InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Live and Let Die (Part 3): Learning To Deal ❯ Premonitions ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimers: I do not own InuYasha or any of the manga/anime characters. They belong to the wonderful genius Rumiko Takahashi. Any original characters do belong to me.
AN: Thanks much for the reviews left so far. I read each and every one of them, and greatly appreciate the time you took to leave one. And for responses to your reviews, please check out my LiveJournal at
Live and Let Die: Learning to Deal
Chapter 21: Premonitions(Warning: Lemon)
Shippou had suddenly gone from hiding in the hut and sulking to being a very cooperative, busy beaver. He had finally come out, deciding that maybe finding something to do to take his mind off of whatever his punishment might be would be a good idea. The kitsune was also hoping that maybe he could drum up some sympathy from the others if he was good and helpful until InuYasha and Kagome finally returned. He didn't have a lot of time, but he would have to make use of what time he did have.
He started out by showing up unexpectedly in the herb garden to help Kaede pull weeds. He even stayed and continued when she started getting tired and decided to take the herbs she had picked back to the hut. As he was thinking he'd done about enough of that, he spotted some rabbits encroaching on the edge of the garden. Realizing the boar would probably be gone soon, thanks to the huge quarter that Totosai had wolfed down, Shippou decided that he would try his hand at catching a rabbit. It wasn't as easy as he thought it would be. He tried to be stealthy as he stalked them, but just before he reached them, they all went jumping in different directions. He chased after the biggest, fattest one since it was the slowest. “Gotcha!” he said as he caught up with it and snatched it up by his ears. Fortunately, the poor rabbit was going one way when the kitsune grabbed him from behind and managed to snap his neck when he was yanked up.
“Well, that was lucky,” Shippou said as he looked at the plump rabbit dangling from his hand. He hadn't had any idea how he was going to kill it when he caught it. He had not even thought of that. InuYasha always did the hunting and brought everything back already prepared to cook. The kitsune had never really helped with either the hunting or cleaning.
Pleased that he had at least come up with one rabbit that could be put in stew for their dinner or for breakfast the next morning, Shippou started back to Kaede's hut. He knew they would want the pelt and didn't want to mess it up trying to do it himself when he didn't know how. The kit would give it to one of the others and ask them to show him how to clean and skin it properly.
Miroku and Sango spent most of the day out by the river. They were both tired from the training they had been doing with Kagome and InuYasha and were glad for the break. Sango was still too shy to let the monk kiss her in broad daylight, so they spent the day talking, discussing what might happen after Naraku was defeated before lying back in the grass together and falling asleep. When they awakened, it was nearing nightfall. With no light to guide them on what would be a moonless night, they decided to head back before darkness fell.
~ ^~^ ~
Naraku was getting frustrated. Why was it taking his underling so long to find one stupid boy - one boy that happened to have that single piece of the Shikon no Tama in his back that was supposed to give Naraku control over him. He had not counted on the boy ending up with Kikyou, thereby keeping the shard in his back purified so that Naraku could no longer manipulate him. And why had he not been brought any final news regarding his other plans?
It appeared that Kagome and InuYasha were dead, but there was no proof. And the tiger assassin he sent after Sesshomaru had never reported back, so what had happened to him? Did he get the shards the girl had and decide to keep them for himself? Did he think that was better than the Western Lands that Naraku had promised him if he defeated Sesshomaru and killed him? Or did he simply do his task and continue straight to the Western Lands to seize them without notifying Naraku first that his job was done? Then again, Keikaiyari was arrogant enough to do exactly that.
No matter. He would deal with him when the time came. For now, he was waiting not so patiently for Byakuya to find Kohaku and return the young demon slayer to him. He had plans to use Kohaku for his own sick amusement before he finally removed that shard and watched his life drain from him. He was saving killing the boy as an exhibition to take place in front of his sister. He was still pissed at her for turning him down and joining his enemies. Before the dark hanyou was finished, they would all be dead, and with as much anguish as he could possibly cause them.
~ ^~^ ~
InuYasha and Kagome entered the room as directed and then went through the second door to the interior room. “Sesshomaru!” they exclaimed together as the door closed behind them, and the Inuyoukai appeared in front of them.
While he was waiting, the Taiyoukai had decided to remove his concealment charm and meet his half brother and the miko in the form they would recognize him in - in all of his youkai glory. His markings seemed even more pronounced than when they last saw him the day before, and his eyes were a deeper burnished gold. He was wearing a very expensive custom tailored suit with a wine colored shirt and tie; in fact, it looked identical to the suit the man that Kagome thought might be Sesshomaru was wearing.
