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Villgust Title: Villgust
Genre: Action / Adventure / Comedy
Run Time: unknown
Publisher: unknown
Released On: December 31, 1992
Type: Oav
Movie(s): 1
Rating:5.00 Rating          Votes: 1

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Characters: Bostof, Fanna, Kris, Kui, Lemi, Marobo, Ryukia, Yuuta

Villgust - Description/Synopsis
The story opens with four of the eight chosen heroes: Kui, Kris, Yuuta and Fanna. They take it upon themselves to protect the townsfolk from monsters, and so slay the evil creatures. To show their gratitude, one of the townsfolk offer shelter and food for the night. Fanna stays behind to freshen up (I guess she couldn't stand being all grimy from all that fighting another minute ^^;) while the others go off with the man that allowed them to stay to investigate his food storage. It is then that they meet another of the chosen ones, Ryukia- a very hyper-active half human/half cat person. She is found snacking on the food in the storage room. Kui, being the leader-type challenges the 'monster' to come out, which she does. Ryukia leaps onto some crates (sorry, but I'm not that fluent in japanese and therefore can't translate stuff very well) where the others can get a good glimpse of her in the dim light. She pounces at Kris and licks her (well, she is a cat, isn't she? ^_~) and Kris gets all freaked out and swings her sword at her. Ryukia easily evades Kris and then hops off Yuuta's head (causing his helmet to go down over his eyes) and leaps away, leading the others on a merry chase.

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