Azumanga Daioh Fan Fiction ❯ One Day Over Wonsan ❯ Omake ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"I see we're having a little reunion here, eh? Nice, nice!" - Kagura exclaimed upon entering the main room. Sakaki and Chiyo greeted her from across the kotatsu - a permanent fixture of the writer's villa in any season. Kagura replied with a cheerful "Yo!", landed at the kotatsu's side, and observed: "Guess coming so far into the mountains was too much for those two lazy bums..."

"Eh-he, no," replied Osaka from the doorway. She already returned from the kitchen where she put Kagura's present, a cake, into the fridge. "Yomi said they would arrive at 17:07 sharp. In fact..." Osaka cocked her head as if listening. Suddenly she trotted to the deck's door and slid it wide open. "Follow me!" she said, rushing outside.

Not yet understanding, girls lined the handrail and looked where Osaka pointed. The sight was breathtaking. Gentle slopes, covered in wild woods, went down forming a wide valley with a bay. The ocean was blue, the sky was even bluer.

Suddenly they saw movement in the air. A speck of an airplane was coming to them, with incredible speed. In a moment it was upon them, a pointy nose, black triangle of wings, faster than anything they saw before. As they tilted their heads, the roar of the jet engine shook them. Everyone spun around to watch how the plane pitched up and looped around to come across. For an instant, friends saw two pilots under the canopy, looking back at them. Round helmets made them look alien, but the one sitting in front waved a hand enthusiastically. Then the plane turned and was gone.

Kasuga-sensei was first to gather her wits and addressed her stunned guests: "I suppose that was it. Let's go back inside and have some coffee."