Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ scattered dreams ❯ A Witch Named Kani Yukashi ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter ten…sorry it took so long to update…suffering from a form of writers block that I get ideas for everything but what I WANT to write! sigh
Well….you know the pairing and warning’s so…on with the stories...
Tala reaches up, pushing a piece of hair out of Rei’s face, placing it behind his pointed ear. He wondered how he missed it when he braided Rei’s hair a few minutes ago. He pulled the blanket back up, and then sat down in the chair.
It was his lunch hour and like every day he spent it by Rei’s bed side. Tala was waiting for those gold eyes to open, waiting for Rei to smile again. ‘There’s a chance.’ He kept reminding himself. ‘Rei’s still breathing on his own, there’s still a chance.’
Karsin had told them that they were starting the investigation again. He was sure Bryan would be out in a few days time. Karsin, like most (if not all) thought that Bryan was innocent. Tala and Kai hoped that he was right, they wanted Bryan back so badly.
A nurse came in, interrupting his thoughts. She started to check Rei over.
“When will he wake up?” Tala asked her, hoping she’d say that he was.
“I’m not sure.” She told him, not looking up. “A few days I would say.”
“You mean…”
“That he’s coming out of it.” She finished, smiling at him. “But it may be a few days, there’s been no movement from him as of yet.”
“But he will wake up?” Tala pressed.
“Yes.” She told him, leaving. “Talk to him.” With her last words she closed the door.
Tala smiled, moving his chair closer. He took Rei’s hand in his two, leaning forward. “Rei? Kitten?” He called. “They said you’re going to wake up now. That you’re going to be OK. They said it may be a few days, but soon. Kar said Bry should be coming home soon, isn’t that great? you have to wake up, OK? We miss you so much Rei. We love you…I love you.”
“What are you doing?”
Tala turned, smiling. Kai blinked, wondering what had caused such a happy smile on to his red haired lovers face for the first time in weeks. “Kai…they said he’s waking up. They said that in a few days we’ll have him back…Kai…we’ll have our Kitten back.” Tala kissed Rei’s fingers. “Rei, Kai’s here.” Tala gave him a look that said to say something.
“Rei.” His voice sounded horse to even him. “Rei.” He tried again. “Tala and I miss you…Bryan does too, even if he isn’t here to say so.”
“Please come back. Come back to us Rei.” Tala pleaded. “Please.”
“He’ll come back. He will.” Kai assured him, sitting down on the bed. “I’m sure everything will be alright.”
Tala smiled. He took a hold of Kai’s shirt, pulling him down and kissing him. Kai willingly returned it, a hand on the back of Tala’s head, holding onto that soft red hair. Kai pulled back to breath, then kissed Tala again, this time harder and more passionate. He slipped his tongue into Tala’s mouth, enjoying the moan he got. He pulled back, turning his head to the side to catch his breath. Tala laid his head against Kai, his free arm moving from the shirt to around Kai's waist, the other still holding onto Rei’s hand. Kai reach down, stroking the side of Rei’s face, a content smile on his face. “I got to get back to the office. You coming or staying?”
Tala bit his lip, sighing. He pulling back, looking down at Rei, wanting to stay. Not looking up he answered. “I can’t…meeting.”
“Tal.” Kai kissed his head. “Stay…” Tala looked up at him, then shook his head. “Yes, I’ll cover for you. We won’t get any work done. If you stay, I’ll be able to get some work done, even if it’s just a little.”
“Alright.” Tala agreed. “The meetings at 3:30. It’s nothing to important, just a meeting with a few stock holders…you know.” Tala shook his head in annoyance. “Then get anything you or I will need and get back here.”
“If I’m not here by 5, either the ‘mighty’ people have gotten feed up with me and murdered me, or Aki and/or Luka have kidnapped me.” Kai told him.
“Alright.” Tala said, laughing slightly. “Drive safe.”
“That’s the only words of advice you have for me?” Kai asked, standing.
“All you need…now get going!” Tala told him. Kai laughed, kissing him lightly. “Remember to drive safe though!”
“I will.” Kai told him, heading out.
“Oh! Tell Luka that Rei’s alright!” Tala called after him. Kai nodded, leaving Tala be. Tala looked back down at Rei, rubbing the back of his hand with this thumb. “Its just you and me for a few hours. Don’t worry, Kai will be back soon.”
