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"Live and Let Die (Part 3): Learning To Deal" Reviews/Comments [ 280 ]
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 Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie nsi  On: August 25, 2006 12:25 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Another most Wondrous chapter from the Literary Goddess!! camera draws back to show wide view of area..then Nikkie runs screaming and squealing by arms waving in the air madly..silence..then Nikkie runs by again doing the same going in the opposite direction..silence.. sound of throat being cleared. camera pans slowly to noise. Nikkie beams happily into camera!! Waves ecstatically!! And now for my review!! Amazing!! Simply amazing!! Right on!! This Rocks!! Bravo!! Bravo!! Whoot!! Woot!! Whoot!! You have Shippo still being somewhat selfish but learning and Kaede saying do not wake Kagome unless you want to feel Inuyasha's ire. That was great!! I chuckled happily at that. So very true! Is very happy that Miroku kept his mouth shut about Sesshoumaru telling Inuyasha to spend the afternoon with Kagome. Looks like he is also learning!! That is wonderful!! Like the small cliffie there you left us with when Kaede said there was much to do. Loved the observation about Shippo and water. It is so true!! Kids will dive into water to play but as soon as the word "bath" is uttered they develop a hate for water. lol!! Oh my!! Miroku didn't grope Sango once!! That was sweet!! Pokes Miroku...see you can keep your hands to yourself. Liked the way you took care of Shippo's smell. Very nicely done!! Very nicely!! And the scene with Kouga allowing the others to rest...does this mean he is now starting to think about others in his packs besides himself and his wants? This could be a good side that he too is maturing and growing. Kaede went to speak with Sesshoumaru!! I love this!! How you make every character no matter how small a part they may have be just as important as the main characters!! How you give them richness of character!! How strong a presence they have!! A Sign of a Gifted Writer!! Swoons happily in awe!! Thank you!! This is so Awesome, so Marvellous!! No one is treated like an after thought!! I have read in some other stories where there is things going on in a chapter and the writer seems stuck so they just toss in a lesser character to offer up solution and pull them out again. Not here, not in your story! And I love the way Kaede and Sesshoumaru speak so respectfully to each other. Will they become good acquaintances? I enjoyed Sesshoumaru's explanation of the mind power, I wondered how they could communicate besides vocalizations with others of their kind. You have made it so very possible and factual!! Love it!! I love stories that give a good solid plausible base for out of the ordinary phenomena! Bravissimo!! Perhaps Kagome could find a book about Telepathy or come across a Psychic in her time and then relay this information back to the others. Wonder what the others would say if they learned about this, can you guess I love the Paranormal!! Absolutely a Masterful and Outstanding epic!! So beautiful!! And when Sesshoumaru stated it is hard work, that was so very warming for me, you have made it Real!! They get powers and have to learn to use them, they have to struggle to master it. It isn't just something that Wham!! Look I just got these extra powers that I never had before and never knew about and I am already a Master, here let me teach you!! I admired you even more when Sesshoumaru expressed to another the dangers involved with the powers and let Kaede understand the seriousness of the negativity of the powers. Kudos!! You have given us a situation in which there isn't a easy explanation!! That Inuyasha can produce a barrier of his own!! That is so very original!! And so Believable!! I am duly impressed and pleased beyond measure!! And when Kaede and Sesshoumaru both tried it. I was so happy. I felt like I was there in the story too.
 Reviewed By: crc31789@hotmail.com  On: August 25, 2006 07:34 EDT
Kagome!!! I hope she ends up being okay! Stupid tiger assasain... probably sent by Naraku. Gah! Well, I really liked this chapter, I was interested the whole way through. And it sounds like the next chapter will be good as well so I'm looking forward to it. I was excited when I saw you updated. I had to go back and refresh my memory though because I couldn't remember what was going on in this story at first. (I've been reading all kinds of IY fanfictions so I couldn't remember exactly which one this one was. ^^" But I straightened it out and enjoyed the chapter).
 Reviewed By: ganesh  On: August 25, 2006 01:44 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
this is agreat fanfic I enjoyed it very much it would be great if you updated it more quickly
 Title: OMG!!!!
Reviewed By: mel f  On: August 24, 2006 21:59 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Awsome, awsome, awsome!!!! cant wait for more!
