/ ❯ Roots ❯ Sympathies and Revelations ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own the series or its characters, only Gohan…and only in my dreams. Pah.

Summary: There aren't enough Gohan stories out there. So, I'm writing one. Ever noticed how much Gohan and Bardock are somewhat alike? Both are brilliant, both strong, and both a little unorthodox…Bulma makes a sudden decision based upon this, and in result they get a visitor…

No Mary-Sues in this. I know how much you all loooove those…

Takes place about a year before the World Martial Arts Tournament during the Buu Saga..

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Chapter One

It was a sunny day, and the sky was dotted with fluffy white clouds so distinct that several friends and family members could be made out from the features of the cotton puffs that hung lazily in the sky. Otherwise, the sky was clear and the color of the sea it watched over.

Master Roshi's island was a strange sight in a sea otherwise unpopulated by islands, and certainly none as small as that particular one. Still, it served as a perfect meeting place and hangout of what could possible have been the most sought-after social circle in the world, made up of those from legends.

Krillin smiled and chatted pleasantly with Tien and Yamcha, absently stroking his daughter Marron's head. 18 looked on in amusement at this, but said nothing.

Vegeta was trying his hand at grilling but his mounting frustration became sorely evident when he tired of the long time it was taking the meat to cook and blasted the pieces instead, roasting them finely. Bulma sighed, but she couldn't rightly complain. It was probably done better than it would have been if he had just held out and done them the right way-he wasn't that great at doing anything the right way, but only his way.

The Twin Troubles were rocketing around in the water, playing Marco Polo, even though it was a little hard with only two people. Gohan had promised to join them later.

Gohan was sitting next to his best friend and mentor Piccolo, teaching the Namek chess. He seemed particularly interested in the rules of the pieces' movements, and commented in a low voice to his young friend that it was very much like real life, chess. Gohan smiled and nodded, before humbly taking out the other's rook. Piccolo rumbled a grunt-he never could grunt very well, though he did it often; Gohan figured it was like trying to whistle-and scratched his chin thoughtfully.

Bulma smiled at the two of them while Vegeta loaded perfectly done hamburger patties (all the while smirking at her) onto a plate. It had been a while since the Cell games, and Gohan had now reached the age of fifteen. He was still as sweet as ever, something Vegeta frequently grumbled about, as it was a disposition that a Saiyan shouldn't really be prone to. Gohan was heedless of the Prince's mumblings. When one spent a lot of time with the Vegetable, one learned to tune him out.

Bulma sighed. Out of all of them, she felt that Gohan had gotten the worst deal from his experience among them. Ever since he had started training after Raditz came, he had seen his father maybe half of the following years. Maybe less. And after Goku died, Gohan didn't have a single family member other than Chi-Chi until his little brother was born. Goten had been a welcome distraction to all of them with his ever-sunny cheer, but mostly to Gohan. Goten was a living, breathing example of what Goku must have been like as a child. Bulma smiled, remembering, and decided that that was exactly right. And it served as a comfort to his older brother.

Ever since Goten had been labeled as Goku's mini-him, Vegeta had taken on a different attitude toward the two. Goten, like his father, rarely wore a frown and seldom remained in thought for more than two seconds. He was outgoing and friendly, and more than a little goofy. Unlike his brother, Goten showed absolutely no interest in schooling. Chi-Chi hadn't minded much; she, too, had seen his father in him and was probably comforted by his presence since the death of her husband.

Gohan, on the other hand, when compared to the bundle of energy, was quiet and reserved, tending to stay away from society in general. He didn't have quite as many friends as Goten, but his own were his closest. He was much more studious and thought before he spoke.

The reason why Vegeta had started acting differently was because he saw all this and realized that Gohan was probably more like a Saiyan than he had originally thought. Goten was always going to be like his dad, but Gohan-he had potential. Oh, he knew that the kid was never going to have that thirst for battle, a trait attributed to the Saiyan race in general, but other than that (and the moodiness-Gohan's gentle temperament remained constant), Gohan was actually very Saiyan-like. Not to mention that he had been born with a tail-which, about twice a year, would grow back stubbornly, and Piccolo would hastily get rid of it-and Goten had never so much as had a bump on his bum.

Now, by acting differently, Vegeta did not show any more compassion for the boy, per say, he just didn't insult him as much or as openly, and actually seemed to think about what he was going to say before he said it to him. Bulma wished he did as much for her, but she didn't mind, really.

