Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Par Tout Autre Nom ❯ Half-Burned Bridges ( Chapter 38 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimers: Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho belong respectively to Rumiko Takahashi and Yoshihiro Togashi.

A/N: Ugh. My lovely little pattern was disrupted but super massive project with a deadline came up at work, and when there's legals involved it turns into a "drop everything and have this done last week" kinda situation. Joy to my consumed world. -rolls eyes- I barely had time to make coffee and order take-out, let alone sit down and play with my favorite fictional characters. Unfortunately the neglect has made a certain impatient kitsune restless and it'll probably be my head on a platter if I don't make with some good stuff to calm him down. -unhappy sigh- Ah well, I'm so beyond happy to hear you guys liked the twist in the story! -wicked grin- As far as I know, it's an original twist, and you're in for a big long Q & A here within the next few chapters, but I'm not giving out any more than that. Hee hee, evil is such beautiful fun.

Have I mentioned lately how much I absolutely adore my reviewers who leave me such fabulous, fabulous encouragements and tell me about their thoughts and impression? -giggles- I love hearing favorite parts and rosie's "sticky-outty" bits kill me, and I think Aitu was one of the only ones who really touched on the Sunset/West conversation (just because you asked so nicely, yes, the kanji that makes up her name is the same you would use to write "sunset" and that's where that idea came from). It's just uber to hear what's really hitting you all in the face about the story, and you're all wonderful for taking the time to tell me. My junkies, buddies, reviewers, and readers, I adore you. Thank you for sticking with this crazy idea for so long and being so supportive. -blows kisses prodigiously-


By Any Other Name

~Half-Burned Bridges~

Hiei slowly became aware of the strangest sensation gliding through his body, something he could never remember having felt in his long lifetime as the fog shrouding his mind pulled away with reluctance. His body was strangely heavy, giving him an odd rush of déjà vu for just a moment before the rest of his senses assured him he was nowhere near a battlefield. For that matter, they were telling him he was nowhere near anyone at all. Confused, but unable to really bring himself to care enough to open his eyes, or even sit up, he settled for expanding his silent perusal of the area around him.

A deep breath in brought scents of old blood with an oddly sour note to it, as though soaked in poison or too much jyaki, but the odor was overpowered by another, newer scent. Two really; one that clearly brought to mind wilder times with all the intricacies of pure lands and clean air, while the other was much more confusing. But strangely compelling… Not that he could put his finger on the cause, given the way it was so subtle and intermingled upon itself, but it was soothing, acting like a balm to his aching body and soul. That scent was the one wrapping around him, keeping him ensconced in a cocoon of warmth and comfort that had him so loathe to fully rouse and leave his resting state.

Resting? Hiei's brows furrowed slightly in mystification as he actually realized what he'd just thought. But where-?

He shifted his weight, his movements lethargic and stiff as more of that haze pulled away to let him feel the futon beneath him and the blankets tucked securely over his body. It took three tries to get his eyes to obey the command of his mind, opening a bare slit and blinking to clear his vision before he could actually make out the old-fashioned rafters and roof above him. Turning his head to one side, Hiei's frown deepened as he failed to recognize his surroundings, going through the possibilities in his head but still coming up with nothing.

The dragon, he groaned softly as his hands twitched against the soft material around him, spreading out his fingers and willing his strength to return. I called the dragon, but… Kagome was right, it was under my control the entire time, separate from me. It's never done thatand then Sesshoumaru-

The glide of wood and paper from somewhere behind him had his body tensing until the instinctive action sent a jolt of muted pain rolling through him that forced him to let his muscles go slack. Gritting his teeth, he tried to lift up enough with his shoulder to look behind him, willing whatever had made that sound to come into his line of sight. But he still wasn't entirely prepared when the strangely familiar face came into view, albeit upside down to stare curiously at his own wide-eyed gaze.

"Ah, so Kagome-sama was right," her surprise faded faster than his own once she registered that he was awake, offering a smile as she walked to the edge of the futon to make it easier for Hiei to see her. His head cocked slightly to one side when he saw the tray in her hands, roving his eyes over the teapot and the single cup waiting to be filled, "She said you had woken up."

