Avatar The Last Airbender Fan Fiction ❯ Panic for Your Life ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

For Jet. Possible spoilers for “City of Walls and Secrets.”
Panic for Your Life
His grip tightened on the hilt of his sword. He was waiting, and he could wait as long as he needed to.
Did they have to be so goddamn infuriating? The old man was probably senile! Why didn't he use his bending?
Within the home, a calm Iroh sensed growing frustration, and for the first time in a long time, it was not from his nephew.
You're paranoid.
This is insane.
A long silent glare that spoke too many words for him to ignore.
But he did.
He could wait just a little bit longer.
It was too much. He couldn't stand it. He lifted his sword to attack. It was his surprise when Li pulled out his own.
Did no one care? Did no one see it? Why were they all so calm, so completely unaware the danger they were in? Did they not see it? Were they so incompetent? Why didn't they believe him?
He would get his answer soon.
They set him in the dark room, and he struggled against the restraints. A man stood before him, and he spoke slowly in low tones.
There is no war. Do not worry about the Fire Nation. All is well within the city.
There was something nagging at Jet's mind as he walked down the street.
He decided to forget about it.
It's short, but it's just for one episode.