"He should have more," Bulma murmured. Vegeta looked at her quizzically. Bulma originally would never have explained, but for some odd reason she felt her husband would understand. He followed her to a shady spot next to the house, where they sat down in the cool grass.

"Who should have more what?" Vegeta half-demanded, half-asked, not bothering to be blunt.

Bulma considered. "Gohan. Family, or close friends. I don't think we're doing him much good."

Vegeta cocked an eyebrow at her. "Which is what I've been saying. He's three-quarters Saiyan. I'm the only good influence he's had."

Bulma snorted.

Her husband scowled, but chose to reason, which surprised the other. He would only seriously argue about things he seriously thought about. "You are all nurturing his human side. He's human, but not all human. He's got a heritage that he's barely even looked at. And what good would it do? Practically the entire Saiyan race was destroyed." His voice was bitter. Bulma's hand crept over his in a rare gesture, which he did not refuse.

"I know what you're talking about. I guess you could say his heritage is 'sweet-and-sour', and we've only seen his sweet side…I feel bad for him. I mean, it's better for Goten; he's…what, only one-fourth Saiyan? One third?"

"About," Vegeta confirmed. "And too much like Kakarott." He thought for a moment. "Too bad Bardock isn't here. He'd have been good for the boy-he was brilliant and powerful. Gohan would have been close to him."

Bulma stared at him. "That might have been the nicest thing you've ever said about Gohan-or anyone else for that matter."

"Don't expect it again anytime soon," Vegeta growled. Bulma squeezed his hand.

"It is too bad," she agreed. "I think, from what I've heard of Bardock, that they are very much alike. How did he die again?"

"Killed by Frieza."

"Oh. Didn't someone-can't remember-wish with the Dragonballs, that everyone who had been killed by…by that monster…would be resurrected? Or something like that?"

Under her hand, she felt Vegeta's stiffening. His eyes widened.

Bulma looked at him warily. "I don't believe this."

"Neither do I."

"You don't believe what?" asked a voice from next to them. Krillin had just come out, having gotten a glass of refreshing lemonade from inside the house. He looked curiously at them.

"That a potentially big group of Saiyans are still alive," Vegeta said bluntly. Krillin dropped his lemonade.

"Way to go, hotshot," Bulma muttered. Then she thought of something. "Oh. Wait. If they had survived, wouldn't they have gone back to Vegeta-sei? Where they had been when they died?"

"Bardock and his group didn't die on that planet. They had been on a mission at the time."

Bulma said nothing for a moment. Krillin let out a little squeak. Then, without warning, Bulma bolted straight up into a standing position that startled the other two. "That's it!" she cried triumphantly. "We use the dragon balls. First wish: that all the Saiyans are returned to this dimension. Second: that Vegeta-sei be repaired! Or maybe the order should be reversed," she mused. Both men stared at her, clearly shocked.

Krillin was the first to speak. "Bulma! I know you'd do this in good intentions, but they're-they're Saiyans! What makes you think that they're not going to go back to their old ways and, you know, kill everyone?"

Bulma frowned. "They only did that because they were working for Frieza, right Vegeta?" He nodded, somewhat uncertainly. "And, you know, Gohan could meet Bardock! He could learn about his heritage without spoiling his sweet side-he could have a family again!" Krillin and Vegeta saw a bit of desperation in her eyes, and realized how much she had been hurting for her dead friend's firstborn.

A moment of silence. Then Vegeta nodded solemnly. "I think you're right." He didn't mention, and didn't need to, the fact that if they carried out this wish, his own father would be returned to him, and already would have been, if Bulma's previous assumptions were correct.

Krillin plainly could not believe that this conversation was taking place. "Let me get this straight. We're at a nice party, you two go off by yourselves-never a good thing-and decided to resurrect a race of mercenaries so Gohan can learn about a past that no-one else but YOU really wants him to know about? Is that it?"

"Pretty much," Vegeta said pleasantly, which meant that he was seriously enjoying the bald man's immense discomfort. "We've already got all seven of the dragon balls here; we just need something to do with them."

Krillin seemed like he was seriously thinking about giving them a list of possible things to wish for OTHER than to bring back to life a race of killers…and then quailed as Vegeta sent him a dirty look. He sighed and sat down morosely, muttering about stupid monkeys…Bulma clapped her hands.

"I say we do it right now," she said enthusiastically. "Let's tell the others!"

"Are you INSANE?!"