 Reviewed By: bluezinthos nsi  On: August 24, 2006 20:52 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
man this was worth waiting for. and kouga thinking before he acts, a miracle! i know he turned out to have a brain in the manga but i still think he's a cocky know it all and you portray him wonderfully. now he's curious about kagome and where she's from. and his poor flunkies just aren't catching a break. i can't wait to see how ji-chan reacts to meeting the demon half of our beloved hanyou. souta obciously feels fine about it. he's souta's hero no matter what. and you leave us at a cliffie. a big one. with kouga in the group in the past getting and receiving explainations (will kikyou be there when kagome and inuyahsa get back??) and with kagome recovering in the hospital. i can't remember, does she have some increased healing abilities thanks to inuyasha's blood? looking forward to the next installment!!
 Reviewed By: crc31789  On: August 20, 2006 07:18 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I have to tell you, I was pretty sad when I noticed this was the last chapter (so far). I have really been enjoying your story a lot. I read a lot of things, fanfictions or not, and I think I'm a pretty good judge of quality and originality. I love the ideas you've come up with, the way you write for the characters, the plot of this fanfiction, everything. You are doing such a good job with this story. It's always impressive to find that. I think that this chapter was recently updated (unfornately for me) so I guess I shouldn't expect another chapter soon. I can wait, there's a few other stories I'm waiting on as well. And if you promise not to give up on the story all together, even if it takes time for you to update I'll be happy with that. And I really am looking forward to the continuation of this fanfiction! I have finished reading now. I would vote for you if I could. Okay, I just realized you e-mailed me. I'm happy to know that you will be updating soon!
 Reviewed By: crc31789@hotmail.com  On: August 19, 2006 23:31 EDT
Why is Kohaku with Kikyou? That's something I don't know about. But it seems familar... like I've heard something about it somewhere. If it's in the manga I haven't gotten that far. And I don't think there's been anything about it in the manga that I've seen... I'm confused. @_@ I think part of the reason I'm enjoying this story SO MUCh is because of all the cool things that are going on with Kagome and Inuyasha now that they've bonded. It's really interesting, and very original. The fact that that you don't go overboard with it is very impressive. It's easy for me to believe that they really are that strong. It's not a stretch and it doesn't make things to easy for them. They're still going to have to struggle, but they're going to become very formidable. Awesome! It's exciting to read about all these things, to anticipate the ways they're going to use their new powers in the future. That's why I keep hoping this story goes on and on, because I feel like there's so much you can do with all this stuff. I applaud you, I really do. *cheers* I'm also very interested in what's going on with Miroku and Sango. They don't get very much attention in fanfics, do they (usually)? Most fanfic writers pick a date in the future and say that Miroku and Sango are already married, instead of doing the work and writing about it. I really like the two of them, they're not flat, 2D characters--they have depth and deserve a bit of the spotlight as well. I really hope they can work things out and be happy... Poor Sango. And poor Miroku even. Oh and I like what you did with Shippou too. He is pretty spoiled, and that was cute went he went "Keh" and then said "Feh" later. That was a nice touch. And it's wonderful that he's learning to control his abilities! And Rin is rubbing off on him, he asked Sango before running off to find Jaken! Ah. I see about Kikyou now. Interesting. When the shard gets taken away, is Sesshy going to bring him back to life? That's usually what happens. I thought it was a good idea the first time I came across that solution. Rin likes Kohaku so Sesshomaru brings him back to life on her behalf. I wondered at first if her becoming friends with Shippou would put a wrench in that scenario but then I decided that was silly. xD BAKA Shippou! -_- I got this random idea that Sesshomaru might start thinking Shippou is a bad influence on Rin, instead of the other way around. xD Where'd he go anyway? I have a friend that's gay. He's a really nice guy and I like talking to him. I don't approve of the practice of homosexuality, but I don't have anything against homosexuals themselves. But those twins give me the heebeejeebees! Yikes.
 Reviewed By: crc31789@hotmail.com  On: August 19, 2006 23:02 EDT
YAY! *squeales* that was so sweet. I LOVE that chapter! Thank you for such a sweet chapter. And once again, kudos on the story, it really is wonderful. The "Inuyasha-fanfic-reading-kick" I've been on has become a full on obsession. I've read an unbelievable amount of them in the past two months. Most of them are pretty lame. My favorites are "The Lucky Ones" by Terri Botta and "Tales from the House of the Moon" by Resmiranda, in that order. Your story is definately my third favorite. I think I put the others above yours because they seem larger/bigger/longer somehow. Just a notch above this one. But when I compare this story to the others I've been reading they just drop away, like they're falling off a cliff in comparsion to this one. ^^ Another story I like is "A fortitious blunder" (not completed) which I'd give an "honorable mention" award. xD I'm telling you all this so you're not offended by being my 3rd favorite story, and still see that 3rd place is very high. I love your story!
 Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie nsi  On: August 16, 2006 13:20 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Review Part Two. hummm seems like more spaces this time... All the more to write!! I noticed Kagome and Inuyasha rubbed their marks after the illusion. Didn't it just arouse them to greater heights? Or it only does this when they are making love? Or would it act like a silent cry/call for the other to hear? I now have a sense of foreboding. This is twice Sesshouamru has emphasized the need to remember the lesson he taught them about their marks and using their senses. Shivers with delicious chills... This has to be again an amazing story!! I love your writings.. How you are able to transport me into the story and feel, see, hear the same as the characters do. That is a sign of a Truly Gifted and Talented Writer. Thank you for adding the update of Myoujou. I really like her and was thinking about her. I wonder if we will get to see more of her in future chapters. Blinks.. blinks... Did Sesshoumaru just tell Inuyasha to make love to Kagome... jaw drops open.. he did, didn't he. I ahd to laugh at Kaede's comment "Again" that was funny and perfectly timed after that serious scene. I loved that tender little scene in Kaede's hut after the training. And now the mystery behind Kagome's little secret!! Right on!! "Not here! We could get cut up on the diamonds still lying around!" That was too funny. LOL!! And the love scene was absolutely perfect and sooo hot!!! (Kagome got her way with his fundoushi again..) The chapter ended so beautifully!! Thank you for sharing this!! Please keep up the most awesome work!! You totally Rock!!
 Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie nsi  On: August 16, 2006 12:58 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
ALL RIGHT!! Another great chapter from Literary Goddess!! WHoot!! Whoot!! Just what the Doctor ordered!! A very nice start to the chapter. Having the girls get all blushy. I like Kagome's ability to keep quiet about a intimate part of a relationship, not like Sango. Wonder if she'll understand now that she and Miroku have gotten together.. Can always hope. Argh! Unfair! Poor Kagome was sad that Inuyasha wouldn't cuddle/sleep with her in the same room as the others. Though they did compensate by having Kagome use Inuyasha's lap as a pillow. Will any of the others either tell or in some way make Inuyasha and Kagome know it's okay for them to be together. Oh my word!! The part about Inuyasha thinking back on Sesshoumaru's illusion. That was soo beautiful!! So very touching!! SO very Inuyasha!! How you had Inuyasha have his epiphany about Kagome. I am simply and complete amazed and floored. It was almost as if this had come from Rumiko herself. You have grasped Inuyasha's torment and internal struggles masterfully. How he realized the loss, the suffering and great sadness Kagome must have gone through everytime he ran to Kikyou. And you nailed Inuyasha dead on… He thought he couldn't ask Kagome to sacrifice anything for him. I loved it when Inuyasha felt Sesshoumaru's illusion helped him to understand and realize more the depth of his faith, trust and love in Kagome and hers in him. "He did not know how or why, but he knew that she would do that only for him.".. I liked this line, so sweetly touching. What a chapter!! Bravo!! Bravo!! Splendid!! Whoot!! Great tidbit with Kouga. Though I am wondering if Inuyasha or Kagome are ever going to have Kouga speak respectfully to or about Inuyasha..? I like how Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha communicate so respectfully to each other with the telepathy. I find it rather cute. When I read that Sesshoumaru "tapped" on Inuyasha's aura.. I had a mental image of Sesshoumaru taking one of his knuckles and lightly rapping Inuyasha on the head…. LOL.. You really picked an awesome teacher for Inuyasha and Kagome… and a perfect one. He will not tolerate any slacking off nor will he go easy on them. He will be blunt and truthful.. not allowing any half attempts because of the seriousness of the matter at hand, nor will he be prone to show favouritism. He is going to be on hard task driver for them. .. heh.. Sesshoumaru is correct.. Inuyasha and Kagome would be distractions for each other. They definitely don't want to not keep their hands off each other, especially with Kagome's love for Inuyasha's fundoushi!! Giggles… I like Sesshoumaru's explanations about the telepathy that he gave Kagome. I liked the questions that Kagome asked.. I like, no, thrill at seeing her portrayed as intelligent. Don't like authors who make either her or Inuyasha out to be dumber than the anime. Which tends to exaggerate for sake of comedy/satire. Will Inuyasha be answering Kagome comment she made more to herself or will Kagome open up to Sesshoumaru? I had to chuckle at Inuyasha's concern over his brother well being and the fact that Kagome is scary when she is angry. Nice that Inuyasha went hunting for the Inu-tachi/gumi. And great little informative tidbit with the Boar skin. Enjoyed how Inuyasha returned to the area where Kagome and Sesshoumaru were training and stayed away at a safe enough distance.. I loved this sign of maturity and trust that Inuyasha has in both!! Kudos!! That was an awesome job you did with describing Sesshoumaru's illusion for Kagome. She has more fears and doubts in her mind and honestly would make for a more tormenting illusion. I commend you!! It was awesome and I loved how Kagome was able to fight it off!! That was awesome!! Sesshoumaru talking with Kagome about her fears explaining how it can be used. Looks like Kagome has a bit of soul searching to do about herself. Seems like a eye-opener that she may not have wanted to see.
