6teen Fan Fiction ❯ 7teen: Comic Catastrophie ❯ Frustration ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Author's reminder:
I am NOT Mykan Spotswood… we are nothing alike. He's just a fictional character I created for 6teen, and gave him my name… nothing more.
Also, I claim no ownership to the Gerry Anderson Supermarionation series. I just really, really like them… so I'm honoring them.
Caitlin had the day off work because the food court was an ideal place to hold a large portion of the dealer's room; the area of the convention where most of the good stuff was sold. Like comic-books, art sketches, stuffed animals and figurines. So the lemon and all the tables were temporarily moved aside, but the rest of the food court was still open, which meant Jude still had to run “Stick-It” before his Ice-Rink duties, and Starr was already at “Vegan Island.”
Jude allowed the gang to hang at “Stick-It.” and he offered them a free lunch of freshly new kebabs, “None of which were dropped on the floor.” he pointed out. The others trusted him; he had kept “Stick-It” cleaned and tidy since he regained management.
As they ate, “So what do we do now?” Wyatt asked.
“Get a milkshake or two?” Jude asked.
“I meant... What are we going to do about Mykan?” replied Wyatt. “You saw how steamed he looked, and Mykan's usually never like that.”
Caitlin had to agree. Having dated a lot of boys and reading their emotions she could tell that something was really bothering me. Jen decided that everyone should go and check up on me to see what was going on.
I was at Comic-Cavern, both working on my computer, and helping my customers pay for their stuff, but I was still looking pretty grumpy. Some of my customers were concerned. Some of them began to leave when I started banging my head against the glass of the display case in front of my computer.
“Whoa, whoa…! Easy there.” Nikki said. “That's what I like to do to get away form things I don't like.”
I sighed and sat back in my chair, I apologized for yelling at the others earlier. “I'm just so incredibly frustrated.” I told them.
When asked what was bothering me, I explained to the others that my business was actually starting to fall on a little hard times, and needed some extra cash if I wanted to both pay my bills and support, and buy and do nice things for my girlfriend, Amelie. I gazed at her framed portrait on the wall of fame as the marquis-lights dances around it.
I really loved her, and she loved me. A year and a half we'd been dating and the days just grew more romantic than the last. Even though she sometimes would flirt with me and ask me not to spoil her, I just couldn't do that.
What I needed to do to make more money, for a sort of self-bonus, was make new comics of my own series. Fireball XL5… Stingray… Thunderbirds… and, Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons
I was even hoping to enter the convention's special “Idea of the year” contest. Like I did every year, and I actually won last year with my own series, but if I wanted to win again this year, and boost Comic-Cavern's reputation to attract more customers… I needed something new. Not just for my own series… but maybe even something completely new. A new series maybe…!
“I've been at it for weeks now, and here the convention, two days away, and I've still got nothing.” I groaned. “D-ARGH! I've got to come up with something, and fast!” I rubbed my head in frustration and almost knocked my shades off. “Ugh! I'm going for a coffee… alone if you don't mind. Could you guys watch the store for me?”
The others were more than happy to.
As they looked after the store, Jude was doodling on some blank paper. “Jude… What are you doing?” Jonesy asked.
Jude explained he was just doodling for a gag. The girls got a good look at what he was drawing; it was picture of the sky… and a car? “Uh… Jude…” said Nikki, “Last time I checked, cars couldn't fly in the air.”
Jude knew that, and explained that it was his own vision of a car, “It's called Supercar.”
It was his idea of a special vehicle that could travel in the air, underwater, on land, even in space. It really was a supercar. The others actually took a shine to that.
Wyatt even remembered how in seventh grade he put his own self in a comic-series he tried to make, but he wasn't too good at it. “I still have it.” he said as he reached into his backpack.
The others were amazed to see that Wyatt had drawn himself… as a cowboy? “But I thought westerns were your enemy?” asked Jen. Wyatt admitted that things were different for him back then, and he did still have a teeny soft spot for the western frontier. “I always imagined a place full of magic in those days.” he sighed.
It then turned out that everyone had their own special drawings and stuff…
Jonesy had been into spies ever since he was nine, and thought he'd come up with the idea of being a nine-year old spy.
Nikki was once into sci-fi too, and created her own character who was a captain for a space-patrol.
Caitlin had done that too, and it was like she and Nikki made a good team… for once, since the usually had hardly anything in common.
Jen was almost reluctant to show what she had done, but one time… she went to a religious school when she was in grade one, and almost thought those people were nice, and somewhat cool… that she actually wondered if there was more to it? What if they had something to hide, like if they were secret agents?
“Wow. Lame!” Jonesy mocked. His stepsister rolled her eyes. “Well at least it's better than a kid being a spy. I mean… come on.”
The others sighed as once again the stepsiblings got into a squabble. Luckily I had come back from my coffee break, and the others decided to take their leave. However, they had forgotten to take their drawings backs.
I found them lying on my desk, “Huh? What are these?”
I never recognized the drawings at all, or who they were about, but as I gazed at them, my eyes began to twinkle behind my shades. “That's it! Of course!” I felt a great leaping of joy in my heart and brains… so I dashed upstairs to my private sanctuary and began to getting work making some new comics.
That's when Wyatt came back looking for the pictures that were left behind. He found them on the front desk, and assumed I was in my sanctuary and didn't want to be disturbed. “I wonder if Mykan would get an idea or two from these.” He wondered. “Nah… that could never happen.”