Bulma flinched. Everyone was staring at her and Vegeta, who was looking distinctly pleased at having caused a commotion. Goten and Trunks, sensing that something interesting was happening, had wandered over. Everyone's mouths were hanging open in shock, and Master Roshi wasn't noticing that the glass he had been filling was overflowing. Krillin just had his head buried in his hands.

Gohan was in shock. After all he had heard about the Saiyans…they wanted to bring them back? He was all for second chances, but…this…Bulma avoided meeting his eyes.

"So, ah, if we're all agreed," she said, "we'll start."

"No, we are not all agreed," Piccolo snapped. "They're murderers. You can't wish them back. And besides, you'd need Dende to make the wishes for you, and he's not going to help you do that, if that's the wish you want."

"Gohan could convince him," Krillin said earnestly, surprising Bulma and even Vegeta. He must have had a change of mind. All eyes turned to Gohan, who looked uncomfortable. Suddenly, it was all up to him.

He cast his eyes down. "I'm not so sure I should be making this decision."

"Of course you should be," Vegeta said shortly. "You're mostly Saiyan yourself. This is a chance to learn about your heritage. You could even meet your grandfather Bardock."

Gohan's gaze was still directed towards the ground. "I don't know about this," he said slowly. "I mean, I know you're trying to do this partly for me"-Bulma's eyes widened: how did he guess?-"but how would they react, being dumped into a new reality?" A hesitation crept into his voice. Bulma saw that he really wanted to make the wish, but wouldn't do it without the others' approvals…

"I say we do it," Piccolo said simply. He, too, had seen the consideration, and was willing to do it just to make Gohan happy. Bulma smiled at him. Yamcha just stared at him incredulously. Gohan sent him a secret, grateful look.

"Well," he said nervously, "I'm not against second chances…" he glanced around the group.

The others, save Bulma, Vegeta, Krillin, and now Piccolo (and oddly enough, Goten and Trunks), looked doubtful. But they all remembered Gohan from when he was very young, and that shy, innocent look still worked wonders. They took just one look at his face and relented.

Tien tried to manage a smile. "Let's go get Dende. We should bring the dragon balls to him."

It took two solid hours for Gohan to convince Dende of their plan. The others sat outside the palace, with Mr. Popo wringing his hands fretfully.

Inside, Dende was more than a little ticked at Gohan, who didn't even look like he was too sure of what he was asking his friend.

Finally the two emerged, Dende looking disgruntled, and Gohan trying to hide a smile. He clapped the Namek on the back and said cheerfully, "Tell you what. If they blow up the world, I'll buy you an ice cream."

"Chocolate and frogs' eyes?" Dende perked hopefully. Gohan paled, but nodded. Dende, considerably cheered, walked over to where the dragon balls were waiting expectantly. He raised his hands and called out mightily for the great dragon to appear.

A blinding light caused them all to shield their eyes, and a massive boom sounded as scales emerged on a long, winding body writhing into the sky. Dende shot one last pleading look at Gohan, who said nothing. The little green Namek then sighed and made the wishes…

Far away, a phenomenon was occurring. In the time it took to blink an eye, clusters of matter condensed together and rock joined. The clump grew bigger and bigger, with more particles coming together, until it became as large as Chikyuu itself, and then bigger. Faster than one could breathe, lakes, streams, mountains, forests, they all grew. Exotic birds suddenly erupted into the new atmosphere, and furry creatures scuttled below.

And, all over the planet, people with long, furry tails began to appear, bewildered and gazing in shock at the twisting, shifting land around them, so closely resembling their devastated home.

In the middle of them all one man appeared, a king, with tall, spiky black hair. He stared around him in amazement, and dropped to his knees and gave thanks to God.

Back on Chikyuu, the Eternal Dragon rumbled his words, "It is done."

With that, and another blinding flash that lit up the darkened sky, he was gone. The dragon balls flew in separate directions, to be found and joined again another day. In the place where they had used to stand, a group of men and one woman appeared. Standing in the middle was a man with wild, uncontrollable hair and a too-familiar face that brought pangs to Gohan's heart. The new arrivals looked around them, bewildered, and Bulma stepped forward.

"Welcome to Chikyuu."

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Sorry, it was a little short, wasn't it? Please review and tell me how you like it. La.

Next chapter, um, Bardock gets to know more about his grandchildren, and what his son was like. Another big decision is made…hope Veggie didn't seem too out of character; I honestly think he's not QUITE as barbaric as most fics play him out to be…or maybe he is. We all dig the bad-boy thing, right girls?