Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ KC ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

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Authors Note: Anything in between <...> is the bitbeast talking to the blader. and anything between '...' are thoughts of a blader. Things between*...* is Blader responding and talking back to bitbeast.Disclaimer: I do not own beyblade
Chapter 2KC Returns
The next morning KC awoke to foot steps coming closer to her. 'Great they're on the 'hunt' again.' KC thought sitting up. She quietly walked out of the cave out into the open. "There she is!" A guard said. 'Gez! I didn't think that they were that close.' KC thought as she ran off into the deep forest again. After awhile she lost them. "Why does this always happen to me? I have to go back and they know it!" She said aloud. She growled knowing what she had to do. She turned around towards her enemies camp. "Well, well look who came back." A man said as she entered the camp. "Hand her over now." KC said solemnly. "Not until you hand over your bitbeast." The guy said. "I don't have her with me. "KC said. "Oh and where would it be?" The man asked. "I'm not going to tell you. Do you really think I'm that gullible?" KC asked. "Fine then we'll just take your precious animal." The man said walking away from her. 'Don't worry ... I'll get you back. 'KC thought turning around. She walked to a tree near by and climbed up it. From there she could see the whole camp. 'There she is.' KC thought seeing her dog. KC took out of her bag a dog whistle and started to blow into it. The noise was so high pitched that only her dog could hear it. The dog faced toward the direction of the sound and started to howl with it. 'I'm coming for you.' KC thought. The camp grew quiet and everyone was in their tents unaware of KC watching from a near by tree. KC jumped from the tree and quietly snuck towards her dog. She got to the cage which she was being held in and unlocked it. "Come on lets go." KC said quietly to the dog. Both her and the dog ran out of the camp with no one behind them. "Come on Nelly, were gonna go check up on my blade." KC said with a smile. The dog nodded knowing what she said. The dog had a long black silky coat with a light goldish colored spots. The dog was very unique because it knew that the term 'beyblade' was a help KC train since she was 10. The dog and her were pretty much inseparable. Although the dog was getting old it was healthy, and still acted like a little puppy. The two walked towards the Bladebreakers camp on the other side of the forest.Near the camp, the dog, Nelly took a short rest under a tree. KC however climbed up the tree to take a look at the camp. She saw the Bladebreakers and jumped from branch to branch until practically above them. She jumped down and scared them all half to death. "Hehe Sorry about that." KC said giggling. Her dog heard their screams and came running. The dog took its place as if protecting KC and started growling. "Nelly It's ok. They're my friends." KC said. The dog nodded and sat beside her. "Y-You have a dog?" Max asked. "Yes. This is Nelly." KC said pointing to her dog. "She seems so protective of you. Where was she yesterday." Ray asked. "They caught her and put her in a cage. I just went and got her out." KC said. "Anyway. Hows my blade coming?" KC asked looking at Kenny. "Almost done. But I'm have a couple questions." Kenny answered. "Ok. What?" KC asked. "Why do you have an extra metal in you engine gear?" Kenny asked. "It adds extra weight to the blade which can help you in battle. I don't always use it though." KC answered. "Ok...Well what is your metal made out of? And Where did you get it?" Kenny asked. "It's just a regular beyblade metal. And someone gave it to me." KC answered. "Oh. Well last question. Why is it that shape?" Kenny asked. "Like the metal in my engine it adds extra weight. It's shape helps with all of my defensive, endurance, and offensive attacks. You'll see what I mean when I battle." KC said. "Wow Kenny! She almost sounds like you!" Tyson said. "Ha ha very funny." Kenny said. "Hey Kai I think I'll have my bitbeast back now." KC said. Kai pulled out her white bit chip and handed it to her. Everyone stared at her waiting to see her reaction when she saw that her bitbeast was not to be seen. "Why are you all staring at me?" KC said. "Well uh... Your bitbeast is not in it's bit chip." Tyson said. "Yes it is. See." KC said holding up the bit for everyone to see. As they all went to get a