Batman Fan Fiction ❯ The Dark Knight Triumphant ❯ chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
chapter 7

bruce wayne hosted his charity bowl but was no where to be fond. where is bruce wayne asked alfred (who was played by alfred) responded that he was in a meeting and then the pary got wild. no biddy quesioned bruce no being ther they figured wat ever he did was importtanted and donatled lots of mony to chairty drive. but then..........................the villians attacked. haha give us your money said joker. not so fast sed batman. appearing out of nowere batman robin and bat girl fought scarcrow joker harly quin man bat and mad hatter. ill git u batman sed scarcrow as he lunged his sythe at bat man. bat man cough his sythce and grabed it and snapeed it in 2. he then punched scarcrow in the face nocking him out. but man-bat lunged at bat man carring him into the air. but this time batman grabed his bat gapple and attached it to a building and cuzing man bat to crash into a building. awwwww scremed man bat.