Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Zinnia/JTZ on Oprah ❯ Introducing Zinnia ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Zinnia/JTZ on Oprah

I dont own any of the anime characters or Oprah but I do own Zinnia, her spirit beast and me of course. I dont watch Oprah so if I type something....non Oprah like...please forgive me.

*Theme music*(Uh.....she does have music right?)

*audience aplauds*

Oprah: Welcome and today we're going to discuss anime original characters. Please welcome miss Videl.(me, not dbz Videl)

*Videl comes up on th stage*

*audience aplauds*

Me: *waves* Hi! *sits in a chair, crosses legs*

Oprah: Now, Videl. We understand that you have created a wonderful orginal character. Care to tell us about her?

Me: Yes, I'd love to Oprah. Her name is Zinnia. She is a fifteen year old wolf/fire demon. She's an original character to my Yu Yu Hakusho fanfictions and she blends in very nicely with the other characters.


Oprah: Okay.....and we also understand that she has some sort of rodent companion. Is this true?

Me: Well, if you mean her hamster spirit beast Yoko then yes. He's a very important part of Zinnia. If she dies, he dies. He is based on my now deceased hamster Yoko.

Audience: awww......

Oprah: Okay, thank you, Videl. Now please welcome the one, the only Zinnia Luna Jaganshi!

Audience: *cheers as Zinnia comes up on stage*

Zinnia: Hi everyone! ^_^ *waves, sits in chair next to Videl*

Oprah: So Zinnia Videl has just told us a little about you. What does it feel like to be on the show?

Zinnia: It's great Oprah! I cant believe Im on tv! Can I say hi to my big brother and my friends?

Oprah: Go ahead ^_^

Zinnia: *waves to camera* Hi Hiei! Hi Kurama, Yuske, Kuwabara, Keiko, Shizuru and Mitari! I love you guys!

Audience: awww.....!

Zinnia: Uh.....Videl, they are watching, right?

Me: Yeah, girl! ^_^ I hooked it all up for my fav original character.

Zinnia: Yay! You're the best creator anyone could ever ask for.

Me: Hehe

Oprah: *laughs* Anyway, Zinnia, Videl also told us about your spirit beast. Did you bring him with you to show us today?

Zinnia: Yeppers! *takes her hamster out her pocket*

Audience: awwww......

*audience peoples raise their hands*

Oprah: Okay....hm.....you in the red...you have a question?

Inuyasha:*stands up* Yes, Oprah, I do. This one goes to the wolf demon. Do you wield a weapon?

Oprah: Zinnia?

Zinnia: Why yes, yes I do. I use my golden sword with the vines wrapped around it with the pretty roses growing on it. It's my Rose Blade.

Audience: Oooh!

Oprah: Okay.....how about you with the pink hair.

Nuku-Nuku: Nuku Nuku has a question for Zinnia. Will you be Nuku Nuku's new friend? Nuku Nuku never had a doggie friend before.

Oprah: Well, Zinnia?

Zinnia: Sure! Why not ^_^

Nuku Nuku: Yay! Nuku Nuku made a new friend!

Oprah: Okay......you with the light, short pink hair.

Himeno: *stands up* Thank you, Oprah. This one goes to Zinnia. What is your family like?

Zinnia: Well......my mother's name is Destiny and she lives in America which is my home after leaving the Makai in my youth. I had 2 sisters and 3 brothers but they died from a river and I was the only one that didnt drown after mommy saved us that is. This happened when I was just a pup.

Me :....you're a pup now..

Zinnia: Yeah, I know but I mean a real little pup. A baby. Anyway, I never knew my father and I have an older brother which is Hiei and an older sister which is Yukina. Uh oh.....Yukina, Keiko Kuwabara didnt hear that, right?

Me: Nope, Yukina is in the Makai today visiting the ice world and I put laxative in Keiko and Kuwabara's food so they're in the bathroom right now.

Zinnia: Okay! ^_^ Thanks!

Me: You're Welcome! ^_^

Oprah: Okay last question...how about you with the purple shades and spikey hair.

Ban Mido: Yes, this question goes to both Zinnia and Videl.

Zinnia&Videl: Okay ^_^

Ban Mido: I am Ban Mido of the GetBackers recovery service. My friend Genji and I can find anything that has been lost or stolen for a small fee.

Genji Amano: But Ban you charged our last client 3 thous-

Ban: *covers Genji's mouth with his hand* So if you ever need us you can find us at the Honky Tonk. *throws them business cards*

Zinnia&Videl: *catches them*

Zinnia: Cool! I lost my doggie bone about a week ago!

Videl: and I lost my Pokemon Silver videogame like one or two years ago!

Oprah: Hey! No soliciting. Security!

Giant Sercurity Man: *enters* Yes, Oprah?

Oprah: Please get rid of the porcupine headed guy in the 3rd row.

Giant Security Man: Yes, ma'am. *throws Ban over his shoulder and carries him out the building*

Ban: Hey! Put me down you big creep!

Oprah: Okay, let's go to a commercial. But when we come back we will interview Zinnia and her 2 JTZ members.

Zinnia: I hope we get lots of reviews!*giggles*

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