Azumanga Daioh Fan Fiction ❯ Dreaming... ❯ Why Do I Dream? ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Why do I Dream?

.. I dream because in dreams.. I am strong, helpful, wise.. everything I am not in the real world.. everything is perfect.. I am no puppet people use to manipulate.. I am a strong-willed young woman.. hiding behind a weak shadow that I call a body...

..I sleep.. because then.. I can dream... These dreams are like drugs.. poisoning my mind. yet.. gives me a false sense of security.. lulling me to sleep.

..I stir.. my dreams threatened to be disturbed.. woken up.. vaporizing into the misty morning.. i fight my urgency.. and continue dreaming..

..I wake.. the wisps of my latest dreams escaping my wistful grasp. My tainted body and soul falls.. and I slide back into the restless realm of slumber.. terrorizing my mind, giving it no end of thought.. I ponder.. 'Am I able to rest without these dreams?'

..I wake again.. the bright sunlight pours through my window.. and I am reminded of my dream.. and I realize the answer...