Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Ice Cold ❯ Drunken Memories and a Suprise ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 7: Drunken Memories and A Suprise
Her head hurt, her sides hurt, her stomach hurt. Plainly and simply-she just hurt. "What happened last night?" she muttered, trying to focus on her suroundings.
"Well, for one thing, you won" a slightly amused voice softly said as she tried to comprehend where she was.
It started to come back to her. The party, the challenge, the volleyball match, the...THE CHALLENGE! No wonder dhe felt like she'd been hit by a 4-by-4 with all-wheel drive.
"And, where am I?" she asked, noticing she wasn't at home.
"My place, in the room next to mine" the same voice said and she finally realized it was Kai's.
"Do you enjoy constently being around me 24/7?" she asked, holding her head as she sat up.
"If it were 24/7, I'd be in the same bed and shower with you" he said and she groaned.
'I walked right into that one' she thought, swinging her legs over the side of the bed.
"I wouldn't do that yet if I were you" Kai told her, but she was stubbern and didn't listen.
"Fucking hell!" she cried as she put pressure on her right foot, sending a wave of sheering pain through her leg.
"I told you not to" Kai said, kneeling down to inspect the somehow injured foot.
"What happened to my foot?" she asked as she saw how swollen it was.
"Lets just say that shit happens when you're drunk" he said, getting smacked in the head as he applied pressure to her foot.
"That tells me nothing!" Keri yelled and looked up as Mina and Chaya skipped into the room, happy and hyped smiles on their faces.
"Who gave you sugar?" she asked the devious duo.
"No one, but we did find something interesting" Chaya answered, her grin getting wider.
"You gonna spit it out or annoy me to hell?" Keri asked them and Mina's smile got wider, matching her partner in crime's.
"Well... we found out a certain teacher's had plastice surgery - alot of it too" Mina said and Keri sighed, those two never gave a straight answer.
"Which one?" she asked, bored with this game.
"Guess" Chaya said, a mischevious twinkle in her eyes.
"Is that so? Well, I believe my day just got better" Keri said, an evil smile at her lips. Revenge is sweet.
(Monday Bloody Monday)
There was something wrong, somethingnot right with the way things felt in the school. Everyone that knew Keri felt this as they entered the building, then they sawKeri and their confusion grew. Keri had the most devilish grin on her face and she wasn't telling why.
"Okay, spill. What did you do?" Tyson asked the goldnette, the suspense was killing him.
"You'll just have to wait and see. Trust me on this, you'll laugh 'till you piss yourself" she said, eyes glancing at the Chem. Lab door.
"Granger, sit your ass in your chair so that we may begin!" Kelence's shrilling voice said as she came in through the door.
"Today, we'll be studying the components of Botox, a chemical used on plastic surgery patients, like myself. It's a wonderous chemical, although it hasn't truly helpedconsidering I look like a six-eyed monsterous troll and have no love life? What the hell!" Kelence screamed as the class erupted into a sea of laughter.
"Who wrote this? I demand that the person responsible step forward right now!" she continued through the laughter, before noticing the look on Keri's face.
"YOU!" she yelled and the class stopped to listen.
"What about me?" Keri asked, eyes narrowing dangerously.
"You miscrient little witch! I shall see you suspended for this!" Kelence yelled, her face red in fury.
"You have no true evidence, it wouldbe based on circumstancial evidence. You have no proof to convict me of this, especially ifI didn't do it" Keri argued back and the class 'oohed'.
"Office...NOW!" the blonde screamed and Keri glared her down as she left.
(Ze office...dundundun)
She sat in the uncomfortable bright orange chair, the secretary giving her a disapproving look once in a while. 'Bam!' The door to the office opened and in strode four people: Tala, Chaya, Mina and ...Kai.
"Well, this is unexpect" she muttered as the look on the secretary's face became darker.
"We 'accidently' mixed the wrong chemicals. It blew and then Kelence blew" Chaya explained as she and Mina sat while Tala and Kai leaned against the wall.
