie's POV
Sighing when Kaline went into the water, I pulled off my shirt to reveal my skimpy swimsuit top. As I turned to put my shirt in my bag, I noticed Hiei's eyes on me. The red orbs were a little brighter than normal, and I took a quick note of that.
The fire demon was watching me, huh? How interesting. I could certainly use that information to my advantage. Hiei was about to get a show to remember.
I smiled suggestively at him and winked, watching his eyes go wide at my actions. The poor demon... he didn't even know what I was planning. Well, he was in for a surprise.
Making my movements as seductive as possible, I slowly removed both of my shoes and then my socks, leaning over so he would have a good view of my back half. The next thing that went was my shorts, which I very slowly wiggled out of. Finally, I was standing in my bikini, showing him more skin than ever.
When I looked back at Hiei, he seemed to be in a daze, his eyes much brighter than before, his jaw a little slack. His shirt was off, and the only thing he had one was his black swimming trunks.
I admired his nicely muscled chest before I took advantage of his state of shock. Smirking, I grabbed his hands and began to drag him towards the water. He didn't resist at all, and he followed my lead like he was sleep walking. The poor fire demon was just completely dumb-founded by my recent actions.
Hiei didn't react at all until his feet touched the cold water. He didn't yelp in surprise, but he did jerk just slightly and freeze in place.
I turned around, my eyes meeting his, and I gave him my puppy-dog face. If that didn't win him over and make him do what I wanted, then nothing would.
He gave the smallest of shrugs and let me drag him the rest of the way into the ocean. Obviously, something I had done had made him go along with what I wanted. I would have to analyze things later to figure out what it was.
"Thank-you, Hiei," I said, my voice a purr. "I didn't think you'd want to come swimming with me."
The fire demon gave me a strange look, and then he dunked me without any warning. Why he had done it, I had no clue, but he was going to get his just desserts for that maneuver.
Staying under water for a moment, I knocked the fire demon's feet out from underneath him. As he went down and I went up, I drug my hand up the front of his body, pulling away when my fingers hit his shoulder. The demon had asked for it, and I had given it to him.
I resurfaced a few seconds before Hiei did. When he came up for air, his eyes were glowing intensely bright. I just giggled at him, smiling deviously. Torturing him was so much fun, and I had a feeling that he probably enjoyed it as well.
I studied the look in his eyes and discovered something. He knew. Hiei knew that I was toying with him, that I had known exactly what I had done. He knew that I had meant all those double meanings and that I wasn't as naive as I had pretended to be. Damn it! The gig was up.
The fire demon reached out for me, probably to dunk me again, but I somehow managed to dodge. When Hiei tried once more, I couldn't move fast enough to get away. Strong hands grabbed me around my waist and pulled me close to a warm body. He pressed my back to his chest, his fingers splayed across my bare stomach.
I inhaled sharply, a little surprised by his actions. The touch was soft, but it was no where near relaxing, especially when he began to rub my stomach in slow, sensual circles.
"Hiei, what are you doing?" I asked, my voice a husky whisper. My brain was having problems functioning for some reason. It had never abandoned me before when a guy had touched me, so I couldn't see why my brain would shut down just because Hiei had his hands on me. I would have to figure out why my body and mind were acting so strangely later... like when the aforementioned male was out of sight.
The fire demon removed a hand from my stomach and used it to push wet strands of hair away from my ear. Slowly, he moved so that his mouth was by my ear, warm breath hitting the slightly water-chilled skin. A shiver went down my spine as I heard him take a breath and begin to say something.
"Hey, Cassie!" Kaline shouted, shocking both Hiei and myself out of our private moment. He quickly released me like I was made of fire. "You wanna play Marco Polo? We're all getting bored, and it's the only game we can think of." She was about twenty feet away from me, sitting on Kurama's shoulders, probably so I could easily spot her.
"C'mon, lass," Jin encouraged. "Even Urameshi and the biggie are gonna play."
"Sure!" I called back, smiling, my voice a little shaky.
Marco Polo sounded like fun to me. I had never actually participated in the game before, but I knew the rules as well as anyone else.
Turning to Hiei, I gave him my puppy-dog look once again. "Do you wanna play, Hiei?" My tone was sweet and pleading; and judging by the expression on his face, he was very receptive to that kind of voice. "Pretty, pretty please will you play with me? It might be fun."