Kai sighed, rubbing his eyes. He was tired of listening to them fight. “Enough!” he snapped at them, causing them to jump and look at him. “If all you’re going to do is argue, there’s a bar three streets over.”
“Are you implying that were drunk?” Mr. Nashi Vaquize asked, the white haired 67 year old man looked offended, his blue eyes holding slight anger.
“No.” he said sarcastically. “I was saying that you’re completely sane.”
“Why you!”
“Tala and I hold 60 of the shares between us.” Kai reminded him. There were two men and one woman, between them they had about 25. Bryan, Karsin/Luka, Aki, and Rei’s part was about 8 of them together. The remaining 7 was split between the 100’s of people that had a piece of it.
The woman smiled, her teeth showing. Miss Kani Yukashi. She was the next behind him and Tala, owning 12. She was a gold digger. “How could we ever forget.” She committed. “And may I ask why you are here instead of Mr. Ivanov, Mr. Hiwatari.”
“I told him I’d take today’s meeting, he had something else to do.” Kai explained, and she giggled.
“I heard he isn’t here. That he left before lunch.”Mr. Yauni Kashini told him. Kashini was a 43 year old man that kept his brown hair neat at all times, black rimmed glasses on his face almost hiding green eyes.
“Yes.” Kai told him. “Why do you bring it up?”
“Well, shouldn’t he be here? He does know more about what’s going on in these meeting.” Kashini told him.
“That may be true, but I co-own this company.” Kai reminded him. He and Kashini didn’t get along. “Just because I don’t come to these meetings doesn’t mean I don’t know what’s happening in them.” Kashini let out a sound close to a growl. “Now then, what we need to get done is just what the pay range should be.”
“What does it matter? You’ll pay them whatever you want.” Kashini snapped.
“You know what, it doesn’t matter. This meeting is adjourned.” Kai told them, standing. “I have another meeting I must get to.” He pushed his chair in, leaving.
“Mr. Hiwatari.” Yukashi called, fallowing him into the elevator.
“What floor?” he asked her. She giggled.
“I don’t mind riding up with you.” She said. Kai growled, knowing she meant more them the trip to the top floor. She pushed the button, batting amber-brown eyes at him.
“What do you want?” he asked her, and she giggled again.
“You of course.” She said. “I know that’s why you said you’d take the meeting.” She added, moving closer to him as the door shut, and he took a slight step back. She pulled the hair clip out, causing her mid back black hair to fall down. “Why else would you take it, let alone let Mr. Ivanov leave the office unless you wanted to take me back up.”
“Look Mrs. Yukashi, I’m not interested.” Kai told her, shaking his head. “I’m gay. Everyone knows that I’m with Tala.”
“He find out you were cheating, isn’t that the truth?” she tried again, pulling something out of her purse. “That you really do like women?”
“What are you yapping about?” he snapped, glaring.
“This silly!” she said, giggling, handing him the front page of a Tabloid. “You're message to me, the one saying that you want me. Going on a date with her was a brilliant way to send it.”
'Kai Hiwatari cheats on lovers with a women.' the headline read. Under it was a picture of him and Rei holding hands at the zoo. That seemed like such a long time ago.
“She is pretty, but nothing on me, right darling?” Miss. Yukashi giggled again.
“Rei.” he told her.
“You even remember her name!(1)” she laughed. “Poor girl, must of thought she had a chance.”
“He.” Kai corrected. “This is Rei Kon.”
“H-He?” she stuttered, snatching the paper back, shacking her head. “Don't scare me like that!” she scolded, laughing.
“Rei' a boy.” he assured her, taking it back. He folded it up and slipped it into his pocket to take to Tala later, it was a good picture of him and Rei. “Rei went to school with Bryan, Tala and I.” Kai told her, smirking. “The four of us shared a dorm. He came to live with us about seven months ago.”
“Why are you holding hands!” she asked him.
“Rei likes to hold hands.” he shrugged. “He's a bit childish like that.”
“So...So you are gay?” she asked, staring at him.
“Yep.” he told her, sighing. “Nor was I cheating.”
“Then why isn't Tala here if your not fighting!” she yelled at him, causing Aki and Luka to look at them as they stepped off the elevator.
“He's at the hospital.” Kai told her. “With Rei. He fell in the ice a few weeks back and ended up in a coma. I told him to stay with Rei.”
“Something wrong? Did he g-get wor-worse?” Luka asked, looking scared.
