Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Rise of the Past ❯ Reconsider Everything Part 3 ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 17--> Reconsider Everything Part 3

As Driger CM was having a hard time managing against Ra, Ray was growling. Tyson and the others were offering any support that was possible for them to give. But was there? Ra was too powerful right now, it was almost like he was in control of himself! As still Ishizu seemed to not be in this world...

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"You think that's cute?" Kai asked harshly as he held Ishizu off the ground, glaring into her eyes, burning hers. "You think that's funny knocking me with a plank of wood!" Ishizu struggled to get away, but Kai's grip on her arms only tightened with each twitch. "Now I want to do this to you ever the more... and the privacy of it all it the nicest part! Say good bye!" Ishizu's eyes widened as Kai moved to kill her.

"Kai, please!" stated Ishizu.

"It's too last 'tease," he replied. "You've had this coming from day one!" Ishizu broke into tears for a second. Kai threw her to the ground, hard into the side of the wall. Ishizu thumped and smashed her head into the wall.

"OWWW!" she cried. Kai walked forward, and took out a small chuck of rope, about a foot long. Kai leaned down and flipped Ishizu onto her stomach and sat down on top of her, still crouching his legs around her arms. Quickly wrapping the rope around her neck, he went to suffocate her. Ishizu felt herself harder to breath. She started to buck and struggle to get away, but Kai was much more muscular and stronger than her, holding her in the death trap. "KAI! STOP IT! PLEASE! PLEASE KAI! DON'TDO THIS!" The words came out in small intervals as she tried to keep her breath. But all Kai did was sit their in total and utmost silence.

"GET OFF HER!" shouted a voice, and suddenly Kai was knocked off of Ishizu's back and the rope was uncoiled. Jumping to her knees, Ishizu wrapped her hands around her neck lightly as the rope burns pierced her tanned skin. She coughed uncontrollably, and was heaving to keep herself in control to get back her breath. She looked down and noticed Kai was laying on the ground, in pain. Turning around, Ishizu saw that purple haired boy from before. "Come on," he stated. "The exit is just a few hallways and up a couple of stairs." The boy held out his hand and Ishizu took it, and she continued to tear. She couldn't believe it, Kai had tried to kill her, and he had almost succeeded! "Follow me."

Ishizu followed the boy out of the little hallway, looking carefully as to not find Ray, Tyson, or Max anywhere near them. The purple haired boy took a good grip on Ishizu's hand and started to run with her down a clear hallway. Ishizu looked back once more, Kai hadn't left the little corridor just yet. She still was having a hard time fathoming what had just happened. She thought she liked this guy, a possible chance of love, but no, all that happened was that it went in the total opposite way. Ishizu held back more tears that wanted to flood her face with. Instead she looked at the boy who was taking her down a few hallways, making lefts and rights, making sure to check to see if the coast was clear.

"Who are you?" she whispered, as they stopped at another intersection. The boy looked down at her and then peeked his head around the corner carefully. Bringing his head back, he looked directly into Ishizu's bubbling gray eyes.

"My name's Gary. I was sent by Dr. Kay and Dr. Zagart to get you out of here. They heard about Mr. Dickenson's plan on getting Ra. They felt that Mr. D was going to use Ra to get Alem and dominate the world," replied the purple haired boy. Ishizu looked at him again. "Plus, I couldn't let Kai kill a hottie." Ishizu blushed and gave him a quick hug. Gary hugged her back for a second, but then broke it when they heard voices coming.

"I thought I saw her going with that Gary-kid down that way!" stated Ray.

"Once I get my hands on that bitch and her bastard!" growled Kai. Ishizu looked frightened into Gary's eyes. She was terrified. Absolutely terrified. Never before had she felt like this. Ishizu didn't really know what it was like to be afraid because she always felt indifferent and emotionless. Nothing seemed to faze her, nothing seem to really upset her. Her "parents" hadn't shown her emotion... only Robert and this Gary-kid.

Gary looked behind them and then back at Ishizu, squeezing her hands tightly. He gave her a wink. "I'm getting you out of here. And the only way you can possible reward me is to go out on a date with me," he stated. Ishizu didn't know whether or not it was a joke or if Gary was serious, but she had no time to ask as he ripped her down into the hallway.

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"Come on Ray!" shouted Hilary.


"Show her what it means to be under total control of your blade!" declared Tyson, cupping his hands around his mouth to project the sound.

"Ray!" stated Kai. "Just be careful, something's going on in Ishizu's mind, and that is bringing her anger! Ra is feeding off that anger!"

"You need to find away to maybe interrupt the connection between Ra and Ishizu, even for a split second!" announced Kenny.

"Kai is right," stated Dizzi. "I'm getting some strange vibes coming from Ishizu. She's not right in the head!" Gary growled and gave the Blade Breakers and the Keepers death glares.

