Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Goddess ❯ A Meeting of Past and Present ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sailor Goddess
A Ranma One Half Fan Fiction
By Michael A. Ivins
Ranma, and all of his/her friends and family are the creation of Rumiko Takahashi. I do not own any of them, nor do I own any of the characters from Ah! My Goddess or Sailor Moon. I'm writing this for fun, not profit. I'm so poor that suing me wouldn't do you much good.
WARNING: This is a sequel to a previous fic I wrote called, “Nodoka's Lessons.” That was a Lemon fic. While there won't be as much emphasis on sex (it will be more implied than described) in this sequel, it will deal with subjects like incest. If these subjects offend you, stop reading.
Chapter 20
A Meeting of Past and Present
After finishing up her housework, Ranma checked on the children. One of the twins was awake but he just smiled at his mother and laid his head back down. The red haired mother could hear the telepathic message, “Love you, mommy.”
The redheaded mother broadcast a wave of love over the children in the room. Her son laid his head down and went back to sleep. Ranma smiled. For the moment, all was well. She thought about going out crime fighting, but decided it was not wise to leave the children unsupervised even if Akane was asleep in the bedroom.
Ranma went to the dining room and sat down at the table. She didn't bother to bring the baby monitor with her. Her telepathy was far better.
She took her computer from stuff space and set it on the table to get some work done. Getting a remote link to Chronus at the Gates of Time had been tricky but worthwhile. She checked on the progress of the probe scanning the starshell. Aries had been as good as his word. Two hundred probes had been dispatched and more than half of both interior and exterior had been mapped.
Aries had explained it to Ranma. The first probe had taken time to design and build. Once the prototype was done it was a simple matter to use magic to create endless duplicates.
The redheaded goddess gave orders to the computer. Once the mapping was of the Star Shell was complete, Chronus was to do a temporal scan on the shell's history. She wanted to know who built it and if possible, why. She also wanted to know what had happened to the builders. It would be helpful to find out when the energy harvesters had been sent out. Now that they had the starting point it should be possible to find out how many harvesters had been sent and where they had all gone.
She directed Chronus to link the information directly to Aries' computer as well as the Terra Computer. That way Aries would have the most up to date information.
After doing that she forwarded the most recent predictions on business trends to Nabiki. Ranma was careful to keep it fairly general so Nabiki wouldn't get in trouble for insider trading. With the information Ranma provided, Nabiki was able to build the family fortunes at a steady if unspectacular rate. The reason for the conservative approach was simple: people who became fabulously wealthy overnight attracted attention. Ranma wanted to keep a low profile. Regardless, their fortune continued to grow all the time.
Ranma had a few other chores to complete on the computer and found herself with free time. She could go in the yard and do katas but decided to meditate. There were a number of exercises she could do that would increase her ki and magic capacity. While she was closing in on being the strongest of the gods in those categories, she was still a way away from realizing her full potential.
A couple hours later she went to the nursery to tend to one of the babies.
The following afternoon Ranma teleported to the home of the Outers carrying a large paper bag. When she came to the door, Ranma was crushed in a hug from Hotaru and kissed. The other women watched this with an amused expression.
Haruka cocked her head at an angle and asked, “What's in the bag?”
The redhead goddess smiled. “I brought you some new toys. These should help you with the decision on what you want to do.”
Ranma reached into the bag and pulled out a long narrow box. She opened that and brought out a very realistic looking dildo.
Setsuna got up from her chair and walked forward to look at the fake penis. After looking for while she said, “That looks like…”
“Mine,” finished Ranma. “Yes, it was modeled on my penis down to the last vein. I know all of you ladies have tried dildos. I had these made so you could practice. I don't want to hurt anyone so I'm giving these to you as a gift. There are three more in the bag so each of you can have one.”
Haruka seemed to be struggling with the concept. “You had a dildo made of your own penis?”
Ranma had the grace to look embarrassed. “It's not a new idea. Eros gives dildos of his penis out as party favors whenever he throws a party. There's got to be hundreds of thousands of the things out there by now.”
