Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ White Ribbons ❯ Chapter Five ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Thanks Hieisgirlfriend_120 for the kissing scene thankies. ~Throws a plushie and cookie~ And! ~Huggles all readers~ THANKIES FOR REVIEWING AND LOVING IT!!!!!!!!!!
Disclaimer: no owny Yu, Yu Aw. U__U please review
LK huffed as she lugged her stuff up the millions of step that lead to Genkai's temple. “Goddamn steps. Goddamn temple got to be up all these goddamn steps. Goddamn it.” She yelled as she dropped her stuff and started to stomp on the steps. “Stupid steps being so stupid long. And stupid high. Grrr.” She yelled as she picked her stuff back up. “Having fun LK?” Yusuke inquired from the doorway of the temple. “Hmm let me think, No.” She stated simply. Yusuke laughed at this. “Nice LK. Come on.” Yusuke stated. “Naw I think I'm gonna find Hiei.” LK stated. “Oh he's out in the training field with that new chick.” Yusuke said. LK whirled around. “What new chick?” She inquired. “I think her name was umm. Kuroda. Hmm weird name.” Yusuke stated and walked away. LK clenched her fist. `Kuroda it means black field.' She thought and raced off to the training field.
Hiei swung his sword, chopping a leaf in half. A girl with deep black hair and almost black eyes sat under a tree not far away. She wore a red top that looked paint on. She wore a rather short jean skirt. In short to LK she looked more like a whore than a girl. LK stood under the tree opposite her, glaring. She didn't like the vibe she gave off. It was almost demonic. Hiei looked up from his training. He looked over at the girl and glared, she smiled happily. Her long midnight hair swishing as she stood and walked over to him. She clamped onto his arm like she was going to fall of a cliff if she didn't. Hiei looked disgusted with this action and tried hard to get her off. LK snorted and turned around and walked back to the temple. She didn't need to see this. “Baka Hiei.” She mumbled as she entered the temple.
“So bored.” Yusuke stated from his place on the couch. “Shut up Brown Eyes.” LK stated in a grumpy voice from her spot on the other side of the couch. “Grrr. I know!” Yusuke said and ran off somewhere. “Thank god.” LK stated and continued to watch Saiyuki. Yusuke soon returned with the whole gang and the new girl. “Oh Hiei your so strong.” She said as she clamped on his arm again. LK glared and Kuroda glared right back and smiled. Hiei looked disgusted. “What the hell are you doing Yusuke?” LK inquired. “Were going to play some games.” Yusuke said and looked proud of his accomplishment. “Yeah right.” LK stated sarcasm dripping in her voice. Hiei smiled a little. LK just looked away. Hiei looked at her questionably. Whats wrong with her? He wondered but was preoccupied with trying to pry off the little bitch that threatened to cut off his circulation.
“So what the hell are we playing?” LK inquired. “7 minuets in heaven!” Yusuke smiled deviously. Everyone sweatdroped. “What?” He inquired. “Nothing let just play the stupid game.” LK said as everyone sat in a circle. “Now for the rules. No same sex things. None of us bend that way just boy-girl. Ok now.” Yusuke stated as he spun the bottle. It landed on Keiko. (AN: if you didn't see that coming you must not be a fan. Sorry I am.) Keiko blushed as Yusuke took her hand and led her to the closet. “YUSUKE YOU JERK!” Keiko screamed and a slapping sound was heard. Keiko came out extremely pissed off. Yusuke stumbled out with a red handprint on his cheek. “Umm ok Keiko your turn.” Yusuke said as he fell back into his spot. Keiko spun the bottle and it landed on Kurama. They went in and in seven minuets came out. Kurama spun the bottle and it landed on LK. Hiei growled. LK simply got up along with Kurama and walked into the closet. After seven minuets they came out like nothing happened. Because nothing did happen. LK spun and it landed on Hiei. He smirked as Kuroda released his arm. LK walked into the closet and waited as Hiei walked in and shut the door.
“So what are we supposed to do?” Hiei inquired as he leaned against the wall opposite of the one LK was leaning against. “Were supposed to kiss each other. But I think you would rather kiss that whore.” LK said the anger in her voice rising. “What are you talking about? If you're talking about Kuroda. I don't have feelings for her. She's to much of a bitch. Wearing those tight clothes trying to attract a mate that way won't work with me.” He stated simply. “Really?” LK said looking at him. “Yes. The only person I'm interested in is you. I've missed you.” He stated as he tipped her chin up. He kissed her softly. As she wrapped her arms around his neck. Sweet bliss was short lived for them though.
Outside the closet the gang waited. Already bored with the game. Kuroda smirked. She had a plan up her sleeve. She walked over to the closet door. She smirked and opened the door. “AWWW how cute. The bitch gets some love.” She stated with sinisterness in her voice. Everyone looked over. LK and Hiei broke away from their kiss; Hiei let go of LK and ran off. LK looked at Kuroda. She glared hard as the girl just smirked. LK had enough. She slapped her. “You little bitch were do you get the fuck off? That was seriously fucked up. Now I'm giving you a warning, stop bugging Hiei he doesn't like it, or else.” LK stated and stormed off. Leaving the girl on the ground smirking.
