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Ninja Cadets Title: Ninja Cadets
Genre: Comedy / Action
Run Time: 60 minutes
Publisher: MediaBlasters
Released On: December 30, 1996
Type: n/a
TV Episode(s)/Manga Volumes: 2
Rating:4.43 Rating          Votes: 16

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Characters: Hayashi, Kaoru, Matsuri, Poichi, Sakura, Yume

Ninja Cadets - Description/Synopsis
Feudal Japan - a time of warfare, where ninja magic and merciless martial art are employed by both sides in a bloody feud between the Byakuro and the evil Kabusa clan. Now, the Kabusa are about to unleash their most devious plan yet - kidnap the infant Byakuro princess who just happens to possess an incredible power. Alas, an honorable ninja manages to escape with royal cherub and sends the baby off to be raised in hiding...Years later, an energetic young group of Ninja Cadets are about to be put through their final exam. To determine if they possess the skills of true ninja, they must sneak into the occupied Byakuro castle and steal a secret scroll. Soon our young Ninja Cadets Sakura, Poichi, Matsuri, Hayashi, Yume and their instructor Kaoru are split into pairs and continue with their mission. Little do they know that the evil Kabusu Clan have hired highly skilled ninja mercenaries to follow them, knowing that one of the Ninja Cadets is actually the princess...

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