Michiru said, “I'm almost afraid to ask what kind of parties this `Eros' throws.”
Laughing, Ranma shook her head. “Orgies, of course. What other kind of party would you think they'd hand out dildos at?”
The aqua haired woman looked bemused. “I guess that would make sense.” She turned to Setsuna and in an accusing tone said, “You recognized it.”
With a self-satisfied smile the Senshi of Time explained, “I am intimately familiar with every millimeter of the original. Michiru, how do you think I got pregnant?”
Michiru just blushed.
Setsuna reached out and took the dildo from Ranma's hand. She exclaimed, “It's warm!” She began to run her fingers up and down the length and pronounced, “It feels like the real thing.”
Ranma explained, “It won't ejaculate, but I was told there is an attachment you can get that will allow it to do that. In the bag I also have two harnesses in case you want to try these as strap-ons.”
Setsuna looked confused. The end of the dildo was a flat surface. “How does it attach?”
Ranma pointed to an end table and said, “Set the flat end on that table.” When Setsuna had done so the goddess directed, “Press the left testicle and say the word, `attach.'”
The Senshi of Pluto shrugged and did as directed. The dildo seemed to settle onto the table a little bit. When Setsuna tried to lift the dildo up again it didn't move.
The goddess chuckled. “It's a `sticky' spell, like we used to attach the explosive charges on the Cloud Ship. To get it off there just press the same place and say `detach.'”
The dildo easily released from the surface when pressed. Ranma commented, “It will also do one thing the original doesn't do. Or at least I haven't learned how to yet. Press the right testicle and say the word `vibrate.'”
Upon compliance with the instructions, the dildo began to vibrate with a low buzzing. “To change the vibration press again and either say `speed up' or `speed down.' To turn it off say `vibrate' again while pressing the testicle.”
Setsuna finally set the dildo aside. Ranma explained, “The warmth and vibration are maintained by magic so you don't need batteries.” The goddess pulled boxes out of the bag and handed one each to Haruka, Michiru and Hotaru.
The blonde and the aqua haired woman looked at their boxes as if they expected them to attack. Hotaru, on the other hand, opened hers and started to experiment with the dildo's functions. It was obvious the girl wanted to get some privacy to give the dildo a “proper” trial.
Ranma explained, “You can try these and see how you like it. If you don't like it you can tell me and we won't try it with the real thing. It should give you a chance to get used to the size.”
When she looked over at Hotaru she found the youngest Senshi was running her tongue up and down the length of the dildo. With an amused chuckle, Ranma said, “I think Hotaru is looking forward to trying the real thing.” The girl looked up and nodded vigorously.
Michiru was still blushing. “Hotaru, dear. Should you be doing that in the living room?”
Hotaru stopped and considered that for a moment. Finally she said, “Why not? If we do that ceremony you were talking about, we'd all be together in the same room either having sex with each other or with Ranma (or both.) You guys all had sex together at least one a week for several months.”
Michiru reasonably pointed out, “All of our sex play was done in the bedroom, not the living room. If you want to keep playing with Ranma's gift, maybe you should go to your bedroom.”
Hotaru muttered something under her breath, but put the dildo aside for the moment.
Ranma spoke up again. “There was another reason I brought these to you.”
The others looked with questioning expressions.
“Akane and I were talking about having another child. He agreed with me. We're going to do it.”
Setsuna asked, “Did you just call your wife `He?'”
The goddess said, “Well, I hate to bring up painful memories, but do you recall the fertility clinic?”

Pluto's eyes went wide as she thought about that. Finally she nodded. “Right.”
Haruka asked, “What's she talking about?”
Setsuna looked embarrassed as she asked, “Remember when I was going to interfere in Ranma's ascension to goodhood?”
A light seemed to dawn. “I had forgotten.” For Hotaru's benefit Haruka explained, “Ranma's wife had access to magic that would let her turn male. He had left a sperm sample at a fertility clinic. They messed up and gave Ranma sperm from her own male form so she's mother and father to her twins.”
