Avatar The Last Airbender Fan Fiction ❯ 20 Ways To Annoy Sokka ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

20 ways to annoy/ humiliate/ depress Sokka

1. Dress up as Yue and constantly tell him he let her die. Do this till he cries.

2. Draw all over his maps and schedule. When he yells at you, say you wanted to draw but couldn't find paper. Bonus if there was plenty of paper to use.

3. When he's talking to guys, point and laugh at him, then say that every girl he ever met, even his little sister and a blind girl, could kick his butt easily.

4. Whenever he's about to talk, say ponytail. Do this over and over till he yells at you, then do it once more.

5. Go up to him and squeal at the top of your lungs saying you have good news. When he asks what, say Katara's pregnant. If he faints, walk away, if he asks questions, pretend you have no idea what he's talking about.

6. Stand right behind him and snicker loudly. When he turns around, stop. Do this several times until he screams `what'. When he does, say Aang thinks he's cute.

7. Remind him of his lost space sword and talk non- stop about the slim possibility that he'd ever find it. Do THIS until he cries.

8. Act real serious and tell him that you made Suki want to be his girlfriend out of pity. If he doesn't believe, give him dozens of reasons why. (It's not really all that hard).

9. Sing everything he says. EVERYTHING. Particularly in a high-pitched voice.

10. When he's flirting with girls or Suki, throw rocks at him for `dumping you'. Even better if you're a guy.

11. Super glue pictures of shirtless Zuko's everywhere. On his boomerang, on his machete, on his `Wang Fire' beard, etc.

12. Say stuff like, “if there are water, fire, earth, and air- benders in the group, what are you?” at random moments.

13. Show him pics of Soko (Suki and Zuko). Say she looks much happier in them.

14. Squeal whenever Sokka and Katara hug. Say they look really good together.

15. Make a video of Yue and Suki making out. Show it to him.

16. Always remind him of the invasion presentation and how badly he messed up. Bonus if you do it when he's already depressed.

17. Tell him boomerang doesn't love him and it never will.

18. Whenever he cracks a joke, stare at him like you're really bored. No matter how much he asks what you're doing, just keep staring.

19. Walk around with some material object. Say how much it would stink to lose something you love. Be sure you say it loud and in his face. Bonus if the object is a boomerang or sword.

20. Finally, whenever he's talking seriously, laugh. Loud. Continue doing it till he gets mad, then punch him and do it again.