InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Demon Nature ❯ Demon Nature Chapter 1 The Family ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Demon Nature Chapter One Demon Chess

I don't own these characters, but they are wonderful!!!

Rin felt the twin scars running down the sides of her back blaze up, and she knew her master was coming home. If her bodies reaction was any measure, he would be there within the hour. Already her nipples were hard, and her inner muscles clenching in anticipation of him loving her, of her welcoming her lord and master to his home, to his domain.

That she was part of that domain, that he owned her as if she were a stick of furniture, sometimes bothered her. Mostly when she was alone while he went out to beat back the seemingly endless stream of fools who thought they could challenge her master because of her, They thought that because she was his mate, because he had not taken her and killed her, rending her mortal flesh into a thousand pieces. Little did they know that he actually did, that when they made love, and that was what it was, it felt as if he were tearing her apart and rebuilding her.

The sounds of her children, a boy and a girl, came to her, and she wished it were night, so that she'd have him all to herself, that not a moment with him would be denied her. She sighed, knowing that her thoughts were wrong, but it was how she felt. After all, she was the wife of a demon lord, one of the most powerful women in Nippon, and like her mate, was now immortal. She was twenty six, and would never age a day. She remembered the day he'd told her he needed her by his side forever as if it had happened yesterday.

The birth of their second child had been difficult, so difficult that he'd flown to Kaede who had come bringing a mid wife. It had taken all of their skill to save her life, and her master, standing over them, eyes blazing red, had been all the incentive they needed. When the crisis had passed, and it was clear that she would live, he'd allowed the midwife to leave. After that he told Kaede that if anything happened to Rin, fever, anything that could threaten her life, he would torture her to within an inch of her life, and leave her like that, to live in agony forever. Kaede had bowed low, and told him that she would see to it that nothing like that happened. And it hadn't. She'd been unable to nurse her daughter, and she later found out that for months whenever she was brought into his presence, he'd growl. And have her sent away. The girl who had nursed her, a young woman whose child he'd killed because he needed a wet nurse for his daughter, was now dead. When her services had no longer been needed, he'd given her as a plaything to one of his vassals who wanted to know how it was with a human. She'd died trying to give birth to his child.

She pulled her clothing around her, the winter chill having settled over his domain, and she decided she wanted a bath before he came to her. He liked it when her hair was fresh smelling, and her body as well. She knew that he used to find the smell of humans offensive, but she'd learned during her convalescence how to scent her body and hair.


"Rin-sama. Yes?"

"The master is coming. Run my bath."

"Yes Rin-sama. Right away."

She watched him hustle off to prepare the bathing room for her, his commands to his small staff echoing off the cave walls.

She found her children in the play area he'd made for them, his son InuTaisha practicing the art of war with a captive samurai who was spelled so that he would not be able to inflict a mortal wound on the hanyou child of the Great Demon of the West, and her daughter, the one who had almost killed her, who looked and behaved the most like her father, Sakura, her sweet name belying her nature. Even now her eyes were red because this samurai was going to die soon, and she knew once her father got home, and retired to his rooms with her mother, it would be days before another one would be brought to them.


They turned at the sound of their mother's voice, waiting, annoyed at the interruption of their game.

"Your father is coming. Please be ready to greet him."

They bowed deeply to her, and she smiled. That smile was the signal that they could approach her, and they did, running into her arms and accepting her embrace.

"Rin-sama, your bath is ready." Jaken wheezed from the corner.

"I have to prepare. He will want to see evidence that you've progressed in your training."

"Yes mother," they said in unison. She stood now and strode away, her children watching her with awe and respect. She was not like other humans they thought to themselves. She was the wife of the Great Demon of the West, and as formidable as her mate. They were afraid of her because she would live forever, and would be able to exact revenge on them at any time through her mate if they crossed her. Their father would do anything for her, including killing them. Sakura still remembered how he'd hated her for years because it had been her birth that had almost taken h is Rin from him. He would growl in his chest whenever she came near him until she'd begun to show her nature in "play". This spring, he'd promised both of them that they'd go out with him. They had only seen their father in his true form twice, and in order for them to go with him, they'd have to be able to transform as well. Even Inu Yasha could transform he'd said calmly.