“Kagome, InuYasha,” he greeted them. “It has been a very long time.” Sesshomaru then surprised them both by pulling them into a hug - one in each arm.
“Sess…Sess…Sesshomaru-sama,” Kagome began. “Your... your… your arm…”
The Inuyoukai almost blanched at the comment. That was something he had not thought about; he did not know why that had not occurred to him. It had happened so long ago… He swallowed before he replied, “It eventually regenerated.” He hoped they did not ask anything further, because he could not tell them of the circumstances that led to it being restored.
Kagome nodded, and asked, “The man that came into the reception, Mr. Nishiou… was… was that you?”
“Yes, that is indeed the name that humans know me by. I have been fairly successful in the business world,” he responded.
Kagome almost choked at that statement, since he was considered one of the top ten richest men in the world. In fact, it was speculated that he was really in the top two, but no one knew the depth of his holdings since he preferred his privacy, unlike Bill Gates, who liked to flaunt his.
“But how... how did you…” Kagome stopped to gather her thoughts, and finished, “How did you conceal your true self and mask your aura? I wasn't sure it was you because it was so faint…. Now, it's so strong, again…”
Sesshomaru placed a ring on his finger, and was instantly transformed back to Mr. Nishiou. “This was something else that Totosai created. His nephew is really into electronics, and together they were able to come up with concealment charms that basically create a hologram that surrounds the youkai, making him appear as programmed. Magic worked to some extent for many of us, but when the youkai or hanyou using the charm became stressed, it would waver or even fail.
“This microchip technology that they developed, with the aid of one of my companies, has allowed many youkai to walk among humans undetected. Even when stressed, they will not lose their human appearance. They also discovered a way to help contain the aura of the more powerful youkai and incorporated that as part of it. As before, there are evil youkai just as there are benevolent ones, and it is safer to conceal what you are until you learn who is your friend and who is your enemy.” Sesshomaru pulled the ring off of his finger, and dropped it in his pocket when he was finished speaking.
“Sesshomaru,” InuYasha started to address his brother, but had been struck by the intensity of the markings on his face and the color of his eyes. Or maybe they just seemed darker because he felt so inadequate in his human body. Finally he continued, “What happened to you?”
Sesshomaru actually chuckled. “Their depth increased as my power did.”
“Fuck, you mean you're even stronger than you were? Hell, you were already one of the greatest youkai alive. What could have happened to make you even more powerful?” InuYasha questioned.
“The same thing that happened that increased your strength. I took a mate,” he answered.
“Congratulations!” Kagome said as she hugged him. “Will we get to meet her? And then we have so many questions… though I don't know what we can ask…”
“I will not tell you anything that might change the course of history. I debated over whether or not to reveal my presence to you, but when you met Totosai, I knew that it was only natural that you might wonder about me. I recognized that it would only be a matter of time before you started to either ask questions, or to look for me yourself. It was also to be the decision of my mate as to whether or not she would reveal herself to you, and she has decided that she would do so.” Sesshomaru held his hand out towards the lovely woman that was waiting patiently off to the side.
She moved alongside her husband, and bowed towards the couple. “InuYasha-sama, Kagome-sama,” she addressed them.
They bowed in return. When they returned upright, Kagome said, “We are pleased to meet you.” She noticed that InuYasha was studying her face with some intensity. She elbowed him. “InuYasha, don't stare,” she whispered.
“I… I… I'm sorry. She just reminds me of someone…” he responded. “But… it couldn't be…”
“InuYasha,” Sesshomaru began. “Do you think you are the only one capable of binding your mate to you?”
Kagome just looked from one to the other.
“No… no… it… it… it's just that… it's just that when Kagome said she thought the woman with you was human, I said there was only one that could put up with you…” the hanyou replied. “I just never expected…”
Kagome gasped. “You don't mean…”
“Kagome, InuYasha, this is my mate and my wife. You knew her as `Rin',” Sesshomaru responded.
Kagome squealed so loudly that InuYasha was grateful, for once, not to have his hanyou hearing. The miko couldn't help herself as she grabbed Rin and hugged her tightly. “My gods, you're so beautiful! It's hard to believe you were that same little girl that we know.”
