Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Scars Reopened ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

now that i have your attention, i just wanted you to know that i am fully aware this is not how the russian tournament, or The Beyblade Finals, whatever you want to call it, really goes, but i don't care. I never liked the demolition boys in the first place, and this is my own story, so i'm taking them out and replacing them with the white tigers. it fits my story much better that way. After all, i'm the author, i can do what ever i want in my story, right? right?!!

Rei stiffened in shock as he felt Kai's mouth descend onto his own. <OhgodohgodohgodIcan'tbelievethisishappeningKai'skissingme!!> His thoughts were racing a mile a second through his head.

Kai pulled away, disappointment flooding through him as Rei didn't return the gesture.

"I'm sorry Rei, I shouldn't have-" Kai wasn't able to finish his apology as Rei's hands snapped up to fist in his hair and pulled him back down, fastening his mouth against Kai's. His eyes widened in shock, then he regained his senses and ran his own hands through Rei's hair, the barest hint of a smile ghosting his lips.

He wrapped his arms tightly around Rei and deepened the kiss. The smaller boy’s mouth was soft and firm, and the kiss seemed innocent, yet so significant.

The soft contact of the neko boy’s pliable lips under his was slowly driving Kai insane. Needing more, he gently traced the outline of Rei’s mouth with his tongue. As the other’s lips parted, granting him entrance, he was quick to take advantage, a small moan escaping him as his tongue found Rei’s. Rei whimpered, clutching more tightly to the other as he kissed back tentatively, unaccustomed to such gentleness, but craving it all the same.

To Kai's annoyance, someone knocked on the door, then gasped in surprise, and the two boys pulled away, looking up to see the team standing at the entrance of the room.

"Nice to see you two made up." Tyson said, crossing his arms and smirking as Kai and Rei both blushed deeply. "I hate to interrupt, as Kai looks like he's going to kill me now, but Mr. Dickenson was talking to the doctor, and convinced her that Rei should be able to come to the Russian tournament once it rolls around, as long as he rests a lot, and he doesn't compete, only watches." Rei stared at Tyson, stunned.

"I....I can go?" Tyson nodded, grinning. Rei looked at the others, who were nodding as well, then flung his arms around Kai, hauling him back down to his level in a vise-like hug. Kai faltered, almost falling off the bed from the force.

"Easy Rei! Don't ruin things before the tournament even starts!" Kai scolded. Rei just laughed.

~The Day Before The Tournament~

Rei leaned on one crutch, not needing both anymore, and watched their plane roll to a stop.

Feeling a hand placed on his shoulder, he turned to see Kai looking at him. "You sure you're alright?" Rei smirked.

"I'm fine, Kai." A small smile forming on Kai's face, the two of them followed the rest of the group onto the plane, and they sat down in the front row, Kai sitting by the window.

A few hours later, Rei laughed as he watched Tyson trying to walk around on his crutch.

Kai opened one eye, looking over at Rei at the sound. He was relieved to see Rei smiling again. After a moment, he closed his eyes and went back to working out strategies in his mind.

He was shaken out of his concentrating some time later by Rei calling his name quietly. Opening his eyes, he was surprised to see everyone else asleep, and he turned to Rei.

"What is it?" He asked, thankful everyone was out of it so he didn't have to act cold.

"Ummm...." Rei blushed, looking down at his hands in his lap. "Well, I...I just wanted to ask....ijustwantedtoaskwhyyoukissedme." Kai blinked in surprise.

"Mind repeating that more slowly?" Rei sighed, then looked up at Kai. "Why....why did you kiss me?"

Kai was thrown off by this.

"I, I guess....I guess I kissed you because, I.....well, I.....I like you. A lot." He winced. <Here comes rejection.> When no response came, he opened his eyes and looked up at Rei to see he was smiling gently.

"I'm glad to hear that. That makes this a lot easier." Kai was about to ask what he meant when Rei leaned forward and caught Kai in a slow yet strong kiss. Kai responded instantly, gliding his fingers in Rei's hair to lace them together behind his head and pull him closer.

"Hmmm...."Kai sighed, completely content. Rei broke the kiss off, yawning, a blush rising over his face.