"Sango-sama?" Hiei finally managed to ask, jerking at the harsh sound of his own voice and swearing when his hand failed to lift to his throat the way he willed it to. Gods, what the hell happened to me? Wait- his eyes darkened as memory returned, wincing against the pulse through his soul as the rapid images flitted through his consciousness.

"Actually, my name is Ankoji," she laughed softly, kneeling down and setting the tray aside as she pressed her hands to her knees and bowed shallowly to him. "I'm a descendant though, and Sesshoumaru-sama tells me that I resemble her almost as much as Shinju resembles her husband."

"Sesshoumaru," Hiei repeated, the face taking shape in those flashes of memory as he recalled the taiyoukai's startling appearance, the hand choking off his breath and rendering him unconscious at a disturbing speed. But if it really was the Western Lord who brought him here, why was he still alive? In a bed? What had happened?

"Kagome-sama is giving him hell for being so rough with you, and she sent this," Ankoji gestured to the teapot. "She says you probably feel like shit, but this will help your youki kick-start and get you back on your feet."

"How did she know?" Hiei heard himself asking out loud, instantly scowling at being so vocal in front of this human.

Either not noticing, or merely pretending not to, she shrugged one shoulder and reached for the pot to fill the cup halfway, "Kagome-sama has a sense about these things that we don't always understand. But then, she's known Sesshoumaru-sama longer than any of us, and they're very close. It's probably just that she knows how much damage he inflicts even casually when he's lost his temper."

Hiei snorted at that, mentally noting that if this was a casual attack, he wasn't in a hurry to see the taiyoukai turn on him seriously, "Where is the miko?"

Ankoji hesitated, her expression changing to become more shuttered before she murmured, "Sesshoumaru-sama is tending to her injuries, but she'll recover soon."

He didn't have the slightest idea why, but the thought of the miko being hurt nearly infuriated him, turning his face aside to stare at the far wall as he got his expression under control enough to hide the uncharacteristic emotions. Finally satisfied that the urge to growl and attack had faded away, he slanted his eyes back on the human holding the cup in one hand as she reached for him, "Where am I?"

"You're on our property, in the main house," she answered easily, sliding her hand behind his head and lifting him up carefully to bring the cup to his lips. "Don't glare at me for helping you, you couldn't sit up on your own right now if your life depended on it. So shut up and drink this," she shot him a stern glare that very clearly reminded him on the Vengeance goddess, grudgingly admitting she was right as he huffed and focused on drinking the strangely fragrant tea.

Almost immediately the weakness began to leave his limbs, the tea pleasantly burning its way to his stomach and radiating outward through his blood. The heavy pulse came again, this time pushing that rejuvenating heat out to the tips of his fingers before returning to his heart and re-circulating until he could feel it spread throughout his entire body. He hadn't even realized how cold he was until that feeling washed through him, closing his eyes in pleasure as he sighed and lifted his hands to wrap around the little cup on his own.

Ankoji waited until she felt his muscles engage to hold him upright effectively on his own before pulling her hands away to sit back on her heels, waiting in silence for him to drain the cup and extend it out for more. Her lips curved up in a smile at the brusque attitude, wondering to herself if it really was just a youkai thing as she obligingly refilled it and watched him savor the tonic more carefully this time.

"Feeling better?" her smile widened at the disgruntled look on his face when he seemed to become conscious of how relaxed his position was. But it turned to laughter when his hand came up to his chest, gaze snapping down in alarm to find he was wearing a traditional kimono instead of his own clothes, "I didn't dress you, if you're worried about that, but your shirt was ruined. We thought you'd be happier to wake up in a kimono than you would be to wake up naked though, so we found you one of Kaze's old ones. He went through a black phase too."

Hiei shot her a bland look at the suggestion that his color of choice was comparable to a human "phase," but felt his tension ease at the explanation, "Where is my sword?"

"Over there," Ankoji pointed to the blade laid carefully on top of what he imagined was his pants, folded into a neat bundle. "Sesshoumaru-sama and Kagome-sama were the only ones who touched it."

