Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ White Ribbons ❯ Chapter two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Tralalalala ~sits at comp reading fanfics~ hmm? ACK ~has weapons throw at her~ ok ok glad you like it! I'm updating because I have nothing better to do! And I'm on a sugar high. K? KEWL!
And thanks for Shessha's crazy for reviewing. Yes I have a flair for angst. Teehee. And thank you thank you Hieis girlfriend120 for reviewing thanks. Glad you like it so much glad you love it ^^ I'm so happy ~sniffle~ anyways here you go guys!
~Give shessha crazy a Kurama plushie and a cookie~
And here you are Hieis girlfriend120 ~gives her a hiei plushie and a cookie, ~ please continue reviewing.
Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu I do own lots of stuff though, I own my own characters and their pasts. So yeah no stealing!
“Geez LK what the hell did you put in this goddamn thing?!” Asked a very irritated Yusuke as he drug LK's backpack up the steps to the temple. LK looked back from the lead she had ahead of Yusuke. “Nothing but clothes and a majority of my DVD's and books why? To heavy? Awww is the little street punk all talk? Where's that muscle you where showing off at the start?” LK asked in a mocking tone. Kurama chuckled as LK and Yusuke argued about his strength. Hiei smirked; she was definitely like her past self. “Well if your so goddamn tired just give me my bag back loser freak.” LK said as she lifted the bag off the ground with ease. LK looked around the forest and her eyes landed on the back of the little fire demon. `He's got the most beautiful eyes.' She thought. Hiei smirked inwardly. `She has no idea that I heard that.' He thought as his Jagan stopped glowing.
“Well this appears to be a long walk so LK why don't you tell us about your self?” Kurama inquired. “Well I love writing and I really love anime, I dislike my older brother. He's pure evil. My mum's not around a lot. She spends a lot of time with her BF. I love my two friends they are like my sisters; I also love my far away friend. She's nuts but I love her. I also hear a voice inside my head; she's my other half and she's really nice.” LK finished with a smile while the others sweatdroped. “Hey LK do you got a boyfriend?” Yusuke asked. LK looked over at the young punk. She lowered her head; her bangs covering her eyes. “No, no I don't.” LK said. She turned her head and a smile graced her face. “What about you guys? You got girlfriends?” Lk inquired. Kuwabara beamed as he spoke, “as a matter of fact I do! Her name is Yukina and she's a-“ LK cut him off. “She's a ice apparitions looking for her long lost brother.” Lk smirked. “How did you-“ Kuwabara started to say but Yusuke stopped him. “Duh baka she trained here so of course she would know Yukina duh.” Yusuke said as he smacked the back of Kuwabara's head. “Ow hey Urameshi that hurt.” Kuwabara said as he and Yusuke started to get into a fistfight. LK sweatdroped. “They do that often?” LK asked the former fox thief. “Yes about every few minutes.” Kurama answered. “No kidding.” LK said with a sweatdrop. A devil smirk made its way to her lips. “What are you planning?” Hiei asked as LK turned toward him. Her eyes where closed as she smiled. Hiei just stared blankly at her and she walked over to the two bickering teens. She smiled again and pushed the two. In turn making them tumble down the steps they had worked so hard to climb, cussing her all the way down. LK Grabbed Hiei's and Kurama's arms and ran toward the top of the temple where the ice apparition and the old master waited to greet them.