InuYasha just laughed. “I knew she was the only one that could put up with your pompous ass,” he told his brother.
“I had a hard time making the decision to reveal myself to you, until my husband informed me that you had accepted the invitation, in spite of being human for the night. You were not afraid to come?” Rin asked softly with concern.
“I… I… well… Kagome's whole family wanted to come. I didn't want to let them down,” InuYasha mumbled.
“And you knew that your mate had the strength to protect you if it were necessary, did you not?” Sesshomaru asked. Even he had been stunned by the amount of energy radiating off of the miko when he removed his charm, and could feel it to its full effect.
“Keh. And it's not as bad venturing out into her world without all of my senses… sometimes they just… well… it's just too much…” he responded.
Kagome had taken his hand and squeezed it as he spoke. She knew how difficult it was for him under the circumstances, and now she knew for certain that he'd only done it to make her happy.
Rin looked somewhat confused, so Kagome explained to her how her miko powers seemed to increase in relationship to InuYasha losing his youki when he became human. They still didn't have any idea why or how it happened, they just knew that it did.
“I think I might be able to explain,” Sesshomaru offered, surprising them all.
“Huh?” “Keh?” Kagome and InuYasha said at the same time.
“I believe it is because you accept her protection, InuYasha. Instead of pushing her away, you have allowed her to help protect you when you are vulnerable. Is this not true?”
“She… she saved me the first time she found out. She's stayed up with me every mortal night since. I thought… I thought she'd be ashamed, that she'd leave me, but she stayed with me, stayed by my side. Instead of complaining that I couldn't protect her, she did her best to protect me. And… I… I… I trust her,” InuYasha practically whispered. “How did you know?”
“I can tell that you are uncomfortable, but not afraid. I can also sense the determination of your mate to allow no harm to come to you in your mortal form. I believe that it is a combination of your acceptance and her desire that gives her additional strength when you are human.
“I think I finally, truly understand why your souls bound themselves to each other before you were ever mated. You each already had a powerful desire to protect and take care of one another and were in fact doing so. Your hearts and souls recognized this, even if in your head you refused to accept it. I know that I guessed at the time that might be the reason, but now I believe that it was, indeed, the truth.” Sesshomaru stopped and put his arm around Rin, drawing her to him. “And now, maybe I understand some other things I never really did myself. It took me a long time to accept that maybe Father had not been wrong, even if humans are difficult to understand at times.”
InuYasha actually snickered. “It's not just humans, it's females. I stay so fucking confused-” he shut up as he realized that, once again, he said something out loud that he hadn't really intended to.
He shrunk away from Kagome, afraid that she would sit him, but then he remembered she couldn't. Then he was afraid she would just yell at him. Instead, she smiled at him. It was just a little, but enough to make the corners of her mouth turn up.
“It's okay, InuYasha. You try, and that's what matters. I'm confused myself half the time, so I can't blame you for being baffled, too,” his mate told him.
Then she stifled a giggle.
“What is it, Kagome?” InuYasha asked wondering if he'd done something wrong.
“I think we now know who the special customer is that the shoe shop imports those boots for,” she replied.
InuYasha looked down at his brother's feet and then at his own. “Fuck. I should've known. I told you these reminded me of his boots.” Then it was his turn to laugh. “I'm not the only one.”
“Huh?” Kagome responded.
Rin tapped her on the shoulder and grinned. “Well, at least we have good taste.”
“Of all the shoe stores in Japan, what were the chances…” Kagome didn't finish her thought.
“Indeed.” Sesshomaru then startled them when he stated, “You are not wearing your wedding bands. When do you plan to marry?”
“I had wanted to wait until I finished school. However, Jii-chan and InuYasha do not wish to delay the ceremony any longer. After considering everything, we're going to get married tomorrow at the shrine. My grandfather is going to perform the ceremony,” Kagome responded. “We're going to hold the engagement party and reception later and keep secret that we are already married.”

“Would you come,” they heard InuYasha quietly ask. “It 's supposed to be family…”
Sesshomaru hoped that the astonishment he felt because it was to happen so soon after he had found them had not been picked up on by the others. He quickly recovered and stated, “Your family would not be upset by a youkai at a Shinto Shrine?”
“You both should come,” Kagome answered. “And my grandfather knows that InuYasha is hanyou and does not object. He must accept his demon half for what it is. He just learned and accepted that his very old friend turned out to be youkai, so I think he can accept that is the family I am marrying into. The ceremony will be in the morning. Will you come, you and Rin?”
