Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Battle Between Broken Souls ❯ Battle Between Broken Souls ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: One last battle to end the war to end all wars between two warriors, both broken hearted and battle scarred. Their eyes have seen to much blood and death. Now pitted against each other, how will the other react to death of one?
Rating: R for violence, gore, and implied yaoi. [Rei Kai]
Disclaimer: Wait, let me check the contracts. Nope, I do not own Beyblade or Evanescence's song- Whisper.
Warning: Probably a little OOCness (out of character), major angst, and character death.
Author's note: Alternate universe!! No Beyblade!! Whoo-hoo!! Now, on with the story!!
Battle Between Broken Souls
~Catch me as I fall
Say you're here and it's all over now
He was small for a small for a soldier, but the greatest needless to say. Only at the age of twenty-five this young fighter had mastered all skills pertaining to the art of swordsmanship.
The warrior swiftly dashed amongst the barrage of hot iron. His saber was poised and ready, its scabbard thumping against his thigh as he ran. A bullet whizzed pass his left ear. The steel blade in his left hand found the flesh of an unsuspecting enemy foot-soldier.
~Speaking to the atmosphere
No one's here and I fall into myself
Carnage splashed over him as friend and foe died and fell to the blood sodden ground. The gory mud caked on his dark grey boots and black trousers. Another bullet grazed his already broken right arm; he did not wince in pain. Now the pain only felt like a numb pinch to his flesh.
His feet pounded against the ground, his legs carrying him as fast as they could to his final destination. To his death, he ran, for death is inevitable. If anything he would die with honor and die fighting for his belief.
~This truth drives me
Into madness
The war he fights has lasted 500 years, a war to end all wars. All resources had been extinguish a century ago, the factories haven been destroyed. No more bombs, planes, ships, submersibles, or cannons to defend the home front. The only things they had left to fight with were guns, swords, and fists.
This is the final battle, the battle to end the war. As this noble warrior gives his life today, his family and his people may live in peace. Not only live in peace, but live indeed.
He bounded up the church steps to meet his final enemy. The red mahogany doors swung open and he stepped into the relatively small chapel. The young soldier walked softly between the two rows of pews, towards the pulpit where a band of seven stood with swords in their hands.
~I know I can stop the pain
If I will it all away
His feet thudded loudly as he strolled leisurely towards them, the sound echoing off the stone walls. Slanted eyes glanced side to side, taking in his surroundings but always coming to rest on the seven.
The tension in the air mounted. Finally, one of the seven could take no more and charged the gladiator followed by five supplementary. He cut each one down in turn with demon skill, all never touching him with their blades. As the last body fell, he acknowledged the last standing near the priest's throne.
The elder warrior, nearly thirty-two but still quite handsome, took as step down as he spoke in a deeply, full of wisdom, “You do know, young man, that it is a sin against God-all-mighty to kill and butcher in his house?”
~Don't turn away
(Don't give in to the pain)
“I have no God to sin against,” he then said, his voice a deep rasp with no accent what-so ever.
“Ah, that it may be, you should still honor the religion of others,” the elder replied as he another step. “My peers seem as fools to challenge such a talented swords man I see.”
~Don't try to hide
(Though they're screaming your name)
Don't close your eyes
(God knows what lies behind them)
“They are hardly your peers, for you have honor lord. You are admired even in my family, full of hate for the beliefs that you fight for,” he looked down at the bloody corpses at his feet. “Unlike you they do not fight for what they believe, but for those more powerful than themselves in hopes for a seat of power.” His sword was suddenly thrust angrily into the face of one of the dead bodies.
The albino war lord stared, considering, at the young man before him who stood scowling at his dead political party. He then asked, “What do they call you young one?”
~Don't turn out the light
(Never sleep never die)
He looked up, quirking a questioning brow at him before a sinister smirk graced his face. His eyes gleamed with amusement. “What do they call me? They call me many things my lord.” He bowed mockingly as he spoke the word. He began to slowly step over the bodies to his final opponent. “Hell-bound, the Damned one, Son of a Bitch, the greatest man-slayer of all! Take your pick my lord. But there is one that I have be come quite accustom to.”
“What is it young one?”
