Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Rise of the Past ❯ Stone Tablet ( Chapter 19 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 19--> Stone Tablet

Everyone was dead asleep in the cave, Mryyh and Hilary had finally shut up and fell asleep. Kai was the only one left awake and the storm was slowing down. He sat at the entrance to the cave, looking out at the sand, swearing he could see images of Ishizu. The storm was still on the same force as when it started and Kai was getting impatient. He clenched Dranzer in his hand, and then in his other was Ishizu's launcher. He growled and shoved it back into his pocket.

Why did she have to give him her launcher. It only brought out more and more memories, short and little they were but enough to make an impact. But he couldn't get that kiss out of his head. He actually kissed Ishizu, and she kissed him back. Kai pondered if it was some sort of an act the girl was playing or not. No, it couldn't be. You can't act emotion like that. And the way she had looked at him afterwards...Kai was certain that Ishizu was falling for him as much as Kai was falling for her. But still, that little doubt in the back of his mind irked him that it had been a dream, that kiss and all. But no, the launcher proved it.

Kai held his head in between his hands, trying to sort everything out. And what Mryyh and Hilary were talking about earlier. He was sure that they didn't mean for him to hear it all. Did he really talk in his sleep about Ishizu? If Tyson could hear him talking in his sleep, what was going to stop Max or Rei! And Tyson is a heavy sleeper. How was that all possible. Kai stopped himself quickly. He didn't want to know what through Tyson's head. He sulked again as more thoughts about Ishizu popped into his head. He was going to kill Gary when he found him. Burn him to the ground. The way he touched Ishizu was just disgusting, and he must have noticed Kai's expressions because he continued and went further most of the time. Kai growled again.

The blade in his hands started to warm up and the bit chip started to glow a shade of red. Kai stared at Dranzer in wonderance. What was he trying to tell him? It wasn't like that dream back on the plane when Dranzer was talking to him face to face. No, the bit beast was trapped in silence inside of his blade. But then something strange happened. Only a quarter of Dranzer started to glow. Kai looked up and noticed how the section that the illuminated on the blade was in the same direction as the exit/entrance of the cave.

' I wonder... '

Kai got up from his seat near the entrance and started for the exit. But little debris of sand particles hit him in the nose. He quickly covered his mouth and nose, but Kai knew he wouldn't make it out there with his eyes unprotected. But then he remembered something that Malik had said earlier on their trip...

==Flash back==

"How much longer!" cried Tyson, dying for that cold water. Malik rolled his eyes and never spoke. "I'm so hot!" Hilary sighed. "I need some water!" They all kept trucking in silence, except for the snorting of the Arabians, and the squeaky wheel on the Chariots. Oh and who could for Tyson's complaining. "I need some air conditioning!"

"SHUT UP TYSON!" screamed Kenny. "I can't take it anymore!"

"I have a scarf to make a gag out of," offered Malik. Hilary laughed, and Tyson just frowned. Hilary pinched his cheeks, but Tyson slapped at her. But as his fist went, Donkor's empty hand grasped Tyson and held him tightly. He squeezed lightly.

"We don't hit the ladies here," he stated. Hilary kind of hid behind Donkor and stuck her tongue out. Donkor threw Tyson's hand away, and turned to Hilary. "And we don't treat others like shit... most of the time." Hilary blushed. "Plus the horses are doing harder work, they should be the first ones to complain. Not a by-stander..."


Malik had a scarf; that could truly come in handy in this kind of situation. Quietly making his way over to the Egyptian boy, Kai noticed that the scarf he had been talking about was wrapped around his upper arm. Kai eyed it, daring to take it. But what if he woke up Malik. Boy would he have one angry kid on his hands. And that was not something he wanted to add on to his plate. He had enough to deal with concerning Ishizu. Carefully he placed Dranzer on the ground and slowly started to unknot the scarf from Malik's arm. Slowly he slipped the cloth from itself, and looked over towards the sleeping boy's face. Nothing had changed and Malik seemed to be quiet content in his sleep. Kai started to slip the cloth from underneath Malik's arm when he saw the boy shift. Kai froze in his spot and awaited the onslaught of curses.