"You five, in my office" a short, plump blonde woman told them, pointing to the V.P.'s office.
"You four have an after school detention and you Miss. Fujiwara have a two day suspension. I've already contacted your parents, you're dismissed" the V.P., who's name was Ms. Harkley, told them and they left.
"Know anywhere I can go and the 'rents won't find me?" Keri asked as she collapsed into a cafeteria chair.
"Why? How bad could it be?" Ray asked as he joined the table.
"You don't want to know" she sighed, dreading the trip home.
"Suzy, I'm home!" she called thoguh the house as she came in.
"Kahara Cleopatra Fujiwara! You're in big trouble young lady!" her mother's voice called as she and her father came into the entrance hall.
"I didn't do anything. The teacher has a vandeta against me" Keri explained to them, standing her ground.
"You say that about every chemistry teacher you have" Mr. Fujiwara said and she scoffed.
"She's the only chemistry teacher I've had!" Keri shouted, her anger growing.
"Don't yell at us you insolent machine! We've given you everything and this is how you repay us? Get out, you are our child no longer" Mrs. Fujiwara snarled at the teen, who's eyes went blank in shock.
"You're lying!" she screamed before her father backhanded her.
"Security, remove her!" her mother called and ten men beated her down before tossing her out of the gate.
I'm standing on a bridge...
"Why?" she asked, staring at the house sadly.
I'm waiting in the dark...
She walked aimlessly, not knowing where she was heading.
I thought that you'd be here by now...
'I should've toured this city earlier, the I wouldn't be lost'
There's nothing but the rain...
'Oh and now it decides to rain. Fuck this day'
No footsteps on the ground...
She ran towards a familiar place that her subconcious knew.
I'm listening but there's no sound...
She kept running blindly towards her objective, not caring for those knocked down.
Isn't anyone trying to find me...
Her pulse raced as she looked up at the familiar place where hope lived.
Won't somebody come take me home...
"Kai..." she spoke, her voice hardly above a whisper as she buzzed in.
It's a damn cold night...
"Who is it?" Kai's voice asked, sounding annoyed after his detention.
Trying to out this life...
"'s me" she spoke and was amazed he could hear her. The gate opened.
Won't you take me by the hand, take me somewhere new...
She walked to the door and it opened up to reveal Kai.
Don't know who you are but I, I'm with you...
"Shit, what the fuck happened?" he asked, ushering her inside.
I'm with you...
"James, fetch a towel!" Kai barked to the nearest servant.
I'm with you.
"Come on, lets get you dried off, you don't want to get sick" he told her gently, leading her up the stairs to the guest room she'd been in before.
"Here, go shower and change. I'll tend to those wounds after and you can tell me what's going on" he told her softly, handing her some of Mina's clothes and a towel.
(30 mins later)
"So, you're saying that your parents kicked you out because they think you're not grateful for all they've done?" he asked and she nodded numbly and he continued.
"Then they had the nerve to call you an 'insolent machine' and allow their body guards to beat you?" She nodded again and winced as he applied rubbing alcohol to a cut on her face.
"Sorry. Look, you can stay her with me and Mina, my grandfather's in jail so he doesn't get a say. And you're not a machine, you're as human as Mina and I" he told her, his eyes softening but staying serious at the same time.
As he tended to her wounds, he felt her slumb against his shoulder as she fell asleep. 'I'll tell Mina in the morning, right now you need sleep' "Sleep well my amazon" he whispered to the girl as he pulled the bedcovers over her.
Kai quietly closed the door to the room and walked over to his, grateful that he didn't get..."Kai Dimitri Hiwatari!"...caught. He turned and saw Mina and Chaya standing at the end of the hallway, both with suprised looks on their faces.
"What do you want?" he asked, annoyed that they had to pop up now.
"Don't even try pulling that, you've got explaining to do" Mina said, staring him down.