Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction ❯ Rind, the Ring, and I ❯ Rind's Bane ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Rind, goddess First Class entered the great hall of Sessrumnir. She had been idle for a few days after the Angel Eater incident and was anxious to get back to work. Even the other Valkyries considered her a workaholic.

Brynhild met the purple haired goddess in her spacious office. There was a great view of the cityscape through the window behind her desk.

"Cappuchino? Espresso?" the leader of the Valkyries asked her friend.

"No thank you. I would prefer pomengrante juice, though," Rind replied.

"So….how was Earth?"

"We prevailed but at a price. The Daimakaicho may not yet be done. I need to be on standby in case she tries any more treachery."

"Fear not," Brynhild said. "I have Thrud ready to go. I'm assigning you to a different task."

Rind wasn't too happy to hear that. She blamed herself for the last fiasco and wanted to make sure Belldandy and the others weren't in any more danger.

"Could not Thrud have taken whatever task you're giving me and leave me on her watch?"

"Sorry, but this mandate comes from Freya_sama herself."

Rind's lip curled. She had butted heads with the Efficiency Expert on more than one occasion. The combat goddess felt the latter had too many departments to oversee to actually know what really was going on in each one.

"Fine.What is this task?"

"Andvaranaut has fallen into mortal hands…."

"My role is to protect goddesses and Heaven, not interfere with matters on Earth," Rind objected.

"Let me finish," Brynhild snapped. "Throughout time, we have aided humans in various ways…"

"I am not qualified…" she began.

"You will take our chosen candidate and provide him the means of counteracting Andvaranaut," continued the blonde tressed Valkyrie. She knew Rind could be headstrong, but her devotion to duty would win out.

"Where is this candidate?"

"We will send you to his location and you will start his training."

"A human male?" Rind sighed. This was getting worse. Trouble had always befallen Valkyries in the past when they defied orders by overly helping mortal men. Brynhild herself had been punished a long time ago. "It will take a lot more than teaching a human battle techniques to prevail against a foe bearing Andvaranaut."

Brynhild grinned at her comrade. She reached out and handed something she had been palming throughout the briefing.

Rind's expression changed to surprise. "Draupnir," she breathed. "This candidate is so worthy?"

"It's up to you to make sure he is. Godspeed."

The goddess of the axe stared at the shining ring in her hand incredulous.