He nodded, not in the least bit surprised that in the heart of this mostly youkai family, they respected the ancient traditions and taboos surrounding the handling of another warrior's weapons without permission. The two of them were obviously the heads of the family -how intimately associated with each other for those positions was still left to see- but regardless of that questionable issue, it was hardly a dishonor for them to be the ones caring for his sword when he was unable to do so. "How long have I been here?"

"You've been sleeping for about an hour," she refilled the cup automatically when it was extended again, violet eyes sparkling with amused delight as she added to that. "Shippou is probably going to kill you for taking so long. Sesshoumaru-sama ordered him to distract your friends and keep them from following you here."

His brows rose, making him look oddly young as he prodded for clarification, "He's been fighting Kurama and those other two idiots all this time?"

"Shinju and Kaze went to help with Kirara, but yes," Ankoji snickered at the thought, setting the empty teapot back on the tray and giving him a smile. "Just because you were brought to the main house, doesn't mean Sesshoumaru-sama agreed to let your friends past the barriers. But then, you were the one who tried to protect Kagome-sama, and that is something we all take very seriously."

When she rose to her feet, he turned a speculating look up at her and lowered his voice to question suspiciously, "Am I being held here?"

Ankoji's eyes widened in surprise, shaking her head to deny that as she held out her hand for the return of the teacup before picking the tray back up and answering, "Of course not. You're welcome to leave as soon as you feel strong enough to be moving on your own. Kagome-sama wanted to come and make sure you were all right yourself, but Sesshoumaru-sama won't allow it in her condition."

Again, that inexplicable rush of anger, fingers curling into fists as he fought to keep it down and turned his head away to prevent her from seeing the emotions he was having difficulty keeping under control. For some reason, something inside him was tugging, stirring old, darker instincts every time the miko was mentioned and prodding these bizarre reactions. The words were hovering on the tip of his tongue, clamoring to get out against his best efforts to stop them until he finally gritted out through clenched teeth, "Tell the miko I am fine."

She nodded once in satisfaction, her eyes softening with understanding at his averted face before she turned and walked to shoji, sliding it open and casting a look over her shoulder, "She'll appreciate your concern, and I'm sure Shippou would appreciate a break. Your friends don't strike me as the patient type, ne?"

Hiei blinked, staring silently at the closed screen as one brow slowly raised, That was-? I'm not imagining it, that little human girl all but told me to get out as soon as I could get up.

He was standing before he realized he'd moved, making a sound of impatience with the clinging, disconnected sense that refused to completely leave his mind. His reactions were still dulled, his body lagging behind his thoughts despite his best efforts to rid himself of the weakness until he simply gave in and decided to make the most of his situation. There's no use forcing myself now when I'm not being threatened, he tested his balance, bending his legs to be certain the numb heaviness had faded before leaving the futon. Better to save my energy.

The kimono felt strange, and he muttered to himself at the thought of what he'd hear from his companions when they caught sight of him dressed up in such a way. A youkai wearing robes that once belonged to a monk, he sighed as he knelt to pick up his katana, tying it at his waist. That damn kitsune is going to kill himself laughing when he sees me in this.

Not willing to run any further risk of a potentially embarrassing accident, he shook out his pants and stepped into them, working awkwardly to fasten them beneath the kimono as he searched out his shoes and double-checked that everything was in place. That frown continued to worry over his features, eyes darting around at random as he tried to place the odd feeling niggling at the back of his mind. Not a sense of danger, or even anything truly wrong, just… different? That was definitely the word he was looking for, but what was causing it?

Hiei shook his head violently, clasping one hand up over his ear when a swirl of whispers filtered into his mind and frowning when they vanished just as quickly, This is pointless. It's something about this house and all this- this nonsense today. It will go away as soon as I leave.

If only things were so simple.

The katana was drawn and poised in the blink of an eye, Hiei standing in a semi-crouch as he searched for the source of that ghosting murmur, You must have a desire to die soon, trying to force your way into my head.

Laughter wrapped around him, too many voices to separate and count as they bounced off each other and echoed hollowly in his head. But just as quickly as it had begun, the sound retracted abruptly, almost as if it was being sucked backwards to leave nothing but the previous silence weighing heavily on his disoriented mind. For an instant he did nothing, frozen by the deprived, even empty feeling that pulled at his soul when those voices completely disappeared.