"Like you can read minds," he stated. "And who said anything's wrong with Ishizu's brain?! I think you are all the ones with a few screws loose up in your brains!" Max glared down at Gary.

"You don't know anything about Ishizu!" cried Max. "You don't know anything except for her blading skills and her appearance! You don't know her past! Nor do I bet you care about her!" Gary rolled his eyes. But then something suddenly started to beep in his ear. He looked away as he listened to the voice of Dr. Kay on the other side.

Meanwhile the winds picked up a bit as Ra went crashing into Driger CM again. Ray gritted his teeth, hands clenching. Malik was coming back to himself a bit, and was trying to stand, but Myrrh and Donkor were keeping him down as much as they could. And who could physically fight Donkor's bulk, and mentally fight Myrrh's words of wisdom and compassion.

"Ray!" shouted Malik at the Chinese blader. Ray turned his eye's glance back at the fallen leader and listened intently. "Ra is an endurance and attack blade. Just like Driger CM! Use your knowledge!" Ray nodded. [Malik's right. Driger CM and Ra are built for the same things. So I'm never going to out run him, or out last him. I'm just going to have to go on the attack and hope Driger's ready for this.]

"DRIGER!" shouted Ray. "FINAL VICTORY ATTACK!" Driger jumped out of his blade and went on a charge for Ra, who still wasn't coming out of his blade. The white tiger started to glow and the light sparked off him, flowing into nothingness. The blade charged with all its energy at Ra.

Out of no where, the wind picked up heavily and worse off then it was before. The sand picked up and swirled around the pools of air. Everyone put up their hands to block out the sand that was lightly pelting their faces. Driger stopped its attack and went back into its blade. Both blades jumped back into the hands of their bladers. Myrrh jumped up and cried out, managing to look through the sand.

"FUCK!" she screamed. "GET OUT OF THERE NOW! ITS A SANDSTORM AND ITS HEADING FOR US!" The others managed to see no too far away but also not to close was a huge brown cloud. It was rolling right at them and surging forward.

"Quickly!" shouted Abassi. "Back into the Oasis! There's a cave there!" He spun on his heels, and Myrrh helped place Malik on Donkor's back before she quickly ran off after him.

"Come on!" stated Malik. "Myrrh and Abassi went a head to get the horses there, we need to go now!" The Blade Breakers didn't need to be told again, as they all spun on their heals and headed for the tropically forest that was before them in the dead lands. As they ran, Kai looked back and stopped all together. Ishizu was still just standing there. With Gary no less. He growled. [I have to get her,] he thought.

"KAI!" shouted Hilary.

"GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE NOW HIWATARI!" screamed Tyson. Kai growled once more before turning and running away from the nature's oncoming wrath. Donkor was actually quiet fast for being "big boned" and carrying Malik in the hot desert sun. The Blade Breakers and Hilary kept up and noticed Abassi and Myrrh grabbing the last of the horses and taking them not too far away from where they had originally sat for the lunch. Donkor and Malik led them into the forest area, and there stood a big mound. They ran around it and found the mouth of the gaping clay. Everyone ran in there, to find themselves surrounded with Myrrh, Abassi, and a herd of Arabian horses all snorting and stomping the soft sanded carpet.

"Get deeper in!" exclaimed Myrrh. "You don't want any gusts getting you out of here." The Blade Breakers moved in quiet deep, only to be accompanied by the smell of horse and a few un-lit lanterns. Donkor motioned for Ray and Tyson to help him get Malik down, as Abassi was too busy trying to settle a frightened young horse. And Myrrh, she was trying to light some lanterns that were in there. Donkor bent down as Ray and Tyson walked over and carefully grasped Malik by his upper arms. Hilary, as quickly as she could, kicked as much sand into the side of the wall, and almost made like a cushion for the Egyptian boy. They settled him down on it, as they suddenly heard a loud noise outside. It sounded like the roar of a lion, the pounding of hooves in a stampede, and the tapping like bees' stingers on the walls as the gust of the sandstorm hit.

Hilary cringed at the sounds as it at times sounded like nails scratching a dry chalkboard. With the cavern lit up, and the sounds of the storm hit them, they all fell silent. Kenny and Dizzi went over towards Malik to do their best of a diagnosis for him.

"I'd say you'd bruised your back there Malik," declared Kenny.

"Hey! Who's the expert on everything?" asked Dizzi. "I would normally say, Malik, for you to lay this one off, but after tonight we should be a better reading." Malik mumbled something that sounded close to a thanks and Kenny shut Dizzi, as to not waste up all her batteries.

Kai stood looking out of the shelter into the storm. "How long do these last?" Myrrh looked up and over to Abassi.

"Depends," Abassi informed. "It all depends on how big it is. It could take the rest of the day and into the night." Kai just continued to stand and look out into the swirling vortex of doom. [Ishizu,] he thought.