“No.” Kai said, shaking his head. “Sorry Luka, I forgot to tell you earlier. The doctors think he'll wake up in the next few days.”
Luka smiled, tears appearing in his eyes. Aki gasped, jumping up. “Oh honey, don't cry.” she said, hugging him. “Its OK.” she told him, rubbing his back. She was going to be a wonderful mother.
“I...I have to call Kar.” he said, wiping his eyes. “I have to te-tell him the good news.”
“Of course.” she told him. “Kai, his phones dead.”
“Use the one in Tala's office.” Kai told her. “Go with him Aki. Keep an eye on him and get the documents too.”
“Yes sir!” she told him, leading Luka into the other room. “Come on honey, let's call that hunk of a boyfriend you got.”
Kai sighed, shaking his head. He could just see the blush that went with the giggle that Luka had just done.
“Why do they call you Kai, Mr. Hiwatari?” Miss. Yukashi asked. Kai closed his eyes, willing his heart to slow down, he had forgotten that she was there.
“What do you want?” he asked, heading into his office, and she followed.
“You want me.” she told him.
“Miss. Yukashi, I haven't, don't, and won't want you.” Kai told her, collecting things off his desk, putting them into his brief case.
“You do!” she insisted. “You want me-”
“Kai!” Luka called, coming in. Kai raised an eyebrow at the slightly older man, surprised that he had raised his voice. “Karsin is on line 1, he says it's important.”
“Alright.” Kai told him. “Leave.” he told Miss. Yukashi. “Or I'll call security.”
She huffed, turning around and stomping out of the office.
“Good rittens.” Aki said. “I hate that women. Come on Luka, back to work.” she told him. The 28 year old women then left, and Luka followed.
Kai picked up the phone. “Yeah Kar?”
/Just got the word. Bryan's going to be released tonight at 8./ Karsin told him, laughing. /Thought I'd tell you the good new...make the fact Rei is waking up even better./
“Thanks.” Kai told him, sighing. Finally everything was going to be OK. Finally. “Got to go, heading back to the hospital. Tala's going to love this. Tell Bry we'll be there, OK?”
/Sure/ Karsin told him, laughing again.
“You'll have to have dinner at our place soon.” Kai told him. “We'll let Luka and Rei cook.”
/Sounds good. Divine even./ Karsin said. /I'll let you go. Talk to ya later./
“Sure, bye.” Kai said, hanging up. He sighed, then pushed the intercom. “Aki, those documents.”
“Coming right up.” she said. Kai closed the case, heading out into the other room. Luka looked up, smiling at him.
“What did Kar have to say?”
“Bryan's getting out.” Kai told him, sitting the case down, putting the documents in it that Aki had just handed him. “I'll leave it to you.”
“Yes sir.” She said, smiling. “I'll go over some of the less important things and sign them.”
“Thanks, I don't know what Tala and I would do without you.” Kai said. Aki was really their assistant, but she loved working at that secretary desk. T wasn't that busy of a job so it didn't matter to them. Her being able to do both jobs just showed that if something happened to them, she would be able to take care of the company just fine.
“You'd be fine.” she told him. “Now go on, Luka and I have it all covered.” she said. “Just get back to Tala”
“Rei.” Luka helped. “His name is Rei.”
“Rei.” she finished, laughing slightly. “You know me, can't remember a name without a face to put with it.”
“Tal and I will bring him in after he gets better.” Kai told her, adjusting his tied. Aki rolled her eyes, taking it from him with a swat of her hand. She pulled it off and shoved it into the pocket of his jacket.
“You're going to lose it and that jacket once you're outside, so what's the point?” she nodded once. Aki had a habit of treating them both like children, but she was almost 10 years older. Tala once made a comment that it was funny that she had trouble calling them by their names but had no issue with treating them like children. “Get out of here.”
“Alright, see you two.” Kai told them, heading out. He got back onto the elevator, pushing the button for the garage. He then sat the brief case down and removed the jacket. The elevator continued down, coming to a stop a few minutes later. He stepped off and glared at who was standing there.
“Hello Mr. Hiwatari.” Miss. Yukashi told him.
“Goodbye.” he answered, walking past her to his car.
His car was one of the few things he spent money on. It was his baby really, and it came second only to Bryan, Tala, and Rei. It was a shinny black 1956 Thunderbird that he'd spent a pretty penny fixing up so that he could drive it from day to day.