LK sat on the outer place around the temple. “You ok?” Kurama inquired. LK looked up and shook her head. “I don't trust her. There's a demonic presence about her. I don't trust it. I think she's a demon.” LK stated. “Hmm really I didn't sense anything. You sure your just not jealous?” He inquired and was meet with a death glare. “No maybe it because I'm half a shadow demon. I can sense whats not there. Maybe…” She thought and her eyes widened. “Kurama I think she's a darkness demon.” She stated. “Because she's probally hiding her energy. And she seems like it doesn't it?” She inquired as Kurama thought. “Maybe. But I don't know. I think your just paranoid LK.” Kurama stated and got up and left. “No. I'm not and I'm going to prove it.” She said as she clenched her fists.
“Kuroda!” LK shouted. The black-hared girl turned around. “Oh its only you. What do you want?” She asked in a snotty voice. LK walked toward her. “I know what you are.” She stated. “I have no idea what you're talking about.” She stated simply. “You're a demon. Admit it.” LK stated the anger in her boiling. The other girl just smiled. “Of course I am. I'm a darkness demon. But no one will believe you. For they are all wrapped around my little finger.” She stated and laughed. LK's bangs covered her eyes and she shook violently. A light shone and LK turned into the Little Kitsune. Her eyes shone hatred and murder. She lunged and drew her twin blades. Kuroda turned and screamed.
Hiei looked up from his training. He perked his ear and raced off as he heard another blood curdling scream. Kitsune had sliced Kuroda's shoulder and was going for the whole arm. “Kitsune what are you doing?!” He screamed as she looked over at him. “Killing a whore.” She stated simply as she took another swing. Kuroda ran as fast as she could and hide behind Hiei for protection. Hiei `Hn'd' and walked over to Kitsune. Who just glared at him. He recoiled a bit. She didn't seem happy to see him. “What you're doing could put you back in spirit world jail do you want it that badly?” He inquired. She just glared. “Fine protect that witch, just watch your back. She's got claws.” She stated and stormed off.
Kurama's head shot up. What was that? He wondered. Kitsune was walking toward him; she had blood splattered on her. “What…” He tried to ask but Kitsune passed him. “Going out.” Was all she said and left. Kuroda staggered toward him, clutching her shoulder. “That bitch attacked me! She a youkai isn't she?” She yelled. Kurama hid his eyes in his bangs. “Yes some of the people here are youkai's but you must forgive her…” Kurama started. “Forgive her? Forgive her! I should kill that little bitch.” Kuroda stated and staggered away. Kurama did not like this girl. He wondered if Kitsune was right about her.
Koji walked up the stairs a few minutes after Kitsune had left. “Kurama-Sama where is Kitsune?” He asked looking up at the older fox. “She went off to the Makai I think. She seems very angry about something. Koji will you do me a favor and go keep an eye on her?” Kurama inquired. Koji nodded and went off after his older sister.
Demons looked in amazement at Kitsune as she downed her fifth beer. She sighed as she put the mug down. “Another of your strongest please!” She asked the bartender, as some of the demons anime fell. “This is your sixth dear and your not even tippys?” The bartender inquired as she poured another beer for the fox girl. “No. I just wanna down my troubles.” Kitsune stated as the bartender gave her another beer. A tall lanky demon tapped Kitsune shoulder. He smiled pleasantly at her. “How would you like to have a drinking contest with me?” He asked. “Sure but you won't win.” She said as she downed the rest of her beer. (AN: Remember kids drinking heavily is bad. Always have a sober driver!) “Bartended two of your strongest.” Kitsune stated as the demon lets call him Shawn, just stared with an open mouth. He was going to lose. “Ready?” Kitsune inquired with a smile. He nodded weakly. “Ready, Set, Go!” The bartender yelled as Kitsune and the demon Shawn downed their beers. Kitsune sighed and slammed her mug on the counter. “I win!” She yelled as Shawn passed out. “Anyone else?” She asked and the demon looked at her like she was crazy. “No more? K! Another one please!” She asked and all the demons fell.
Koji search in the little village. “Kitsune where are you?” he mumbled to him self. “Damn can that Fox girl drink. I think she's beaten even the best drinkers in town.” Two demons said to one another. Koji's ears perked up. It had to be her. He raced off to the local bar. “Kitsune!” He yelled. She looked up from her mug. “Hi Koji.” She said as she downed her ninth beer. “What the hell Kitsune? That it your coming home.” Koji stated and slung Kitsune over his shoulder. She waved bye to the bartender.