"Alright," he replied after a moment. "If I must." I got the hint, though, that he would have rather 'played' something else.
"Thank-you," I said graciously, rewarding him with a very sweet smile. "Now, c'mon. Let's go play." I grabbed his hand, my fingers intertwining with his, and proceeded to drag him over to where Kaline and the others were.
When we got over to where Kaline and the others were, I was named 'it'. Before we could start the game, though, Kurama had to explain the rules to the fire demon.
Hiei listened and scoffed when the red-head finished talking. "Hn. That's simple."
"It's a child's game, Hiei. Of course it's simple," I told him, giggling. "If it was difficult, then children would have a hard time playing it."
"Alright now, Cassie," Kaline began. "Close your eyes, and give us ten seconds to get away."
I obeyed, using my ears to follow everyone's movements as best as possible. After ten seconds had passed, I began to move around. "Marco!"
"Polo!" many voices shouted back. Somehow, I easily picked out Hiei's voice. Smirking I continued to call out and follow Hiei's sounds and movements. When I felt that I was close enough, I leapt forward, blindly reaching out to grab Hiei around the shoulders.
It turned out that Hiei was swimming just below the surface, so I ended up missing his shoulders. I accidentally grabbed a part of the fire demon that was a bit below the waist... a rather large part.
Blushing, I quickly let go and backed away, turning my back on the fire demon. "I caught Hiei, so he's it," I shouted to everyone. 'Yeah, I sure did catch Hiei,' I added mentally and silently giggled.
I risked a glance over my shoulder, and I saw Hiei standing there, watching me with incredibly bright eyes. I gave him an apologetic smile and whispered that I was sorry before I began to swim away.
Of course, I began to feel very sorry for the demon when he didn't even try to chase anyone for a good minute or so. Thankfully, when he finally did move, he didn't chase after me.
We all played Marco Polo for a while, with Koenma and Botan being 'it' most of the time. The two of them seemed to like chasing after each other in the water. During the entire time, I stuck by Kaline when she wasn't the one chasing people. Also, when I was it, I did not go after Hiei. Neither of us needed a repeat of earlier actions. I had a feeling that the fire demon had been tortured enough for one day.
All of us stayed at the beach until it began to get dark. No one, of course wanted to find the way back to the house in the dark. It just didn't sound appealing.
As the temperature slowly dropped, everyone put their clothes back on over their swimsuits and swim trunks... well, everyone but Kaline did. Her clothes were still wet from her dunking. The swimsuit wouldn't keep her very warm, but I had a feeling that she wouldn't be cold on the way back. Kurama probably would make sure that Kaline would keep nice and warm the whole way back.
We began our walk back to the house right as the sun began to set, casting a romantic glow over everything. I smiled slightly as Hiei hung towards the back with me. His eyes weren't glowing, but he was watching me rather closely, staying perfectly silent.
I decided to break the silence. "Thanks for playing the game with me, Hiei. I had fun," I told him, taking his hand and intertwining my fingers with his.
He nodded his head in reply, and I easily got the unsaid message. He was admitting to having fun as well; he was only refusing to say the words out loud.
"Awww... nanto kawaii!" Kaline said, her voice just loud enough for me to hear. When I turned to look at her, she winked at me before she let Kurama draw her back into his arms.
I felt Hiei stiffen slightly, obviously not liking Kaline's announcement. He hadn't liked the very blunt commented, and he was probably a little bit embarrassed along with annoyed.
To make him relax, I lightly squeezed his hand, and he returned the action. "It was a compliment," I informed him gently, referring to Kaline's comment. "That was her way of saying she approves."
"Hn," was Hiei's only response as he let me move closer to him.
"We'll have to come back to the beach soon," I commented, smirking. "Especially if more interesting things happen." My look said it all, and the fire demon was quick to catch my meaning.
He tugged me closer as his arm went around my waist, a comforting source of warmth against the cooling night air.
Completely content, we finished the walk home in that position.
Once we got back to the house, everyone but Hiei and myself went into their respective rooms. Kaline was the last one to leave the hallway, saying as she left that she didn't need to talk to me anymore.
When I was finally alone with the fire demon, I leaned over and gave him a quick, soft kiss on his cheek. Then, smiling suggestively, I said a brief goodnight to him and vanished into my room, leaving a very surprised fire demon behind.