Tokyo Mew Mew Fan Fiction


* Silver Tears *
[T] by: angelpriestess
Anime/Manga: Tokyo Mew Mew Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Drama / Romance / Suspense / Angst / Comedy / Action | Type: Other
Latest Revision: November 30, 2006 19:46 PST | Chapters: 2 | Words: 3.8K | Visits: 983
Summary: after Cherri's boyfriend cheats on her, who will be there to comfort her? not to metion the fact that she just found out she's a mew mew!! When she gets her life in order it falls apart again. Luckily one blond haired boss could change everything. TO THE P read more

Cherri kisses and pet foxes
[T] by: angelpriestess
: Tokyo Mew Mew Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Action / Comedy / Drama / Romance / Angst | Type: Other
Latest Revision: November 17, 2006 05:54 PST | Chapters: 1 | Words: 1.2K | Visits: 1.0K
Summary: A girl who some how knew Elliot(Ryou) shows up one day at cafe mew mew and she's..........a mew mew? When Elliot gets hurt protecting her from a predicite(chimera anima)can this new mew wake him up? Yes i'm sorry but in this fic no Zoey(ichigo) and Elliot read more

To Be A Traitor
[T] by: midoricomplex
: Tokyo Mew Mew Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance / Action / Classic | Type: Continuation
Latest Revision: September 04, 2006 12:30 PDT | Chapters: 6 | Words: 22.3K | Visits: 3.5K
Summary: In emotional turmoil, Ichigo dives deep into her heart and asks herself what she truely wants in life. Unfortunately, she couldn't have chosen a worse time as everything she knew to be her life changes itself simultaneously, leaving her nothing to run back read more
Review(s): 8 Reviews

A snowy afternoon
[T] by: Sai_Saishi
: Tokyo Mew Mew Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Shounen / Romance | Type: Shounen-ai
Latest Revision: June 10, 2006 16:32 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 2.6K | Visits: 992
Summary: Ryou is lonely because Keiichiro went away on a mission with the rest of the team. Will a chance encounter with a setain alien make him feel better?
homophobic peoples, please don't read this because it's a KishXRyou fic, okay? ^-^;
Review(s): 1 Reviews

A stressful day
[T] by: Sai_Saishi
: Tokyo Mew Mew Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Drama / Shounen / Angst / Romance | Type: Shounen-ai
Latest Revision: June 10, 2006 16:28 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 5.4K | Visits: 969
Summary: After a stressful day of dealing with mew mews and a busy cafe', Ryou comes home and finds himself being cared for quickly by Keiichiro.
Homophobic people, please, this is a RyouXKeiichiro story, so please don't read it ^-^; everyone else, please en read more

Dragonball Mew?!
[T] by: Animeheart
: Tokyo Mew Mew Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Action / Comedy | Type: Crossover
Latest Revision: May 24, 2006 08:52 PDT | Chapters: 8 | Words: 7.1K | Visits: 4.2K
Summary: What happens when DBZ clashes with Tokyo Mewmew? When the Z warriors meet Ichigo, they must figure out a way to send her back home and try to defeat Cell in the process. But when the other mewmews are transported also, the reason is yet to be discovered, a read more
Review(s): 12 Reviews

Freedom fighters
[T] by: kougar cat
: Tokyo Mew Mew Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Angst / Suspense / Drama / Comedy / Adventure | Type: Other
Latest Revision: May 21, 2006 16:51 PDT | Chapters: 16 | Words: 21.9K | Visits: 6.9K
Summary: The Mew Mew hit rock bottom when humans find out their true identities and believe they're a danger to man kind. Now they not only face the cyniclons, but their own families. Is there no one they can trust? A war is about to begin. A war that will decide t read more
Review(s): 7 Reviews

Held Loosely
[T] by: AutumnXMidnight
: Tokyo Mew Mew Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Action / Romance / Fantasy / Comedy / Adventure / Sci-fi | Type: Continuation
Latest Revision: May 01, 2006 16:35 PDT | Chapters: 6 | Words: 15.1K | Visits: 1.8K
Summary: Komori Hoshi is just your average delinquent. Her mother, convinced that this is Komori's last chance to straighten up, ships her off to Japan where she encounters the...not-so-normal events of growing up and falling in love in a country an ocean away. Rat read more
Review(s): 1 Reviews

[A] by: kougar cat
: Tokyo Mew Mew Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Comedy | Type: One Shot
Latest Revision: April 18, 2006 11:26 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 912 | Visits: 761
Summary: What happens when Tarb stills some candy? Total weirdness, that's what! Beware cyniclon lovers! For the rest of you.. enjoy. No cyniclons were harmed in the making of this fic. If they were I wouldn't tell you anyway.