InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bits & Pieces ❯ Sweet and Sour ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: Sweet and Sour
Author: Spaceghst407
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Rating: T
Word Count: 250
Warnings: Inuyasha's potty mouth!
Summary: CU. Sesshoumaru teaches Kagome a lesson about pranking a taiyoukai. (Implied that Sesshoumaru's group is traveling with the Inuyasha group.) S/K

The group crowded around Kagome as she pulled a colorful sack from her trusty yellow backpack. On her latest trip home she had collected a wide variety of sweets to delight her friends. Sesshoumaru watched from afar as the energetic miko babbled incessantly about each of the delicacies, explaining their origins and taste.

The children were practically vibrating with excitement as they accepted their loot and ran off. Once everyone was happily munching on sweets, Kagome raised her head and captured the gaze of the impassive taiyoukai.

She beckoned him with a smile and he found he could not deny her. Stopping by her side, she offered him a brightly colored treat. He gently picked up the candy between two claws, mildly wary of the mischievous glint in her eyes.

Shortly after popping the confection into his mouth, Sesshoumaru's eye's widened at the overwhelming sourness. He swallowed quickly and narrowed his eyes at the now hysterical woman.

She dared to tease him? With deft movements, he grabbed the laughing woman and tilted her face to meet his own.

The press of his lips startled her and the quick swipe of his tongue ceased all higher brain function. She blinked owlishly when he pulled away. "Whaa...?"

Sesshoumaru looked positively smug as everyone stared in shock. "I required something sweet to wash away that foul taste. Perhaps you should take care with whom you challenge, miko."

Kagome could only nod dumbly as Inuyasha voiced everyone's thoughts. "What the fuck?"

A/N: Originally written for Inuyasha Issekiwa drabble contest, prompt - Sour. I figured since it revolved around Sesshoumaru and Kagome I could post it here. Hope you enjoy! =)
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