Yusuke and Kuwabara huffed as they ran back up the thousands of steps that lead to the temple. “Damn her, damn her to hell.” Yusuke said as he and Kuwabara reached the top of the temple where the rest of them were waiting. “Have a nice fall fella's?” LK asked with a huge grin on her face. “You are so evil. Pure evil!” Yusuke screamed as Kuwabara collapsed from exhaustion. “Really now? So you have heard of me then.” LK smirked as she turned to the old master that was Genkai. LK bowed to the old psychic. “Thank you master Genkai for letting me stay.” Genkai smiled at the young girl. “Its nice having you back LK.” With that she turned and walked back into the temple. LK smiled at the retreating figure. She turned toward the small apparition. She smiled and walked over to Yukina and smiled. “HI YUKI-CHAN!” LK yelled as she bear hugged the smaller demon. “It's nice to see you again LK-Sama.” Yukina said as she hugged LK back. “Now, now Yuki-Chan you don't have to call me Sama. LK-Chan will do fine.” LK said as she released the small demon. “Ok time to go to my room and unpack.” LK said as she marched off. Hiei smirked and kicked Kuwabara and walked off down the hall. (AN: if your looking for Kuwabara bashing you won't really find it here. Well you'll find a little.)
LK smiled as she laid her pillow on her bed. She smiled; her coming to Genkai's was like going home again. She loved the feeling because she knew here she was loved and respected. She pulled out a blue picture frame with a sun in one corner and a half moon in the other. She pulled out two small silver coins that had angels on them. She put the two coined angels in the picture frame and placed it on her dresser. It was of her and her father they were at the beach. LK's favorite place ever since she was a little kid, she loved that picture dearly. It was the last one they ever got together before he died. LK smiled sadly at the picture. “I miss you a lot dad.” LK said as she blinked back tears that were starting to from. She twirled around and laid on the bed. “Sigh what to do what to do. Hmm” LK said to her self. Footsteps were heard pounding toward her room. The door flew open and there stood an out of breath Yusuke. “LK.” He breathed. “We have a mission come on.” He said as he recovered his breath. “K.” was all LK said as she walked out of her room.
“So all we got to do is go defeat this freak? And we're done?” LK inquired. “Yup. That's all then go home and relax. Botan said Koenma was coming over after the mission.” Yusuke said as they walked through the Makai. “Boring much. Really I thought this would be harder then just taking out a low class demon.” LK sighed as she placed her hands behind her head bored. “Hn. Just stay out of the way girl let us do the work.” Hiei said in his usual cold tone. LK glared daggers at him. Then her glare turned into a smirk and she lagged back from the group. She snuck off into some bushes and transformed into her demon from the Little kitsune.
Kuwabara turned around and looked back. “Hey guys where's LK?” he asked. The guys turned back and looked back to find no LK. “The hell is wrong with that deranged girl? Wandering off into the Makai all alone. She's going to get killed and we're going to get blamed.” Yusuke complained as Kurama walked back a little ways. “Her scent stops here and another one that's similar starts and head up and that way.” He said pointed up and pointing forward. “Hn I think she transformed into her demon form and went ahead. My guess is to catch the demon and prove her self to us.” Hiei said as his eyes trailed the trail. A rustle in the bushes takes their attention away from the trail. A Kitsune; a female one to be precise, emerged from the brush. She had metallic blue hair that reached the middle of her back. It was tyed back into a low ponytail with a brilliant white ribbon. Two strands hung down to her chest. She had a pale completion. On top of her head was a pair of deep purple fox ears. Her eyes were a small Asian, which were also a deep purple. She wore an Arabian outfit. It was a clean white with a little blood splattered on them. The top was a slightly baggy its sleeves were long and slightly flowing at the end; it had a golden trim at the end. The top rested slightly about her belly button; the bottom was cut like a triangle. The bottom was also a clean white except for a few drops blood. It was long and flowing and reached her ankles where a pair of light purple pant could be seen it had a slit up the left leg with a gold trim. In back of her a deep purple tail swished. Around her neck was a midnight black choker. In her left hand was a badly beaten demon. It was the demon they were searching for. She had already gotten to him first. Her long claws were clasped around its shirt. She smirked, a fang shown in the light.
