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User Name:Sera and SSJ_DarkStar713
Name/Nick:Jennifer and Stephanie
Last Visited On:Sep. 07th, 2004, 13:03:39, PDT
Registered On:February 02, 2003
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:Sera here. Trust me, we're both weird, but I'm the weirder one. Is weirder even a word? Anyways, I made this account on here so that I could do what I've always wanted to do...

Firethroat (dragon muse): Dress in drag and do the hula?

Me: NO! Start my own Inuyasha MST series! And by the way, no more Disney movies for you.

Firethroat: Darnit.

Me: Anyways, sorry if it takes a long time between my MSTs. I somehow tend to pick REALLY long stories to do. Like my current project. It's on ff.net, and the word count for it was over 5,000 words. So, of course, I'll be taking a while. SSJ, since she's newer to MSTing and is one of the worst procrastinators you'll ever see, will be doing much shorter ones. She may also upload fanart here from time to time. She usually does DBZ pictures, and she's pretty good. Don't tell her I said it, though, or her ego will get larger than Inuyasha's, Sesshoumaru's, and Kouga's put together. By the way, some information on each of us:

Real name: Jennifer
Age: 17 (will be 18 June 3rd. WOOHOO!)
Gender: Female
Race: Oh boy. I have so many thrown in it's not even funny. *Counts* Let's see, German, Irish, Native American, English, and all of that's from my mom's side. I have no idea about my dad's, since I never met the guy.
Hieght: 5'3" Gah! I'm short! *Anime tears*
Weight: I'm a girl. If I tell you, I'd have to kill you.
Current kidnapped characters: Gohan (DBZ), Piccolo (DBZ), Cell (DBZ, and hey, he's cute to me!), Sirius (Harry Potter), and others I can't remember right now. I think SSJ and I are fighting over Fluffy, though.

Real name: Stephanie
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Race: Hispanic (This is Sera doing all of this, and she hasn't told me if there's anything else in her heritage. We're both American, though.)
Hieght: 5'4" or 5'5" (Sera: SHE'S TALLER THAN ME!! WAHHHH!)
Weight: Again, ask this of a girl, and she would have to kill you.
Current kidnapped characters: Mirai Trunks (DBZ), clone of Vegeta (DBZ, we got a hair from him, and thanks to the wonderful cloning machine, SSJ is happy), Remus (Harry Potter), Snape (Harry Potter. All the HP guys are teenagers), and more I can't remember right now.

This is Sera saying, watch where you step. Potty training dragons is impossible, and the piles they leave are HUGE.
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