Sesshomaru looked at his brother, who was staring at the ground. This time he could smell fear emanating from the hanyou. However, he could tell that it was not because he was human, but because he was afraid of rejection. He looked to Rin, and she nodded.
“Yes, we will attend the marriage ceremony,” the Inuyoukai answered.
InuYasha looked up and said, “Thank you. You're the only family I have…”
“I know, Little Brother, I know,” Sesshomaru responded.
~ ^~^ ~
Miroku was uneasy, and quietly got up. He silently went outside of the hut and looked up at the night sky. It was so dark and so still, with no moon at all to provide light. He saw the outline of Kaede in the glow of the fire left burning outside and went to her side.
“Do you feel it as well, Houshi?” the old miko asked quietly.
“Yes. Something is coming, but what?” he responded.
They were surprised when Sesshomaru suddenly appeared at their side, as did Ah-Un.
“It is not Naraku, but his incarnation,” the Taiyoukai answered their unasked question. “He is not trying to hide his presence from us. However, I do not wish for him to come too close to this hut. Miko, will you stay with the others? Monk, you will ride Ah-Un. Let us go.”
Kaede nodded as Miroku scrambled on the back of the two-headed dragon. Sesshomaru barely let him have time to get a good grip before he took off, heading for the river. They arrived to find Kouga silhouetted against the little light that was reflected from the river, staring across the water.
The ookami prince nodded at their arrival. “I assumed the dragon must have gone to fetch you. He is a good sentry.”
Ah-Un snorted a blaze of fire as the incarnation approached from across the river. Byakuya hung back what he considered a safe distance, not wanting to have his paper crane go up in flames, dumping him into the dark water.
“So, I see that you are all still alive. How noble of you, the men come out to meet me while the ladies hide. And where is the half-breed? Is he dead, or is he cowering with the women?” Byakuya stated, partly taunting them, and partly trying to ascertain how strong the group actually was.
“What do you want?” Sesshomaru stated coldly. “You have no business here.”
“That is where you are wrong, my friend. I may call you friend, can't I? I'm here to offer my assistance. However, I don't want to be on the losing side. You see, I've decided that I like living and do not wish to die. But surely that is the fate that awaits me if Naraku completes the Shikon no Tama.
“So explain to me, how is it that you are here together? Two full youkai and a human monk? Where is the miko, and the demon slayer? Where is the one called Kohaku that Naraku is so interested in finding? And for that matter, where is the other miko? The undead one? Did the two mikos kill each other; did the slayer grab her brother and leave? Tell me, are there enough of you, that together, you are powerful enough to defeat Naraku?”
“Do not trust him. Naraku is full of deceit, as are his incarnations,” Miroku stated. “We will not be tricked into giving you information for Naraku to use.”

“`Tis a shame you do not believe me. So let me tell you this: Naraku believes the hanyou and young miko to be dead. He also believes Sesshomaru to have been killed by the assassin that he sent. In fact, Wolf, he thought you would kill the half-breed, and then his brother would kill you for robbing him of the pleasure. He appears to be wrong on at least some of those accounts since you are both here. He also thought the demon slayer would grab her brother and run at the first chance she got, though I have been unable to find them. Monk, I guess he did not put much thought into you, since he knows how to cripple your Kazaana, though I do believe he was hoping that Sesshomaru here would dispose of all of the humans that have caused him trouble. He'll be coming soon, make no doubt about it. He thinks the shards that the miko Kagome had are now in the possession of the old miko, Kaede. He believes that it will be easy to retrieve them from her. When the time comes, remember that I tried to warn you.” After he finished, allowing no time for questions, Byakuya turned and zipped off.
“So…. What do you think?” Kouga asked after the incarnation was gone.
“I think he may be playing both sides of the deck,” Miroku speculated out loud.
“Explain,” Sesshomaru said. He did not understand what a `deck' was.
“I apologize. That is a phrase I picked up from Kagome. I think that Byakuya does indeed wish to survive, but he will do it by providing information to both sides. However, I suspect something finally happened that made him question Naraku. He will sit on the fence, so to speak, not leaning towards either side until he determines who the winner might be. So while I do not trust him, his information may not be false. I think we need to be prepared to set out as soon as Kagome and InuYasha return to us, as Kagome suggested. I would rather meet Naraku away from the village. He could destroy all of the humans with his miasma, and I do not believe he would hesitate to do so,” the monk responded. He did not see Sesshomaru's eyes flash red at the thought of Naraku attacking the humans, which would include Rin.