What in the flying fuck is going on here!? Hiei snarled out, not exactly sure who or what he intended that frustrated hiss to reach, but feeling the need to vent it all the same. The katana was slapped back to it's place at his hip with another string of curses, sliding his hand up into his hair and momentarily clenching his fingers into a fist, at a loss for what could possibly be dragging these buried emotions from him with such ease.

Feeling cornered, Hiei gritted his teeth and spun around, stalking towards the shoji that would lead him back out into open air and hopefully clear this peculiar mess from his head. His eyes gleamed as he stepped out into the hallway, casting about for a moment until his feet were turning to carry him to his left as thought his body already knew the way.

Hiei could feel his eyebrow twitching, unable to come up with a single reason for having that awareness, and quelling the urge to stop and bang his head against the wall out of sight of any curious eyes. The only thing saving him from it was the way his senses seemed to have opened, auras and scents flowing naturally all around him instead of that empty feeling that had plagued his interactions ever since they met this miko.

Frustrated all over again, he raked a hand through his hair, pausing to lightly touch the bandana that had been rewrapped around his forehead as he continued down the silent hallway as his thoughts raced, Damn. There are just so many things about this whole situation-

The thought trailed off when he opened the door and found himself staring out at a scene straight out of the past. He could feel his eyebrows rising in surprise, blinking at the surreal feelings wrapping around him as he stood there and watched the humans and youkai in the open courtyard milling about their duties in kimonos as old fashioned as the one he had been dressed in. There were trees all around him, the air completely untainted by the odors and metallic auras that clung to the city and instantly bringing a sense of relaxation pouring through his body.

Hiei wasn't sure how long he stood there, soaking in the unbelievable sensations when he felt the most powerful aura that had ever touched his senses flare up off to his left. Effectively distracted from his surroundings, his focus narrowed as he turned his head and found himself meeting the golden gaze of Sesshoumaru.

Instinctively his hand went to the hilt of his sword, all emotion wiping from his expression as he fanned out his awareness. A faint smirk played about his lips at being able to feel the intricacies of the taiyoukai's ki as open to him as any other creature he'd tried to read, It's about time. But why now? Do they leave their hiding stones somewhere else when they're here? Or did something else-?

A clawed hand lifted, curling to make a summoning gesture that lifted his sleeves enough for Hiei to see Kagome curled up in a ball on his lap, her skin looking strangely grey as she slept with her head against his chest. His brows furrowed as an inexplicable rise of concern had his feet moving, walking him along the porch towards the reclining youkai regarding him so intently.

He noticed the smile curving Sesshoumaru's lips as he rounded the sharp angle of the structure to stand in front of them, but was unable to take his eyes from Kagome's drawn expression enough to truly care at his amusement, "What happened?"

Sesshoumaru's eyebrow kicked up at the authoritative demand, sliding his arm back around Kagome in a possessive gesture as he shifted his weight to settle back more comfortably against the wall, "You actually believed that a human would suffer no ill effects from the attack you suffered?"

"She said she wasn't hurt," Hiei protested, eyes snapping up accusingly to the taiyoukai's face. "She was speaking to me, helping me-"

A low chuckle had him biting off the sound of his voice, gritting his teeth furiously at the emotion he'd heard seeping into it as Sesshoumaru lifted his hand to rest on her head, "My miko is quite resilient in that respect, but she is not indestructible. You, of all creatures, should understand that nothing is invulnerable."

Hiei's brows drew together, searching at those flat eyes under the odd double meaning he could sense in those words, "Indeed."

Sesshoumaru's gaze turned aside, staring off into the woods as the breeze artfully lifted his hair away from his face, billowing it out around him, "In two days, you will present yourself at Shinju's temple, and Kagome will be well enough to resume her teaching duties. You may tell the avatar that at that time, he may continue bothering her with his previously outlined restrictions."

Hiei blinked and felt himself smile as understanding dawned, He wanted me to see Kagome and tell Kurama she's all right.