Hotaru ventured a guess. “So now you want to have a kid where Akane is the father?”
“You got it.”
Curious, Hotaru asked, “How does Akane feel about it?”
Ranma smiled, “I think he's excited by the idea of being a daddy.”
Her manner turning serious, Ranma explained, “I'm going to help Hotaru out when you can agree on a day and how to approach it, but pretty soon after that I'm going to get pregnant again. That will mean I won't be able to change into a man for nine months. According to my midwife I could change back to male the same day I give birth, but it's better to let my body adjust before changing. I did it with the twins.”
Hotaru picked up the dildo again and looked at it. When she looked back at Ranma, she summed up, “So, basically you're saying we shouldn't get too fond of the model for this because in the not too distant future it's not going to be available for a while.”
Ranma nodded. “That's right.”
Showing great insight, Hotaru asked, “Ranma, do you like being a girl more than being a boy?”
Being honest, the goddess said, “I'm not sure any more. At the time I got pregnant I was pretty sure I liked both equally. That's sort of why they gave me this silly yin/yang job. What makes me less sure of it now is the fact that I really like being a mommy. I like it when my wife becomes my husband. It may just be the side effect of being stuck as a female for 10 months. Maybe I should try to be a guy more to get used to it again. But I want to have another kid with Akane.”
She sighed. “Since I'm immortal now I guess I've got a lot of time to get my male and female energies back in balance after my next kid is born.”
Now feeling real concern Hotaru asked, “But what if you do decide that you like being female better?”
The goddess shrugged, “Then your `deflowering ceremony' could be the last time you see my male form. The thought of being permanently female used to terrify me when I first got the curse, but now somehow I don't feel like it would be a major big loss.”
She paused for a moment then continued, “As strange as it is to me to be using my father as a role model, I think I am following her example. My father used to be one of the most macho and woman hating people you might meet. I honestly think the only reason that he got married was that he liked sex and wanted to hook up with someone who was a good cook. Now his curse was changed so he would change into a woman. It seems he was a much better person as a woman than she ever was as a man. She voluntarily asked to be a woman permanently so she wouldn't go back to her old ways. She got married to her old training partner and had a child by him. I just heard yesterday that she's pregnant again.”
“I honestly don't know if being female made my father a better person, but she believes it did. I don't know if being female has made me a better person. I do know that I used to be rude, arrogant and hard to get along with. Changing into a girl gave me a different perspective on girls and I'd like to think it made me a better person. I don't know if staying that way would be better. I guess that's a question that I'll have to find an answer for after my next kid is born.”
Haruka looked at the box in her lap. “So even if we decide we do like sex with your male form, you are giving us these to substitute after you get pregnant again.”
With a nod the redhead answered, “That's the idea. I'd point out that after I give birth the next time I'd still be able to change to male. I might not want to, but I still could. Maybe you'd better be sure if you like it or not before you start getting upset over it.”
Haruka's expression went to half angry and half amused. “This better not be some `get it now while supplies last,' kind of come-on.”
Ranma laughed. “I promise you, that's not what I have in mind. I wouldn't have even mentioned it if Hotaru hadn't asked me if I like being a girl more.”
The goddess got a faraway look in her eyes.
She finally focused back on the women with her. “Where were you?” Asked Michiru.
Ranma smiled. “I was thinking back to a time when I felt completely female and didn't have a single masculine thought in my head.”
“When was that?”
“About a month after I first became a goddess, all of the rest of the sex deities threw me a party to welcome me to their ranks.”
Setsuna looked at Ranma, Thinking back on what she'd said about parties thrown by sex deities she asked, “Was this party an orgy?”
Ranma laughed, “Well, yes and no. In truth it was more like a gang bang. And I don't mean it like you've heard that term used.”
She thought about it for a time. Finally she said, “At a party hosted by Eros there were sex gods and goddesses from all Earth pantheons as well as those from several other worlds. For about four hours I had male organs and goddess dick-clits in every orifice. On the few occasions during that when there wasn't an organ in my pussy, I had my own dick-clit in the pussy of a sex goddess. A few times I had a cock in my pussy while a goddess was sucking on my dick-clit (while I had cocks in my mouth and ass.)”
