Beyblade Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Of Blades and Hearts ❯ Ch. 4: Let It Rip ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Ch. 4 (Let It Rip!)
Anna and Keyoko, and Tala and Kai, separated as they headed for their dorms. Keyoko and Anna got back on the elevator and pushed the “3” button. After the doors opened, they got out and headed to their dorm door. Keyoko pulled out her key, opened the door, and plopped down on her bed. Even though she was staring at the ceiling, she was still thinking about Tala and his hypnotizing eyes. Anna closed the door and slowly sat down on her bed. A mischievous smile crawled across her face. “You think Tala's hot, don't you?” Anna asked in an accusing voice. Keyoko sat up and said, “Alright, you've got me. But you're only accusing me because you think Kai's hot, right?” They both turned red and burst out laughing.
Once they had stopped laughing, Anna said, “I sure hope that they're in some of our classes.” Keyoko nodded and said, “I'm sure they will be.” Keyoko then returned her gaze to the ceiling as she thought aloud, “I wonder if they Beyblade.” Anna looked surprised as she remarked, “I never thought of that. We'll just have to ask them tomorrow during lunch.” Keyoko nodded.
Then, Keyoko remembered something. She pulled out Spirit Dranzer and looked at Anna mischievously. “Wanna battle?” she asked Anna. Anna smiled and held up her Beyblade. “Me and Dracoleon will take you down,” she said. “We'll see about that. 3, 2, 1. Let It Rip!” Keyoko yelled as they both launched their blades.
Keyoko's blade was white with light blue streaks, while Anna's was navy with black streaks. The two blades collided in a shower of sparks. Then they separated and began circling each other. Then they went back and began to grind against each other.