They turned at the sound of scrambling, and huffing and puffing. Jaken ran up to them, out of breath. “My Lord, I went to help protect Rin, but was told you needed me here.”
“Stay alert, he may be back,” Sesshomaru responded before he rose from the ground. He would follow in the direction that Byakuya disappeared in before circling through InuYasha's forest to make certain that there were no unwelcome youkai.
“Wait,” Kouga said before Miroku turned to leave him. The ookami prince dropped to the ground, and removed the jewel shards from his legs. Wiping them off, he handed them to Miroku.
“Kouga, I do not understand. You will need these,” Miroku said.
“No. I promised Ayame that I would fight with my own strength, without the aid of these shards. I want you to give them to Kagome for me when she returns. I've been relying on them when I really don't need to. I'm stronger and faster than all of the other wolves without them. Having those pieces of the jewel will only make me a target for Naraku. I'll help to defeat him, but it'll be without those shards. If I survive, I'll return to Ayame to claim her as my mate,” the ookami prince responded.
Miroku grinned and slapped him on the shoulder. “So, that is where you disappeared to. You finally decided to see Ayame and ask her to become your mate. A good woman is a powerful reason to win. And you mean to tell me, she just took you back, after everything?”
Kouga rubbed his neck. “Well, no… not exactly. That was when she said I had to prove myself by fighting without the shards and survive to return to her. But I have no intention of letting Naraku get the better of me. I've already sent Ginta and Hakkaku back to the caves to let the others know. It'll be good for both of our tribes, making each stronger.”
“Well, I am happy for you. I will keep these shards safe until Kagome returns and then give them to her. Are you certain you do not want to hang on to them until then?”
The wolf youkai shook his head. “Something tells me I need to go ahead and let them go. I learned a long time ago to trust my instincts. You take them, and make certain Kagome gets them the minute she comes back. Can I trust you to do that?”
“Of course, Kouga. Kagome will know I have them, anyway. I could not hide them from her, even if I wanted to do so. Now, I think I will return to the hut and let the others know what has happened. Kaede will be worried.”
The monk felt Ah-Un nudge his shoulder. “You wish to give me a ride back?” he asked.
Both heads nodded in response, and Miroku climbed on. “I will see you tomorrow, Kouga. Sleep well.”
Ah-Un took off, and the monk did not hear Kouga's response, “I'll not be sleeping tonight, but you had better. Something tells me tomorrow will be a very long day.”
~ ^~^ ~
They returned to the shrine in the limo that had taken them to the hotel. Souta was excitedly chatting about everything he had seen, including meeting Totosai, a real demon. He had also deduced that the nephew was probably one as well.
InuYasha and Kagome remained quiet. They returned to the reception to find that her mother had been engaged in conversation with a very nice and attractive widower, and her grandfather was actually sitting at a table and playing mahjongg with Totosai. Souta was the only one who seemed to have noticed that his sister and InuYasha had disappeared. However, knowing InuYasha, he thought the party atmosphere may have been a bit too much for him, and Kagome had taken him out for some fresh air. He had thought about following, but realized if they were going to make out, he didn't really want to witness that, so he stayed and talked with the new friend he had made.
Kagome had been trying to determine when would be the best time to let her mother know that Sesshomaru and his wife would be attending the wedding. She told Rin and Sesshomaru before they separated that it would be at ten in the morning. For some reason, she had the nagging feeling that they really needed to get back to the past the next day, rather than waiting for the morning of the day following the wedding.
Concluding that in the car was probably not the best place, she held onto InuYasha's hand tightly when she said, “Mama, Jii-chan, we have something we need to tell you when we get home, all right?”
Her mother cocked her head and studied her daughter. “All right, Honey. Does this have anything to do with where you disappeared to tonight?”
“Keh.” “Yeah.” InuYasha and Kagome responded at the same time.
“All right, then. I'm too wound up to get ready for bed yet, anyway,” her mother replied.
The driver opened the door and helped everyone to exit the car and waited until they were on their way in before leaving. Once inside, Mama sent Souta up to get ready for bed while the others all went to the kitchen. Once they were seated around the table, she asked, “Okay, what's up? You are still getting married tomorrow, aren't you?”