"My miko will speak with you privately at that time depending on your condition," he continued vaguely, only his eyes turning to look at Hiei's face. "However, that discussion will also be effected by your behavior from this point until then. The things you have seen and experienced are not meant to be shared, hybrid, understand this and the answers you no doubt crave will come."

His hand curled over the hilt of his sword, automatically clenching his fingers at the taunt of information being dangled over his head, "In other words, you don't want me to speak to Kurama or the others in my company about any of this."

Sesshoumaru dipped his head in agreement, "They have no need to know of what occurs within this family."

Hiei's eyes widened, hand falling away from his sword as a wash of shock poured through him, "And… I do?" What the hell?

The taiyoukai's head turned back, eyes gleaming and a wicked smirk toying at his sculpted lips, "Two days, hybrid. Now… Takashima is no doubt getting irritated given his feelings towards the avatar. This Sesshoumaru suggests you handle it."


Shinju brought up the Hiraikotsu just in time to block Kurabara's tiring downswing, bending his knees and focusing all his weight forward to send him crashing backwards into Yuusuke as Kaze deflected another shot of ki with his ofuda. Breathing out heavily, he twisted to look at Shippou, wincing in reflex when Kurama's vines shot out and slammed the younger kitsune through yet another of the ancient trees.

Kirara's growl had him looking up to the fire cat as she flashed across the grove for Shippou to hook his arm around her neck, swinging himself up before the points could fully impale him.

"Are you trying to kill me?" Shippou screamed down at the man glaring up at him, warily eyeing the vines curling back to surround their master as Kurama held his palm flat against the injury the younger kitsune had scored against his side earlier.

"The idea becomes more tempting with every passing minute," Kurama growled out darkly, not even bothering to hide his annoyance with how long the trio had managed to hold them at bay.

`This is fucking ridiculous!' Youko snarled out in much less restrained anger, dying to take over and rip them all to pieces, but fully aware that the consequences of that desire were unacceptable. `Who are these little bastards to be able to fight us so effectively? They look human, feel human, smell human… and Shippou! That fucking punk shouldn't be giving us any trouble at all! Gods, how the hell are they like this? It doesn't make any sense-'

They have to be pulling their strength from something that we can't feel, Kurama scowled as he turned that possibility over in his head. He was able to replenish his own energy from the woods around them, true, be even he was feeling the effects of the prolonged battle, There's no other way.

"Perhaps you'd like to call a truce now, Kurama?" Shinju called out hopefully in the tense lull, keeping his senses alert for any new attacks from the two men struggling to untangle their weary limbs and stand. "We could wait more peacefully for Hiei to return since it's obvious fighting is getting us nowhere."

"If you explain why he was taken and what has happened to my lover, I might consider it," Kurama repeated his terms to that arrangement, frowning at him sternly when the boy sighed and shook his head.

"I'm sorry, but we can't do that," the same answer in that same implacable tone as Shinju wiped the back of his sleeve across his forehead to clear away the sweat. "Hiei is unharmed and Kagome-sama is in Sesshoumaru-sama's care, that's all we can give you."

"That's not good enough," Kurama shook his head, eyes hardening. "I've been considerate given your relation to Kagome, but if I don't get the answers I want soon, I'm going to have to start fighting seriously."

"Having troubles, Fox?"

Kurama visibly jolted, darting backwards with his eyes rounding at the voice coming from directly behind him when there hadn't been the slightest clue to the hybrid's appearance, "What the fuck-?!"

"Hiei-!" Yuusuke called out, pulling back and aiming his finger suddenly with tense confusion written across his face. "Kurama, is it an illusion?"

Hiei's expression filled with dry annoyance at that, rolling his eyes with a sigh as he folded his arms over his chest, "Obviously my absence has managed to decrease what little intelligence you had left."

Kirara landed at Shippou's word when the ki in the grove dropped back down to less volatile levels, rumbling softly in concern when the kitsune slid off her back and stalked up to Hiei with a suspicious frown. Hiei remained impassive at his approach, perplexed by their reactions and moreso by Kurama's seeming acceptance of Shippou's glaring focus. But let it slide under the curiosity sparking inside him as to why the younger kitsune was suddenly so intently staring at his eyes, his ki rippling with a tense readiness that made Hiei's skin tingle under the urge to answer it.