Ranma got a far away look in her eyes as she said, “Even with all of that going on there were hands or other… appendages caressing nearly every part of my body.”
The goddess thought about what she had just said. After a moment she amplified, “That sounds kind of crude from that description but it wasn't crude at all. It was gentle and tender and loving. By the end of that party I felt completely welcome, deeply loved and totally female. I don't think that last part was really the intention, but it was the effect.”
She seemed almost lost in the memories. After a time she continued, “I had more orgasms that day that before or since. When I was learning about sex I found out about a pressure point. If you touch two points on a woman's body you can trigger a repeating series of orgasms that will continue until the woman passes out. I have since found out that a goddess can't pass out from having orgasms.”
The goddess sat for a time. “When that pressure point was used on me I found out that most sex goddesses can get between 200 to 250 orgasms before it stops. You don't pass out, but you do feel dazed and disoriented. Most mortal woman pass out before they reach a hundred orgasms.” She smiled fondly at the memory.
After a moment she said, “Here's a suggestion for your `deflowering ceremony.'” Ranma explained her idea in detail.
Hotaru's eyes got really wide. She looked at the other women with pleading in her expression and voice, “That sounds so wonderful. Can we do it like that? Please!”
Haruka and Michiru looked a little stunned. Ranma added to what she had said, “After Hotaru has a chance to rest and recover from her session we could do the same thing for each of you. If you want to chicken out on the full thing we can skip me doing you as a male. You really shouldn't miss out on the experience. It makes a girl feel loved.”

The two senshi looked in each other's eyes. They glanced at Ranma then back to each other. Finally Haruka asked, “Could we get pregnant from doing this?”
Ranma shook her head. “Do you remember me telling you that goddesses can't get pregnant unless they want to?” The others nodded.
The goddess explained further, “With sex gods they can control how fertile they are. It can range anywhere from completely infertile to super-fertile. Infertile is just what it says. With super-fertile you would get pregnant as long as you have a functioning uterus and ovaries, it wouldn't matter what part of your cycle you were in.”
“How is that possible?”
The goddess explained, “It's magic. The normal condition for the fluids ejaculated by any god is infertile. If he really wants to be the father of a child the magic that attaches to the sperm makes them fertile. When a sex god very strongly wants to be a father the magic lets the sperm be super fertile. If there is no egg ready in the womb, the sperm will go fetch one from one of the ovaries and tow it back to the uterus where it will then fertilize the egg.”
She laughed, “I think that for this little party I can leave it at infertile. It pretty much has to be that way or Heaven would be overcrowded in a relatively short time. Besides that, if what I've heard about sex gods is true, the earth would be overrun with half divine brats in no time.”
Setsuna joked, “Oh, and you're nothing like that.”
Ranma raised an eyebrow. “Besides my wives, you're the only woman I've been with as a male god.”
The green haired woman had the grace to blush.
Ranma commented, “You know Sesuna, just because you aren't a virgin doesn't mean that you couldn't have a turn at this too. Did you want to?”
The eldest Senshi looked surprised. “It sounds like it would be a totally decadent experience. I don't think I've done anything like that since that bath house during the Roman Empire. Hmm, why not?”
Putting things on a practical basis, the goddess asked, “So when do you want to do this? Do you want to wait until after we take care of the Cloud ship people?”
Setsuna looked like she was ready to slap her forehead. “Oh, good question. I'll need to check in with the computer at the Gates.”
Ranma held up a hand. “I checked before I came here. Aries sent out more probes and the mapping was half done. I instructed the computer to monitor the scan. When the mapping is complete the computer will compile a broad outline of the history of the people who built the star Shell.”
The Senshi of Time glared a little. “I thought you weren't going to take over the job.”
“I was just trying to help.”
Setsuna waved that away and asked, “Do you have any ETA on the completion of the mapping?”