Actually all their cars were expensive, and that was one of the few pleasures that they let themselves have. Tala drove a pale ice blue 1966 Shelby Mustang. Bryan had his work bike from the station (which he use only when on duty), but his day to day motorcycle was a dark purple and silver 1999 BMW K1200RS, while Karsin drove a 2006 Yamaha YZF-R6. The last of their collection was a white, black rimmed 2007 series 7 BMW. It was really a family car since they took that one when the went out or if the two of them had a business meeting.
He unlocked the door to his Thunderbird, putting the brief case and jacket on the passenger seat.
“I wish to apologize. I mean, for being so forward. You haven't broken up with Mr. Ivanov and that cop yet.” she said. Kai sighed. “I can wait till you do.”
“You can?” Kai asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes.” she told him, smiling to sweetly to be real.
“Then do prepare to wait forever. If by chance something happens, something drastic that makes me leave Tal and Bry, I wouldn't come to you. I would go to Rei.” Kai informed her.
“Rei!” she screeched. “But...why! I look way better then him! How can you pick him -A BOY- over me!”
“I'm gay.” Kai reminded her. “Not Besides, I don't think you're see him in form fitting clothes. That's way hotter then you'd ever be.” She glared at him...or attempted to. The only glare Kai really feared was Luka's... There's nothing that kid couldn't do when mad. Kai smirked at her. “Rei's hot and he has the sexiest ass.” Kai opened his door again. “I've got to go.” He got in and pulled away, heading out. He figured that he should stop for something for Tala to eat...but where?
Tala rubbed his eyes, watching Rei. The lack of sleep had finally started to catch up with him. No matter what he did he just couldn't seem to sleep anymore. Kai had suggested sleeping pills, bit when he was younger his parents had him on medication for being hyper. It wasn't ADD or ADHD, just that he had had to much energy. Now he hatted taking any kind of medication, hell...he'd rather suffer then take Aspirin for a headache.
His eyes slipped shut again. A white line appeared, drawing his attention. He snapped his eyes open, taking a few deep breaths. He'd dozed off...
He picked up his phone, which was putting off one of those annoying ring tones that sound like it's from the 50's.
“Who is it?” he asked, annoyed. His cell was private and he didn't know that number. The ring alone told him it wasn't someone he knew because most of his list had rings for just them.
/Mr. Ivanov?/ a female asked.
Tala blinked, that voice was familiar. “Yes. You are?”
/It's Miss. Yukashi./ she answered.
“Ahh...what do you want?” he asked her, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
/I think you need to here this./ she said.
I wish to apologize. I mean, for being so forward. You haven't broken up wit Mr. Ivanov and that cop yet.” Miss. Yukashi's voice came, followed by a sigh from Kai. “I can wait till you do.”
You can?” Kai asked.
Yes.” she told him.
Then do prepare to wait forever. If by chance something happens, something drastic that makes me leave Tal and Bry, I wouldn't come to you. I would go to Rei.” Kai informed her.
Rei!” she screeched. “But...why! I look way better then him! How can you pick him -A BOY- over me!”
I'm gay.” Kai reminded her. “Not Besides, I don't think you're see him in form fitting clothes. That's way hotter then you'd ever be. Rei's hot and he has the sexiest ass.” Kai opened his door again. “I've got to go.”
Tala laughed.
/Mr. Ivanov?/ she asked. /Are you alright? I know its a shock, him thinking and saying that behind your back./
“Nah.” Tala told her. “It's alright, besides its true. Rei does have the hottest ass.”
/But...he wants to leave you for that...that...that whore!/
“Watch what you are saying.” Tala growled out. “You don't know him.”
/But...he is./ she insisted.
“He may have been...but he isn't one!” Tala snapped. “Now what do you need Miss Yukashi?”
/I was just looking out for you./ she explained. /To let you know to be on the look out. He's going to steel Kai for you./
“It you must know, all three of us love Rei. The other two know, Rei knows.” Tala told her. “And Rei will be our lover.”
“Good day.” He told her, hanging up. “Bitch.” he muttered, rubbing his eyes out of annoyance and sleepiness.
He glanced back up at Rei and gasped as gold eyes stared back at him. Tears welled up in his eyes and he smiled. “Morning Tiger.”
(1) Rei means Gratitude in Japanese...its a girls name.
Review plz!! tell me what you want to happen next!!!