Shippou finally seemed to find what he was looking for, letting out a snort and setting one hand on his hip as he straightened to turn a sour look off into the woods, "Bastard."

"What he means is that we're happy to see you're suffering no ill-effects from your earlier battle, Hiei-san," Shinju raised his voice to offer when he saw the interest spark in Kurama's eyes. "Have you recovered?"

Hiei shrugged, watching Shippou with narrowed eyes as the kitsune appeared to lose interest and return to Kirara's side, "I don't know why you all seem so determined to think I'm weak enough to be hurt by something so minor, but if you insult my strength in that manner again, I'll prove it to you more directly."

There was a moment of silence, both sides processing what they were seeing and hearing while Hiei simply stood with one eyebrow arched as he waited for someone to speak.

"Is that one of my old kimonos?" Kaze tilted his head to one side, speaking more to himself than anyone else as he regarded the hybrid's attire.

Hiei gritted his teeth, closing his eyes and feeling that eyebrow twitch when he felt the collective attention in the grove more downward to take in his appearance, I really should kill him.

The first snicker came from Yuusuke's direction, opening his eyes to send a warning scowl towards the man before he could comment, unaware that his reaction had reassured them more than anything else that it really was Hiei they were seeing. Kimono and all…

I never thought I'd see the day, Kurama couldn't help but offer, smiling with the release of tension when the hybrid rounded on him.

If you finish that, I'll cut you in half where you stand, he fingered the hilt of his katana meaningfully. Now answer me, why in the hell are all of you staring at me as though I was an enemy?

You don't know? Kurama's eyes narrowed slightly in confusion, his eyes sweeping over Hiei from head to toe more thoroughly as he searched for something he didn't find.

Know what? Hiei demanded.

"What the hell happened to your ki?!" Kurabara's shout had the youkai flinching and turning disapproving looks on him for the unnecessary volume, Yuusuke taking advantage of his proximity to slap the pale-faced man upside the head.

And yet… the same confused questions hovered in Yuusuke's dark eyes as well.

It was Hiei's turn to look at them as though they'd just lost their minds, unaware of the shock he'd just sent through his companions at the easy display of the emotion across his face, "What are you idiots talking about?"

`Something is not right here,' Youko shielded the thought from the hybrid, an uncharacteristic note of concern creeping into his voice the longer they stared at Hiei. `He looks different.'

Amongst other things, Kurama reached up to briefly rub his temples as he offered that exasperated remark before he answered the inquiring gaze. "You feel like they do," he pointed to the brothers strapping their weapons back in place as they made their way back to Shippou and Kirara. "You aura… it's just…" not there.

The scowl was back, That's not amusing.

You think I would joke about that? Kurama shot him a disbelieving look, suspiciously turning his focus to Shippou as the other kitsune stood… pouting? His eyes narrowed, letting Youko spill into his awareness to read the emotions in the youkai more clearly, He is. Shippou's pouting about Hiei?

Something about it not being fair, Hiei answered with a shrug, not even bothering to glance at Shippou when he suddenly went still. He blinked, straightening his spine slowly and pivoting to look back at the other group with greater intensity, It can't be

Kurama felt a chill run down his spine at the surprise in the hybrid's thoughts, looking back and forth between his friend and the softly chatting trio, Hiei? Hiei, what happened? Where did Sesshoumaru take you? Did he do something to you?

Hiei's mouth opened instinctively to answer the kitsune's questions when something dark flashed through his mind and clapped it shut again with a click, Sesshoumaru's warning drifting back through his consciousness.

:Two days.:

No… no, it was nothing, I just woke up and returned, Hiei shook his head and brushed him off, grinding his teeth against the distaste he felt at withholding the truth from the one person he had truly come to trust. But… he had no doubts that Sesshoumaru would hold to his promise, trading information for his silence. If I want to know what happened, he trailed off, keeping his thoughts to himself as his hands clenched into fists against his sudden agitation. But I'm feeling them, hearing parts of their thoughts now. Shit, I was even speaking like this with Kagome as though it was the most natural thing in the world. How did I miss that?!

