Avatar The Last Airbender Fan Fiction ❯ Blue Christmas ❯ One-Shot

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To celebrate my new Zuko, Sokka, and Blue Spirit figures, here's a holiday treat.
Blue Christmas
“What are you watching?”
Katara looks up from the couch, stretching out her limbs as she reaches for the bottled drink resting on the coffee table. Wrapping paper and open boxes mountain around her, and she is covered in pillows and blankets.
“That's the first thing you say to me?” she giggles as Zuko pushes aside the brightly colored paper and sits down next to her, stealing a pillow. “I haven't seen you in months.”
College is such a cruel punishment for friends. “Yeah, but it's Christmas, and you're watching the History Channel?”
“I am,” she replies. “It's `China's Roswell.' It's cool.”
“Sure it is. Very Christmas-y.”
She punches him playfully and he covers her face with the pillow.
“Did you bring me a present?” she says as she yanks the blankets off and pulls her legs underneath her, facing him now.
“I did,” he answers, waving a small package in front of her. “But how do I know you've been good?”
She punches him again. “Give it to me or you won't get yours.”
He grins. “How do I know it even deserves this amazing gift?”
“Amazing?” She quirks an eyebrow and grabs the gift before he can say anything else. The green paper falls to the floor, and she finds herself staring at a small jewelry box. She opens it, and her eyes grow wide.
Inside is a small pendant. The blue stone has been carved meticulously into a crashing wave. It is set on silk cloth, and she pulls it out, speechless.
“It's my mother's necklace!” An exact replica, if she ever saw one.
Zuko is smiling warmly. “You told me you lost it a while ago, so I had a new one made. I know it's not the real thing, but you're not quite Katara without it.”
She throws her arms around him. “Thank you! Now I feel sort of bad for my gift.”
He took the necklace from her hands, resting it around her throat and fastening it. “Unless it's the same thing Aang got me—”
“What did Aang get you?” she giggled. The boy gave a present to everyone, but she didn't imagine him giving something nice to Zuko.
“I'm not going to say.”
“Fine then.” She reaches into the mass of unwrapped paper and pulls out a gift. “Open it.”
He does, ripping the paper neatly. His face blanches as he sees what's inside.
“Oh please tell me you didn't…”
Oh, but she did. Stuck in the toy store for three hours, Katara had seen the Blue Spirit action figure and picked it up. After all, Zuko had been obsessed with the hero all his childhood, and she loved finding time to poke fun at it.
“Do you like it?” she asks slyly.
“Absolutely not,” he answers, but his grin is wide.
She pouts. “I was hoping you didn't already have one. But this one is neat! It's even got the double swords.”
He sees. “I'm glad you thought of me,” he says sarcastically. “How thoughtful you are; my gift isn't quite as special as this.”
She wrapped her arms around him. “Merry Christmas, Zuzu.”
He just groans and let's her turn back to her TV.
Yes, on the History Channel it's a day of ___'s Roswell. I am, in fact, watching, after watching A Christmas Story three times in a row.
Merry… Whatever You Celebrate!