 Title: i absulutly love it!!
Reviewed By: Witchlit [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 14, 2006 23:51 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
wow i love this story and it just keeps getting better!!!!....i really hope u update asap cuz i have read like all of ur stories and i rest my case when i say that this iz my favorite 1!....well keep up tha good work...love it again!!...yay!!!
 Reviewed By: ADea Neri  On: August 14, 2006 23:49 EDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
I love this fanfic. never really like shippou though. continue updating. you have fans.
 Title: Love
Reviewed By: ladytokyo [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 11, 2006 15:20 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I love your fics as always. We the fans are happy for inufan625. good luck with your baby boy.
 Title: review part two
Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie nsi  On: August 04, 2006 11:14 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
And... looks like I'm on a great roll!! Here is part two of my review... hee hee hee. it rhymned. Inuyasha was mostly honest with his recalling of the past times. (didn't mention that Kikyou tried to kill Kagome and he choose to not hear it) and the other other was brother? to the one he killed when he went full youkai the sceond time. Another tidbit!1 Yummy! Sesshoumaru will address how Inuyasha threw him from his mind and shut it down!! Oh WOW!! Am I ever wriggling to learn more!! Again another great scene between Inuyasha and Kaede! Just love it. Love seeing her being a more interactive role instead of cameo appearances. Grrr Sango has definitely forgotten the times that Inuyasha had taken care of Kagome tenderly. Thankfully Miroku was able to remind her. Having her just suddenly believe in Inuyasha would be kind of unrealistic same with Shippou!! Thank you for keeping them all real!! I like that Sango and Miroku are progressing their relationship and how it is being done. Bravo!! Sesshoumaru having an introspective moment. Coolness!! I love it when that boy ponders. So cute. (Won't tell him that) I giggled when Sesshoumaru was surprised by Kagome's reaction to defend Inuyasha from him. Will Sesshouamru question Inuyasha why he responded with sadness and fear at the illusion? Will Inuyasha tell him? Sesshouamru gone to check up on Jaken. I did laugh loudly when Inuyasha was asked to explain sex to Shippou. and marveled that he could do it without having a melt down. Sheer genius!! Brillant!! Artistic mastery!! Whoot!!! Oh my!! I feel a dark sense of foreshadowing here when Inuyasha started explaining about the possiblity of their enemies using their link. Especially with Naraku's history. shudders with chills running down back. I loved how you kept Inuyash blushing when Kagome basically told him she wanted him to make love to her as often as possible. And I swooned with happiness when Kagome expressed her total joy adn pride in having Inuyasha trusting her that much. Please Keep up the most excellent work!! I can't wait for the next chapter. Thank you and thank you and THANK YOU again for sharing this awesome story with us!!
 Reviewed By: bluezinthos (nsi)  On: August 04, 2006 10:57 EDT
congratulations on your nominations! now everyone knows you rock! ahhh, am i a pervert to think bad thoughts the first time i read soap on a rope?even though i have some in my shower shaped like a frog. i was so cute to see inuyasha explain the birds and the bees (or the hanyous and the monks) to little shippou. and at least he made mention that it was when they were older. could you just see them walking into kaede's and having rin and shippou doing an 'i'll show you mine if you show me yours?' i have the sinking suspicion that sesshomaru's test and kikyou's actual visit and going to coinside in a very bad way. and to top it off kouga will show up, when they are all working on illusions. tricky, tricky. now all we need is inuyasha to walk in on miroku and sango and we can really scar him for life! so many little things to look forward to. beautiful work as always!
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