Beyblade Fan Fiction / Bible Black Fan Fiction ❯ Memories ❯ A New Home ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

/N: KG 1: Hiya! Welcome to our first fanfic written together. Most of you know me as Star Girl11 and KG 2 over here as Kitty-Kat-1989.
KG 2 -waves at the readers-.
KG 1: Anyway we don't anybody accept the Armelias, the social worker, and that's it I guess. Anyway, enough blabbing on with the story.
Chapter 1-
A Not soGreatNew Home
“Are you nervous,” The social worker asked Tyson. They were on thie r way to his new foster parents house, since his father and grandfather were killed in the fire that had ruined his house.
“A little I guess,” Tyson had his head down and he was fidgeting with his fingers.
“They're nice people. I've checked them out and they will be very nice to you. I promise.” The social worker looked down at him with her loving look. But Tyson didn't return the look. He just kept looking down. Finally they got to the house that Tyson was going to live in. They got out and they went up to the door. She rang the doorbell and after waiting for a few minutes, a lady came to the door.
“Oh hello there! I am Diane Armelia! You must be the foster boy, Tyson!” she said. To Tyson it looked like her smile was a mile wide.
“Come in, Come in! I've got some breakfast for you!” she added, since it was early in the morning when they had gotten there.
“Well I've got to go, because I've got other children to other children to attend to.” The social worker said and then she left and Tyson was all alone.
A little later, Diane was giving him a tour of the house. She had shown him everything, except his room.
“Do you have my room?” he asked in a quiet voice. Her face got an irritated look, but it went back to her smiley face.
“Umm, yes, follow me.” She took him down to the lowest level of the house, the basement. Everywhere you looked there were cobwebs and spiders dangling all over, there were rat holes everywhere, and the floor was hard, cold, cement.
“This where you will be staying.” She said. She didn't have her smile anymore. Tyson was beginning to get scared. She went up the stair and shut the door, it sounded like she had even locked it. In the corner of the room, there was a little cot covered in dust, that he supposedly thought was his bed. Tears began to fill his eyes but he knew that he should be brave. That's what Hiro had taught him. How much he missed Hiro, he hadn't seem Hiro in quite a while. Hiro, had just one day, got up and left without any warning. Hiro had taught him a lot of things, even about Beyblades. That was how he got started was by Hiro. But all his dreams were ruined when his house and his father and grand-father were killed. Everything was ruined, and now he had to live with these awful people.
He sighed, slowing moving over to the dusty cot, and dusting it off to the best of his capability. He then sat down on top of it, placing his bag containing the few things he owned that had survived the fire next to him. He rummaged through it pulling out two pictures.
One of the pictures was him with the BladeBreakers taken not long after the World Championships in Moscow, almost two years a go now. The other was him with his family about a year a go.
Tyson smiled a little at the pictures, those were the good times, so little trouble and so little problems. Well except for the Boris incident, but that was just one thing. He put the pictures to the side and pulled out his Dragoon, turning it looking at it in the dim light provided by the single light bulb hanging from the ceiling.
//Tyson are you all right?// Dragon asked through the link.
/I'll be fine Dragoon. It just seems to be all happening so fast, and what is up with this foster family? The social worker said they were nice people! My definition of nice is not locking up someone in their room a.k.a. a basement in need of some serious spring cleaning!/ Tyson replied.
//I could contact one of the other bitbeasts to contact one of the owners to get some help// Dragoon suggested.
/No, I don't want to bother them, with Max in America, Kenny on vacation in Italy and Ray in China. I don't think it would be a good idea./ Tyson replied.
//What about Kai?//Dragoon asked.
/Lets not go there./ Tyson replied.
//All right if you say so.//Dragoon said.
Tyson was about to reply when he heard the door to his room being unlocked and opened.
End of Chapter 1
KG 1: You know that looked a lot longer on paper. -shrugs- Oh well please review. Next chapter should be up by next Friday at the latest, and it will be longer that I promise though we might move the date to Saturday. -sees readers glares- Hey look we are just giving everybody a chance to review. But I promise it will be up soon!