“That's cool, now we don't have to go looking for him. But who the hell is this?” Yusuke asked in an uncertain voice. Not knowing weather this girl was friend or foe. “Take a guess you fool. It's LK but in her demon form the Little kitsune.” Hiei answered in a cold and annoyed tone. Little kitsune smirked and tossed the demon to the ground. “Yup hi guys whats up?” Little kitsune asked as the guys just stared. “What? We got the demon so we can go home right?” she asked weirded out by their stares. Kurama was the first to snap out of his daze. “Yes Little kitsune you did a good job of taking him out.” Kurama said as he examined the demon. Little kitsune smiled proudly as he lifted the demon over his shoulder. “We can go now. You guys can stop staring. You especially Hiei.” Little kitsune said with a wink. Hiei just stared as the two fox demons left. `This was going to be interesting.' Was all he thought as they all walked the woods.
(AN: I'm gonna call LK's fox form Kitsune instead of Little kitsune because it's easier to type.)
“Hmm.” Kurama mumbled. “Whats up Red?” Kitsune asked the red hared fox. “It appears to be getting dark. We should camp here for the night.” Kurama stated as he shadowed his eyes with his hand looking at the setting sun. “Ok…” Kitsune said almost unsure about that answer. Hiei glanced over at her. “Hn.” Was all he said as they prepared to camp out.
The Demon that Kitsune had caught was strung up in a tree near by still knocked out. The fire that was started a few hours ago that had lit the campsite had gone out. Nothing lit the area as they slept. Kitsune stirred in her sleep and rose to a sitting position. She peered around the pitch black forest. She had heard something. But even wither her eyes; which allowed her to see in the shadowed areas. She couldn't find the source of the sound. Another noise, she jumped and backwards. She hated the darkness with every fiber of her being. She was terrified of it. But no many knew that. She curled into a ball and hugged her self. She closed her eyes tightly; she wanted desperately to go to sleep. Not to be afraid. The shuffling of dirt made her eyes snap open. She rose to a sitting position again and peered around the campground. A figure clawed all in black trudged toward her. She stared, frozen with fear. She had no idea who this was and it frightened her. The figure trudged over to her. She closed her eyes tightly; reading herself for the blow of an attack. It didn't come. A hand; that was fiery warm, caressed her cheek. The figure kneeled in front of her. She opened her eyes and stared into crimson ones. “Hn, you all right?” Hiei asked in a calm voice. Kitsune starred into his crimson eyes. All the fear she had felt was gone. Just by looking into his eyes. She bit her lip she wasn't sure how to answer. So she did the only thing she could think of. She wrapped her arms around his neck and refused to let go. Hiei stared blankly at her. What should he do? He debated weather to push her away or hug her back. He chose the second one. He encircled his arms around her shaking frame. “What's wrong?” he asked in a somewhat kind voice. Kitsune sniffled. “Nothing. Nothings wrong.” She answered and went to let go of him. Hiei tightened his grip on her. “Stop trying to be strong. Now whats wrong?” He whispered in her ear. “If I tell you will you think any less of me?” She answered. Hiei blinked. “No I will still think the same of you. Your odd and a trickster. You try to hard to be strong, but those things make you Kitsune. Now what's wrong?” He asked again. Kitsune gave a small giggle against his shoulder. “Promise you won't laugh?” she asked. “Promise.” Hiei stated. “I'm afraid of the dark. It's a fear I've had since I was a little girl that was started in my past life. K?” Kitsune answered. Hiei chuckled and hugged her close. “That's ok everyone has fears. Don't worry I'll protect you.” He said as he lifted her off the ground and leapt to a tree and settled down with her in his lap. She was clinging to him; she didn't want to fall. He nuzzled her neck. She smiled and laid her head against his chest. His heartbeat lulling her to sleep. She didn't fear the darkness when she was in his fiery embrace.
