6teen Fan Fiction ❯ 7teen: Midnightmania ❯ Time to Party ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Jonesy and Jen sent phone-calls to everyone saying that their little get-together would be on that night after all, except there were still a few problems. Nikki and Caitlin explained what was going on…
How Jude and Starr were suffering from overeating. Wyatt and Serena were still down in the dumps about their pasts… and Amelie and I… well we had been out of touch for a while now, but they were guessing that we were still in France with our flight still delayed due to the storm.
“Oh, no…!” cried Jen. “Any night but New year's eve…”
“Well what do we do about it…?” asked Jonesy. “There's no way we can just head across the planet and get Mykan back here in a snap?”
The girls all gazed at him with a straight look. “What…?”
It became obvious that there was nothing they could do about my situation, but they did however have ideas about what to do for the others. “Leave Jude and Starr to me and Jen…” Caitlin suggested. “You two talk to Wyatt and Serena.”
Nikki and Jonesy agreed, and they were off.
“And just how are we going to help Jude and Starr…” Jen asked. “Since what do you know about overeating?”
“Jen… my mom's a doctor, remember…?” replied Caitlin. “One time, I pigged out way too much on a thanksgiving dinner, and I got the stomach flu. So my mom showed me what to do so I could get better faster.”
Jen wasn't sure if what she was about to into was a good idea, “All right… let's see it, whatever it is…”
Caitlin giggled cheekily, and as she closed up the lemon she handed Jen a brown paper-bag. “You're going to need this…”
Jun was confused, but still she trusted that Caitlin knew what she was doing…
Serena and Wyatt were at “Grind-Me” on a coffee date. They both seemed pretty blue and silent as they just sat there. “It just feels so weird…” Wyatt finally said breaking the silence.
“What…?” his girlfriend asked. “The fact that we're both together on New Years Eve…?”
Wyatt smiled softly yet sadly, and he explained how he remembered the time during that other New Years Eve
(Seduction music is heard)
Serena was having her difficulties with Chad and was hanging with Wyatt for comfort. It looked like he was finally going to get that second chance he had longed for.
They even gazed into each others eyes and shared a hug… but that was all way before fate intervened again, and Wyatt's heart got that knife through it…
Wyatt couldn't hold it in, and let out his trademark moan. Serena had another tear of guilt to shed. She could only imagine how hurt Wyatt was, and having taken so long to realize that she was more of a tramp, and a monster than everyone else saw her to be.
“Wyatt… I really don't think I'm up for a party tonight.” Serena finally said. “I don't feel like going and being such a wet blanket and make things look bad.”
Wyatt actually agreed with her, “Maybe we should just have a quiet night to ourselves…?”
“Or maybe you two should wake up a smell the coffee before drinking it all down at once.” Jonesy said.
Wyatt and Serena were startled by his and Nikki's sudden appearance. “Hey! Watch it…” Wyatt snapped. “How can I smell the coffee if I spill it…?”
“And what are you two dropping in our private conversation anyways…?” Serena asked.
“Oh please…” said Nikki “You guys could be heard from like a mile away.”
Wyatt and Serena were confused, “Could we really…?” asked Wyatt.
“No… of course not.” replied Nikki.
Then they sat down and began to badger Wyatt and Serena about being a pair of Drama-Queens. “We are not…” Serena protested.
“Oh sure… that explains that teardrop stain on your fly-jeans.” Jonesy said. Serena covered her mouth with one hand in embarrassment.
“Now look you-two… you've got to get a grip and let go of your traumas. It all happened well over a year ago.” Nikki said.
Wyatt snorted, “Yeah, right… how can we just ignore it like that when, in a bizarre way… it helped us get back together?”
“So what…?” Jonesy said. “You two are going through bad memory lane, big deal. Look at Nikki and me; we don't exactly have it smooth either.”
Serena and Wyatt realized that was true, Nikki and Jonesy really didn't have it perfect. The way they kept on having speed-bumps in their relationships, and Jonesy having to actually act mature for a once…
It took some time, but they finally made it back together. “So quite whining about yourselves all the time.” Nikki said.
“Yeah…” her boyfriend added. “Just do what we do. Kiss and make-up.” and he kissed Nikki passionately. Nikki threw her arms around Jonesy and kissed him back.
Serena Wyatt decided. “Can't be beat that…” so they joined in, and they actually felt lighter. After a while, they didn't feel so bummed anymore. “We'll see you guys at the party tonight.” Wyatt promised.
“Hey… what about Jude and Starr…” added Serena. “I heard about their stomach aches.”
“Oh… I'm sure Caitlin and Jen are looking into that now.” Jonesy said.
And indeed Caitlin and Jen were…
They had Jude and Starr both in the loathsome washrooms. Yes, Jude was in the ladies room… they were both in separate cubicles, and moaning angrily and painfully as they both continued to bark into he toilets almost endlessly.
Poor Jen now realized why she needed her barf-bag. All this was making her nauseas herself. “Caitlin are sure about this…”
“Oh totally…” Caitlin answered. “My mom told me the more you barf the more you'll spew out the virus.”
“Dude… WAAAH…!” cried Jude through his barfing. “This almost feels WAAAH… Awesome.”
“I haven't puked like this since you last went in my mouth.” Added Starr, and the thought of that made her sick to her stomach even more. “BLAAAH…!”
That night
They had all gathered at Jonesy and Jen's place…
Their parents were out that night, and Courtney, Robbie and Diego were off having New years with friends. This meant that they had the whole house to themselves. “IT'S TIME TO PARTY…!” Jonesy shouted.
Drinks, snacks, and sick amounts of pizzas and junk food were on the table. Everyone pigged out, and everyone belched loudly too.
There were party games… but not the kiddy kinds. They played things like Spin-The-Bottle… Truth-or-Dare… Jonesy was dared to head back to the mall and steal Ron's security hat… and he actually did it.
About two hours before midnight… there was a knock at the door. “Mykan…?” Wyatt cried.
“Ta-Da!” I cried happily. “What's happenin' guys?”
“Salute mes ami added Amelie.
There was an exchange of hugs and fist-bops. “How did you guys get back in time?” Jude asked.
“Uh… we flew over…” I joked, and I explained how the storm let up quickly and we were able to make it back on time. “And I've got souvenirs for everyone. Travel slides too…”
The others couldn't wait to see all the things I had brought back. Models of famous France Landmarks, like the Eiffel tower. New French swimsuits for the girls. Even bottles of expensive French cologne for the guys.
“Whoa… this stuff smells great.” Jonesy said.
“Pah… yeah right…” Nikki said but one whiff of her boyfriends new scent, and she practically lunged at him in a passionate embrace.
We all took a look at my travel slides of all the fun things I did and places I went while I was in France, and finally… came the big moment everyone had waiting for.
“Fifteen seconds people…” Jonesy said. “Commence final countdown!”
We all huddled together, and we all counted down, with Amelie counting down in French “Ten, Dix… Nine, Neuf… Eight, Huit… Seven, Sept… Six, Six… Five, Cqinq… Four, Quatre… THREE, TRIOS… TWO, DUEX… ONE, UN…! ”
We all went absolutely crazy. Throwing confetti, blowing noise-makers, and leaping for joy… along with everyone else in the world who were celebrating the marking of a brand new year.