Shadow Angel

She was an angel, just like all the rest, dressed in white, with white wings and a golden Halo. Until the day they came. The angels who had turned evil, those whose robes were red with all the blood they had caused to be spilt, their wings black with the evil they contained. She met one of them. Growing to know their story of torture that had caused their strife, their choice to inflict their suffering upon others to, if only for a second, forget their own pain. She knew she was the only one who could bring back together these angels but, in befriending this dark angel, she lost her pure white, the knowledge turned her outfit to black and her halo to a grey. Her wings, however were barely touched by grey, leaving her free to fly to the heavens unpained. Only two remained loyal to her after this, the dark angel, and her best friend, who was still a pure angel, with only a tint of grey to her wings, loyalty has its price sometimes after all. She was the lone shadow angel, an outcast, the only one standing between light and dark, and the only one who could stop the eventual dystruction of both sides, the only one who remembered that a story never told is forgotten, and that a story can only be remembered to be learned from, if there are any left to tell it in truth. This is a drawing for a stary I’m starting as you probably guessed from the description so far. Oddly ehough I made the drawing first, then thought of the story, then did the background. The drawing itself was done in pen. Then the arms were redone in paint because I couldn’t draw hands and had to put her hands behind her back. The background was done entirely in paint.


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