Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Yokos' Way of Matchmaking ❯ Taunting Kurama ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yokos' Way of Matchmaking
A pressie for my two fav ladies, Blue-Jellee and x-aiden-x.
Warning: mild yaoi.
Disclaimer: Obviously I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho or its characters, if I did Kuwabara wouldn't exist, Yusuke and Koenma, and Hiei and Kurama would be couples.
Kurama woke in the morning a cold breeze caressing his face; opening his eyes he looked around the room noticing some of the papers on his desk had been blown onto the floor and the open window. Frowning he tried to remember opening it. “I did.” Yoko said quietly, his voice filled with something that sounded much like longing. “Yoko is everything ok?” as much as the older spirit annoyed him Kurama worried for him sometimes. “Yes it's fine, I'm just remembering you dream before you woke up.” Thinking about it the only dream Kurama could remember was the one that had woken him up during the night. Yoko sighed loudly; Kuramas mind was suddenly filled with bits and pieces from his dreams. Kurama stiffened as the erotic display played out in his head. “Yoko stop it!” he all but yelled in his head as he felt his body starting to respond.
“Don't worry Shuichii, just let this happen, you know you'll enjoy it.” Kurama gasped, as his mind was yet again flooded with images of Hiei in many sexy positions some of which he was included in. Moaning as another wave rushed through his body. This wasn't fair, ever since he had reached puberty Yoko had taunted him like this he knew what the sex addicted fox would do, he'd get him aroused to a maddening pitch and then he'd withdraw totally leaving Kurama frustrated. Panting slightly Kurama couldn't stop himself from reacting, beads of perspiration appeared on his forehead from the strain of trying to hold back his bodies reaction. “Yoko ahhh I swear if you stop I'll kill you.” Soft laughter was his only reply. The images increased in turn increasing the pressure in his groin.
Cool air fanned Kuramas face and he stilled, his window was open, Hiei could just walk in. “And why would that be a bad thing?” Yoko purred filling Kuramas mind with images of past fantasies. Taking a few deep claming breaths Kurama climbed out of bed and walked into his adjoining bathroom. Turning on the cold water he quickly got his stuff ready, Yoko had yet to cease his erotic mental slideshow, and it was driving Kurama mad. Fully undressed the red head stepped into the shower gasping as the cold water hit his hot flesh, fighting back the urge to draw away from the cold water he let it wash over him.
Sitting back in the tree Hiei glared at the window, Yoko had closed the curtain back over once he had left, not before purring out a sexy `good night', he was sure he was taunting him again what else could it have been he was the forbidden child after all. And this morning he wasn't happy either he had been woken up by the sound of a door shutting, his demon hearing had picked up on the sound of running water, sighing he had hoped to catch Kurama first thing to see if he knew about last night and what it was about. Deciding that he'd go train in the woods while Kurama showered Hiei took flittered away.
Kurama leaned his head against the wall of the shower, the cold water wasn't helping him in the least, it didn't help that Yoko had yet to stop flooding his mind with images. “Stop it.” He demanded, it was beginning to be too much for him. “But you said not to, give in and enjoy it.” Kurama shook his head determinedly, he didn't really have a problem with relieving his discomfort but he knew that Yoko would use it as something to taunt him with and right now he had had enough of the old fox. With a sigh the images stopped. “You're just no fun Shuichii. I wonder if you'll ever get his attention, you certainly wouldn't get mine you're too much of a stick in the mud.”
“Just shut up.” Was all Kurama said not wanting to get into this topic, ever since Yoko had found out about his feelings for Hiei he had baited him about it. He couldn't ever tell Hiei how he felt, as Hiei had often told him he'd gone soft because of his `stupid ningen emotions' and he'd lose his friendship that way. Kurama could feel Yoko withdrawing, this confused him usually he'd pick moments like this to say something cheeky. Shrugging it off he quickly finished off his shower. Walking back in his room with the towel around his waist he quickly found something to wear. “You take to long to do things you know Fox?” Kurama spun around to face his window. Hiei just stared at him with a blank expression.
Kurama smiled at Hiei as he usually did, ignoring his deep want to pull the little demon into his embrace and tell him everything he felt toward him. Hiei raised his brow. “What?” Kurama blushed realising he had been staring. “Oh I'm sorry I was talking to Yoko.” Hiei paled and his back stiffened shocking Kurama, even around his enemies he didn't react like that. Worried green eyes watched him for any signs as to what was bothering him. “Is everything ok Hiei?” Hiei just shook his head and tried to play it off as nothing. “Hiei would you like to come on a picnic with me today?” Hiei relaxed more thankful that his friend had not decided to peruse the matter.
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