As if on cue, Sakura began to change, and InuTaisha followed, their children's bodies growing, changing, until two huge demons stood where the children had been before, with golden eyes and long hair. Poison dripped from their fangs and claws. As one they turned to the now terrified captive, and pounced. In seconds a bloody heap of bones was all that was left of him, and the two demon pups sat on their haunches, licking their paws clean of the blood.

The male looked at the female, who nodded, and as one they headed for the entrance to their home to await their father.

Rin stood while her servant draped her kimono. Nothing too elaborate she knew how he would be, and despite their wealth she hated to have to get silk every time he came home. He had decided Jaken needed a mate, and it was she who waited on Rin. She'd at first balked at serving a human. A quick conference with Jaken had changed her mind, and now she was as devoted to Rin as Jaken was to their master.

"Your hair smells like jasmine, Rin-sama," the little female hissed.

"The master will be pleased."

"I didn't know you knew what pleased my Lord," Rin said softly, and the female began to tremble.

"I merely made a comment that I think he will be pleased with the smell of you, Mistress."

"It is not your place to take note of what pleases him you little bitch."

"Yes mistress. I am so sorry."

The last maid Rin had had was now history, as was the wet nurse. The Master had fed her to his children.

"Leave me."

She hustled out, and Rin sighed. She actually liked the little bitch, she had never bothered to learn her name. But she had no business knowing that Sesshoumaru liked her to smell like jasmine.

The sound of barking and growls reached her ears, and she smiled. Her back was now totally on fire, and she stood, smoothing her almost floor length hair back from her face. She would ask the little bitch to braid it, but that would be letting another of her secrets out. Taking her time, she braided it herself, anticipating his reaction to it, and how he would enjoy taking it out.

She checked their futon, it was ready, clean linens had been spread by whatever her name was, and a tea service sat ready for later. If he had come in his demon form, it would take a while for him to reach their quarters. Apparently the children had figured out what he wanted from them, and he'd probably spend close to an hour in true form so they could communicate better with him.

Rin lit lamps against the darkness that had now settled over the valley, and took a deep breath, wondering how long the little brats would occupy their father.

A scream, two screams, human by the sound of it, and then sounds of fear. He'd brough lots of play things for them, demon and human. Rin settled down to wait.

Sesshoumaru wanted his mate, but for now he was so pleased with their off spring he could put off his pleasure for now. Rin was no longer the child who used to come running to him when he'd return from his duties. She was mature now, and knew to wait for him in their chambers, where she could greet him in her own style. His son had dismembered a demon who'd refused to pay his tribute after mauling him. The poison from his fangs had burned the demon badly, but had not killed him. When he'd indicated that the noise it was making was annoying him, his son had bitten legs and arms off one at a time before tearing the torso to shreds. Sakura had begun to do the same to victim, the man's daughter, but Taisha had wanted her for another reason. She was beautiful, a cat demon, and her form was somewhat human, like her father's had been. Staying in demon form, Taisha had taken her, leaving her bloodied and torn.

The image had reminded him too much of how Sakura had left Rin, and he'd ordered Sakura to kill her, which she'd done. He hadn't bloodied himself, he wanted to be clean for Rin, but he stayed in demon form a little longer, watching as they cleaned themselves and yawned, their fangs dripping poison.

"I am proud of you children," he said into their brains, and they looked at him, eyes gleaming, mouths open and panting, like dogs at rest after being satisfied. Jaken and his wife were cleaning up the mess already he noted.

"Your mother will be hungry later. Hunt. Bring something back for her, and eat your fill. There is game to be had."

They shot off, and he closed his eyes, shifting into human form. His back was on fire now, and without a word he left the play area, walking down the long hallway to his apartments. He could already smell her, smell her arousal, smell that she was more than ready to accept him. It still surprised him how much stamina she had, that her sex drive could match his. He'd never known humans could do that, and that she was not ashamed to bring him pleasure when she was too sore to take him in. Demons women had talked about his size, but this human had taken him into her as her first, and only, lover. He had taken her first blood. Her being sore and giving him pleasure in other ways didn't offend him. His only regret was that she could bear no more pups for him, and that he'd never get to drink her sweet milk again.

Almost fully erect now, he entered into their room. she was sitting on the floor, her head bowed, her kimono pooled around her like water.


She bowed deeply, her head almost touching the floor, and he got down on all fours, walking to her.


