InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Collected Works ❯ In Tribute ( Chapter 67 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title:  In Tribute
Author: LuxKen27
Genre: Introspection
Universe: Post-canon
Rating: T
Word Count (250 max): 220
Summary:  Sesshoumaru reflects on Kagura’s death.

Entry for:  iyissekiwa prompt #119, “Evening” (2nd Place)

Disclaimer:  The Inuyasha concept, story, and characters are copyright Rumiko Takahashi and Viz Media.


Wordlessly, he stepped into the open field, drawing a deep breath as he cast his eyes toward the sky.  The evening was clear and cold and still, the stars overhead twinkling in multitude.  Once upon a time, this place had been filled with beautiful flowers, their scent so strong and heady he could barely stand to be amongst them.   Over the years, however, their blossoms had faded, taking with them the only other witnesses of her passing.

Now he stood in a barren field, with only his memories in tribute.

She had died so needlessly, and he had been unable to bring her back.  It was, perhaps, his only true regret in his long and tumultuous life.

She’d known him – she’d understood him – but he’d been too foolish to see that, at least at the time.

He sighed, his gaze falling to the rocky ground at his feet as the stillness of the night permeated the air around him.

At his side, a small hand touched his, her warm fingers lacing through his icy claws and giving his hand a squeeze.

“Sesshoumaru-sama,” came the sweet voice of his long-familiar human companion, “will you ever stop mourning her?”

He lifted his chin as the breeze finally came, caressing his brow and rippling through his hair.  Never, he thought, closing his eyes.
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