“Lord, you may call me Shinigami,” he said, a sadistic grin across his face and his arms spread wide, welcoming an attack, “The God of Death.”
~I'm frightened by what I see
But somehow I know
That there's much more to come
Immobilized by my fear
The loud clang of steel against steel echoed on the stone walls as the battle began. Their blades met in lust for blood, each more precise and unwavering. The fight was drug out for hours on end, neither able to make a mistake for it would cost them their lives.
Finally, being young and naïve, Shinigami faltered and hesitating. The war lord's sword sliced into his broken arm. The war lord backed away from the kneeling boy, waiting for him to rise so they could resume their fight.
~And soon to be
Blinded by tears
I can stop the pain
If I will it all away
Softly chuckling, the bleeding soldier placed his sword on the ground and ran his hand gingerly over his right arm until he found the break. A sickening sound of cracking bone filled the chapel as he popped the fracture back in place. Shinigami licked the blood from his fingers as he looked up at the disgusted look on the lord's face.
He smirked and took up his sword. Just as he stood, the albino charged and thrusting his sword through the boy's chest. Amber eyes stared into the crimson depths of his maker. A sword clattered to the ground as warm crimson blood stained the already tarnished floor. That day, the war to end all wars was finished and those who wished for dictatorship surrendered under the influence of the Great War lord, Kai Hiwitari.
~Don't turn away
(Don't give in to the pain)
Don't try to hide
(Though they're screaming your name)
Don't close your eyes
(God knows what lies behind them)
He pulled the steel from the flesh and threw it to the side, catching the young warrior before he hit the ground. He held him in his lap, softly brushing the raven locks from his face.
~Don't turn out the light
(Never sleep never die)
Tears slid down his dirty cheeks from glazed eyes for in death, the first thing to go is sight. Blood gurgled in his throat, and he painfully coughed with his head turned to the side. He turned back to the face of the ivory skinned lord. His slate hair was ruffled and matted to his face in sweat. Suddenly, the noble swordsman began to sob into the chest of his victor.
Kai gingerly ran his fingers through his hair, cradling his small body. The boy in his arms was the image of beaten. His clothes were in rags, tattered and shredded over his body. He was covered with bruises and caked with dry blood. The long locks were falling out of the braid they were held in, the lengthy strands falling across his face.
~Fallen angels at my feet
Whispered voices at my ear
Death before my eyes
Lying next to me I fear
“So Shinigami,” he whispered, a solemn smile gracing lips. “Shall you now tell me your true name?”
“M-My lord…” the young boy choked.
“Please young one, your name?” he said sternly, his eyes blazing with guilt.
“Lord Kai… Did I fight well?” he asked, pleading with his honey-sweet eyes.
Kai could only smirk in amusement, but confused all the same, “Yes dear one, you fought gallantly, the bravest warrior I have ever come by.”
~She beckons me
Shall I give in
Upon my end shall I begin
Forsaking all I've fallen for
I rise to meet the end
He smiled self-satisfied and buried his face in the folds of Kai's clothing. Kai sighed, diminished his reeling thoughts. He softly kissed the forehead of the unnamed, dying warrior in his arms.
“Shall you die with me never knowing your name?”
“…” he was silent. The moments passed by in silence until finally—with his last breath—only a soft, almost inaudible whisper, “Rei… M-My name is R-Rei Kon, my lord.”
~Don't turn away
(Don't give in to the pain)
Don't try to hide
(Though they're screaming your name)
His golden eyes froze in place as death took him like a thief and Kai could not help but let the pearly tears slide down his cheeks. “And you may call me Kai,” his voice was a slight rasp. “I hope we could have been friends. Rest in peace, Rei Kon. Rest in peace and know that your mission has been completed.”
~Don't close your eyes
(God knows what lies behind them)
He place his hand over his face and gently closed his eyes, the pools of molten gold were closed to never shine on the world again. Ivory lips softly pressed against once rosy red, now pale blue in death.
And a whisper into the night left the man all alone, broken hearted once again. He stood out side the grand church, crimson orbs glancing over the desolate landscape littered with dead and bloody corpses.
He stared up into the full moon, basking in the pale moonlight alone…
~Don't turn out the light
(Never sleep never die)