He lifted her mouth to his, noticing that she'd painted it red, and he nipped at her lips before asking for and receiving entrance to her mouth while his hands sought the warm soft flesh underneath her kimono. It had been three months and now neither one of them wanted anything less than to be joined, to be one, to remind each other of their place in the other's life.

Sakura and Taisha, still in demon form, could smell the mating as soon as they entered the house. Shifting to human form after dropping the dead deer on the floor to be dressed and cooked, they wiped the blood from their mouths. Their father, to their sensitive ears, was purring in pleasure. Rin was overcome, moaning softly in her throat.

But for all their hearing, and the scents they were picking up, they could have no idea what was happening between the demon lord and his mate. Even now, after two children and how much love making, she was still tight, and he reveled in this, it was like having her for the first time every time. Her tore his mouth from hers, causing her to cry out, trailing his lips down her neck to her breasts, his tongue licking at the tense red buds, his fangs nipping as gently as they could, memories of the sweet milk she'd given only to him, never to her children, flooding his brain as he suckled like her child, at one breast while his fingers rolled the other nipple that now pressed against his hands, it's redness not only from his manipulation. His claws had drawn blood, it's scent laden with her need, her desire, her wanting him to make her his as he had all those years ago.

"Sesssss, Sessho…." She was moaning deeply in her throat, a sound that almost equaled the growls in his chest as he held himself back, tasting the sweet body of his woman, his mate, the only woman who had been enough to satisfy him, to make him go the long nights of his patrols without taking anyone of the females who would approach him, most of them in heat, most of them willing to bear his pup. He switched breasts, leaving tiny bite marks on the one he abandoned, a ring of blood nor circling the nipple. And she was arching now, her hands seeking his throbbing manhood, hands that barely fit around it's shaft, but that sent fire through his body and almost caused him to come. No, he would wait, wait to be inside her, his penis at the mouth of her womb, to come, to mix his body with hers, to reclaim something he was in no danger of losing. She was shifting herself, her body totally under the control of her vagina, which ached, cried for him.

"Master, please, take me…." She moaned as he tasted her blood on his tongue, the hard bud of her nipple pressing against the top of his mouth. Instead of taking her, he slipped one of his fingers inside of her, careful not to scratch her here, not wanting to cause her more pain than she could handle. He would draw it from her of course, but he wanted her to feel pleasure, to know how much her Lord missed her. She was wet, her hair damp from her orgasms, and he wanted to taste her essence, to mark himself with her scent again, to let everyone know who he sexed, and dare them to challenge him. But that was not to be now, because unable to wait any longer, she touched him at the base of his neck.

His penis, rigid with need, leapt of its own accord, and she gasped as he plunged into her, taking her all at once. He moaned as her vagina clamped over his hardness, unable to work up to the speed he wanted, instead starting at it, her body rising to meet his thrusts as her nails raked his back, her legs spread wide over him as they entered the final stages of the dance. Her moans and his cries, howls really, echoed throughout the house, and everyone inside pretended not to hear. Their voices sang an eerie duet as she screamed her surrender, and he sounding as if he were surrendering what passed for his soul, called her name, the sound ending in a growl of pleasure that caused everyone in the castle to squirm. If any of them had dared to look, they would've seen them wrapped in each other's arms, smiles of contentment on their face in the now dark room. And they would've seen the mark between her breasts, his half moon, that made it possible for him to call her from wherever he was if need be. He'd done that the night they'd done the ritual granting her immortality, and Rin made sure no one ever saw it. Rin slipped into sleep, and Sesshoumaru wiped the damp hair from her face. At some point her braid had come a loose, and her hair was all over, her black hair mixed with his silver. He had made peace long ago with the emotion she made him feel, something he didn't want to share, not even with his children. He cared for them, and by the spring they'd be able to go out with him and establish their presence. If his plans went the way he wanted, they'd defeat the demons of the north and east. The south they would have to tackle together. By next year this time he would be the God of the Humans, and with his human mate they'd rule Nippon. The humans would pray to Rin, a woman they'd know had once been like them.

He ran his hands over her wounded breasts, taking the wounds away and leaving them whole. She had full, soft, beautiful breasts he thought to himself, and he wished he could get her pregnant again, just to taste her milk. He closed his eyes to think about his plans, and to wait for his wife to awaken from her dreamless sleep to begin again where they'd left off.