"S-sorry." He said, trying to stifle the yawn. Kai merely shook his head, smiling, and pulled Rei closer, allowing the boy to use his shoulder for a pillow. "Kai?" Rei asked after a moment.


"Does.....does this mean that.....that we're more then friends now?" Kai thought about it for a moment, then smiled, leaning his head against Rei's.

"Yes, I suppose it does." Rei smiled and curled up against Kai, quickly falling asleep.

A few hours later, Kai watched the ground get closer as they landed, then looked down at Rei, who was still asleep. "Rei. Come on, Rei, wake up." Rei groaned and snuggled deeper into Kai's side, shaking his head.

"No. Don' w'nna ge' up." He muttered into Kai's shirt, yawning.

"Come on Rei, you have to; we've landed." Rei sat up at this, looking around through sleepy eyes, then yawned and stretched.

The group walked off the plane, yawning and stretching as well, and took in their surroundings. Crisp snow was all over everything, and beautiful buildings were scattered everywhere. Rei watched other teams getting off different planes, and gripped Kai's arm tightly when he saw the White Tigers getting off a plane, Lee among them. Kai noticed, and growled in annoyance. <Apparantly, I didn't beat him badly enough; He can still walk.>

"Kai?" The bluenette looked down at Rei, who had a worried look on his face. Kai melted under that gaze and pulled Rei closer, leading him and the others away from the White Tigers.

Lee growled as Kai led Rei out of his view. <Don't think you can protect him forever, Kai.> He turned back to his team mates, who were giving him a stern look.

"What? Oh, come on, don't give me that look. Don't worry, I'll leave Rei alone." <For now.> "Come on, let's go find our room."

The Bladebreakers walked into their hotel room, looking around at the fancyness of the suite. Tyson bolted into one of the bedrooms, and divebombed onto the smooth satin blankets of one of the huge canopy beds.

"Wow, Dickenson really went all out this time!" He cried, grabbing hold of a pillow and throwing it at Max. "We all have our own rooms!" Rei walked in, Kai behind him, and shook his head as Max and Tyson started a pillow fight.

"Do you think we should tell Tyson each room also has it's own mini fridge?" He whispered to Kai. Kai shook his head.

"No, he'll find it-"


"-On his own." Rei laughed, shaking his head. Kai just smirked. "Hey, guys. Get practicing; our first battle is in a few hours."

Later on, Rei sat on the bench beside Chief, his crutch on the floor beside him, watching Tyson walk out to face Micheal on the All Starz team. <This seems familiar>

"Come on, Tyson! You've done it once before, you can do it again!!" Max yelled, waving his fist as Tyson set his blade, then launched it. Kai narrowed his eyes, watching Tyson as he got angrier and angrier. <He can't let the anger cloud his judgement. He needs to concentrate, or his blade will stop spinning.>

"Tyson!! Calm down right now before you blow it!" Kai yelled, shocking everyone.

Tyson looked back at him in surprise. "You can't figure out proper strategies if you're too busy getting pissed off!!" Tyson turned back to the fight, and the second Micheal started powering up his blade, rammed the blade head on, sending it flying out of the dish.

A huge roar ran through the stadium as Tyson ran back to his teammates, high fiving them.

"Oh yeah!! Just one more win, and we got this match in the bag, then it's off to the finals of the finals[1]!!" Rei shook his head, laughing.

"Kai, you're up next." Rei watched Kai get up, not saying a word and ignoring everyone, glaring at his opponent.

To everyone's shock, except Rei's, of course, the battle was over in seconds, with Kai being the victor. They all stared at Kai in shock as he came back, and all he said in response was,

"I had Dranzer upgraded before we left."

That night, Rei was sitting in his bathroom, changing his bandages, when he heard a knock at the door. Wondering who was visiting him at 10 at night, he walked out and opened the door a crack.

"Who-" His door was flung open, and he stumbled back, only to be pinned down by Lee. Terror filled his eyes as he looked up at the person he feared the most.

"So. you decided to get yourself a bodyguard. Well, where is he now, Rei?"

[1]- Hey, it's Tyson, what can you do?

A/N: *snickers* yep, i'm gonna leave you here. cruel, aren't i?