`He's lying,' Youko's stunned pronouncement nearly had Kurama's mouth falling open, but he managed to stop himself just as he felt his jaw go slack.

That can't be, Hiei wouldn't lie to us about this! Kurama shot back, but the protest sounded more like a plea for reassurance than the surety he'd been aiming for.

`He is,' Youko's hands curled into fists, tamping down his injured feelings at the implication of distrust and covering it with an angry growl. `That bastard taiyoukai did something to him, and he won't tell us what it is.'

Hiei lifted one hand to the side of his head, the muscle in his jaw flexing as he made a sound of discomfort before that hand dropped automatically to press flat just below his bruised throat at the pulse that suddenly went through him, This situation has become even more complicated.

"Now that your friend has returned, we'll be leaving you," Shinju interrupted the undercurrents of tension to call out to them, lifting his hand into a casual prayer position as he bowed shallowly. "Please be careful on your way back to the city, our woods are a dangerous place to be once the sun goes down, and it is very easy for even a youkai to get lost."

"Whoa, wait!" Kurabara was the first to shout out, barely beating Yuusuke to the punch. "Just like that? You're going?"

Shinju turned an innocent look on him, blue eyes catching the sunlight to glint in a peculiar way, "Yes, we're finished. We told you that we were merely a distraction, and now that the need for it has passed, we're going home."

"You can't just-" Yuusuke started to growl out.

"Let them go," Hiei cut him off with an impatient gesture, refusing to look at the renewed stares he knew he was drawing from his companions with his behavior. "There is nothing more to be done here, and we have our own matters to address."

Shinju's bow was deeper this time, more respectful as he turned to join his cousin and Shippou on Kirara's back, "Please see to your injuries as soon as possible. I'm certain it won't be long until we are meeting again."

Hiei nodded back in acknowledgement, deciding he liked the voluminous sleeves of the kimono for at least one things as he folded his arms in them comfortably as he focused on Shippou to test out a nagging suspicion, The miko is in Sesshoumaru's care.

Kagome is always in Big Dog's "care" after a fight, jackass, if you got close enough to see her in that state, you can count yourself lucky to still have your throat, Shippou's response filled his head without missing a beat, the blue eyes taking on a faintly green tinge as he slanted Hiei an annoyed look. And stay out of my head, I'm busy being pissed and plotting your death as slowly and agonizing as I can possibly make it.

He almost laughed, especially at the disgruntled expression that crossed the kitsune's face as the cat gave them a final growl and bounded up into the sky, but he restrained himself from giving into the strange urge, You might try, kitsune.

I said out, Shippou didn't look back, holding out his hand to make an obscene gesture he'd learned from a foreigner, knowing the youkai on the ground would be able to see it clearly.

This time Hiei did let a small chuckle escape, snapping Kurama's bewildered gaze around to him as he shook his head and turned in the opposite direction of Kirara's progress. He started to walk away, that simple action further stunning his companions enough given his usual compulsion for speed that when he neared Yuusuke and Kurabara, the two nervously gave him a wide berth.

Kurama was anticipating the twin looks that swung around to him at Hiei's passing, silently demanding that whatever was wrong be attended to by the member of their team who knew the hybrid best. He was tempted to point out that they looked like teenagers again, uncertain and awkward as they impatiently waited for Kurama to "fix it" the way he always had. Except this time, he wasn't even sure what was broken in the first place.

`I want to kill something.'

I'm not sure I would stop you at the moment, Kurama admitted with a sigh that seemed to come from all the way from his toes as he muttered a choice curse under his breath and followed, lengthening his stride to overtake Hiei's pace before readjusting to match it. "What happened to Kagome?" he demanded stiffly, silently wondering if the hybrid even intended to answer him.

"She was sleeping when I left," Hiei calmly offered that truth, glancing at Kurama's tense expression out of the corner of his eye. Easily sensing the kitsune's dissatisfaction with his earlier answers, he frowned and tried to expound without the other two hearing, She was exhausted and didn't look well, but I was told to pass along that in two days we're supposed to go to their temple. Sesshoumaru said you're allowed to "bother her" again after that.