Kagome took a deep breath as she squeezed her mate's hand. “Yes, Mama. But we met someone at the reception tonight, someone that we want to be here for the wedding - someone that should be included.”
“The wedding ceremony is only for family members, and you wanted to keep it secret. You mean you invited a stranger you just met?” Jii-chan asked.
“We know it 's just for family. In fact, he is family,” Kagome began.
“He's my brother,” InuYasha interjected.
“What?” Mama and Jii-chan asked together.
“Your brother was at the reception, and you didn't introduce us?” Mama asked. “Kagome…”
“We wanted to, but it would have been difficult with all of those people around. It turns out that Sesshomaru is well… well… kind of famous…” Kagome responded.
“Well, Honey, there was only one couple at that reception that I would really consider famous, and that was… oh my gods, you don't mean…” Mama's voice trailed away.
Kagome nodded. “Nishiou Susumu is really InuYasha's half brother, Lord Sesshomaru. He and Rin are coming in the morning for the wedding. I hope you don't mind, but I told them ten o'clock. We promised the others we would be back by tomorrow, so I decided it would be best to go ahead and perform the ceremony in the morning so we can go back tomorrow afternoon at the latest. I hope you understand. As it is, we weren't going to be able to plan on a proper honeymoon until after the reception, anyway.”
Mama sat back heavily in her chair. “Mr. Nishiou and his wife are coming here, and he's really a youkai. Is Rin one as well?”
“No, she's human, but she's his mate. They're bound together as we are,” InuYasha answered softly.
“Did you not plan to ask me what I think about allowing youkai in my shrine?” Jii-chan asked.
Kagome looked her grandfather in the eye. “Yes, I did consider it. However, I know that you have accepted InuYasha for what he is, which means you must have accepted his youkai half along with his human half. And you just learned tonight that one of your best friends is youkai, and you are still friends. Besides, I want to get married under the Goshinboku, so no youkai will have to set foot in your shrine. That is where we met, and that is where I want to be married. Sesshomaru is the only family that InuYasha has in either era, and it's only right that he be present. I am sorry if you're upset, but under the circumstances, I thought you would understand. I would hope you know I would not do anything to willingly disrespect you or this shrine.”
Jii-chan sighed. “You're right, young lady. I'm old and somewhat set in my ways. I accept that InuYasha is to be your husband, and have to accept that at least part of his family must be youkai. I guess I just never considered that they may still be living, and I might actually meet them some day. They will be welcomed tomorrow. Now, if there's nothing else, I think I'll get ready for bed. I have a wedding ceremony to perform in the morning.”
The old man shuffled out of the kitchen, leaving the three alone.
“Now, is there anything else you need to tell me?” Mama asked.
Kagome and InuYasha each shook their head `no' in response.
“Well, I think I'm about ready for bed, myself. Good night, you two. I'll see you at breakfast.” Mama got up and headed to her bedroom.
“Come on, InuYasha. I don't know about you, but I'm about ready to get out of these clothes,” Kagome stated.
“Keh,” he agreed, as he pushed back the chair to stand.
Holding hands, they headed upstairs together.
~ ^~^ ~
“What!” Naraku roared. “So, you think you can betray me as Kagura did? Do you think you will be able to survive my downfall? Byakuya, did you not realize I would know if you attempted to free yourself from me? Or tried to help others defeat me? Kukukuku… It doesn't matter, I would have disposed of you anyway, once your usefulness was over. But now, instead of a quick and painless death, I'll make you suffer. I'll make all of you suffer… The Shikon no Tama will be completed, and it will be mine!”
~ ^~^ ~
“InuYasha, I was so proud of you tonight,” Kagome said as she helped him out of his suit. “I know that was hard for you to do and that you were uncomfortable. I know you did it for me. Thank you.”
“Keh,” he responded as he allowed her to remove his tie and unbutton his shirt. Even without claws for the night, he still didn't have the hang of buttons and buttonholes.
After she had undone all of his buttons so he could undress, Kagome turned and pulled off her jacket and then her dress. She smiled when she heard InuYasha suck in a large amount of air when she was down to her black lace bra and panties. She turned towards him, but still couldn't help but to blush. “You like them?”
“Yea…yeah… yes…” InuYasha stammered, stunned by how sexy she looked in the lingerie. “They look a lot better on you than they did on me.”