"Hmmm...murph...nanana... mmmmhmmm... Mryyh... murph murph... stupid... hmmm...hmmm... go Sibuna..."

Kai could almost laugh at the boy. Talk about Kai sleep talking, Malik looked so stupid as he did it. It was like he was gurgling water and speaking at the same time. Or at least attempting to speak. Kai managed to get the cloth away from the kid, and tied it around his nose and mouth. With that, he picked up Dranzer and turned towards the exit and left...


As he continued to walk through the desert storm, Kai had a hard time seeing in front of him. The scarf wrapped around his face, covering his nose and mouth. Trudging on through the nearly impossible storm, Kai held up his beyblade towards his eyes. The area of Dranzer that had been glowing changed direction. Now it was pointing towards his left. Shifting his path, he continued, following the directions that Dranzer was giving him and not doubting them for one second.

'Hang on Ishizu, I'm coming. And I'm not going to stop until I get you back.'


About a couple of hours or so after Kai left the cavern, the winds there had slowed down to minimal sand movement. Instead, all that appeared was a very grains still floating about in the sky. Abassi woke up first, stretching his arms and letting out a mighty big yawn. Chewing the air sleepily, he glanced over towards the dazing horses. That young one had finally gotten over the horrible noises that the sand storm had created. He looked over towards Malik, who was still dead asleep in his same position, thanks to the props that were placed around him, the saddle bags that Salama had packed them. Abassi lazily reached over and grabbed one and pulled a sandwich. Taking a big bite out of it, he looked around towards the others. He looked at Mryyh and Hilary peacefully sleeping next to each other. Donkor was sprawled out just like Tyson on the ground. They appeared to be punching each other in their sleep as well. Max, Kenny, and Rei were content in their sleep, and Kai-- Kai wasn't in the cavern.

Dropping his sandwich, Abassi woke up entirely and continued to look down and around. He hoped Kai was just outside the cavern, waiting for them. Scrambling up, he dashed over towards the exit and stuck his head out of it. Looking around, all he saw was sand and more sand.

"KAI!" he shouted, cupping his hands around his mouth to extend the volume of it. "KAI! KAI, WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?" But there was no answer from Kai.

"Do you have to be so loud?" asked Max waking up. Everyone else but Donkor, Tyson, and Malik stirred. Hilary was rubbing her eyes and yawning.

"What is it, Abassi?" she asked sleepily. Abassi spun around and ran into the cavern. He quickly fixed up and woke the rest of the sleeping horses. "Abassi? What is wrong?" Abassi put the bridles and saddles back on a few of the horses. "Abassi?"

"Its Kai. He's gone."

"GONE!" shrieked Mryyh, which woke up Malik and Donkor. Tyson was still out. "What do you mean he's gone?"

"Who's gone?" asked Malik a little dazed.

"It's Kai, he's gone. I woke up, and he wasn't here," said Abassi.

"He went after Ishizu," declared Rei. "Max, you and Kenny get up Tyson, now!"

"What are you doing Abassi?" asked Hilary.

"I'm preparing the horses," he said to her, kind of a stupid question in his mind. "I bet you Kai went out in the middle of the storm. We have to find him, or else. He may be lost forever. And our chariots are broken. So we need to ride the horses ourselves. Hard and fast."

"But there are only six horses and like nine of us," stated Max.

"Then we have to double up," said Abassi. "Who here knows who to ride a horse?" The BladeBreakers remained silent. They didn't even bother to ask Tyson, who was still asleep. Hilary stood up and brushed herself off.

"I use to ride, before I moved," she stated. Abassi nodded.

"Better than nothing-"

"Hey what's that suppose to mean?!"

"Ugh, Hilary, do you have to be so loud in the morning?" asked Tyson all groggy. "Geez I mean, can't a guy get a decent sleep once in a while?" Hilary spun around and started to growl at the boy. But Malik started to stand up.

"Stop it, Malik," cried Mryyh. "You can't move with your back-"

"I'm fine," he said, winking at her. "Plus you still need another rider to lug around these city slickers. I am fine. That night's rest is exactly what I needed. Plus. I'm not abandoning you now. I have to protect Alem some how..."