Koenma waited patiently as he could for the team to get back. “Hi pacifier breath.” Kitsune said as she and the team walked through the doors. “Eh? Kitsune how many time have I told you not to call me that and where are you going?” Koenma yelled as Kitsune walked away. “Blah, blah, blah. I'll get a summary from Red or Spikey when I'm bored and want to know about your pathetic stuff, so see ya.” With that Kitsune walked to her room and closed the door. Kurama chuckled. “It appears she has better things to do, now Koenma whats this important information you have for us?” kurama asked taking a seat across from the little prince. “Hmm well I think it would be best if you knew more about kitsune's past. But knowing her she'll tell you pretty much nothing. So that's why I'm here.” Koenma stated as Yusuke and Kuwabara started to pass a cup across the table back and forth to each other. “Please continue then.” Kurama suggested. Hiei and Kurama sat patiently as Kuwabara and Yusuke still played pass the cup.
“Well you know what she is right?” Koenma asked. “Yes a demon fox we know that much.” Hiei stated very annoyed knowing this was going nowhere. “Well she is a child of taboo. To be more blunt a forbidden child. Her parents where of the same species fox demons just of different elements. Her father was a shadow fox. While her mother was a fire fox. The father was Katasuya a great assian and thief. Who retired to raise his family. Her mother was Kairi a great sorceress of fire. Anyways their kind of love was unheard of and not many people approved of their love. But some of their family approved and accepted it. They were wedded against the advice of Kitsune's grandmother who in turn put a curse on them, that if they where to have a child of both of their elements that on that child's 300th birthday that the child would become posses and kill all their clan. This scared the mother greatly. When they had children; they had two litters. She had two forbidden children. In the first litter the boy who was the forbidden child was killed. The father had a very hard time dealing with it. So when they had their second litter and had Kitsune he couldn't stand seeing another one of his children slaughtered for just being born. So he took that litter along with his wife and fled going near the desert, they ended up leaving the first litter behind with his father who was a very kind demon. Well Kitsune grew up, very attached to her father. She loved him very much. She was the middle child of five, she showed respect to her older brother and sister, and she took on a mothering role with her younger brother and sister. She was more close to the younger one's because she thought it was her job to protect them from the harsh world of the Makai. She soon turned 200 and it appeared it would be a bad birthday. For while she was out picking flowers. Her father went off with another demon who was an assassin. When she got back her mother asked her to get her father. She agreed and went off in his direction; she soon reached him, in time to see him get his throat slit. So to be blunt, she saw her own father's murder. She carried him on her back to her mother. Then she went near a tree and started to dig a grave. So in turn she dug her own fathers grave. She was never the same she became very cold to everyone. A decision that proved fatal. For on her 250th birthday 50 years before the supposed curse was to take affect she was murdered by her own older brother and sister.” Koenma stopped to let this information sink in. Hiei stared at the table blankly. He never knew all of this. Kurama stared off into space, he was devastated. He knew Katasuya he was an excellent thief and so was Kitsune. She was always happy to go on raids with them. She loved being around the thieves and Yoko never minded having her along.
Yusuke took the cup after it was past to him and held it up. “Hey Kuwa go long!” he shouted and tossed the cup which ended up hitting Kuwabara and making him fall over. “AHH I'm down. Man down.” He laughed as he picked up the cup. A mad vein appeared on Koenma's head. “ARE YOU DIMWITS LISTENING?!?” Koenma shouted. “What? Yea, yea. She was killed and a forbidden child. Blah, blah, blah.” Yusuke said in a mocking voice. Koenma just sighed. “Anyways after she was killed her ghost hung around the place she died. She looked over the place she died just as her little brother and sister entered the clearing where she was killed. They just where shocked and like most grieving people they cried. And since her brother was older. And he was a shadow demon while the younger sister was a fire demon. The brother ended up crying tears of blood. Like most shadow demon's do when they are very upset. So her ghost just watched her younger siblings cry. Now you must remember she was the older sister so it was her job to protect them, she when she saw them crying she just kinda snapped on the inside. So when she was taken to spirit world. She ended up going crazy and murdering more than 99 oni's. She ended up destroying most of the wing she was in. (AN: in spirit world there are four wings and they are big.) so when she was caught the only thing we could think of at the time was to put her in solitary confinement. She had her weapons taken and magic shackles sapped her power over shadow and fire. Anyways we put her in there with two other apparitions. Well it appears they attacked her so she ended up killing them to. Almost anyone who we put her in with was killed. Pretty much another 200 apparition she killed. Except for gargoyle we put her with. He managed to escape with just a scar on his chest. Anyways she stayed there for about two years, when my father decided to make her a proposal. She becomes reborn in a human child. Losing her memory for a period of time and when she become of age she would get her memory back gradually. And become a spirit detective and work off the debt for all she killed. She accepted and here she is.” Koenma finished. Hiei slammed his fist on the table. “So you put her in a room where is was pitch black for two years?!” he yelled. Koenma looked at him slightly startled by his out burst. “Yes to be blunt.” Koenma answered. “No wonder she was so afraid of the dark.” Hiei mumbled to himself. “What? Kitsune is afraid of the dark? That weird.” Yusuke stated. Hiei glared at him and Yusuke recoiled in his seat. Hiei got up and walked out of the temple and jumped from tree to tree.
