
Lonely Souls of War
[T] by: Chesna
: Gundam Wing Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Angst | Type: Other
Latest Revision: September 25, 2001 12:07 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 2.5K | Visits: 439
Summary: PG-13 to be safe, but I think it's a bit harsh. Anyway, this is a fic written in response to a challenge. It was supposed to be a sappy Heero/Dorothy fic, but I'm not sure what it came out as.

Behind Closed Doors
[A] by: Minako-chan
: Sailor Moon Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Angst | Type: Alternate Universe
Latest Revision: September 23, 2001 20:44 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 4.7K | Visits: 1.0K
Summary: Mamoru and Usagi break up - yes, we've all read a story about that. But this is told by Rei, who begins her tale with a light-hearted comment about Mamoru's sexuality, and makes a heart-wrenching discovery...just what exactly happened to Mamoru and Usagi's read more
Review(s): 1 Reviews

A New Possibility
[P] by: LadyAnikka
: Sailor Moon Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Action / Angst / Romance | Type: Alternate Universe
Latest Revision: September 23, 2001 17:07 PDT | Chapters: 3 | Words: 7.9K | Visits: 755
Summary: War has hit the Silver Millennium. The greatest darkness in history has appeared. Will the darkness be fought back, or will the Universe fall? The actions of a Prince, a Princess, and their eight guardians will decide.

A tale of hope
[T] by: Wulpix
: Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Action / Angst / / Samurai | Type: Alternate Universe
Latest Revision: September 23, 2001 14:08 PDT | Chapters: 5 | Words: 8.7K | Visits: 1.1K
Summary: A lot can happen in one's life, and the troopers about to meet someone who's had it worse then them, and they need his help.

Sorry, couldn't think of anything better. But basically the Troopers find out about Arago's partner in world domination an read more

Not My Kid
[P] by: Devon Aster
Genre(s): / Angst | Type: Other
Latest Revision: September 23, 2001 10:56 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 149 | Visits: 339
Summary: Poem. Yamcha's thoughts about baby Trunks, before the appearance of #19 and #20.
Review(s): 1 Reviews

Beside You Always
[P] by: Shimegami
: Case Closed Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Angst | Type: Songfic
Latest Revision: September 22, 2001 15:44 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 708 | Visits: 1.7K
Summary: Conan--as Shinichi--makes a heartbreaking call to Ran, just to let her know that he still cares, and that he's watching out for her. Can Ran still wait for him?
Review(s): 3 Reviews