"But Sibuna..." mumbled Mryyh. Malik shook his hand.

"I can always get a new blade, but Sibuna is fine. Come on. We need to get out of here now!"


Kai continued to follow the directions that Dranzer was continuously commanding. The storm was settling down a bit, but visibility was now ten feet in front of him compared to two. Yet he still continued to trudge on, no matter how badly he needed to felt he should wait for the storm to pass. It only would put more time between him, Ishizu, Gary, and Alem. He didn't want to think of what Gary could be possibly doing to Ishizu. And if he ever did find anything, the boy was going to die. Literally. Kai was ready to take him down.

As the storm continued to sift through the skies, Kai managed to make out a large image through the piercing sands. He couldn't tell exactly what it was, but it was very very large. Easy enough for him to tell that, but that was about it. He continued to walked towards this object, as on Dranzer's orders. It really didn't make a difference to him, as he knew not of where he was or where he was going.

Coming closer and closer towards the structure, Kai took notice to the detailed artwork on the large stab of stone that came in front of him. Dranzer started to glow entirely, and he could almost feel the blade pulsing in his hand. It was like Dranzer was going crazy or he was just where the bit beast wanted him to be. Kai took to the second option. The detail on the ancient tablet was incredible. In the sandstorm he couldn't really make out much but what he did astounded him.

The rock had carvings of six creatures on it. The six creatures were arranged all around the tablet. On the corners were a bird, a serpent with legs, a cat, and a turtle. Down towards the middle of the bottom was a lion/bird creature. And in the middle was a GIGANTIC carving of a large serpent with legs and wings. Around the large carving seemed to be an aura sketched. Kai stared in awe and he knew exactly where he was....

= Flash back =

"GUYS!" cried Kenny running towards them.

"What's with the rush?" asked Rei.

"What are they out of those burgers down-" started Tyson, until Hilary gutted him, with a smile. Kenny rested for a second, before opening up Dizzi.

"I just got an email from Max's mom. I sent her an email yesterday and asked her to do a little research for me."

"What was the research about?" asked Tyson, rubbing his stomach and leaning forward towards the screen, as everyone else did.

"Well, we asked her if she knew anything about that 'ancient bit beast' that those Blade Wraiths were going on off about, and boy was that file big," stated Kenny.

"YOU think it's big!" cried out Dizzi. "It's slowing down my hard drive here chief."

"Well, what is it?" asked Rei.

"Don't leave us hanging?" cried Max.

"Ok, take a good look, and what do you see on the screen?" asked Dizzi as she popped up the file. On it was a desert, and a bunch of sand.

"Sand, sand, and more sand," stated Tyson.

"Well, keep looking." The picture moved across a desert for a little bit and then come upon a set of ruins. Then the screen inched forward towards these ruins, and moved them through the battered stones and crumbling walls. It was until they got to a stone that was standing 30 feet tall. It was like a wall that encased in a waning moon. There were scattered bits of rock that was engraved, and there was a lowered section in the center of the circle. Then the screen zoomed into the lingering rock behind them, the only thing that seemed to have survived. The rock was carved, and the pattern on it was of a dragon, a HUGE dragon, with fire blowing out of its nares, and even a light aura was carved around it. Its eye was like the typical etching of an Egyptian eye, glaring down at them. But in the four corners around it, and in the center directly bellow the massive dragon, where five creatures. Another dragon in the top right, a bird in the top left, a tiger on the bottom right, a turtle on the bottom left, and in the bottom center was something that looked like a griffon, with a circled area underneath it that was missing. Every gasped as they could depict that it was their bit beasts marked into the stone.

"WHAT THE!" cried Tyson.

"Are those are our bit beasts?" asked Kai. Kenny nodded.

"You remember that little tale from Ozuma about how the four sacred bit beasts' did not want to be sealed? Well there seems to be more to it. Its almost like they couldn't be put back period-" started Kenny.

"But the Saint Shields did get Driger for a minute," reminded Hilary. Rei frowned.