The sex goddess nodded. “With all the extra probes on the job, Chronus estimates probably no more than a few days. For the history compilation, it may take a few more days.”
The green haired woman considered that. Then she asked, “Hotaru, do you have the day off from school on Saturday?”
“Yes, Setsuna mama. This Saturday is our day to have the whole day off.”
The Senshi of Pluto nodded. “It sounds like we won't be able to present the full report until after the weekend. Let's plan to spend Saturday in our little orgy party. Do either of you have plans?”
Michiru said, “I was going to rehearse for a concert a week from Saturday. I can still rehearse on Sunday. If I need to I can practice the pieces I plan to play here next week.”
Haruka looked thoughtful. “I have a race a week from Saturday but this week I've got the day free.”
Setsuna said in a satisfied tone of voice, “And I've got nothing scheduled for that day that I can't move. Will Saturday work for you, Ranma?”
“It's my mom's turn to watch the kids. I shouldn't have any problem.”
Haruka asked, “When do we start?”
Ranma thought for a moment. “We should probably should start right after breakfast. It could take all day so you might want to have some sandwiches made up ahead of time for lunch and snacks. I won't need any because what we'll be doing will energize me better than any food could. I don't know if we'll be going that late but you might want either some made in advance food for dinner or get some kind of quick heat-and-eat food. The key thing is to not distract from the main event in the bedroom.”
The others nodded. It made sense. The goddess said, “Haruka and Michiru have the biggest bed, so that's where we should plan to meet.” She stood up. “I do suggest you practice with the dildos before Saturday. Get used to the size so there won't be any bad surprises.”
She smiled at the woman and prodded the bag with her toe. “Don't forget the harnesses in here if you want to try those dildos as strap-ons. I've got to go home and relieve Akane watching the kids.”
Setsuna stood up as well. She said, “Even if you do have things programmed at the Gates, I want to check in anyway.” With that she teleported away.
There was a surprise waiting for Setsuna when she arrived. There was someone seated on the couch. From the back she could tell it was a woman with long black hair that seemed to have a streak of green running through it.
Alarmed she shouted, “Who are you. How did you get…”
She trailed off as the stranger stood and turned to face her. She was a tall woman who looked about 25 years old. She was a real beauty whose face resembled Ranma's female form. She was dressed in the fuku of Sailor Pluto.
In a rich contralto voice the young woman said, “Hi Mom. Daddy said you told him about me visiting you about this time. He told me I'd better take care of it.”
She looked at the Senshi of Time who was standing with her mouth hanging open. She shrugged and said, “I guess I should make this a formal introduction, since this is really the first time you've met me. Me being in your womb right now doesn't really count because we can't talk to each other yet. I'm Saotome Sakura, Senshi of Time, Goddess of Time and your daughter.”
“My… daughter?”
In a cheerful tone the young woman said, “Yep, the same one that's in your belly right now. I know you are used to dealing with your future self but now that I'm safely a `bun in your oven' future you thought the time was right for us to meet.”
The older Senshi looked over her daughter, in the process regaining some of her composure. Finally she said, “You're so… beautiful.”
The younger woman blushed and said, “Thanks Mom, but I come from good stock. With you and Saotome Ranma as my parents there's no chance I'd turn out ugly.”
“Did Ranma help raise you?”
The young visitor shrugged. “Well… with me, the twins and the kids he had with Akane and grandma Nodoka, he was kind of busy being both a mommy and a daddy. I didn't see as much of him as I wanted to, but I understood.”
“So we named you Sakura?”
“Yeah,” the other Senshi agreed. “Personally I think it would have been a better name for the Pink Menace but I already had the name when she was born, so her mom named her Usagi. I thought it was kind of silly giving her daughter the same name as she had but she already knew what she was supposed to name her. To be fair, by that time she was going by Serenity more than Usagi.”
Setsuna's eyes went wide. “Small Lady did get born, even without Crystal Tokyo?”
