Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ BBA Gems ❯ Drake ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

BBA Gems
`'Let it Rip!''
`'Bring it on!''
Two blades slammed each other. They spiralled and circled the other before making contact again. The white beyblade gained the advantage and knocked the black into a tree. Amazingly, the blade was still spinning and it wasn't long until they collided again. The black hopped onto a stone then held its ground.
`'Come get me!'' Lee called.
`'Heh. Okay, but you asked for it!'' Ray grinned. `'Go Driger!''
The white blade's bit glowed. A large white tiger burst from the small blade and charged, teeth and claws bared and extended.
`'Go Galeon!'' Lee cried. A black lion emerged with electricity crackling around it. The two beasts crashed into another in a blinding white flash. Both blades lay immobile on the grass.
Ray sat down gasping for breath.
`'Phew…you've gotten better Lee!'' he panted.
`'Hah, yeah. I know.'' Lee smirked.
`'Always the modest one!''
The two boys laughed and stared up at the moon.
Kai sighed. He looked down at Dranzer. It had been a week since Kenny had sent the email carrying Mr. Dickenson's message. As usual he had been very sceptical about these BBA gems. Especially since he was the best in the world. If Mr. Dickenson doubted that then he'd just have to prove it. He would beat them. Then he would move on to defeating Tyson. His grip tightened. He won't lose to anyone.
They were staying in a cabin they had found on their way to Tyson's house. He had met up with Ray and surprisingly Lee back in a town called Uoasi. He had received the same email and Lee decided to come as well. They didn't need to be here. He'll set these BBA Gems on his own.
Ray and Lee walked into the room panting. Lee laid down and immediately fell asleep. But Ray sat down on a chair facing Kai.
`'Are you all right?'' he asked. Kai grunted in reply. `'I should've known. You've barely said a word since we met. Is something wrong?'' Kai turned to face him.
`'You didn't have to come you know. Before you can even load your blade, I would have beaten them all. You should just go back.'' Ray sighed before replying,
`'And miss you and Tyson's big match?'' Kai stiffened. `'I know that's why your coming. You can face Tyson again after we meet the Gems. Well…good luck with that.''
He jumped into his bed and turned around. Kai wondered whether he was really asleep. The Russian sighed before going to bed.
`Tyson,' he thought, `I'm coming for you.'
Dragoon smashed into Draciel, showering the stadium in sparks. Yet his attack was merely repelled. It attacked again and again but his opponent remained unmoving.
`'Keep it up Dragoon!'' Tyson yelled.
`'Hah! It'll take more than that to beat me!'' Max smirked. Kenny flipped open his laptop.
`'Okay Dizzi, lets see how the boys are doing.''
`'Quite well actually. Max is keeping up with local fashion and Tyson made a dollar doing a paper round.'' The bit-beast commented.
`'Dizzi…'' the chief whined.
`'Okay okay. Well Max has once again increased his defensive play by upgrading his weight disk. Tyson has been improving his control over Dragoon. Daichi…is eating. So let's move on.''
`'Did you suss out how that Erika beat Tyson? The video feedback wasn't much help…it happened too fast.''
`'Yes. He was simply overpowered.''
`'What? Someone overpowered Tyson? There's no way. She must of cheated! Or rigged her blade!''
`'Sorry Chief. During the 312 times I went over the video, I saw no evidence of foul play. And her Beyblade is pretty normal besides her bit beast.''
`'So she is really that powerful…'' he mused.
`'Com on Chief! You know the boys will pull through for us! We should be practising a cheerleading routine in advance. Give me a T, give me a Y, give me a-hey!'' Kenny had shut the laptop lid not wanting to hear the rest of her `routine'.
`'Okay Tyson, I think it's been long enough!''
Tyson's beyblade charged at Max's. But Draciel dodged it and began a fierce offensive. Slamming him again and again, Max had gained the upper hand.
`'Oh yeah!?! Dragoon!'' Tyson announced.
`'Draciel!'' countered Max.
Suddenly another beyblade was launched into the fray. It was hit by both blades and all three were sent spiralling out of the stadium.
`'What the….!'' Tyson stammered. Kenny gasped,
`'Up there!''
A single teenager stood atop the roof of the dojo. He wore strange black armour that looked like it was from the Dark Ages with a flowing red cape. His hair was red too, a spiky red crop of it.
He studied them with unimpressed eyes. A gust of wind caused Dragoon to roll over and tap the owner's foot. This seemed to jolt him out of his state of shock.
`'Hey! Who the hell are you!?!''
`'…My name is Drake. I am the leader of the Magma Alliance. I merely came to see if you could stand a chance against the Gems. I have to say I'm disappointed…''
`'What!?! I'll show you! Come down here so I can kick your arse!''
`'…Wait, how did you know about the Gems.''