Kurama's eyes reflected his surprise at the message, blinking as he searched the openly amused hybrid's gaze, Then you did speak with him.

`He saw our lover,' Youko prowled restlessly about within the confines of their soul, tense and wary even under the sudden wave of relief that poured through him before he opened back up to the hybrid. `What happened to her, Hiei? Who took her?'

Sesshoumaru, he shrugged. The explosion knocked us out, and the miko is a human. She wasn't critically injured, Fox, but she didn't look like she'd be waking up anytime soon. It was mostly like her energy had drained away.

Kurama slowed, starting to turn back the way he suspected led to the youkai "main house" when Hiei's hand snapped out and grabbed his wrist to stop him, "Hiei?"

Leave her be for now.

Kurama's eyes widened slowly at the stern command in his voice, momentarily stunned into silence until he noticed Hiei was still walking away, What did they do to him?

"Oi, Hiei!" Yuusuke called up to him, frowning at the disconcerting expressions crossing Kurama's face as he decided to try his own inquiry. "You feeling all right?"

"I feel fine," Hiei glanced back over his shoulder. Actually… I feel… good?

Good, Kurama repeated dizzily.

`You never feel "good,"' Youko snorted distrustfully, eyeing the youkai as he tried to wrap his mind around the abrupt difference to the hybrid's mannerisms after having been so familiar with how they had always been. But now the normally guarded youkai seemed calm and-

Calm, Kurama whispered that observation again privately, sweeping his eyes more carefully over Hiei from behind as his brows drew together under his concentration. Holy gods… that's what's different. Even the way he's carrying himself is relaxed, loose.

`There's no reason for a meeting with Sesshoumaru to alter Hiei's behavior so drastically,' Youko was dying to tie the hybrid down, pace around him and study him until he had solved this puzzle and regained his understanding of his partner. `These effects are deep if he is subconsciously effected, and worse, he doesn't seem to acknowledge he's under something's influence. What could have reached so far into him to do this?'

Sesshoumaru, obviously.

`Don't get cute with me when I'm in this mood, I'll make your life a living hell in retaliation and you know I can do it,' Youko snapped at him irritably, his mind fully focused on putting all the pieces he had of this together. `I dislike the idea of creature having the power to break into Hiei's mind so quickly and easily considering that is his own area of expertise. His barriers are damn near impossible to penetrate.'

He doesn't exactly look concerned over his condition, Kurama sighed heavily, raking a hand through his hair before he absently patted the whining rose still clinging to his forearm in silent reassurance. On one hand, he was disturbed by the very sight of his friend, the empty feeling clinging to him amidst the vibrant ki flowing all around them from the uncivilized woods. But on the other… his curiosity was nearly eating him alive, the thought that they were closer to discovering the reasons behind Sesshoumaru's abilities pounding over and over in his skull.

`Except Hiei isn't talking,' Youko pointed out the single, crucial flaw in their plans to gain more understanding. `And we can't get into his head unless he lets us in.'

"I'm hungry," Hiei's voice cut through the tension again, oddly vague and unnaturally soft as though he was testing the words out as they left his lips. He paused and glanced back at them, either not noticing or simply ignoring the unease on their expressions to see his face lacking its usual tension, "I'll find you later after I've eaten."

"Wait, Hiei-!" Kurama called out, hand raised even as the hybrid seemed to vanish. Curling his fingers into a fist, he growled out angrily and flung it out in an expansive gesture that had trees uprooting in a lopsided crescent around him, "Dammit all to hell!" He shouldn't be alone right now.

`Whether he should or shouldn't makes no difference,' Youko didn't sound the least bit pleased to be admitting to that. `Now we can't feel him any more than we can feel Sesshoumaru or Shippou, and that means if he wants to be alone, he's going to be alone.'

"Kurama, what the fuck happened to him?" Yuusuke's voice snapped him out of his internal thoughts, turning him back to see his two companions looked a bit the worse for wear in their confused and battered states.

"I don't know," he set his jaw and spun around so quickly his hair flipped out behind him before settling back into place as he continued stalking back towards the road. But I'm going to find out.