closer look, it disappeared again. "Heh. I guess she doesn't want to be seen." KC said seeing her disappear. "Well you think you can just tell her what she looks like?" Tyson asked. "No." KC said smirking. "Why?" Tyson asked. "She doesn't want to be seen right now so I'll keep her appearance a secret." KC said. "KC do you have any extra metals?" Kenny asked. "Oh yah!" KC said. KC handed him a large metal and a tiny metal. He put them together. "Here you go. All fixed." Kenny said handing her the new blade.KC inspected it to see if there was anything more it needed. She took her bit chip and placed it in the middle of the blade. Right when it clicked into place the blade glowed for a second and then went back to normal. "Hey are you registered with any beyblade company?" Kenny asked. "I think so...Why?" KC asked. "Well I was trying to look up information on you on my labtop and there's no page for you." Kenny said. "I'm and anonymous blader. You won't find anything on me except a picture." KC said. "Oh." Kenny said. "Look under anonymous bladers. You'll find me there." KC said. KC turned around to head back into the forest. "Hey KC what about our battle?" Tyson said. "Tomorrow morning Tyson. I'm giving you some time to practice. You'll need it so at least get close to defeating me." KC said looking over her shoulder. "I don't need any practice I'm the world champion!" Tyson said. "There's always people stronger than you Tyson and people are always training and getting better. Even me. You think that because I'm a girl that you can easily beat me. But your wrong...I'm very strong." KC said turning around and looking towards the ground. Her sky blue hair fell in front of her face making it where no one could see her expression. "I'll be back tomorrow Tyson." KC said before walking away. 'She's a complete mystery to everyone. I'v never met anyone like her. But is she speaking the truth or is she just all talk. That we will see tomorrow.' Kai thought watching KC leave with Nelly beside her. * * * * * * *The next morning KC awoke with Nelly by her side as always. Nelly got up and sniffed the air and listened to the surrounding area, making sure it was safe. KC walked out of the cave and headed towards the Bladebreakers camp once again. She had become very familiar with the forest these last couple of days by walking around them so much. KC arrived at the camp and took a seat on the side. It was still very quiet and she supposed that they were still sleeping. Then she saw Kai and Ray come out of their tent. "Wow. When you said morning you meant morning." Ray said smiling. "hmph. Others still sleeping?" KC asked. "Yah." Ray asked. KC smirked evilly. "Which tent is Tyson in?" KC asked. "Uh the second one." Ray said not knowing if he should have told her. "I'm gonna go wake him up. Or shall I said were gonna wake him up." KC said. "Were?" Ray asked. "Yah. Nelly and I. Nelly's going to do most of the work though." KC said smiling. KC bent down so that she could look into the dark brown eyes of her four legged companion. "Ok Nelly your gonna go in the tent and scare Tyson ok?" KC said. Nelly licked KC's face and they both walked towards the tent. Kai and Ray watched musingly.KC opened up the tent door and Nelly walked in. Nelly neared Tyson's sleeping bag and laid down. "Ok Nelly speak." KC whispered. Right on command Nelly started Howling loudly in Tyson's ear. He jumped up in fear of the dog being next to him. "AhH!!!!!" He screamed. KC ran away from the tent along with Nelly towards Ray and Kai. Ray was barely suppressing a laugh. "Wow Tyson that was the fastest I have ever seen you get out of bed." Ray said. "Where did that dog come from?" Tyson asked. "Talk about short term memory." KC said. "Heh oh yah it's yours." Tyson said. "Good girl Nelly." KC said smiling. "You mean..." Tyson started. KC nodded as confirming what he was going to say. "Why you-" Tyson started again but was cut off. "Save it for the battle Tyson." KC said. "You guys have a stadium around here. I'd like to get this over with as soon as possible." KC said she had a glint in her eyes that they have never seen before. Full of determination and something that they couldn't place. It made them all start to feel a little uneasy."Uh yah over here." Tyson said. They all walked over the the red stadium. "On my mark. 3...2...1...Let it Rip!" Max said taking his spot as the referee. ******There all done. Hope you all liked it! well please leave a review on your way out.~Sharon Converting /tmp/phpaccFgG to /dev/stdout