Drake smirked and said nothing.
`'Max asked you a question. I suggest you answer him.'' A voice called from the entrance. They all turned to see who their new guest is.
`'Kai, Ray…Lee?''
Ray stepped forward.
`'Yo Tyson. Who is this joker?''
`'Calls himself Drake, the leader of something called the Magma Alliance.''
Ray and Lee exchanged shocked looks. `'What?'' asked Tyson.
`'When we left to came here, the Elders made a prediction.'' Lee explained, `'They didn't tell us exactly what will happen but they gave us some….advice. “ Beware the Magma”.''
`'Good advice.'' Drake smiled.
`'Arrogant git.'' Kai spat. The unwelcome intruder's eyes narrowed with dislike.
`'Your quite rude you know. A challenge should not be fought with aggressive words…'' He vanished then reappeared next to the bey-stadium, `'…But with aggressive blades!'' His blade flew out of no where, straight at Tyson. Kai jumped in the way and launched Dranzer. The two met above the stadium and fell in the dish.
`'Hah!'' Drake yelled. Kai realised that this was exactly what he wanted. The red blade was circling the dish, following the blue. `'Meet my beyblade, Volcano Lord!''
The Lord smashed into Kai.'s and he felt his power disappear. He fell to his knee clutching his chest in pain.
`'Chief! What just happened!?!'' Tyson asked.
`'Dizzi?'' Kenny asked.
`'Ok, but your not gonna like it!''
`'Just spit it out!''
`'Kai's strength is nothing compared to Drake's. Plus my sensors are picking up even greater energy waves! That last attack was just the tip of a huge iceberg!''
`'No matter how strong you are, I'll still beat you!'' claimed Kai. Drake grinned in return.
`'Good. Your fighting spirit will make it that much more satisfying when I crush you!''
His beyblade began slamming Dranzer again and again. Kai could barely stand as Dranzer's pain flowed to him. The funny thing was that Drake didn't seem to want Kai to get knocked out of the stadium. Every time he got close, he would knock Dranzer back to the centre. The Magma leader seemed to do it just to prolong his pain. Drake laughed cruelly every time his opponent attempted a counterstrike. He was playing with Kai.
`'Dranzer!'' The red Phoenix arose from the blade.
`'Don't play with fire, you're going to get burned! Come to me, Lord of Flames, Mythical Beast of Legends…burn my opponent to ashes….I summon you to this withered world! Dracomesidem!''
Kai's eyes widened with shock. Everything faded to black but his enemy. The dish disappeared and their beyblades were spinning on a hard scorched ground. He could see nothing. Suddenly a ring of fire flared into life around them, lighting up the area.
Burning. Everything was burning. Houses, trees, grass, animals, people. Smoke hung thick in the air. No oxygen, no life…just death…and burning. The flames were roaring, souls were screaming. Nothing existed but death and sorrow. Kai turned to his left. He heard a noise other than burning. No one was there. He heard the same noise. His head snapped to the source. A young girl stood staring. She was crying. As he watched the girls skin decay. Her skeleton still stood. His eyes widened as it collapsed into dust. A pile of ash was all that remained.
`'Beautiful….isn't it?'' a voice called. He turned to Drake who was laughing lightly. `'Now…enough admiring the scenery…Dracomesidem….kill.''
There was a loud roaring. A huge beating filled the air. The smoke cleared revealing Drake's beast. A dragon. It was the size of a house with a long tapered body. Its wings were twice its size each. Its yellow eyes fixed on its prey. Kai. Its spiked tail thrashed around as it dived.
`'Hey what's up with Kai?'' Tyson asked anxiously. Kai had froze during the battle and now was glaring around, scared. Now he was staring at the sky with fear.
`'He is in another world. Soon to meet death.'' Drake sneered.
`'What are you talking about?'' Max demanded.
`'When I summon my Bit-beast, it will transport the target's mind to the world where my beast lurks. Only the most powerful bladers can bring Dracomesidem to them.''
Kai suddenly screamed in pain. His eyes rolled into his head. His hands trembled and he fell to his knees. Dranzer was thrown into the air and dissolved. Kai's blade followed into the air. Large cracks opened up. In a flash of fire it shattered. Shards of it seemed to slow their descent so they could see the damage. They were charred and depleted, beyond repair. Kai let out one last cry before collapsing backwards.
It was over.
Max rushed to his side.
`'He's not breathing! Kenny I need help!'' he called.
`'What did you do!?!'' Lee yelled.
`'His mind is dead. Nothing left but an empty shell…it is the price for battling against me…you lose….you die!'' He laughed heartlessly before vanishing into the night.
`'Call a doctor! We need a doctor!'' Kenny yelled.
Tyson could do nothing but stare at his fallen friend. He could still hear Drake's laughter resounding throughout the night, chilling them to the core.