Liverpool Yellow

Anyway, this pic is old –from my high school days. I’m not sure if this pic even belongs on… but I guess just tell me if not. It was pulled out of a calendar, and I think we’re all familiar with this image. It’s quite well known. But I only painted their heads, and did a slack job on the clothes. And no, I don’t take credit for the colouring scheme. It was already “antique” looking in the first place. Does that make it okay to display this image…? >_> Was done in watercolours (Ah! Something I can do! I’m horrible at the fangled CG stuff, you computer whizzes!), and it’s a big pic. I had to scan it in sections and piece it together. Much fun. You can still see creases in the paper… The title. Ah. I’m kinda odd when it comes to them. The Beatles are from Liverpool, and the pic is yellow, hence the name. Hope you enjoy my crappy old school art work. 😛


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