"Yes, but just listen, there is a LOT more to this than what you think. You see, there was a reason that they were called the Sacred Spirits. You see at the beginning of time, there were many of these spirits that lived amongst the people, and it wasn't until the time of the Egyptians that they were able to try and harness them. So every bit beast, not counting the made up ones, was at one time contained by the people. And there was just this one spirit that no one could control," stated Dizzi.

"I'm guessing that that Spirit was the big dragon on the stone tab," stated Rei.

"You nailed it," declared Dizzi. "You see, this Spirit was called Alem the Sky Dragon, or sometimes Pharaoh-God Dragon, was just way to powerful for anyone to contain. Some of the people claim that it was the first Spirit ever, and that all our bit beasts came from it some how. Alem was also to almost have destroyed the world with its sheer power, when the Egyptians first discovered it. Well, you figure that they would leave it alone."

"Well no duh, that much power is just corruptive," stated Hilary. The others nodded. Dizzi sighed.

"If only they could have seen your vision. Well the pharaoh wanted it badly, that he had hundreds of men and their Spirits go and capture it. Sad to say that all those bit beasts were crushed and destroyed forever. The battles were long and endless as one by one the Spirits and their handlers dropped to their death. In the end, it was left to five bit beasts."





"Ra," stated Hilary for Iz.

"Well, they some how managed to wear down Alem enough to get him into the pharaoh's staff. Alem was almost ashamed that those five bit beasts, his children, were forced and able to drain and contain him. Those five warriors were praised for a few minutes, but forgotten quickly as the pharaoh went on a rampage with his new weapon. When a war broke out in Egypt, the pharaoh would summon his powerful spirit and the opponents were conquered in a matter of seconds."

"That sounds so horrible!" cried Hilary. "To think someone actually did that to the poor bit beast!" The others nodded.

"Well, you'll be happy to hear that the spirit grew restless with the pharaoh, Alem had a mind of its own. During its last battle, the ground shook and the earth parted, the Nile rose rapidly and floods grew vastly. Deadly storms covered the skies, and it seemed like the Apocalypse was here. Alem had gotten away from the pharaoh, and was turning on him. The pharaoh only used the spirit for bad, and now it was coming back at him, which ultimately killed the pharaoh. Alem was in rage of his work, that the spirit went on a rampage, and the world seemed to be ending. Who could blame that big guy for being so confused at what had happened to him! But luckily a group of Egyptians were able to capture and contain the powerful spirit with the help of their own sacred spirits, it happened to be those same five spirits, and another round of Spirits who perished. It took over one hundred men to contain Alem, until they got to an Egyptian sorceress. She was able to insert the spirit in a secret location, a large carving of the spirit on the wall of the pharaoh's pyramid, which collapsed many years later, but ruins are left of it, and some where in those ruins is the spirit. She also gave the impression of the five bit beasts who were able to contain him. The sorceress told the men that one day Alem will escape from the prison, the spirits too power to be contained forever, but has the chance to turn to the side of good. She saw a vision of two different bands of people fighting to be the first to get to the Ancient Spirit as soon at it would start to break free. If it is shown the respect and kindness it could be settled and rested for eternity, then the world will remain at peace with the spirit. But if the sacred spirit fell into the wrong hands, it could be the end of the world," finished Dizzi.

"I just love the ending," mumbled Rei sarcastically.

"But it kind of does make sense on how special our bit beasts are, and how they were able to stay away from Ozuma's ancestors. They have unfinished business. They have to keep Alem from getting away and into the wrong hands!" stated Tyson.

= End Flash back =

Kai knew exactly where he was and what he was going to find. But he also remember what Dranzer had shown him in the dream. Out of the corner of his crimson eyes he noticed that there was an opening into the ground just under the marking of the tiger. Inside, Kai knew he had to go in, and in that instant, the boy jumped at the chance. The only explanation for the open doorway was that Gary and Iz were in there. And there was no way Kai was going to leave Ishizu with Gary for one minute longer. No matter what state of mind she was in.


Phew... took me a while... I know majority of this is probably a flashback. But c'est la vie!!! and R & R!