Avatar The Last Airbender Fan Fiction ❯ Book 4 Air: The Storm ❯ Shattered Peace Part 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

This is a new project I started. I've read numerous “Book 4: Air” fanfics and I always thought that although some of them were extremely well written, their plotslacked the drama and quite frankly, weren't as epic as the plots we saw on theTV show we watched and fell in love with. I am trying to create a new story to remedy this problem. I've been developing these plots for quite a while and I feel like they approach the level of greatness in the original 3 books. Please reviewbecause I need to know if I should continue or not. Negative feedback isjust as welcome aspositive feedback because they will help me improve as a writer.Thank you very much.
It is 4 years after the defeat of Fire Lord Ozai and the world is a better place. 4 years of grueling work has finally begun to show. The treaties, the peace agreements, the rebuilding, all of it is slowly getting completed with the Avatar's help. Aang knows that he still has a lot to finish, but he can't take his mind off Katara. He and Katara are a happy couple, committed to a long-term relationship though not yet married. They currently reside at the Fire Nation palace with Zuko, working nonstop on war treaties. Sokka and Suki are now wed and reside peacefully in the Southern Water Tribes, where Sokka and Katara's father, Hakoda, is the king. In the Fire Nation, Zuko and Mai are raising their own child, Urso. Lastly, Toph has made amends with her parents and has reluctantly agreed to move back with them for a while. The world is a better place.
Shattered Peace Part 1
It was a peaceful evening when a fateful message was delivered to Aang.
“Aang, what is it? You haven't moved at all after reading this message. Is something wrong?”
“No, Katara, the most wonderful thing in the world has happened. It's the Air Nomads. They want me to meet them at the eastern air temple.”
Aang held back tears of joy as he received a hug from his beloved Katara and the two of them agreed to set out together to meet Aang's people.
* * * * * *
Meanwhile, in Zuko's throne room, a peaceful aura permeated throughout as Fire Lord and Fire Lady hunched over their precious child.
“My son will grow up to become a powerful fire bender someday. I can feel it. We firebenders have a special connection to each other and I can tell by the powerful heartbeat in his chest that his bending will be powerful. He just may surpass me someday.”
Mai couldn't help but allow a smile to dance across her face. Everything in her life was stabilizing. Though she occasionally had longings for a more exciting life, they all disappeared as soon as Urso came into this world a year ago. She loved him with all her heart, even more than she loved her husband.
“Zuko, he's only 8 months old. I don't think firebending is on his list of priorities, especially since the war is o___”. Mai caught herself before she said the dreaded word.
Every time she mentioned the fact that the war was over, her husband would enter a quasi-trance. The war wasn't over for him. He was still trying to help his father and sister rid themselves of the hate they had built up within themselves over the years. Alas, countless visits produced only meager results. His sister was talking again, but talked only of taking her rightful place on the throne, not of forgiveness. His father laughed every time he asked where his mother was, as if he were trying to taunt his own son into giving him a thrashing. Zuko sighed as he felt Mai's hand rest on his shoulder.
“Mai, I'm going to the prison again. I can't give up on my mother.”
Zuko could feel Mai's face inching closer to his. Their lips met - briefly.
“You're the first person I truly care about, Zuko. Please come home soon. I know Urso will miss you too.”
Zuko hurriedly turned away from his wife and son. If he stayed much longer, he might not be able to leave.
“Dada”, cried Urso.
A faint tear of pride trickled down the Fire Lord's face. His son had not even seen a birthday, and already, he could acknowledge his father.
* * * * * *
Aang and Katara moved out of the house and excitedly discussed the prospects of meeting Aang's people. The avatar did nothing but read and reread the letter he received.
“Katara, I don't know how they managed to escape Sozin's wrath but it's clear that this is the most momentous moment in the post war world…”
Katara's mind wandered as she heard bits and pieces of Aang's words. He was talking about how a small group of air nomads managed to cling onto life in cave after cave, about their hardship, but she only paid attention to the literal motion of Aang's lips - the lips she had been privileged enough to meet with her own time and time again. Aang had grown into quite a powerful avatar over the years. Though he retained his bald head and his trademark goofy grin, his body told a different tale. Firm and brimming with muscles, Aang's body had given Katara a powerful physical attraction on top what had previously been a primarily emotional attraction. She allowed herself to be whisked away by her fantasies as she and Aang walked past the Fire Nation prison. Suddenly, a group of hooded figures approached the prison, brandishing spears. Not far behind, they spotted Zuko, who stealthily motioned for the two of them to follow him.
“So you have no idea who these people are?” asked Aang.
“No, not the slightest bit.” The Fire Lord paused as a worried expression overtook his eyes.
“Aang, Katara, I'm afraid this might be Azula's doing. My sister has done nothing but tell me of how she will overthrow me and become the true Fire Lord but I always thought the security at her asylum was too high for her to accomplish anything.”
“What are you saying, Zuko?”
“Katara, I'm saying that she might have sent these men to rescue Ozai.”
“Well Aang, you wouldn't mind if we postponed our meeting with the air nomads would you?” Katara knew the answer to her question before she even asked. Aang would do anything to help his friend Zuko.
* * * * * *
A stunned Zuko watched as a horrific chain of events played out before his eyes. About 8 ominous figures dressed in gray hoods and robes attacked the jail where Ozai was being held. The three of them could do nothing as they watched the poor guards get swiftly overpowered by bending they had never seen before. There was a deafening boom as streaks of silver and black sent the prison guards hurdling across the hall and into the opposite wall. Zuko couldn't contain himself anymore and burst out, sending blinding flashes of fire across the room. The robed men uttered shouts of surprise and fought back with a viscous display of their bending powers. A particular burst landed straight on Zuko's arm and cut into his flesh, leaving one of Zuko's firebending hands incapacitated. Katara and Aang leapt out to help their friend, sending pockets of air and water at the gray robes. The might of the avatar, the Fire Lord, and a waterbending master proved too much for the hooded men to handle so the 8 of them began a swift retreat. Aang and Katara raced outside but failed to apprehend the robed figures. They only managed to catch a glimpse of a few large flying machines flying away towards the mountains. The two of them headed back inside and found that Zuko had vanished.
“Zuko! Where are you? Are you alright?”
When they finally found him, their mouths gaped open in terror.
Ozai had been stabbed during the confusion. A gleaming blade protruded from the former Fire Lord's back as his son held him in his arms. Zuko was in tears as he listened to his father's dying words.
“My son, there isn't much time. I know that I was a terrible man and an even worse father but listen to me when I say that I loved your mother.”
“Father, I know Azula did this. She sees you as more of a threat to her goals than as an asset. I swear that I won't rest until I avenge your death.”
“Zuko, please listen to me. Your mother is still alive. She is at…”
“Where father, where?”
With that, the Fire Lord's eyes grew dim as he exhaled his last breath. A stunned Zuko could hardly believe he was crying. This was the man who burned his eye. This was the man who banished him. This was the man….. who was his father. The tearful Fire Lord hugged his father as he motioned for Aang and Katara to leave.
“Zuko, please, I might be able to heal him. Please, just let me - .”
Aang interrupted Katara in mid sentence. “Katara, the Air Nomads are in trouble. I can feel it. Whoever murdered Ozai today is going to attack the Air Nomads next.”
A vengeful Zuko, a side of him that he hadn't shown for years, swore revenge on Azula and shouted for his friends to go and stop her from inflicting any more harm.