Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction ❯ The Secret of the Fae ❯ Fairy Tale Fairies ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 8 - Fairy Tale Fairies

A/N: Yesterday I watched the Ah! My Goddess movie. I got loads of
inspiration from it and decided to start writing right away. I've
decided a total overhaul of a fic that isn't in dire need of it is
unrealistic. I have received a review over at FF.net that says I
overuse adverbs, which is what I'll be editing for mostly.

It's amazing how many ideas came from watching the movie. I changed a
lot of what will be happening in chapters beyond this one.

Also, please review! I'd love to hear what you think of this!

It was a significantly more talkative group that walked the glades of
the Fae realm after the fight. Everyone was congratulating Pacatus on
a job well done, Callida the most vocal of all.

"Wow, I thought we were done for sure!" she said happily.

Pacatus didn't react much. He seemed to be basking in the glow of his
victory without any boasting. The gang was talking so much that they
barely noticed when they came upon the Faerie village. The journey was
much quicker when they were actually speaking.

Belfar was at the village entrance. He looked as massive as very but
it looked like he was very tired. Keiichi could see why, after all,
they were at the brink of war.

"Hello," he said apprehensively.

"We have the Gnomes' support," Belldandy said, smiling. "And also the

Belfar smiled. "That's wonderful," but the smile faded as he saw

Pacatus, used to this reaction, immediately explained his presence.
"The Elves...they banished me for speaking out against the war.
Belldandy and the others let me tag along."

Belfar didn't seem too happy with this, but his smile returned, though
fake-looking. "Well then...I extend the utmost welcome to you." He
then saw Callida, but he already seemed to know her purpose, merely
nodding at her.

This reaction perplexed Keiichi. "I hate to send you off so quickly,"
Belfar began. "but the Elves have been courting the Pixies. We have to
move quickly in order to get their aid."

"But they hate us..." Skuld said.

"Yes but they don't hate the realm as it stands. We must get their
help. It's very important that the sides are not equal. We all know
the Elves outnumber us."

Belldandy nodded, though in a reluctant sort of way. "They're just so

Belfar smiled. "You all should be off now. The Pixies live south to

The group all nodded in unison. "We'll leave now then," Skuld said.

"When you come back you'll be able to rest," Belfar promised.

"Good," Keiichi said, noticing now more than ever that his body was
beginning to war down.

"Well then, let's be off," Pacatus said. He looked nervous around

All six said their goodbyes to Belfar and began walking south. It was
once again foggy out, but this time much thicker than before.

They could only see a few feet in front of themselves. But they
trudged on.

"The Pixies live close to us," Belldandy said loudly, unsure where the
others could be.

"How close?" Megumi asked.

There was no reply. "Belldandy?" Keiichi called.

Still no reply.

"What is going on?" Megumi asked.

"Where's Belldandy?" Skuld sounded near tears.

"Belle?" Urd called. "Belle!"

Suddenly there was no fog. The mists cleared and it was suddenly very
very sunny. Around there were large lakes, spread out over a seemingly
endless field. It was a very strange sight.

Everyone looked around. They were all there, except for Belldandy.

"What is going on?" Megumi almost sounded scared.

"We've found them," Urd said simply.

"Them?" Callida asked.

Urd pointed to a lake not ten feet in front of them. There was
bubbling, and soon the whole lake was bubbling.

"What is this?" Megumi asked.

"They'll show themselves soon," Urd said.

And soon came nearly instantly. Out of the bubbling lake came about
twenty small, winged creatures. They were a dull blue and all
seemingly female, with long dark blue hair that came past their knees.
They didn't look very happy.

One of them flew toward them, the others floated in place. Keiichi
thought they looked much more like what he thought a Faerie should
look like. Not at all like Belfar and the others.

"What do you want?" she asked in a barely audible voice. It was so
squeaky and high.

Urd looked upon her with the utmost loathing. "What have you done with

"Belldandy? I've never heard that name."

Urd glared at her. "Answer me."

She seemed to think for a second. "She fell into one of the lakes."

"What?" Urd nearly screamed.

She pointed behind them. All turned around to see there were lakes
stretched far behind them.

"But why didn't we fall in?" Megumi asked.

"You can easily walk over Pixie lakes most of the time. They have to
want you in for you to fall in," Urd explained. She was now glaring at
the Pixie.

"We knew you'd be coming," the Pixie said. "And we knew Belldandy
would do the talking. So, we let her in before you guys knew

"We didn't come to speak with Nixies," Urd glowered.

"Nixies?" Keiichi asked.

"There's two different kinds of Pixies," Skuld said. "These are
Nixies, or water Pixies. The other kind, just Pixies, live in the

"Take us to Belldandy," Megumi spoke up.

This surprised everyone. So far Megumi had yet to speak with any of
the important figures they had come across, except for Belfar.

"Suit yourself," the Nixie said.

Suddenly the ground let them through, and they plummeted into a pool
of water. Keiichi scrambled to get out, but found he could breath
underneath the water, which was actually a comfortable temperature.

They were floating slowly to the bottom. Keiichi could see there were
many more Nixies down here. He also saw Belldandy.

"Belldandy!" he called, and found, to his surprise, that his voice
wasn't at all affected by being underwater.

She didn't reply. She was speaking with the first male Nixie Keiichi
had seen. He had only a bushy, dark blue crop on his head and was
taller than the girl they had spoken to. He was sitting in what looked
like a throne.

He finally nodded slowly, after a long pause between the both of them.
He then beckoned for someone. A girl Nixie came out of the crowd and
went to his side.

He said something to Belldandy and she nodded in a reluctant sort of
way. She then began swimming upward, followed by the female Nixie. She
saw them and smiled, pointing upward.

They swam to the surface and got out, followed shortly after by
Belldandy and the female Nixie.

"We're not even wet!" Pacatus, who had been oddly quiet since leaving
the Faerie village.

"Pixie lakes don't make you wt," Belldandy said simply.

The female Nixie was now flying next to her head.

"Who is this?" Skuld asked.

"Cramea," Belldandy said.

Cramea nodded at them all.

"She'll be joining us," she added.

"Great," Urd said. "Just what we need. Another companion. And a Nixie
at that."