Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction ❯ The dreamer and the goddess ❯ The tiger within ( Chapter 39 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Tiger within
Michael aimed at Marrler and was going to slice her in a rage when suddenly Marrler raised a shield that rebounded him backwards.
Marrler: You are but a mere mortal, attacking me would be suicide! Why don't you give up and hand over that sword.
Michael: Never!
Michael rushed at Marrler and they both parried each others blows, Michael's sword and Marrler's shielding and evading kept each other at bay. Yet during the combat Michael's was channelling his rage, his spirit, his love for Yuna, his passion for the people and his friendship into his Wu fang sword. Making each attack stronger and ferocious, like a enraged tiger.
It therefore took some time before finally Michael was able to break Marrler's shielding. He then scratched and kicked Marrler onto the floor.
The others watched what was happening, but Urd noticed something else, black stripes were forming on Michael's body.
Urd (Thinks): Oh no...
Urd had every right to be worried, for Michael was tapping into the sword for too long and as a result, is becoming more and more primal. He couldn't think straight, his instincts were becoming more blurred, voices feel out of place and he felt like a tiger on fire.
Marrler stands up and noticed the enraged Michael coming towards him.
Michael: You... must... die...
Marrler: I will never die, I CAN NOT DIE!
With that she unleashes all her dark energy on Michael, yet she discovered that Michael was deflecting most of the attack with his sword before he suddenly ran up and thrusts his sword right into Marrler's heart, disintegrating her. However, it would not be the end of her, instead she is sent back to regeneration in her hideout.
Keiichi came out of the temple, the conflict was over yet as he was about to run over to Michael he was stopped by Urd.
Urd: Hold it.
Michael turned to the others, his eyes was bloodshot, there were scars and tears in his fleece and trousers and black stripes was visible all over his body. He was breathing in a way that it felt like a growl.
Urd and the others knew what was happening, they could sense what's going though Michael.
Keiichi: What's happened to him?
Belldandy: Because Michael tapped into the sword for too long, he has become primal. He can't be able to distinguish friend or enemy.
Skuld: What should we do onne-sama?
Urd: There is only one way to revert the effects, his spirit needs time to realign and reassess and he needs sleep to do that.
Belldandy: Let me try to help him sleep.
She stands in front of Michael and summons her angel, Holy Bell. She then begins to sing a lullaby to him. The sweet, melodious, angel tones were reaching Michael but were unable to stop him.
Urd: Good idea.
Urd then stands beside Belldandy and summons her angel, World of Elegence. She adds her singing to the lullaby, its strange sultry mix adding to Belldandy's singing.
Michael stopped growling and listened, his eyes couldn't make out what was happening but his ears starting to hear the sweet,warm,magical melody that made him feel warm and cared, comforting his aching heart and healing his wounds. Yet he can't seem to be able to understand what was happening.
Then he heard a third voice, something very familiar, something mature, melodious, spiritual, warm, cosy. He could now make out who he is seeing, it was Urd, Belldandy with two other angelic beings beside them, and now Yuna standing in front of him, all singing to him a sweet and lovely lullaby which started to take effect on him. His body started to feel loose, his mind felt calm, his eyelids started to get very heavy and then he slowly fell asleep. But not before his slightly clear mind thought one thing:
Michael (Thinks): Thank you... my friends.