Everyone who was still left was silent. They had no idea that their new teammate had gone through so much pain. LK emerged from her room. “Hey guys whats up?” She asked looking over the guys. Kuwabara got up and put an arm around her. “Don't worry LK I the great Kazuma Kuwabara will protect you from any dark and scary stuff!” He stated as LK just looked at him weird. “Ok Kazuma stay right here.” LK said as she walked into the kitchen. She soon returned with something behind her back. “Now close your eyes.” She smiled sweetly. Kuwabara complied. LK pulled a paper bag from behind her back and placed it on his head. “Now,” she said and punched him in the stomach. “If I want your protection I will ask for it got it!?” LK screamed as Kuwabara crumpled to the floor. Kurama stared, it wasn't anything new that Kuwabara fell its just he had no idea LK was capable of beating some one of his size up. She was only about five' three if best. While Kuwabara was close to about six foot. “I heard your whole goddamn conversation. Koenma your death will be more painful.” With that she walked out the temple and walked around the corner.
LK rubbed her eyes. She didn't like herself. She thought she was to soft. She cried to much in her opion. She wanted to be stronger. “Dumb Koenma dumb Kuwabara. I'm not weak. I'm not.” She mumbled to her self as she pulled her knees close to her chest and placed her head on them. “Your not weak, you are just weak at times when someone hits that certain spot.” Hiei stated as he jumped down from the tree in front of her. She sniffled. “Koenma sucks he had no right to tell you guys that.” LK stated as Hiei sat next to her. He sighed. “Yes he didn't. But you can't blame him. We had the right to know. But it would have been better if you told us in your own time. You can kill him later.” Hiei stated. It started to rain as LK giggled. “I beat up Kuwabara. That made me feel better.” Hiei chuckled. “Did you now? Was he unconscious?” Hiei asked. LK smiled and nodded. It started to down pour. “I like when it rains. Its fun to walk in.” LK said. “But it's also cold.” Hiei said. LK nodded and scooted closer to him a bit. Hiei looked a little shocked but it was soon covered up. “Hey Hiei.” LK asked. “What?” he answered. “Why, why did you do that in the forest? Why did you hold me?” LK asked facing the small fire demon. Hiei reached out and wrapped an arm around her. LK blushed slightly. “Because your to cute for your anyone else to have you.” He whispered in her ear. And laid his head on hers and they watched the rain fall around in each other's fiery embrace.
O___O whoa hiei is out of character. Weird. Anyways. In the next issue of white ribbons a tender moment between LK and Hiei. Hmm maybe a kiss? Teehee. And whats this Kitsune's little brother and grandfather come to visit? What do they want, a warning? A warning of a disaster yet to come? Hmm. And who's this person Kitsune knew. An old boyfriend, will jealousy flare with Hiei? What will happen? Hmm please review. Need ideas for the next chappie. Credit will be given. Bye, bye.