Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Blueeyed Lover ❯ five ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Everything has become quiet in there.Have you fallen asleep?Or...No,I dont want to think of such things,that cant be it.

I pull out the lockpicker I have in my pocket and settle in front of your door,taking a deep breath to concentrate on the task.Not many people know
how great I am at picking lock.When I was little I used to get locked up in my room because mom didn`t like noise...So I got used to it.

The door swings open,and I slowly cross the room,headed for the bathroom door.My heart is beating madly in my chest as I place my hand on the
handle...hesitating to open the door.What will I see once inside?That is the thought that holds me back.But I cant become a coward now...this is not
the time and the place for that.

My nostrils widen as I enter the room,the terrifying smell of blood making me cringe.There you lay...on the floor,in a pool of your own blood.I regain
my senses and rush to your side,all the time muttering meaningless words to myself.

You cut your really did take that leap,Tala.Why...?I didn`t mean to hurt you....if you had just heard me out,you would have understood!I
break down into tears as I pull your limp body into my arms.

You`re still warm...I wonder how long it has been since you cut yourself..let the blood pour.Are you still alive?My fingers shaily search for the pulse I hope dearly to find,and little sigh is realeased from my throat as I feel a weak heartbeat.You can still be saved,I know you can.Dont you dare die on me now!

I leave the room quickly to go find a phone,ignoring the people that cast me weird glances as I race past them as fast as my feet can carry me.Finally I reach my cousin,Lee.

"I need to borrow your cellphone",I say,breathing heavily from the adrenalin rushing through my veins.You stare at me with worried eyes for a moment before you place your hand on my shoulder and ask me what has happened,why am I crying?

"No time to explain..just give me the damn phone Lee!!"I shout and push the buttons as you hand it to me,dialling the ambulance.

I push the phone back into your hands after talking to the man on the other end of the line and run as fast as I can back up the stairs to the bathroom in your apartment.You lie there still...unmoving and soaked in your own blood.Why could I not see this coming?I should have realised how fragile your mind was....How close to the edge you were walking.But I was too stupid...right?I am truly cursed,this only proves it for sure.

As I oncee again sit by your side I feel helpless,and I cant stop the tears from falling.I am so weak....Why did I have to be the one to get involved in this madness?I think fate holds a grudge against me.

Strong hands pull me away from your limp body,and I scream out in protest..though too weak to fight back.They are taking me away from you....and I can do nothing but ball my eyes out and scream at the top of my lungs.

Suddenly arms are wrapped around me,just like last night when I was crying outside your door.The same arms....I realise as I look up into those two purple orbs.This time I dont fight back....Instead I wrap my arms around you and cry into your shirt.You whisper sweet,comforting words into my ear,though I cant hear them.

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