“Are you that stupid dimwit?!” Genkai screamed at Kitsune who sat on her bed and looked down at her hands. “You could have killed that girl. They would have had to put you in jail. And what do you do after you go and almost kill her? You got and attempt to get drunk. That's great. You are to stay within the temple boundaries and to stay way from Kuroda. Understood?” Genkai asked her young demon student. “No problem staying away from that bitch. And just so you know I wasn't even tippys. After nine of the Makai's strongest.” Kitsune stated and walked out into the back yard of the temple where all the demons hungry for human flesh resided.
Yukina swept the outer area of the temple. She smiled happily as she sang softly to her self. The scent of blood caught her attention. She peered up and gasped. Kitsune stood before her, smiling slightly, drenched in blood. “Yuki-Chan can you get me bucket and towel and spare clothes.” She asked with a smile. Yukina looked a little pale as she nodded and hurried off. She soon returned with a bucket, towel and some of Kitsune's clothes. “Thank you Yuki-Chan.” Kitsune said and walked off. Yukina just stood there before she raced off to find Genkai.
Hiei stretched his arms behind his head. He had finally got away from Kuroda. Finally a moment of peace to him self. He closed his eyes ready for a nap. The scent of death and bloodshed filled his nose. His eyes snapped open. He peered down from his spot in the tree near the lake. Kitsune stood at the edge covered in demon's blood. `What happened to her?' He wondered to himself. She filled the bucket with water and poured it over her head. The water drenched over her small body. It washed most of the blood away. Her clothes clung to her. Hiei couldn't pry his eyes away from her. She removed her skirt, just leaving her pants. She then removed her top. She wore a traditional wrap that most demon women wore. She untied the ribbon in her hair and hung it with her clothes on a near by branch. She then jumped into the lake. And plunged under water. Coming up seconds later for air. Hiei jumped down from his branch. Well more or less fell out. “Having fun peeping?” Kitsune asked as she pulled her self out of the water. Water falling off her. Hiei remained quiet. “What?” She inquired. “Never seen a girl bath before?” She asked smirking as he turned red a minute. “Hn.” He stated and jumped back into his tree. “Fine be an asshole like usual.” Kitsune stated as she dried herself off. And then got dressed and went back to the temple.
Kuroda sat in a tree father away from the temple. She held a communicator. “Masters the plan is going according to plan. Everything is falling in place. Soon she will be dead.” Kuroda stated. “Good keep it up. Move to next faze.” The communicator hissed and the transmission was cut. Kuroda smirked as she jumped from tree to tree. It had been two day since Kitsune had attacked her and been bathed in blood. She raced toward the temple. Making sure to hide her aura. LK sat on the roof. Watching the drifting clouds. A war ragged between her heart and mind. `I've got tell him sometime.' She thought ~'Yes you do.'~ Another voice stated. `Hey Shadow.' She said in her mind to her other half, her darker half. ~'You need to tell him before that little bitch gets her claws in him. I'm pretty sure he feels the same way.'~ Shadow stated. “Maybe you right.” LK stated as she lifted to a sitting position. “LK what are you doing out there?” Kurama asked. “Sittin.” She stated simply. “Hey Red where Spikey?” She asked with eagerness in her voice. “He's out in the training field he said if I saw you to tell you to go there.” Kurama stated. “Ok wonder what he wants.” LK stated and jumped off the roof and walked toward the training field.
Hiei paced back and forth. Why was he so nervous? Surly she felt the same way about him right? He pondered this thought to him self. Kuroda smirked from her place high above the branches. She peered over the treetops and caught LK's scent. Now was the time to act. She jumped down from the tree and landed behind Hiei. He whirled around, hand on the hilt of his sword. He relaxed slightly as he saw who it was. “What do you want?” He asked in the coldest voice he could muster. She smiled simply and walked toward him. “Just here to tell you something.” She said as she looked out of the corned of her eye. LK was standing in the brush. Kuroda smirked to her self. “Whats that?” He stated with a cool anger in his voice. She walked more over to him and wrapped her arms around him leaning toward him. “Just that..” She stopped short slightly from his face and looked into his eyes. They were filled with hatred. “I love you Hiei.” She stated and kissed him hard. Hiei looked disgusted with this action. A rustling sound caught Kuroda's attention. She pulled away. As Hiei peered over. LK stood in plain sight. Tears pouring from her eyes. “LK…” Hiei trailed off. “You lair.” She stated with anger in her voice and hatred and murder in her eyes.
That's all. Ohh. This ain't good. Kuroda a demon of darkness has proclaimed her love for Hiei with LK watching! Ohh. Well LK takes it the wrong way and runs off. She can't stand what she fells anymore. She planed to do something about it. She's decide to take her life. She writes the gang a letter and it reveals her true feelings for Hiei. And whats this? Botan did a backround check and it proves that Kuroda is really a demon. Can Hiei stop LK before she does her self in? This is a warning. In the next chapter there is a suicide attempt. Please, please if you are planning of taking your life or someone you care about is thinking about it please informs someone. Your mom, dad, brother, sister friend, anyone. No one deserves to feel that way. Please don't take this fic seriously its just fiction. This authoress is not going to commit suicide so don't worry. Ok thankies please review.