The younger woman shrugged. “Just because the Great Freeze won't happen doesn't mean Crystal Tokyo won't be built. It's just that it won't be the capitol of the world. Crystal Tokyo will be one of great Crystal Cities of Earth along with Crystal London, Crystal Paris, and Crystal Washington. I was never really heard a satisfactory explanation why they also build Crystal Denver. There were others too.”
“Serenity doesn't become queen of a new Moon Kingdom, but she does become the queen of Japan. As to the daughter of Serenity… well with the active relationship Serenity had with her `prince' I'm amazed they didn't have a dozen kids. The Evil Spore was just their first. They had six kids total.”
“'Evil Spore?' I get the impression you don't like her.”
Sakura nodded. “I never understood it. She adores you and daddy. I don't think she hates me but she delights in tormenting me and playing practical jokes on me. Maybe she blames me for taking your job.”
The dark haired woman shook her head at the memory. “I was there at the hospital the day she was born. The first time they let me hold her, she peed on me. That sort of set the tone for our relationship ever since. If she's being relatively civil to me I call her Usagi Junior or just Junior. If she's being annoying, she's the Pink Menace. If she's being really obnoxious, I call her the Evil Spore.”
Thinking about it, Setsuna asked, “How well do you get along with Ranma's other kids?”
Sakura smiled. “They're a great bunch. The twins are my best pals. We've gotten into all kinds of mischief together. If Ichirou wasn't my half brother, I'd probably try to marry him.”
The older woman seemed surprised. “You love him that much?”
“I do,” the time goddess affirmed. “For a long time I've been trying to talk him into getting together with me and making a baby, but he insists it wouldn't be right. He said that just because daddy had a kid with grandma No-Chan, doesn't mean he's going to have sex with his sister. I still think that's an odd attitude for the son of a sex god/dess.”
Setsuna wasn't sure how she felt about her daughter having a baby with her brother. Well, she'd have a lot to time to think about it. She asked, “Will Ranma get over this thing about not wanting to be a man any more?”
The young woman shrugged. She said, “You'd find it out for yourself soon enough. Daddy goes through phases with his gender bending. Right after Akemi was born he spent a full year as a woman and didn't change to male once. During that time she was one of the most feminine and maternal women you could ever hope to meet. She was like your favorite mom from a TV show. When I was a baby I didn't know any better and thought all daddies were like that. When she changed, I was really confused.”
“Changed?” Setsuna prodded.
The other Sailor Pluto continued. “After being Mom of the Year for a little over a year, she became like this outrageous tomboy for most of another year. Then he did an abrupt turn around and was a totally macho guy. The only saving grace to that period was that he wasn't arrogant like he was before.”

“Since that time he's alternated. Most of the time he's pretty balanced where he acts masculine when male and feminine while female. Sometimes he still will veer off to one extreme or the other. I found out by looking back with the time Gates.”
Setsuna protested, “I could never get the Gates to lock onto Ranma after she became a goddess.”
Sakura laughed. “It makes a difference when it's a goddess who is operating the Gates.”
Puzzled the older Sailor Pluto said, “I thought you were only half goddess.”
“Based on inheritance I started out that way. Later I got promoted.”
With a frown, Setsuna said, “Kami-Sama told me that Guardian of the Gates of Time was not a position that a deity could hold and keep.”
The surprising answer was, “I'm not in the job permanently. I start out doing it for a century then you take over the job again. I'll give you a decade off every century or whatever kind of schedule you want to work out. Maybe one year out of every ten or even a month out of every year. You should keep in mind that any time both of us are incapacitated, Daddy can fill in.”
Suddenly the younger woman stepped forward and put her hand on the older woman's shoulder. “Mom, you aren't alone any more. You have others to share the burden with. After you get done training me, Dad and I'll always be there to help out or just talk to.”
They just stood that way for a while then moved in closer for an embrace. Sakura whispered, “I love you, Mom.”
The two stayed that way for a while before Sakura teleported back to her own time. Setsuna set to work reviewing the information that Chronus had collected.
Author's Note: Saotome Sakura never made an appearance before because it would have given away too much about the future and could have caused a paradox. Chibi-Usa Lives! Also Party at the Outers' house.