That made Kagome laugh. She moved towards him and rubbed her hands over his bare chest. “It was thanks to you I found them, though, even if it was an accident.” She reached down to rub the bulge in his boxers as she whispered in his ear, “And I like the effect they're having on you.”
“Ka…Ka…Kagome…” he started, but couldn't finish since whatever thought he had just flew out of his mind as he felt her hand slip inside of his boxers, and firmly grasp him. “Kagome…”
He rested his chin on her shoulder and held on to her as she continued to work him. His hands followed the lines of her bra, and then up the straps to where he gently grabbed them, and pulled them down off of her shoulders. His right hand continued to follow the curves of her body towards her hips, while his left freed her breast from captivity. He gasped as she tightened her grip on him just before he slipped his hand under the edge of her panties and worked his fingers to between her slick folds. Her nub was already getting hard just from excitement, and he began to rub it after dipping his finger into her for moisture. He had also intended to pull her breast into his mouth, but found his chin once again resting on her shoulder as he moved in rhythm with her. Kagome had her forehead planted firmly against his chest as she continued to stroke his erection. She had him gripped determinedly, and was moving up and down. However, just before he thought he would explode, she would stop to either rub the tip with her thumb, or reach further down and roll his testicles between her fingers.
“InuYasha,” she whispered as she turned him loose. “I want you inside of me. I need to feel you.”
Kagome took both hands and pulled his boxers down to the floor, so that he could step out of them. Then, she reached behind her and unclasped her bra, also allowing it to fall to the floor. InuYasha hooked his thumbs in the sides of her panties, and gently tugged them down. He found himself on his knees, and couldn't help but to bury his nose in her crotch.
“InuYasha,” she said softly as she dropped to the floor and reached for his raging erection. “I know you need to be with me as I need to be with you.”
She was right, he didn't just want her, he needed her. He couldn't explain it other than it had to be something from his human side that was in control tonight. He was a little surprised when she lay on her left side, and lifted her right leg. Wondering what she had in mind, he grasped her raised leg under his arm, and then worked his way to where he could enter her. She reached down to help guide him into her slick heat. Not able to get a good angle to thrust, he ended up rolling her hips so that he could hold a leg under each arm. However, when he looked at his mate, even though he felt good, he had to admit she didn't look all that comfortable. Setting her legs back on the carpet, and adjusting himself so that he was over her body, he begin to pound against her.
Gods, how he loved the woman underneath him. The sweat beaded up on him and chills raced down his spine as he felt her feet dragging over his buttocks where she had raised her legs to open herself even more to him. He opened his eyes to look at her face, and see the waves of pleasure that rushed across it. He changed his angle slightly, so it made his thighs burn, but her eyes popped open and she smiled when he managed to find the right angle to hit that place within her.

“Don't stop,” she whispered, as he continued thrusting upward, and he saw her reach down between them to pleasure herself. He only regretted he couldn't do it himself, but he was using both of his arms to keep his body weight off of her. He straightened his arms to get even more of an angle, and looked down to see that she was caressing her breast with one hand while the other continued to rub between them. Suddenly, she forked her fingers around him at her entrance, and applied more pressure.
“InuYasha!” she cried out as she came. Her channel clamped down on him as he exploded into her.
“Kagome,” he said as he emptied himself into her, relieving the burning from his loins and his thighs. He settled down on his forearms so that he could kiss her. “I love you, you know.”
The miko reached up to brush his hair back. His sweat drenched bangs were clinging to his face. She cupped his face in both hands and pulled it back down to hers so she could kiss him again. “I know. And I can't help but to love you.”
“We need to go back tomorrow after we're married,” she continued.
“You feel it, too?” he asked seriously.
“Yeah. I've just had this feeling… that we need to have those rings on our fingers, and we need to get back. I don't know. I thought it was just me, that I was nervous, but now I'm not so sure,” Kagome responded.
“I was blaming it on losing my senses. It always makes me nervous, anyhow. I've just had this feeling in my gut that something isn't right. But I've had just as strong a feeling that we need to be married and wearing those rings that Totosai forged before we go through the well again,” InuYasha agreed.
“Mom and Jii-chan will be disappointed if we disappear so soon,” the miko speculated.
InuYasha nodded. “And what about Sesshomaru? He just found us, and then we'll have to leave. We won't even get to really talk with him.”
Kagome sighed. “Somehow, I think he'll understand. Hopefully, they all will. We'd better get to bed. I have the feeling tomorrow is going to be a long day.”
To be continued…